// i2_bot – Instinct PokememBro Bot // Copyright (c) 2017 Vladimir "fat0troll" Hodakov package users import ( "github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api" "git.wtfteam.pro/fat0troll/i2_bot/lib/dbmapping" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // Internal functions func (u *Users) fillProfilePokememe(profileID int, meme string, attack string, rarity string) { spkRaw := dbmapping.Pokememe{} err := c.Db.Get(&spkRaw, c.Db.Rebind("SELECT * FROM pokememes WHERE name='"+meme+"';")) if err != nil { c.Log.Error(err.Error()) } else { attackInt := c.Statistics.GetPoints(attack) ppk := dbmapping.ProfilePokememe{} ppk.ProfileID = profileID ppk.PokememeID = spkRaw.ID ppk.PokememeAttack = attackInt ppk.PokememeRarity = rarity ppk.CreatedAt = time.Now().UTC() _, err2 := c.Db.NamedExec("INSERT INTO `profiles_pokememes` VALUES(NULL, :profile_id, :pokememe_id, :pokememe_attack, :pokememe_rarity, :created_at)", &ppk) if err2 != nil { c.Log.Error(err2.Error()) } } } // External functions // ParseProfile parses user profile, forwarded from PokememBroBot, to database func (u *Users) ParseProfile(update *tgbotapi.Update, playerRaw *dbmapping.Player) string { text := update.Message.Text c.Log.Info(text) profileStringsArray := strings.Split(text, "\n") profileRunesArray := make([][]rune, 0) for i := range profileStringsArray { profileRunesArray = append(profileRunesArray, []rune(profileStringsArray[i])) } league := dbmapping.League{} telegramNickname := update.Message.From.UserName nickname := "" level := "" levelInt := 0 exp := "" expInt := 0 eggexp := "" eggexpInt := 0 pokeballs := "" pokeballsInt := 0 wealth := "" wealthInt := 0 pokememesWealth := "" pokememesWealthInt := 0 crystalls := "" crystallsInt := 0 weapon := "" pokememes := make(map[string]string) powerInt := 1 // Filling information // We don't know how many strings we got, so we iterating each other for i := range profileRunesArray { currentString := string(profileRunesArray[i]) currentRunes := profileRunesArray[i] if strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "🈸") || strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "🈳 ") || strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "🈵") { err1 := c.Db.Get(&league, c.Db.Rebind("SELECT * FROM leagues WHERE symbol='"+string(currentRunes[0])+"'")) if err1 != nil { c.Log.Error(err1.Error()) u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } for j := range currentRunes { if j > 1 { nickname += string(currentRunes[j]) } } } if strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "id: ") { realUserID := strings.TrimPrefix(currentString, "id: ") c.Log.Debug("Profile user ID: " + realUserID) realUID, _ := strconv.Atoi(realUserID) if realUID != playerRaw.TelegramID { return "fail" } } if strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "👤Уровень:") { levelRx := regexp.MustCompile("\\d+") levelArray := levelRx.FindAllString(currentString, -1) if len(levelArray) < 1 { c.Log.Error("Level string broken") u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } level = levelArray[0] levelInt, _ = strconv.Atoi(level) } if strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "🎓Опыт") { expRx := regexp.MustCompile("\\d+") expArray := expRx.FindAllString(currentString, -1) if len(expArray) < 4 { c.Log.Error("Exp string broken") u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } exp = expArray[0] expInt, _ = strconv.Atoi(exp) eggexp = expArray[2] eggexpInt, _ = strconv.Atoi(eggexp) } if strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "⭕Покеболы") { pkbRx := regexp.MustCompile("\\d+") pkbArray := pkbRx.FindAllString(currentString, -1) if len(pkbArray) < 2 { c.Log.Error("Pokeballs string broken") u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } pokeballs = pkbArray[1] pokeballsInt, _ = strconv.Atoi(pokeballs) } if strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "💲") { wealthRx := regexp.MustCompile("(\\d|\\.|K|M)+") wealthArray := wealthRx.FindAllString(currentString, -1) if len(wealthArray) < 2 { c.Log.Error("Wealth string broken") u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } wealth = wealthArray[0] wealthInt = c.Statistics.GetPoints(wealth) crystalls = wealthArray[1] crystallsInt = c.Statistics.GetPoints(crystalls) } if strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "🔫") { // We need NEXT string! weaponType := strings.Replace(currentString, "🔫 ", "", 1) wnRx := regexp.MustCompile("(.+)(ита|ёры)") weapon = wnRx.FindString(weaponType) } if strings.HasPrefix(currentString, "🐱Покемемы: ") { pkmnumRx := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d|\.|K|M)+`) pkNumArray := pkmnumRx.FindAllString(currentString, -1) if len(pkNumArray) < 3 { c.Log.Error("Pokememes count broken") u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } pokememesCount, _ := strconv.Atoi(pkNumArray[0]) pokememesWealth = pkNumArray[2] pokememesWealthInt = c.Statistics.GetPoints(pokememesWealth) if pokememesCount > 0 { for pi := 0; pi < pokememesCount; pi++ { pokememeString := string(profileRunesArray[i+1+pi]) attackRx := regexp.MustCompile("(\\d|\\.|K|M)+") pkPointsArray := attackRx.FindAllString(pokememeString, -1) pkAttack := pkPointsArray[1] pkName := strings.Split(pokememeString, "+")[0] pkName = strings.Replace(pkName, " ⭐", "", 1) pkName = strings.TrimSuffix(pkName, " ") pkName = strings.Split(pkName, "⃣ ")[1] pokememes[strconv.Itoa(pi)+"_"+pkName] = pkAttack powerInt += c.Statistics.GetPoints(pkAttack) } } } } c.Log.Debug("Telegram nickname: " + telegramNickname) c.Log.Debug("Nickname: " + nickname) c.Log.Debug("League: " + league.Name) c.Log.Debug("Level: " + level) c.Log.Debugln(levelInt) c.Log.Debug("Exp: " + exp) c.Log.Debugln(expInt) c.Log.Debug("Egg exp: " + eggexp) c.Log.Debugln(eggexpInt) c.Log.Debug("Pokeballs: " + pokeballs) c.Log.Debugln(pokeballsInt) c.Log.Debug("Wealth: " + wealth) c.Log.Debugln(wealthInt) c.Log.Debug("Crystalls: " + crystalls) c.Log.Debugln(crystallsInt) c.Log.Debug("Weapon: " + weapon) if len(pokememes) > 0 { c.Log.Debug("Hand cost: " + pokememesWealth) c.Log.Debugln(pokememesWealthInt) for meme, attack := range pokememes { c.Log.Debug(meme + ": " + attack) } } else { c.Log.Debug("Hand is empty.") } // Information is gathered, let's create profile in database! weaponRaw := dbmapping.Weapon{} err2 := c.Db.Get(&weaponRaw, c.Db.Rebind("SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE name='"+weapon+"'")) if err2 != nil { c.Log.Error(err2.Error()) } if playerRaw.LeagueID == 0 { // Updating player with league playerRaw.LeagueID = league.ID if playerRaw.Status == "nobody" { playerRaw.Status = "common" } _, err4 := c.Db.NamedExec("UPDATE `players` SET league_id=:league_id, status=:status WHERE id=:id", &playerRaw) if err4 != nil { c.Log.Error(err4.Error()) u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } } else if playerRaw.LeagueID != league.ID { // Duplicate profile: user changed league, beware! playerRaw.LeagueID = league.ID playerRaw.Status = "league_changed" playerRaw.CreatedAt = time.Now().UTC() _, err5 := c.Db.NamedExec("INSERT INTO players VALUES(NULL, :telegram_id, :league_id, :status, :created_at, :updated_at)", &playerRaw) if err5 != nil { c.Log.Error(err5.Error()) u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } err6 := c.Db.Get(&playerRaw, c.Db.Rebind("SELECT * FROM players WHERE telegram_id='"+strconv.Itoa(playerRaw.TelegramID)+"' AND league_id='"+strconv.Itoa(league.ID)+"';")) if err6 != nil { c.Log.Error(err6.Error()) u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } } profileRaw := dbmapping.Profile{} profileRaw.PlayerID = playerRaw.ID profileRaw.Nickname = nickname profileRaw.TelegramNickname = telegramNickname profileRaw.LevelID = levelInt profileRaw.Pokeballs = pokeballsInt profileRaw.Wealth = wealthInt profileRaw.PokememesWealth = pokememesWealthInt profileRaw.Exp = expInt profileRaw.EggExp = eggexpInt profileRaw.Power = powerInt profileRaw.WeaponID = weaponRaw.ID profileRaw.Crystalls = crystallsInt profileRaw.CreatedAt = time.Now().UTC() _, err3 := c.Db.NamedExec("INSERT INTO `profiles` VALUES(NULL, :player_id, :nickname, :telegram_nickname, :level_id, :pokeballs, :wealth, :pokememes_wealth, :exp, :egg_exp, :power, :weapon_id, :crystalls, :created_at)", &profileRaw) if err3 != nil { c.Log.Error(err3.Error()) u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } err8 := c.Db.Get(&profileRaw, c.Db.Rebind("SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE player_id=? AND created_at=?"), profileRaw.PlayerID, profileRaw.CreatedAt) if err8 != nil { c.Log.Error(err8.Error()) c.Log.Error("Profile isn't added!") u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } playerRaw.UpdatedAt = time.Now().UTC() _, err7 := c.Db.NamedExec("UPDATE `players` SET updated_at=:updated_at WHERE id=:id", &playerRaw) if err7 != nil { c.Log.Error(err7.Error()) u.profileAddFailureMessage(update) return "fail" } for nMeme, attack := range pokememes { memeAry := strings.Split(nMeme, "_") meme := memeAry[1] rarity := "common" if strings.HasPrefix(meme, "🔸") { rarity = "rare" meme = strings.Replace(meme, "🔸", "", 1) } if strings.HasPrefix(meme, "🔶") { rarity = "super rare" meme = strings.Replace(meme, "🔶", "", 1) } if strings.HasPrefix(meme, "🔹") { rarity = "liber" meme = strings.Replace(meme, "🔹", "", 1) } if strings.HasPrefix(meme, "🔷") { rarity = "super liber" meme = strings.Replace(meme, "🔷", "", 1) } if strings.HasPrefix(meme, "❄️") { rarity = "new year" meme = strings.Replace(meme, "❄️", "", 1) } u.fillProfilePokememe(profileRaw.ID, meme, attack, rarity) } u.profileAddSuccessMessage(update, league.ID, profileRaw.LevelID) return "ok" }