package jsonpath import ( "testing" "" ) var jsonTests = []lexTest{ {"empty object", `{}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"empty array", `[]`, []int{jsonBracketLeft, jsonBracketRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key string", `{"key" :"value"}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonString, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"multiple pairs", `{"key" :"value","key2" :"value"}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonString, jsonComma, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonString, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key number", `{"key" : 12.34e+56}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonNumber, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key true", `{"key" :true}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBool, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key false", `{"key" :false}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBool, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key null", `{"key" :null}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonNull, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key arrayOf number", `{"key" :[23]}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBracketLeft, jsonNumber, jsonBracketRight, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key array", `{"key" :[23,"45",67]}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBracketLeft, jsonNumber, jsonComma, jsonString, jsonComma, jsonNumber, jsonBracketRight, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key array", `{"key" :["45",{}]}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBracketLeft, jsonString, jsonComma, jsonBraceLeft, jsonBraceRight, jsonBracketRight, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key nestedObject", `{"key" :{"innerkey":"value"}}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonString, jsonBraceRight, jsonBraceRight, jsonEOF}}, {"key nestedArray", `[1,["a","b"]]`, []int{jsonBracketLeft, jsonNumber, jsonComma, jsonBracketLeft, jsonString, jsonComma, jsonString, jsonBracketRight, jsonBracketRight, jsonEOF}}, } func TestValidJson(t *testing.T) { as := assert.New(t) for _, test := range jsonTests { lexer := NewSliceLexer([]byte(test.input), JSON) types := itemsToTypes(readerToArray(lexer)) as.EqualValues(types, test.tokenTypes, "Testing of %q: \nactual\n\t%+v\nexpected\n\t%v",, typesDescription(types, jsonTokenNames), typesDescription(test.tokenTypes, jsonTokenNames)) } } var errorJsonTests = []lexTest{ {"Missing end brace", `{`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonError}}, {"Missing start brace", `}`, []int{jsonError}}, {"Missing key start quote", `{key":true}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonError}}, {"Missing key end quote", `{"key:true}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonError}}, {"Missing colon", `{"key"true}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonError}}, {"Missing value", `{"key":}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonError}}, {"Missing string start quote", `{"key":test"}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonError}}, {"Missing embedded array bracket", `{"key":[}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBracketLeft, jsonError}}, {"Missing values in array", `{"key":[,]`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBracketLeft, jsonError}}, {"Missing value after comma", `{"key":[343,]}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBracketLeft, jsonNumber, jsonComma, jsonError}}, {"Missing comma in array", `{"key":[234 424]}`, []int{jsonBraceLeft, jsonKey, jsonColon, jsonBracketLeft, jsonNumber, jsonError}}, } func TestMalformedJson(t *testing.T) { as := assert.New(t) for _, test := range errorJsonTests { lexer := NewSliceLexer([]byte(test.input), JSON) types := itemsToTypes(readerToArray(lexer)) as.EqualValues(types, test.tokenTypes, "Testing of %q: \nactual\n\t%+v\nexpected\n\t%v",, typesDescription(types, jsonTokenNames), typesDescription(test.tokenTypes, jsonTokenNames)) } } func itemsToTypes(items []Item) []int { types := make([]int, len(items)) for i, item := range items { types[i] = item.typ } return types } // func TestEarlyTerminationForJSON(t *testing.T) { // as := assert.New(t) // wg := sync.WaitGroup{} // lexer := NewSliceLexer(`{"key":"value", "key2":{"ikey":3}, "key3":[1,2,3,4]}`) // wg.Add(1) // go func() { // lexer.Run(JSON) // wg.Done() // }() // // Pop a few items // <-lexer.items // <-lexer.items // // Kill command // close(lexer.kill) // wg.Wait() // remainingItems := readerToArray(lexer.items) // // TODO: Occasionally fails - rethink this // _ = as // _ = remainingItems // // as.True(len(remainingItems) <= bufferSize, "Count of remaining items should be less than buffer size: %d", len(remainingItems)) // } var examples = []string{ `{"items":[ { "name": "example document for wicked fast parsing of huge json docs", "integer": 123, "totally sweet scientific notation": -123.123e-2, "unicode? you betcha!": "ú™£¢∞§\u2665", "zero character": "0", "null is boring": null }, { "name": "another object", "cooler than first object?": true, "nested object": { "nested object?": true, "is nested array the same combination i have on my luggage?": true, "nested array": [1,2,3,4,5] }, "false": false } ]}`, `{ "$schema": "", "title": "Product set", "type": "array", "items": { "title": "Product", "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "description": "The unique identifier for a product", "type": "number" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "price": { "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "exclusiveMinimum": true }, "tags": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": true }, "dimensions": { "type": "object", "properties": { "length": {"type": "number"}, "width": {"type": "number"}, "height": {"type": "number"} }, "required": ["length", "width", "height"] }, "warehouseLocation": { "description": "Coordinates of the warehouse with the product", "$ref": "" } }, "required": ["id", "name", "price"] } }`, } func TestMixedCaseJson(t *testing.T) { as := assert.New(t) for _, json := range examples { lexer := NewSliceLexer([]byte(json), JSON) items := readerToArray(lexer) for _, i := range items { as.False(i.typ == jsonError, "Found error while parsing: %q", i.val) } } }