$(function () { module('alert') test('should provide no conflict', function () { var alert = $.fn.alert.noConflict() ok(!$.fn.alert, 'alert was set back to undefined (org value)') $.fn.alert = alert }) test('should be defined on jquery object', function () { ok($(document.body).alert, 'alert method is defined') }) test('should return element', function () { ok($(document.body).alert()[0] == document.body, 'document.body returned') }) test('should fade element out on clicking .close', function () { var alertHTML = '<div class="alert-message warning fade in">' + '<a class="close" href="#" data-dismiss="alert">×</a>' + '<p><strong>Holy guacamole!</strong> Best check yo self, you\'re not looking too good.</p>' + '</div>', alert = $(alertHTML).alert() alert.find('.close').click() ok(!alert.hasClass('in'), 'remove .in class on .close click') }) test('should remove element when clicking .close', function () { $.support.transition = false var alertHTML = '<div class="alert-message warning fade in">' + '<a class="close" href="#" data-dismiss="alert">×</a>' + '<p><strong>Holy guacamole!</strong> Best check yo self, you\'re not looking too good.</p>' + '</div>', alert = $(alertHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture').alert() ok($('#qunit-fixture').find('.alert-message').length, 'element added to dom') alert.find('.close').click() ok(!$('#qunit-fixture').find('.alert-message').length, 'element removed from dom') }) test('should not fire closed when close is prevented', function () { $.support.transition = false stop(); $('<div class="alert"/>') .on('close.bs.alert', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); ok(true); start(); }) .on('closed.bs.alert', function () { ok(false); }) .alert('close') }) })