pgn4web board generator

automatically generated HTML code for your web page or blog
click here to create a short url for sharing the chessboard


configuration options

enter PGN data

select from preset board generator settings templates

pgn4web board generator custom template link add link into the browser bookmarks, saving current board settings

autoplay games autoplay first game once, or loop continiously, or autoplay none

autoplay delay

initial game

initial variation a number; applies only at the first game load; when blank, defaults to the main variation

initial halfmove start, end, random and comment settings apply at every game load, custom number only at the first load

initial halfmove number actual halfmove number when the setting above is custom number
square size a number; must be larger than the piece size plus the highlight border if any

piece size default selects piece size based on square size

piece font default selects piece font based on piece size

light squares color

dark squares color

board border color

board shadow color a color; transparent disables the shadow, border copies the board border color

square highlight mode

highlight squares color

how to show control buttons browser's standard buttons, or custom colors below, or hidden buttons

custom control buttons background color

custom control buttons text color
text margin a number; header/moves margin, nice to have when text overflows with scrollbars

how to show game header

header font size a number

header font color

how to show game moves select a game moves display option or use the one click optimized puzzle setup

moves font size a number

moves font color

highlight move color a color; background copies the background color

how to show move comments and variations inline inbetween game moves, or on a newline , or hidden

comments and variations font size a number; moves copies the moves font size

comments and variations font color

variations font size a number; comments copies the comments font size

variations font color a number; comments copies the comments font color
chessboard and header/moves layout

iFrame height

iFrame width

iFrame padding a number; border padding around the iframe, included within the iFrame width value

background color a color; transparent uses the parent's background color

preview background color not actually used in the HTML code, just for the preview

use HTML textarea normally disabled; use only for deployment on a page from the same domain as the board URL

encode PGN text normally enabled

board URL normally as default unless use HTML textarea is enabled or for deployment on a page from a different domain