/* * pgn4web javascript chessboard * copyright (C) 2009-2013 Paolo Casaschi * see README file and http://pgn4web.casaschi.net * for credits, license and more details */ if (typeof(pgn4web_engineWindowDisableAnalysisBoard) == "undefined") { var pgn4web_engineWindowDisableAnalysisBoard = false; } if (!pgn4web_engineWindowDisableAnalysisBoard) { boardShortcut("A8", "pgn4web v" + pgn4web_version + " debug info", function(t,e){ if (e.shiftKey) { if (engineWinCheck()) { engineWin.displayDebugInfo(); } } else { displayDebugInfo(); } }, true); boardShortcut("E8", "open/update analysis board", function(t,e){ showEngineAnalysisBoard(e.shiftKey); }); boardShortcut("F8", "close/pause analysis board", function(t,e){ if (engineWinCheck()) { if (e.shiftKey) { if ((engineWin.top === engineWin.self) && (engineWin.focus)) { engineWin.focus(); } } else { engineWin.StopBackgroundEngine(); if ((engineWin.top === engineWin.self) && (engineWin.close)) { engineWin.close(); } } } }); function customShortcutKey_Shift_8() { showEngineAnalysisBoard(true); } function customShortcutKey_Shift_9() { showEngineAnalysisBoard(false); } function customShortcutKey_Shift_0() { showEngineAnalysisBoard(); } } "use strict"; var pgn4web_engineWindowTarget = "pgn4webEngineAnalysisBoard"; var pgn4web_engineWindowUrlParameters = ""; var pgn4web_engineWindowHeight = 30 * 12; // window height/width corresponding to default squareSize = 30 var pgn4web_engineWindowWidth = 30 * 10; // notes: // - all pages on the same site will use the same analysis board popup; if the analysis board is embedded as iframe within a page (see the live-results-viewer.html example) the pgn4web_engineWindowTarget variable should be customized in order to prevent conflicts // - if pgn4web_engineWindowUrlParameters is customized using the corresponding URL parameter of the main page, the value must be encoded with encodeURIComponent() thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(engineWindowDisableAnalysisBoard|ewdab)=(true|t)(&|$)/i; if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) { pgn4web_engineWindowDisableAnalysisBoard = true; } thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(engineWindowTarget|ewt)=([^&]+)(&|$)/i; if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) { pgn4web_engineWindowTarget = unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]); } thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(engineWindowUrlParameters|ewup)=([^&]+)(&|$)/i; if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) { pgn4web_engineWindowUrlParameters = unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]); } thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(engineWindowHeight|ewh)=([1-9][0-9]*)(&|$)/i; if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) { pgn4web_engineWindowHeight = parseInt(unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]), 10); } thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(engineWindowWidth|eww)=([1-9][0-9]*)(&|$)/i; if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) { pgn4web_engineWindowWidth = parseInt(unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]), 10); } var pgn4web_engineWinSignature = Math.ceil(1073741822 * Math.random()); // from 1 to (2^30 -1) = 1073741823 var engineWinParametersSeparator = "?"; function detectEngineLocation() { return detectJavascriptLocation().replace(/(pgn4web|pgn4web-compacted)\.js/, "engine.html"); } var engineWin; var engineWinLastFen = ""; var warnedAboutUnsupportedVariation = ""; function showEngineAnalysisBoard(engineDisabled, startFen) { if (pgn4web_engineWindowDisableAnalysisBoard) { return null; } if ((typeof(gameVariant[currentGame]) == "undefined") || (gameVariant[currentGame].match(/^\s*(|chess|normal|standard)\s*$/i) !== null)) { warnedAboutUnsupportedVariation = ""; engineWinLastFen = startFen ? FenStringStart : CurrentFEN(); var doneAccessingDOM = false; try { if (engineWinCheck()) { if (typeof(engineDisabled) != "undefined") { engineWin.setDisableEngine(engineDisabled); } engineWin.updateFEN(engineWinLastFen); doneAccessingDOM = true; } } catch(e) {} if (!doneAccessingDOM) { var parameters = "fs=" + encodeURIComponent(engineWinLastFen) + "&es=" + pgn4web_engineWinSignature; if (engineDisabled) { parameters += "&de=t"; } if (pgn4web_engineWindowUrlParameters) { parameters += "&" + pgn4web_engineWindowUrlParameters; } var options = "resizable=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no"; if (pgn4web_engineWindowHeight) { options = "height=" + pgn4web_engineWindowHeight + "," + options; } if (pgn4web_engineWindowWidth) { options = "width=" + pgn4web_engineWindowWidth + "," + options; } engineWin = window.open(detectEngineLocation() + engineWinParametersSeparator + parameters, pgn4web_engineWindowTarget, options); // note bug with IE and Opera failing to set window.opener at this point, resulting in no autoUpdate possible and no update from the engine window possible } if ((engineWinCheck(true)) && (engineWin.top === engineWin.self) && (window.focus)) { engineWin.focus(); } return engineWin; } else if (warnedAboutUnsupportedVariation != gameVariant[currentGame]) { warnedAboutUnsupportedVariation = gameVariant[currentGame]; myAlert("warning: analysis board unavailable for the " + gameVariant[currentGame] + " variant", true); } return null; } function engineWinCheck(skipSignature) { return ((!pgn4web_engineWindowDisableAnalysisBoard) && (typeof(engineWin) == "object") && (engineWin !== null) && (!engineWin.closed) && (typeof(engineWin.engineSignature) != "undefined") && ((pgn4web_engineWinSignature === engineWin.engineSignature) || (skipSignature))); } function engineWinOnMove() { if (engineWinCheck()) { if ((engineWin.autoUpdate === true) && (CurrentFEN() != engineWinLastFen) && (engineWin.CurrentFEN() == engineWinLastFen)) { showEngineAnalysisBoard(); } engineWin.updateGameAnalysisFlag(); } else { engineWinLastFen = ""; } }