#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014 Vladimir Ivanov # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 REPO=fat0troll/lorchess TOURNAMENT=2014/1-tabiyas # Variables date_re="[0-9?]{2}\\.[0-9?]{2}\\.[0-9?]{4}" res_re="(0|1|0\\.5):(0|1|0\\.5)" show_tour_sequence() { local sequence info_array # Generate the sequence of tours to search in if [[ -z "$@" ]]; then sequence=$(seq -f "%02g" 1 99) else # Change tour numbers: '1' -> '01', '2' -> '02', and so on sequence=$(for i in "$@"; do printf "%02g " "$i"; done) fi for tour in $sequence; do # Produce output only if 'tour_info' exists if fetch_info_array "$tour"; then for ((i=5; i<${#info_array[@]}; ++i)); do if keep_info_line "${info_array[$i]}"; then show_tour_info break fi done else # If the tour numbers were not passed as arguments, exit # once the first non-existing 'tour_info' is reached [[ -z "$@" ]] && break fi done } fetch_info_array() { local url="https://raw.github.com/${REPO}/master/${TOURNAMENT}/tours/${1}/tour_info" # Store 'tour_info' in an array of lines. # *NOTE* The incorporation of a newline at the end of 'tour_info' # (--write-out '\n') is important and allows one to read the last # line with no trailing '\n' info_array=() while read line; do info_array+=("$line") done <<< "$(curl --fail -q --silent --write-out '\n' $url)" return `[[ -n $info_array ]]` } keep_info_line() { local line="$1" keep=1 if $SHOW_ALL; then keep=0 else # Keep line if the game is not finished if [[ -z $(egrep "$res_re" <<< "$line") ]]; then if [[ -z "$PLAYER" ]]; then keep=0 # In addition, if the player was passed as an argument, # check if it is his game or not elif [[ -n $(grep -o "$PLAYER" <<< "$line") ]]; then keep=0 fi fi fi return $keep } show_tour_info() { [[ "${info_array[0]}" =~ "Тур №"([0-9]+) ]] local tour_num="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" [[ "${info_array[3]}" =~ ($date_re)" "*[-—]" "*($date_re) ]] local date_beg="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" date_end="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" # Use short dates date_beg="${date_beg:0:5}"; date_end="${date_end:0:5}" # Lines with game info local output_lines="" for ((i=5; i<${#info_array[@]}; ++i)); do local line="${info_array[$i]}" if keep_info_line "$line"; then [[ "$line" =~ ($date_re)" "*[-—]" "*([^" "]+)" "*($res_re)?" "*([^" "]+) ]] local white="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" black="${BASH_REMATCH[6]}" result case "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" in 1:0) result="1-0";; 0:1) result="0-1";; 0.5:0.5) result="1/2";; *) result="";; esac output_lines+="${white} ${black} ${result}\n" fi done eval "info_output_$FORMAT \"${output_lines}\"" } info_output_term() { echo -n "$(tput setaf 2)${tour_num} тур " echo "$(tput setaf 6)(${date_beg} - ${date_end})$(tput sgr0)" echo -en "$1" | column -t | while IFS= read line; do # Highlight player's name if [[ -n "$PLAYER" ]]; then players=$(grep -o "[^ ]*${PLAYER}[^ ]*" <<< "$line") for name in $players; do line=$(sed "s/${name}/\\$(tput setaf 1)\0\\$(tput sgr0)/g" <<< "$line") done fi # Highlight result line=$(sed "s/\(1-0\|0-1\|1\\/2\)$/\\$(tput setaf 6)\0\\$(tput sgr0)/g" <<< "$line") echo "$line" done echo } info_output_lor() { echo "[b]${tour_num} тур (${date_beg} - ${date_end})[/b]" echo "[list]" echo -en "$1" | while read white black result; do local line=" [*] [user]${white}[/user] - [user]${black}[/user] ${result}" # Highlight player's name if [[ -n "$PLAYER" ]]; then players=$(grep -o "\\[user\\][^ ]*${PLAYER}[^ ]*\\[/user\\]" <<< "$line") # Escape symbols ']', '[', and '/' players=$(sed 's/[][\/]/\\\0/g' <<< "$players") for name in $players; do line=$(sed "s/${name}/[b]\0[\\/b]/g" <<< "$line") done fi echo "$line" done echo "[/list]" echo } # Note that we use '"$@"' to let each command-line parameter expand to a # separate word. The quotes around '$@' are essential! # We need 'opts' as the 'eval set --' would nuke the return value of getopt opts=$(getopt --options ap:f:h \ --longoptions all,player:,format:,help \ -- "$@") # Note the quotes around '$opts': they are essential! eval set -- "$opts" SHOW_ALL=false PLAYER="" FORMAT=term while true; do case "$1" in -a|--all) SHOW_ALL=true shift;; -p|--player) PLAYER="$2" shift 2;; -f|--format) FORMAT="$2" shift 2;; -h|--help) usage break;; --) shift show_tour_sequence "$@" break;; esac done exit 0