#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014 Vladimir Ivanov # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 REPODIR="`dirname $0`" TOURNAMENT="2014/2-summertime" # Config file for players ply_ini="${REPODIR}/${TOURNAMENT}/players.ini" # Version information VERSION="0.1" argv0="${0##*/}" usage() { cat < $argv0 -h $argv0 -v The first form fills the result of a chess game and stores its PGN file. Assumes that the game is available at (lichess.org) and corresponds to tournament tour . The second form shows this help output. The third form shows version information. EOF exit "${1:-0}" } version() { exec echo "${argv0}-${VERSION}" } game_get_players() { # Extract players on Lichess local w_lichess=$(sed -En "s/\[White \"([^\"]*)\"\]/\1/p" < "$tmp_pgn") local b_lichess=$(sed -En "s/\[Black \"([^\"]*)\"\]/\1/p" < "$tmp_pgn") # Get names of white and black players local counter=1 players=() game_parse_config while eval "config_section_player${counter}" 2>/dev/null; do players+=("$name") [[ "$lichess" == "$w_lichess" ]] && white="$name" [[ "$lichess" == "$b_lichess" ]] && black="$name" counter=$((counter+1)) done [[ -z "$white" ]] && fix_white_player [[ -z "$black" ]] && fix_black_player } game_parse_config() { # Copy player INI file to the temporary location # NOTE: an empty line is added to the file beginning in order to # match the only first occurrence for non-GNU sed echo > "$tmp_ini" cat "$ply_ini" >> "$tmp_ini" # Remove tabs or spaces around the `=' sed -i".prev" -E "s/[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*/=/g" "$tmp_ini" # Transform section labels into function declaration sed -i".prev" -E "1,/^\[.*\]/s/^\[([^]]*)\]/config_section_\1() {/g" "$tmp_ini" sed -i".prev" -E "s/^\[([^]]*)\]/}\\"$'\n'"config_section_\1() {/g" "$tmp_ini" echo -e "\n}" >> "$tmp_ini" # Load the file source "$tmp_ini" } fix_white_player() { local number echo "Lichess player '${w_lichess}' not found." choose_player white="${players[$number]}" } fix_black_player() { local number echo "Lichess player '${b_lichess}' not found." choose_player black="${players[$number]}" } choose_player() { echo "Please choose a proper name from the list below:" for ((i=0; i<${#players[@]}; ++i)); do echo "$((i+1)) ${players[$i]}" done \ | column -t \ | sed -E "s/^([0-9]*)/$(tput setaf 6)\1$(tput sgr0)/g" # highlight number echo -n "Put number> " read number if (( "$number" < 1 || "$number" > ${#players[@]} )); then die "Incorrect player number." fi number=$((number-1)) } game_add_to_repo() { local date_re="[0-9?]{2}\.[0-9?]{2}\.[0-9?]{4}" # Check if the tour number is correct local correct=false while IFS= read line; do if [[ "$line" =~ ${date_re}\ *[-—]\ *${white}\ *${black} ]]; then correct=true break fi done < "$tour_info" if ! $correct; then die "Game '${white} vs. ${black}' not found in ${tour_info}." fi [[ -d "$pgn_dir" ]] && die "Directory ${pgn_dir} already exist." echo "Creating directory ${pgn_dir}..." mkdir -p "$pgn_dir" echo "Storing PGN file..." cp "$tmp_pgn" "${pgn_dir}/1.pgn" echo "Updating tour_info..." local game_date="${pgn_date:8:2}.${pgn_date:5:2}.${pgn_date::4}" local result=$(sed -En "s/\[Result \"([^\"]*)\"\]/\1/p" < "$tmp_pgn") case "$result" in "1-0") result="1:0" ;; "0-1") result="0:1" ;; "1/2-1/2") result="0.5:0.5" ;; esac sed -i".orig" \ -E "s/${date_re}( *[-—] *)${white} *${black}/${game_date}\1${white} ${result} ${black}/g" \ "$tour_info" rm "${tour_info}.orig" } game_git_commit() { git pull git add "${pgn_dir}/1.pgn" "$tour_info" git commit -m "Tour ${TOUR#0}: ${white} vs. ${black}." git push } die() { echo "$@" 1>&2 exit 1 } checkargs() { if [[ "$opt" == t && "$OPTARG" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then TOUR=$(printf "%02g" "$OPTARG") fi } TOUR="" while getopts "t:hv" opt; do case "$opt" in t) checkargs ;; h) usage ;; v) version ;; *) usage 1 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # For now, tour number should be given explicitly [[ -z "$TOUR" || -z "$1" ]] && usage 1 tour_info="${REPODIR}/${TOURNAMENT}/tours/${TOUR}/tour_info" [[ ! -f "$tour_info" ]] && die "File ${tour_info} not found." # Temporary files tmp_ini=$(mktemp -t `basename $ply_ini`.XXXXXX) tmp_pgn=$(mktemp -t pgn.XXXXXX) trap "rm ${tmp_ini} ${tmp_ini}.prev ${tmp_pgn}" EXIT # Download PGN file [[ "$1" =~ ^(http://[^/]*)/([^/]*) ]] pgn_url="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/${BASH_REMATCH[2]::8}/pgn" curl -q --fail --location --silent "$pgn_url" > "$tmp_pgn" \ || die "PGN file not found." white="" black="" game_get_players # Extract the game date from PGN pgn_date=$(sed -En "s/\[Date \"([^\"]*)\"\]/\1/p" < "$tmp_pgn") pgn_date=$(tr '.' '-' <<< "$pgn_date") pgn_dir="${REPODIR}/${TOURNAMENT}/tours/${TOUR}/${pgn_date}-${white}-vs-${black}" game_add_to_repo game_git_commit exit 0