/* See LICENSE.txt for the full license governing this code. */ /** * \file rwhelper.c * * Source file with some helper functions for working with SDL_RWops. */ #include #include "SDL_visualtest_sut_configparser.h" #include "SDL_visualtest_rwhelper.h" void SDLVisualTest_RWHelperResetBuffer(SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer* buffer) { if(!buffer) { SDLTest_LogError("buffer argument cannot be NULL"); return; } buffer->buffer_pos = 0; buffer->buffer_width = 0; } char SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadChar(SDL_RWops* rw, SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer* buffer) { if(!rw || !buffer) return 0; /* if the buffer has been consumed, we fill it up again */ if(buffer->buffer_pos == buffer->buffer_width) { buffer->buffer_width = SDL_RWread(rw, buffer->buffer, 1, RWOPS_BUFFER_LEN); buffer->buffer_pos = 0; if(buffer->buffer_width == 0) return 0; } buffer->buffer_pos++; return buffer->buffer[buffer->buffer_pos - 1]; } /* does not include new lines in the buffer and adds a trailing null character */ char* SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadLine(SDL_RWops* rw, char* str, int size, SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer* buffer, char comment_char) { char ch; int current_pos, done; if(!rw) { SDLTest_LogError("rw argument cannot be NULL"); return NULL; } if(!str) { SDLTest_LogError("str argument cannot be NULL"); return NULL; } if(!buffer) { SDLTest_LogError("buffer argument cannot be NULL"); return NULL; } if(size <= 0) { SDLTest_LogError("size argument should be positive"); return NULL; } done = 0; while(!done) { /* ignore leading whitespace */ for(ch = SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadChar(rw, buffer); ch && SDL_isspace(ch); ch = SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadChar(rw, buffer)); for(current_pos = 0; ch && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r' && ch != comment_char; current_pos++) { str[current_pos] = ch; if(current_pos >= size - 2) { current_pos++; break; } ch = SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadChar(rw, buffer); } done = 1; if(ch == comment_char) /* discard all characters until the next line */ { do { ch = SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadChar(rw, buffer); }while(ch && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r'); if(current_pos == 0) done = 0; } } if(current_pos == 0) return NULL; str[current_pos] = '\0'; return str; } /* Lines with all whitespace are ignored */ int SDLVisualTest_RWHelperCountNonEmptyLines(SDL_RWops* rw, SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer* buffer, char comment_char) { int num_lines = 0; char str[MAX_SUTOPTION_LINE_LENGTH]; if(!rw) { SDLTest_LogError("rw argument cannot be NULL"); return -1; } if(!buffer) { SDLTest_LogError("buffer argument cannot be NULL"); return -1; } while(SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadLine(rw, str, MAX_SUTOPTION_LINE_LENGTH, buffer, comment_char)) num_lines++; return num_lines; }