# vcpkg_configure_cmake **This function has been deprecated in favor of [`vcpkg_cmake_configure`](ports/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_configure.md) from the vcpkg-cmake port.** The latest version of this document lives in the [vcpkg repo](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/docs/maintainers/vcpkg_configure_cmake.md). Configure CMake for Debug and Release builds of a project. ## Usage ```cmake vcpkg_configure_cmake( SOURCE_PATH <${SOURCE_PATH}> [PREFER_NINJA] [DISABLE_PARALLEL_CONFIGURE] [NO_CHARSET_FLAG] [GENERATOR <"NMake Makefiles">] [OPTIONS <-DUSE_THIS_IN_ALL_BUILDS=1>...] [OPTIONS_RELEASE <-DOPTIMIZE=1>...] [OPTIONS_DEBUG <-DDEBUGGABLE=1>...] [MAYBE_UNUSED_VARIABLES <OPTION_NAME>...] ) ``` ## Parameters ### SOURCE_PATH Specifies the directory containing the `CMakeLists.txt`. By convention, this is usually set in the portfile as the variable `SOURCE_PATH`. ### PREFER_NINJA Indicates that, when available, Vcpkg should use Ninja to perform the build. This should be specified unless the port is known to not work under Ninja. ### DISABLE_PARALLEL_CONFIGURE Disables running the CMake configure step in parallel. This is needed for libraries which write back into their source directory during configure. This also disables CMAKE_DISABLE_SOURCE_CHANGES. ### NO_CHARSET_FLAG Disables passing `utf-8` as the default character set to `CMAKE_C_FLAGS` and `CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS`. This is needed for libraries that set their own source code's character set. ### GENERATOR Specifies the precise generator to use. This is useful if some project-specific buildsystem has been wrapped in a cmake script that won't perform an actual build. If used for this purpose, it should be set to `"NMake Makefiles"`. ### OPTIONS Additional options passed to CMake during the configuration. ### OPTIONS_RELEASE Additional options passed to CMake during the Release configuration. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ### OPTIONS_DEBUG Additional options passed to CMake during the Debug configuration. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ### MAYBE_UNUSED_VARIABLES Any CMake variables which are explicitly passed in, but which may not be used on all platforms. For example: ```cmake vcpkg_cmake_configure( ... OPTIONS -DBUILD_EXAMPLE=OFF ... MAYBE_UNUSED_VARIABLES BUILD_EXAMPLE ) ``` ### LOGNAME Name of the log to write the output of the configure call to. ## Notes This command supplies many common arguments to CMake. To see the full list, examine the source. ## Examples * [zlib](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/zlib/portfile.cmake) * [cpprestsdk](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/cpprestsdk/portfile.cmake) * [poco](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/poco/portfile.cmake) * [opencv](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/opencv/portfile.cmake) ## Source [scripts/cmake/vcpkg\_configure\_cmake.cmake](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/scripts/cmake/vcpkg_configure_cmake.cmake)