# This function should be passed a name of an existing target. It will automatically generate # file groups following the directory hierarchy, so that the layout of the files in IDEs matches the # one in the filesystem. function(create_target_directory_groups target_name) # Place any files that aren't in the source list in a separate group so that they don't get in # the way. source_group("Other Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION ".") get_target_property(target_sources "${target_name}" SOURCES) foreach(file_name IN LISTS target_sources) get_filename_component(dir_name "${file_name}" PATH) # Group names use '\' as a separator even though the entire rest of CMake uses '/'... string(REPLACE "/" "\\" group_name "${dir_name}") source_group("${group_name}" FILES "${file_name}") endforeach() endfunction()