/* $OpenBSD: tls_server.c,v 1.45 2019/05/13 22:36:01 bcook Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Joel Sing <jsing@openbsd.org> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <openssl/ec.h> #include <openssl/err.h> #include <openssl/ssl.h> #include <tls.h> #include "tls_internal.h" struct tls * tls_server(void) { struct tls *ctx; if (tls_init() == -1) return (NULL); if ((ctx = tls_new()) == NULL) return (NULL); ctx->flags |= TLS_SERVER; return (ctx); } struct tls * tls_server_conn(struct tls *ctx) { struct tls *conn_ctx; if ((conn_ctx = tls_new()) == NULL) return (NULL); conn_ctx->flags |= TLS_SERVER_CONN; pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->config->mutex); ctx->config->refcount++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->config->mutex); conn_ctx->config = ctx->config; conn_ctx->keypair = ctx->config->keypair; return (conn_ctx); } static int tls_server_alpn_cb(SSL *ssl, const unsigned char **out, unsigned char *outlen, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inlen, void *arg) { struct tls *ctx = arg; if (SSL_select_next_proto((unsigned char**)out, outlen, ctx->config->alpn, ctx->config->alpn_len, in, inlen) == OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED) return (SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK); return (SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK); } static int tls_servername_cb(SSL *ssl, int *al, void *arg) { struct tls *ctx = (struct tls *)arg; struct tls_sni_ctx *sni_ctx; union tls_addr addrbuf; struct tls *conn_ctx; const char *name; int match; if ((conn_ctx = SSL_get_app_data(ssl)) == NULL) goto err; if ((name = SSL_get_servername(ssl, TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name)) == NULL) { /* * The servername callback gets called even when there is no * TLS servername extension provided by the client. Sigh! */ return (SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK); } /* * Per RFC 6066 section 3: ensure that name is not an IP literal. * * While we should treat this as an error, a number of clients * (Python, Ruby and Safari) are not RFC compliant. To avoid handshake * failures, pretend that we did not receive the extension. */ if (inet_pton(AF_INET, name, &addrbuf) == 1 || inet_pton(AF_INET6, name, &addrbuf) == 1) return (SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK); free((char *)conn_ctx->servername); if ((conn_ctx->servername = strdup(name)) == NULL) goto err; /* Find appropriate SSL context for requested servername. */ for (sni_ctx = ctx->sni_ctx; sni_ctx != NULL; sni_ctx = sni_ctx->next) { if (tls_check_name(ctx, sni_ctx->ssl_cert, name, &match) == -1) goto err; if (match) { conn_ctx->keypair = sni_ctx->keypair; SSL_set_SSL_CTX(conn_ctx->ssl_conn, sni_ctx->ssl_ctx); return (SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK); } } /* No match, use the existing context/certificate. */ return (SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK); err: /* * There is no way to tell libssl that an internal failure occurred. * The only option we have is to return a fatal alert. */ *al = TLS1_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR; return (SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL); } static struct tls_ticket_key * tls_server_ticket_key(struct tls_config *config, unsigned char *keyname) { struct tls_ticket_key *key = NULL; time_t now; int i; now = time(NULL); if (config->ticket_autorekey == 1) { if (now - 3 * (config->session_lifetime / 4) > config->ticket_keys[0].time) { if (tls_config_ticket_autorekey(config) == -1) return (NULL); } } for (i = 0; i < TLS_NUM_TICKETS; i++) { struct tls_ticket_key *tk = &config->ticket_keys[i]; if (now - config->session_lifetime > tk->time) continue; if (keyname == NULL || timingsafe_memcmp(keyname, tk->key_name, sizeof(tk->key_name)) == 0) { key = tk; break; } } return (key); } static int tls_server_ticket_cb(SSL *ssl, unsigned char *keyname, unsigned char *iv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, HMAC_CTX *hctx, int mode) { struct tls_ticket_key *key; struct tls *tls_ctx; if ((tls_ctx = SSL_get_app_data(ssl)) == NULL) return (-1); if (mode == 1) { /* create new session */ key = tls_server_ticket_key(tls_ctx->config, NULL); if (key == NULL) { tls_set_errorx(tls_ctx, "no valid ticket key found"); return (-1); } memcpy(keyname, key->key_name, sizeof(key->key_name)); arc4random_buf(iv, EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH); EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc(), NULL, key->aes_key, iv); HMAC_Init_ex(hctx, key->hmac_key, sizeof(key->hmac_key), EVP_sha256(), NULL); return (0); } else { /* get key by name */ key = tls_server_ticket_key(tls_ctx->config, keyname); if (key == NULL) return (0); EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc(), NULL, key->aes_key, iv); HMAC_Init_ex(hctx, key->hmac_key, sizeof(key->hmac_key), EVP_sha256(), NULL); /* time to renew the ticket? is it the primary key? */ if (key != &tls_ctx->config->ticket_keys[0]) return (2); return (1); } } static int tls_configure_server_ssl(struct tls *ctx, SSL_CTX **ssl_ctx, struct tls_keypair *keypair) { SSL_CTX_free(*ssl_ctx); if ((*ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method())) == NULL) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "ssl context failure"); goto err; } SSL_CTX_set_options(*ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_CLIENT_RENEGOTIATION); if (SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(*ssl_ctx, tls_servername_cb) != 1) { tls_set_error(ctx, "failed to set servername callback"); goto err; } if (SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg(*ssl_ctx, ctx) != 1) { tls_set_error(ctx, "failed to set servername callback arg"); goto err; } if (tls_configure_ssl(ctx, *ssl_ctx) != 0) goto err; if (tls_configure_ssl_keypair(ctx, *ssl_ctx, keypair, 1) != 0) goto err; if (ctx->config->verify_client != 0) { int verify = SSL_VERIFY_PEER; if (ctx->config->verify_client == 1) verify |= SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT; if (tls_configure_ssl_verify(ctx, *ssl_ctx, verify) == -1) goto err; } if (ctx->config->alpn != NULL) SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb(*ssl_ctx, tls_server_alpn_cb, ctx); if (ctx->config->dheparams == -1) SSL_CTX_set_dh_auto(*ssl_ctx, 1); else if (ctx->config->dheparams == 1024) SSL_CTX_set_dh_auto(*ssl_ctx, 2); if (ctx->config->ecdhecurves != NULL) { SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(*ssl_ctx, 1); if (SSL_CTX_set1_groups(*ssl_ctx, ctx->config->ecdhecurves, ctx->config->ecdhecurves_len) != 1) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "failed to set ecdhe curves"); goto err; } } if (ctx->config->ciphers_server == 1) SSL_CTX_set_options(*ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE); if (SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_cb(*ssl_ctx, tls_ocsp_stapling_cb) != 1) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "failed to add OCSP stapling callback"); goto err; } if (ctx->config->session_lifetime > 0) { /* set the session lifetime and enable tickets */ SSL_CTX_set_timeout(*ssl_ctx, ctx->config->session_lifetime); SSL_CTX_clear_options(*ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_TICKET); if (!SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb(*ssl_ctx, tls_server_ticket_cb)) { tls_set_error(ctx, "failed to set the TLS ticket callback"); goto err; } } if (SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(*ssl_ctx, ctx->config->session_id, sizeof(ctx->config->session_id)) != 1) { tls_set_error(ctx, "failed to set session id context"); goto err; } return (0); err: SSL_CTX_free(*ssl_ctx); *ssl_ctx = NULL; return (-1); } static int tls_configure_server_sni(struct tls *ctx) { struct tls_sni_ctx **sni_ctx; struct tls_keypair *kp; if (ctx->config->keypair->next == NULL) return (0); /* Set up additional SSL contexts for SNI. */ sni_ctx = &ctx->sni_ctx; for (kp = ctx->config->keypair->next; kp != NULL; kp = kp->next) { if ((*sni_ctx = tls_sni_ctx_new()) == NULL) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "out of memory"); goto err; } (*sni_ctx)->keypair = kp; if (tls_configure_server_ssl(ctx, &(*sni_ctx)->ssl_ctx, kp) == -1) goto err; if (tls_keypair_load_cert(kp, &ctx->error, &(*sni_ctx)->ssl_cert) == -1) goto err; sni_ctx = &(*sni_ctx)->next; } return (0); err: return (-1); } int tls_configure_server(struct tls *ctx) { if (tls_configure_server_ssl(ctx, &ctx->ssl_ctx, ctx->config->keypair) == -1) goto err; if (tls_configure_server_sni(ctx) == -1) goto err; return (0); err: return (-1); } static struct tls * tls_accept_common(struct tls *ctx) { struct tls *conn_ctx = NULL; if ((ctx->flags & TLS_SERVER) == 0) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "not a server context"); goto err; } if ((conn_ctx = tls_server_conn(ctx)) == NULL) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "connection context failure"); goto err; } if ((conn_ctx->ssl_conn = SSL_new(ctx->ssl_ctx)) == NULL) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "ssl failure"); goto err; } if (SSL_set_app_data(conn_ctx->ssl_conn, conn_ctx) != 1) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "ssl application data failure"); goto err; } return conn_ctx; err: tls_free(conn_ctx); return (NULL); } int tls_accept_socket(struct tls *ctx, struct tls **cctx, int s) { return (tls_accept_fds(ctx, cctx, s, s)); } int tls_accept_fds(struct tls *ctx, struct tls **cctx, int fd_read, int fd_write) { struct tls *conn_ctx; if ((conn_ctx = tls_accept_common(ctx)) == NULL) goto err; if (SSL_set_rfd(conn_ctx->ssl_conn, fd_read) != 1 || SSL_set_wfd(conn_ctx->ssl_conn, fd_write) != 1) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "ssl file descriptor failure"); goto err; } *cctx = conn_ctx; return (0); err: tls_free(conn_ctx); *cctx = NULL; return (-1); } int tls_accept_cbs(struct tls *ctx, struct tls **cctx, tls_read_cb read_cb, tls_write_cb write_cb, void *cb_arg) { struct tls *conn_ctx; if ((conn_ctx = tls_accept_common(ctx)) == NULL) goto err; if (tls_set_cbs(conn_ctx, read_cb, write_cb, cb_arg) != 0) goto err; *cctx = conn_ctx; return (0); err: tls_free(conn_ctx); *cctx = NULL; return (-1); } int tls_handshake_server(struct tls *ctx) { int ssl_ret; int rv = -1; if ((ctx->flags & TLS_SERVER_CONN) == 0) { tls_set_errorx(ctx, "not a server connection context"); goto err; } ctx->state |= TLS_SSL_NEEDS_SHUTDOWN; ERR_clear_error(); if ((ssl_ret = SSL_accept(ctx->ssl_conn)) != 1) { rv = tls_ssl_error(ctx, ctx->ssl_conn, ssl_ret, "handshake"); goto err; } ctx->state |= TLS_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE; rv = 0; err: return (rv); }