// MS compatible compilers support #pragma once

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
# pragma once

//  boost/throw_exception.hpp
//  Copyright (c) 2002, 2018-2022 Peter Dimov
//  Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Emil Dotchevski and Reverge Studios, Inc.
//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
//  accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
//  http://www.boost.org/libs/throw_exception

#include <boost/exception/exception.hpp>
#include <boost/assert/source_location.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/config/workaround.hpp>
#include <exception>
#include <utility>
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>


namespace boost

#if defined( BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS )

BOOST_NORETURN void throw_exception( std::exception const & e ); // user defined
BOOST_NORETURN void throw_exception( std::exception const & e, boost::source_location const & loc ); // user defined


// boost::wrapexcept<E>

namespace detail

typedef char (&wrapexcept_s1)[ 1 ];
typedef char (&wrapexcept_s2)[ 2 ];

template<class T> wrapexcept_s1 wrapexcept_is_convertible( T* );
template<class T> wrapexcept_s2 wrapexcept_is_convertible( void* );

template<class E, class B, std::size_t I = sizeof( wrapexcept_is_convertible<B>( static_cast< E* >( 0 ) ) ) > struct wrapexcept_add_base;

template<class E, class B> struct wrapexcept_add_base<E, B, 1>
    struct type {};

template<class E, class B> struct wrapexcept_add_base<E, B, 2>
    typedef B type;

} // namespace detail

template<class E> struct BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE wrapexcept:
    public detail::wrapexcept_add_base<E, boost::exception_detail::clone_base>::type,
    public E,
    public detail::wrapexcept_add_base<E, boost::exception>::type

    struct deleter
        wrapexcept * p_;
        ~deleter() { delete p_; }


    void copy_from( void const* )

    void copy_from( boost::exception const* p )
        static_cast<boost::exception&>( *this ) = *p;


    explicit wrapexcept( E const & e ): E( e )
        copy_from( &e );

    explicit wrapexcept( E const & e, boost::source_location const & loc ): E( e )
        copy_from( &e );

        set_info( *this, throw_file( loc.file_name() ) );
        set_info( *this, throw_line( loc.line() ) );
        set_info( *this, throw_function( loc.function_name() ) );
        set_info( *this, throw_column( loc.column() ) );

    virtual boost::exception_detail::clone_base const * clone() const BOOST_OVERRIDE
        wrapexcept * p = new wrapexcept( *this );
        deleter del = { p };

        boost::exception_detail::copy_boost_exception( p, this );

        del.p_ = 0;
        return p;

    virtual void rethrow() const BOOST_OVERRIDE
#if defined( BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS )

        boost::throw_exception( *this );


        throw *this;


// All boost exceptions are required to derive from std::exception,
// to ensure compatibility with BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS.

inline void throw_exception_assert_compatibility( std::exception const & ) {}

// boost::throw_exception

#if !defined( BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS )


template<class E> BOOST_NORETURN void throw_exception( E const & e )
    throw_exception_assert_compatibility( e );
    throw e;

template<class E> BOOST_NORETURN void throw_exception( E const & e, boost::source_location const & )
    throw_exception_assert_compatibility( e );
    throw e;

#else // defined( BOOST_EXCEPTION_DISABLE )

template<class E> BOOST_NORETURN void throw_exception( E const & e )
    throw_exception_assert_compatibility( e );
    throw wrapexcept<E>( e );

template<class E> BOOST_NORETURN void throw_exception( E const & e, boost::source_location const & loc )
    throw_exception_assert_compatibility( e );
    throw wrapexcept<E>( e, loc );

#endif // defined( BOOST_EXCEPTION_DISABLE )

#endif // !defined( BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS )

} // namespace boost


#define BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(x) ::boost::throw_exception(x, BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION)

namespace boost

// throw_with_location

namespace detail

struct BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE throw_location
    boost::source_location location_;

    explicit throw_location( boost::source_location const & loc ): location_( loc )

template<class E> class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE with_throw_location: public E, public throw_location

    with_throw_location( E const & e, boost::source_location const & loc ): E( e ), throw_location( loc )


    with_throw_location( E && e, boost::source_location const & loc ): E( std::move( e ) ), throw_location( loc )


} // namespace detail



template<class E> BOOST_NORETURN void throw_with_location( E && e, boost::source_location const & loc = BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION )
    throw_exception_assert_compatibility( e );
    throw detail::with_throw_location<typename std::decay<E>::type>( std::forward<E>( e ), loc );


template<class E> BOOST_NORETURN void throw_with_location( E const & e, boost::source_location const & loc = BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION )
    throw_exception_assert_compatibility( e );
    throw detail::with_throw_location<E>( e, loc );



template<class E> BOOST_NORETURN void throw_with_location( E const & e, boost::source_location const & loc = BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION )
    boost::throw_exception( e, loc );


// get_throw_location

template<class E> boost::source_location get_throw_location( E const & e )
#if defined(BOOST_NO_RTTI)

    return boost::source_location();


    if( detail::throw_location const* pl = dynamic_cast< detail::throw_location const* >( &e ) )
        return pl->location_;
    else if( boost::exception const* px = dynamic_cast< boost::exception const* >( &e ) )
        return exception_detail::get_exception_throw_location( *px );
        return boost::source_location();


} // namespace boost