// (C) Copyright 2016 Raffi Enficiaud. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org/libs/test for the library home page. // ///@file ///@brief Contains the implementatoin of the Junit log formatter (OF_JUNIT) // *************************************************************************** #ifndef BOOST_TEST_JUNIT_LOG_FORMATTER_IPP__ #define BOOST_TEST_JUNIT_LOG_FORMATTER_IPP__ // Boost.Test #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include // Boost #include #include // STL #include #include #include #include //____________________________________________________________________________// namespace boost { namespace unit_test { namespace output { struct s_replace_chars { template void operator()(T& to_replace) { if(to_replace == '/') to_replace = '.'; else if(to_replace == ' ') to_replace = '_'; } }; inline std::string tu_name_normalize(std::string full_name) { // maybe directly using normalize_test_case_name instead? std::for_each(full_name.begin(), full_name.end(), s_replace_chars()); return full_name; } inline std::string tu_name_remove_newlines(std::string full_name) { full_name.erase(std::remove(full_name.begin(), full_name.end(), '\n'), full_name.end()); return full_name; } const_string file_basename(const_string filename) { const_string path_sep( "\\/" ); const_string::iterator it = unit_test::utils::find_last_of( filename.begin(), filename.end(), path_sep.begin(), path_sep.end() ); if( it != filename.end() ) filename.trim_left( it + 1 ); return filename; } // ************************************************************************** // // ************** junit_log_formatter ************** // // ************************************************************************** // void junit_log_formatter::log_start( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, counter_t /*test_cases_amount*/) { map_tests.clear(); list_path_to_root.clear(); runner_log_entry.clear(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// class junit_result_helper : public test_tree_visitor { private: typedef junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry assertion_entry; typedef std::vector< assertion_entry >::const_iterator vect_assertion_entry_citerator; typedef std::list::const_iterator list_str_citerator; public: explicit junit_result_helper( std::ostream& stream, test_unit const& ts, junit_log_formatter::map_trace_t const& mt, junit_impl::junit_log_helper const& runner_log_, bool display_build_info ) : m_stream(stream) , m_ts( ts ) , m_map_test( mt ) , runner_log( runner_log_ ) , m_id( 0 ) , m_display_build_info(display_build_info) { } void add_log_entry(assertion_entry const& log) const { std::string entry_type; if( log.log_entry == assertion_entry::log_entry_failure ) { entry_type = "failure"; } else if( log.log_entry == assertion_entry::log_entry_error ) { entry_type = "error"; } else { return; } m_stream << "<" << entry_type << " message" << utils::attr_value() << log.logentry_message << " type" << utils::attr_value() << log.logentry_type << ">"; if(!log.output.empty()) { m_stream << utils::cdata() << "\n" + log.output; } m_stream << ""; } struct conditional_cdata_helper { std::ostream &ostr; std::string const field; bool empty; conditional_cdata_helper(std::ostream &ostr_, std::string field_) : ostr(ostr_) , field(field_) , empty(true) {} ~conditional_cdata_helper() { if(!empty) { ostr << BOOST_TEST_L( "]]>" ) << "' << std::endl; } } void operator()(const std::string& s) { bool current_empty = s.empty(); if(empty) { if(!current_empty) { empty = false; ostr << '<' << field << '>' << BOOST_TEST_L( " build_skipping_chain(test_unit const & tu) const { // we enter here because we know that the tu has been skipped. // either junit has not seen this tu, or it is indicated as disabled assert(m_map_test.count(tu.p_id) == 0 || results_collector.results( tu.p_id ).p_skipped); std::list out; test_unit_id id(tu.p_id); while( id != m_ts.p_id && id != INV_TEST_UNIT_ID) { test_unit const& tu_hierarchy = boost::unit_test::framework::get( id, TUT_ANY ); out.push_back("- disabled test unit: '" + tu_name_remove_newlines(tu_hierarchy.full_name()) + "'\n"); if(m_map_test.count(id) > 0) { // junit has seen the reason: this is enough for constructing the chain break; } id = tu_hierarchy.p_parent_id; } junit_log_formatter::map_trace_t::const_iterator it_element_stack(m_map_test.find(id)); if( it_element_stack != m_map_test.end() ) { out.push_back("- reason: '" + it_element_stack->second.skipping_reason + "'"); out.push_front("Test case disabled because of the following chain of decision:\n"); } return out; } std::string get_class_name(test_unit const & tu_class) const { std::string classname; test_unit_id id(tu_class.p_parent_id); while( id != m_ts.p_id && id != INV_TEST_UNIT_ID ) { test_unit const& tu = boost::unit_test::framework::get( id, TUT_ANY ); classname = tu_name_normalize(tu.p_name) + "." + classname; id = tu.p_parent_id; } // removes the trailing dot if(!classname.empty() && *classname.rbegin() == '.') { classname.erase(classname.size()-1); } return classname; } void write_testcase_header(test_unit const & tu, test_results const *tr, int nb_assertions) const { std::string name; std::string classname; if(tu.p_id == m_ts.p_id ) { name = "boost_test"; } else { classname = get_class_name(tu); name = tu_name_normalize(tu.p_name); } if( tu.p_type == TUT_SUITE ) { if(tr->p_timed_out) name += "-timed-execution"; else name += "-setup-teardown"; } m_stream << "p_duration_microseconds) * 1E-6 << ">" << std::endl; } void write_testcase_system_out(junit_impl::junit_log_helper const &detailed_log, test_unit const * tu, bool skipped) const { // system-out + all info/messages, the object skips the empty entries conditional_cdata_helper system_out_helper(m_stream, "system-out"); // indicate why the test has been skipped first if( skipped ) { std::list skipping_decision_chain = build_skipping_chain(*tu); for(list_str_citerator it(skipping_decision_chain.begin()), ite(skipping_decision_chain.end()); it != ite; ++it) { system_out_helper(*it); } } // stdout for(list_str_citerator it(detailed_log.system_out.begin()), ite(detailed_log.system_out.end()); it != ite; ++it) { system_out_helper(*it); } // warning/info message last for(vect_assertion_entry_citerator it(detailed_log.assertion_entries.begin()); it != detailed_log.assertion_entries.end(); ++it) { if(it->log_entry != assertion_entry::log_entry_info) continue; system_out_helper(it->output); } } void write_testcase_system_err(junit_impl::junit_log_helper const &detailed_log, test_unit const * tu, test_results const *tr) const { // system-err output + test case informations bool has_failed = (tr != 0) ? !tr->p_skipped && !tr->passed() : false; if(!detailed_log.system_err.empty() || has_failed) { std::ostringstream o; if(has_failed) { o << "Failures detected in:" << std::endl; } else { o << "ERROR STREAM:" << std::endl; } if(tu->p_type == TUT_SUITE) { if( tu->p_id == m_ts.p_id ) { o << " boost.test global setup/teardown" << std::endl; } else { o << "- test suite: " << tu_name_remove_newlines(tu->full_name()) << std::endl; } } else { o << "- test case: " << tu_name_remove_newlines(tu->full_name()); if(!tu->p_description.value.empty()) o << " '" << tu->p_description << "'"; o << std::endl << "- file: " << file_basename(tu->p_file_name) << std::endl << "- line: " << tu->p_line_num << std::endl ; } if(!detailed_log.system_err.empty()) o << std::endl << "STDERR BEGIN: ------------" << std::endl; for(list_str_citerator it(detailed_log.system_err.begin()), ite(detailed_log.system_err.end()); it != ite; ++it) { o << *it; } if(!detailed_log.system_err.empty()) o << std::endl << "STDERR END ------------" << std::endl; conditional_cdata_helper system_err_helper(m_stream, "system-err"); system_err_helper(o.str()); } } int get_nb_assertions(junit_impl::junit_log_helper const &detailed_log, test_unit const & tu, test_results const *tr) const { int nb_assertions(-1); if( tu.p_type == TUT_SUITE ) { nb_assertions = 0; for(vect_assertion_entry_citerator it(detailed_log.assertion_entries.begin()); it != detailed_log.assertion_entries.end(); ++it) { if(it->log_entry != assertion_entry::log_entry_info) nb_assertions++; } } else { nb_assertions = static_cast(tr->p_assertions_passed + tr->p_assertions_failed); } return nb_assertions; } void output_detailed_logs(junit_impl::junit_log_helper const &detailed_log, test_unit const & tu, bool skipped, test_results const *tr) const { int nb_assertions = get_nb_assertions(detailed_log, tu, tr); if(!nb_assertions && tu.p_type == TUT_SUITE) return; write_testcase_header(tu, tr, nb_assertions); if( skipped ) { m_stream << "" << std::endl; } else { for(vect_assertion_entry_citerator it(detailed_log.assertion_entries.begin()); it != detailed_log.assertion_entries.end(); ++it) { add_log_entry(*it); } } write_testcase_system_out(detailed_log, &tu, skipped); write_testcase_system_err(detailed_log, &tu, tr); m_stream << "" << std::endl; } void visit( test_case const& tc ) BOOST_OVERRIDE { test_results const& tr = results_collector.results( tc.p_id ); junit_log_formatter::map_trace_t::const_iterator it_find = m_map_test.find(tc.p_id); if(it_find == m_map_test.end()) { // test has been skipped and not seen by the logger output_detailed_logs(junit_impl::junit_log_helper(), tc, true, &tr); } else { output_detailed_logs(it_find->second, tc, tr.p_skipped, &tr); } } bool test_suite_start( test_suite const& ts ) BOOST_OVERRIDE { test_results const& tr = results_collector.results( ts.p_id ); // unique test suite, without s, nesting not supported in CI if( m_ts.p_id == ts.p_id ) { m_stream << "" << std::endl; if(m_display_build_info) { m_stream << "" << std::endl; m_stream << "" << std::endl; m_stream << "" << std::endl; m_stream << "" << std::endl; std::ostringstream o; o << BOOST_VERSION/100000 << "." << BOOST_VERSION/100 % 1000 << "." << BOOST_VERSION % 100; m_stream << "" << std::endl; m_stream << "" << std::endl; } } if( !tr.p_skipped ) { // if we land here, then this is a chance that we are logging the fixture setup/teardown of a test-suite. // the setup/teardown logging of a test-case is part of the test case. // we do not care about the test-suite that were skipped (really??) junit_log_formatter::map_trace_t::const_iterator it_find = m_map_test.find(ts.p_id); if(it_find != m_map_test.end()) { output_detailed_logs(it_find->second, ts, false, &tr); } } return true; // indicates that the children should also be parsed } void test_suite_finish( test_suite const& ts ) BOOST_OVERRIDE { if( m_ts.p_id == ts.p_id ) { write_testcase_system_out(runner_log, 0, false); write_testcase_system_err(runner_log, 0, 0); m_stream << ""; return; } } private: // Data members std::ostream& m_stream; test_unit const& m_ts; junit_log_formatter::map_trace_t const& m_map_test; junit_impl::junit_log_helper const& runner_log; size_t m_id; bool m_display_build_info; }; void junit_log_formatter::log_finish( std::ostream& ostr ) { ostr << "" << std::endl; // getting the root test suite if(!map_tests.empty()) { test_unit* root = &boost::unit_test::framework::get( map_tests.begin()->first, TUT_ANY ); // looking for the root of the SUBtree (we stay in the subtree) while(root->p_parent_id != INV_TEST_UNIT_ID && map_tests.count(root->p_parent_id) > 0) { root = &boost::unit_test::framework::get( root->p_parent_id, TUT_ANY ); } junit_result_helper ch( ostr, *root, map_tests, this->runner_log_entry, m_display_build_info ); traverse_test_tree( root->p_id, ch, true ); // last is to ignore disabled suite special handling } else { ostr << ""; ostr << ""; ostr << ""; ostr << "Incorrect setup: no test case executed"; ostr << ""; } return; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::log_build_info( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, bool log_build_info ) { m_display_build_info = log_build_info; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::test_unit_start( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, test_unit const& tu ) { list_path_to_root.push_back( tu.p_id ); map_tests.insert(std::make_pair(tu.p_id, junit_impl::junit_log_helper())); // current_test_case_id not working here } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::test_unit_finish( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, test_unit const& tu, unsigned long /*elapsed*/ ) { // the time is already stored in the result_reporter boost::ignore_unused( tu ); assert( tu.p_id == list_path_to_root.back() ); list_path_to_root.pop_back(); } void junit_log_formatter::test_unit_aborted( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, test_unit const& tu ) { boost::ignore_unused( tu ); assert( tu.p_id == list_path_to_root.back() ); //list_path_to_root.pop_back(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::test_unit_timed_out( std::ostream& /*os*/, test_unit const& tu) { if(tu.p_type == TUT_SUITE) { // if we reach this call, it means that the test has already started and // test_unit_start has already been called on the tu. junit_impl::junit_log_helper& last_entry = get_current_log_entry(); junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry entry; entry.logentry_message = "test-suite time out"; entry.logentry_type = "execution timeout"; entry.log_entry = junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry::log_entry_error; entry.output = "the current suite exceeded the allocated execution time"; last_entry.assertion_entries.push_back(entry); } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::test_unit_skipped( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, test_unit const& tu, const_string reason ) { // if a test unit is skipped, then the start of this TU has not been called yet. // we cannot use get_current_log_entry here, but the TU id should appear in the map. // The "skip" boolean is given by the boost.test framework junit_impl::junit_log_helper& v = map_tests[tu.p_id]; // not sure if we can use get_current_log_entry() v.skipping_reason.assign(reason.begin(), reason.end()); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::log_exception_start( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, log_checkpoint_data const& checkpoint_data, execution_exception const& ex ) { std::ostringstream o; execution_exception::location const& loc = ex.where(); m_is_last_assertion_or_error = false; junit_impl::junit_log_helper& last_entry = get_current_log_entry(); junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry entry; entry.logentry_message = "unexpected exception"; entry.log_entry = junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry::log_entry_error; switch(ex.code()) { case execution_exception::cpp_exception_error: entry.logentry_type = "uncaught exception"; break; case execution_exception::timeout_error: entry.logentry_type = "execution timeout"; break; case execution_exception::user_error: entry.logentry_type = "user, assert() or CRT error"; break; case execution_exception::user_fatal_error: // Looks like never used entry.logentry_type = "user fatal error"; break; case execution_exception::system_error: entry.logentry_type = "system error"; break; case execution_exception::system_fatal_error: entry.logentry_type = "system fatal error"; break; default: entry.logentry_type = "no error"; // not sure how to handle this one break; } o << "UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION:" << std::endl; if( !loc.m_function.is_empty() ) o << "- function: \"" << loc.m_function << "\"" << std::endl; o << "- file: " << file_basename(loc.m_file_name) << std::endl << "- line: " << loc.m_line_num << std::endl << std::endl; o << "\nEXCEPTION STACK TRACE: --------------\n" << ex.what() << "\n-------------------------------------"; if( !checkpoint_data.m_file_name.is_empty() ) { o << std::endl << std::endl << "Last checkpoint:" << std::endl << "- message: \"" << checkpoint_data.m_message << "\"" << std::endl << "- file: " << file_basename(checkpoint_data.m_file_name) << std::endl << "- line: " << checkpoint_data.m_line_num << std::endl ; } entry.output = o.str(); last_entry.assertion_entries.push_back(entry); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::log_exception_finish( std::ostream& /*ostr*/ ) { // sealing the last entry assert(!get_current_log_entry().assertion_entries.back().sealed); get_current_log_entry().assertion_entries.back().sealed = true; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::log_entry_start( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, log_entry_data const& entry_data, log_entry_types let ) { junit_impl::junit_log_helper& last_entry = get_current_log_entry(); last_entry.skipping = false; m_is_last_assertion_or_error = true; switch(let) { case unit_test_log_formatter::BOOST_UTL_ET_INFO: { if(m_log_level_internal > log_successful_tests) { last_entry.skipping = true; break; } BOOST_FALLTHROUGH; } case unit_test_log_formatter::BOOST_UTL_ET_MESSAGE: { if(m_log_level_internal > log_messages) { last_entry.skipping = true; break; } BOOST_FALLTHROUGH; } case unit_test_log_formatter::BOOST_UTL_ET_WARNING: { if(m_log_level_internal > log_warnings) { last_entry.skipping = true; break; } std::ostringstream o; junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry entry; entry.log_entry = junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry::log_entry_info; entry.logentry_message = "info"; entry.logentry_type = "message"; o << (let == unit_test_log_formatter::BOOST_UTL_ET_WARNING ? "WARNING:" : (let == unit_test_log_formatter::BOOST_UTL_ET_MESSAGE ? "MESSAGE:" : "INFO:")) << std::endl << "- file : " << file_basename(entry_data.m_file_name) << std::endl << "- line : " << entry_data.m_line_num << std::endl << "- message: "; // no CR entry.output += o.str(); last_entry.assertion_entries.push_back(entry); break; } default: case unit_test_log_formatter::BOOST_UTL_ET_ERROR: case unit_test_log_formatter::BOOST_UTL_ET_FATAL_ERROR: { std::ostringstream o; junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry entry; entry.log_entry = junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry::log_entry_failure; entry.logentry_message = "failure"; entry.logentry_type = (let == unit_test_log_formatter::BOOST_UTL_ET_ERROR ? "assertion error" : "fatal error"); o << "ASSERTION FAILURE:" << std::endl << "- file : " << file_basename(entry_data.m_file_name) << std::endl << "- line : " << entry_data.m_line_num << std::endl << "- message: " ; // no CR entry.output += o.str(); last_entry.assertion_entries.push_back(entry); break; } } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::log_entry_value( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, const_string value ) { junit_impl::junit_log_helper& last_entry = get_current_log_entry(); if(last_entry.skipping) return; assert(last_entry.assertion_entries.empty() || !last_entry.assertion_entries.back().sealed); if(!last_entry.assertion_entries.empty()) { junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry& log_entry = last_entry.assertion_entries.back(); log_entry.output += value; } else { // this may be a message coming from another observer // the prefix is set in the log_entry_start last_entry.system_out.push_back(std::string(value.begin(), value.end())); } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::log_entry_finish( std::ostream& /*ostr*/ ) { junit_impl::junit_log_helper& last_entry = get_current_log_entry(); if(!last_entry.skipping) { assert(last_entry.assertion_entries.empty() || !last_entry.assertion_entries.back().sealed); if(!last_entry.assertion_entries.empty()) { junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry& log_entry = last_entry.assertion_entries.back(); log_entry.output += "\n\n"; // quote end, CR log_entry.sealed = true; } else { last_entry.system_out.push_back("\n\n"); // quote end, CR } } last_entry.skipping = false; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::entry_context_start( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, log_level ) { junit_impl::junit_log_helper& last_entry = get_current_log_entry(); if(last_entry.skipping) return; std::vector< junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry > &v_failure_or_error = last_entry.assertion_entries; assert(!v_failure_or_error.back().sealed); junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry& last_log_entry = v_failure_or_error.back(); if(m_is_last_assertion_or_error) { last_log_entry.output += "\n- context:\n"; } else { last_log_entry.output += "\n\nCONTEXT:\n"; } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::entry_context_finish( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, log_level ) { // no op, may be removed junit_impl::junit_log_helper& last_entry = get_current_log_entry(); if(last_entry.skipping) return; assert(!get_current_log_entry().assertion_entries.back().sealed); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void junit_log_formatter::log_entry_context( std::ostream& /*ostr*/, log_level , const_string context_descr ) { junit_impl::junit_log_helper& last_entry = get_current_log_entry(); if(last_entry.skipping) return; assert(!last_entry.assertion_entries.back().sealed); junit_impl::junit_log_helper::assertion_entry& last_log_entry = get_current_log_entry().assertion_entries.back(); last_log_entry.output += (m_is_last_assertion_or_error ? " - '": "- '") + std::string(context_descr.begin(), context_descr.end()) + "'\n"; // quote end } //____________________________________________________________________________// std::string junit_log_formatter::get_default_stream_description() const { std::string name = framework::master_test_suite().p_name.value; static const std::string to_replace[] = { " ", "\"", "/", "\\", ":"}; static const std::string replacement[] = { "_", "_" , "_", "_" , "_"}; name = unit_test::utils::replace_all_occurrences_of( name, to_replace, to_replace + sizeof(to_replace)/sizeof(to_replace[0]), replacement, replacement + sizeof(replacement)/sizeof(replacement[0])); std::ifstream check_init((name + ".xml").c_str()); if(!check_init) return name + ".xml"; int index = 0; for(; index < 100; index++) { std::string candidate = name + "_" + utils::string_cast(index) + ".xml"; std::ifstream file(candidate.c_str()); if(!file) return candidate; } return name + ".xml"; } } // namespace output } // namespace unit_test } // namespace boost #include #endif // BOOST_TEST_junit_log_formatter_IPP_020105GER