# Find the ibverbs libraries # # The following variables are optionally searched for defaults # IBVERBS_ROOT_DIR: Base directory where all ibverbs components are found # IBVERBS_INCLUDE_DIR: Directory where ibverbs headers are found # IBVERBS_LIB_DIR: Directory where ibverbs libraries are found # The following are set after configuration is done: # IBVERBS_FOUND # IBVERBS_INCLUDE_DIRS # IBVERBS_LIBRARIES FIND_PATH(IBVERBS_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES infiniband/verbs.h HINTS ${IBVERBS_INCLUDE_DIR} ${IBVERBS_ROOT_DIR} ${IBVERBS_ROOT_DIR}/include) FIND_LIBRARY(IBVERBS_LIBRARIES NAMES ibverbs HINTS ${IBVERBS_LIB_DIR} ${IBVERBS_ROOT_DIR} ${IBVERBS_ROOT_DIR}/lib) INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(ibverbs DEFAULT_MSG IBVERBS_INCLUDE_DIRS IBVERBS_LIBRARIES) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(IBVERBS_INCLUDE_DIR IBVERBS_LIBRARIES) IF (NOT IBVERBS_LIBRARIES) SET(IBVERBS_FOUND FALSE) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "ibverbs library not found.\nTry: 'sudo yum install libibverbs-devel libibverbs' (or sudo apt-get install libibverbs-dev libibverbs1)") ENDIF ()