# A simple FindBrotli package for Cmake's find_package function. # Note: This find package doesn't have version support, as the version file doesn't seem to be installed on most systems. # # If you want to find the static packages instead of shared (the default), define BROTLI_USE_STATIC_LIBS as TRUE. # The targets will have the same names, but it will use the static libs. # # Valid find_package COMPONENTS names: "decoder", "encoder", and "common" # Note that if you're requiring "decoder" or "encoder", then "common" will be automatically added as required. # # Defines the libraries (if found): Brotli::decoder, Brotli::encoder, Brotli::common # and the includes path variable: Brotli_INCLUDE_DIR # # If it's failing to find the libraries, try setting BROTLI_ROOT_DIR to the folder containing your library & include dir. # If they asked for a specific version, warn/fail since we don't support it. # TODO: if they start distributing the version somewhere, implement finding it. # But currently there's a version header that doesn't seem to get installed. if(Brotli_FIND_VERSION) set(_brotli_version_error_msg "FindBrotli.cmake doesn't have version support!") # If the package is required, throw a fatal error # Otherwise, if not running quietly, we throw a warning if(Brotli_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "${_brotli_version_error_msg}") elseif(NOT Brotli_FIND_QUIETLY) message(WARNING "${_brotli_version_error_msg}") endif() endif() # Since both decoder & encoder require the common lib, force its requirement.. # if the user is requiring either of those other libs. if(Brotli_FIND_REQUIRED_decoder OR Brotli_FIND_REQUIRED_encoder) set(Brotli_FIND_REQUIRED_common TRUE) endif() # Support preference of static libs by adjusting CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES # Credit to FindOpenSSL.cmake for this if(BROTLI_USE_STATIC_LIBS) set(_brotli_ORIG_CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) if(WIN32) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES .lib .a ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) else() set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES .a) endif() endif() # Make PkgConfig optional, since some users (mainly Windows) don't have it. # But it's a lot more clean than manually using find_library. find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) # Only used if the PkgConfig libraries aren't used. find_path(Brotli_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES "brotli/decode.h" "brotli/encode.h" HINTS ${BROTLI_ROOT_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES "include" "includes" DOC "The path to Brotli's include directory." ) # Hides this var from the GUI mark_as_advanced(Brotli_INCLUDE_DIR) # Just used for PkgConfig stuff in the loop below set(_brotli_stat_str "") if(BROTLI_USE_STATIC_LIBS) set(_brotli_stat_str "_STATIC") endif() # Lets us know we are using the PkgConfig libraries # Will be set false if any non-pkgconf vars are used set(_brotli_using_pkgconf TRUE) # Each string here is "ComponentName;LiteralName" (the semi-colon is a delimiter) foreach(_listvar "common;common" "decoder;dec" "encoder;enc") # Split the component name and literal library name from the listvar list(GET _listvar 0 _component_name) list(GET _listvar 1 _libname) if(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) # These need to be GLOBAL for MinGW when making ALIAS libraries against them. if(BROTLI_USE_STATIC_LIBS) # Have to use _STATIC to tell PkgConfig to find the static libs. pkg_check_modules(Brotli_${_component_name}_STATIC QUIET GLOBAL IMPORTED_TARGET libbrotli${_libname}) else() pkg_check_modules(Brotli_${_component_name} QUIET GLOBAL IMPORTED_TARGET libbrotli${_libname}) endif() endif() # Check if the target was already found by Pkgconf if(TARGET PkgConfig::Brotli_${_component_name} OR TARGET PkgConfig::Brotli_${_component_name}_STATIC) # Can't use generators for ALIAS targets, so you get this jank add_library(Brotli::${_component_name} ALIAS PkgConfig::Brotli_${_component_name}${_brotli_stat_str}) # Tells HANDLE_COMPONENTS we found the component set(Brotli_${_component_name}_FOUND TRUE) if(Brotli_FIND_REQUIRED_${_component_name}) # If the lib is required, we can add its literal path as a required var for FindPackageHandleStandardArgs # Since it won't accept the PkgConfig targets if(BROTLI_USE_STATIC_LIBS) list(APPEND _brotli_req_vars "Brotli_${_component_name}_STATIC_LIBRARIES") else() list(APPEND _brotli_req_vars "Brotli_${_component_name}_LINK_LIBRARIES") endif() endif() # Skip searching for the libs with find_library since it was already found by Pkgconf continue() endif() # Lets us know we aren't using the PkgConfig libraries set(_brotli_using_pkgconf FALSE) if(Brotli_FIND_REQUIRED_${_component_name}) # If it's required, we can set the name used in find_library as a required var for FindPackageHandleStandardArgs list(APPEND _brotli_req_vars "Brotli_${_component_name}") endif() if(BROTLI_USE_STATIC_LIBS) list(APPEND _brotli_lib_names "brotli${_libname}-static" "libbrotli${_libname}-static" ) else() list(APPEND _brotli_lib_names "brotli${_libname}" "libbrotli${_libname}" ) endif() find_library(Brotli_${_component_name} NAMES ${_brotli_lib_names} HINTS ${BROTLI_ROOT_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES "lib" "lib64" "libs" "libs64" "lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" ) # Hide the library variable from the Cmake GUI mark_as_advanced(Brotli_${_component_name}) # Unset since otherwise it'll stick around for the next loop and break things unset(_brotli_lib_names) # Check if find_library found the library if(Brotli_${_component_name}) # Tells HANDLE_COMPONENTS we found the component set(Brotli_${_component_name}_FOUND TRUE) add_library("Brotli::${_component_name}" UNKNOWN IMPORTED) # Attach the literal library and include dir to the IMPORTED target for the end-user set_target_properties("Brotli::${_component_name}" PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${Brotli_INCLUDE_DIR}" IMPORTED_LOCATION "${Brotli_${_component_name}}" ) else() # Tells HANDLE_COMPONENTS we found the component set(Brotli_${_component_name}_FOUND FALSE) endif() endforeach() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # Sets Brotli_FOUND, and fails the find_package(Brotli) call if it was REQUIRED but missing libs. find_package_handle_standard_args(Brotli FOUND_VAR Brotli_FOUND REQUIRED_VARS Brotli_INCLUDE_DIR ${_brotli_required_targets} HANDLE_COMPONENTS ) # Restore the original find library ordering if(BROTLI_USE_STATIC_LIBS) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ${_brotli_ORIG_CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) endif()