/* This file is part of the dynarmic project. * Copyright (c) 2018 MerryMage * SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD */ #include <catch.hpp> #include <dynarmic/A64/a64.h> #include "testenv.h" TEST_CASE("misaligned load/store do not use page_table when detect_misaligned_access_via_page_table is set", "[a64]") { A64TestEnv env; Dynarmic::A64::UserConfig conf{&env}; conf.page_table = nullptr; conf.detect_misaligned_access_via_page_table = 128; conf.only_detect_misalignment_via_page_table_on_page_boundary = true; Dynarmic::A64::Jit jit{conf}; env.code_mem.emplace_back(0x3c800400); // STR Q0, [X0], #0 env.code_mem.emplace_back(0x14000000); // B . jit.SetPC(0); jit.SetRegister(0, 0x000000000b0afff8); env.ticks_left = 2; jit.Run(); // If we don't crash we're fine. }