# Use, modification, and distribution are # subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE.txt) # # Copyright René Ferdinand Rivera Morell 2020-2021. on: push: branches: [ 'main', 'release' ] paths-ignore: [ '.circleci/**', '.cirrus.yml', '.drone.star', '.semaphore/**', '.travis.yml', 'appveyor.yml', 'azure-pipelines.yml' ] jobs: qemu-multiarch-linux: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - { name: 'Ubuntu 20.04 Focal (armhf)', image: 'multiarch/ubuntu-debootstrap:armhf-focal', cxx: 'g++', toolset: 'gcc' } - { name: 'Ubuntu 20.04 Focal (arm64)', image: 'multiarch/ubuntu-debootstrap:arm64-focal', cxx: 'g++', toolset: 'gcc' } - { name: 'Ubuntu 20.04 Focal (ppc64el)', image: 'multiarch/ubuntu-debootstrap:ppc64el-focal', cxx: 'g++', toolset: 'gcc' } - { name: 'Debian 11 Bullseye (armhf)', image: 'multiarch/debian-debootstrap:armhf-bullseye', cxx: 'g++', toolset: 'gcc' } name: ${{ matrix.name }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }} CXXFLAGS: ${{ matrix.cxxflags }} PACKAGES: ${{ matrix.packages }} LLVM_OS: ${{ matrix.llvm_os }} LLVM_VER: ${{ matrix.llvm_ver }} TOOLSET: ${{ matrix.toolset }} steps: - name: 'Checkout' uses: actions/checkout@master - name: 'Install' run: | sudo apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 update sudo apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 -y install qemu-user-static docker pull "${{ matrix.image }}" - name: 'Setup' run: | env | grep -v '^#' | xargs > docker-run-action.env - name: 'Info' run: | echo ">>>>> ENV:" cat docker-run-action.env echo ">>>>> WORKDIR: ${{ github.workspace }}" ls -laF ${{ github.workspace }} - name: 'Run' uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 with: image: ${{ matrix.image }} options: -v ${{ github.workspace }}:${{ github.workspace }} -w ${{ github.workspace }} --env-file docker-run-action.env run: | set -e uname -a echo ">>>>>" echo ">>>>> Install.." echo ">>>>>" ./.ci/linux-cxx-install.sh echo ">>>>>" echo ">>>>> Build.." echo ">>>>>" cd src/engine export "PATH=${PATH};${CXX_PATH}" ./build.sh ${TOOLSET} ./b2 -v cd ../.. echo ">>>>>" echo ">>>>> Test.." echo ">>>>>" cd test python3 test_all.py ${TOOLSET} cd ..