# Use, modification, and distribution are # subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # # Copyright Rene Ferdinand Rivera Morell 2015-2021. trigger: branches: include: - main - release - feature/* paths: exclude: - .circleci/* - .cirrus.yml - .drone.star - .github/workflows/* - .semaphore/* - .travis.yml - appveyor.yml pr: branches: include: - main paths: exclude: - appveyor.yml variables: - { name: linux_latest_vm, value: 'ubuntu-20.04' } - { name: linux_latest_os, value: 'focal' } - { name: windows_latest_vm, value: 'windows-2019' } - { name: clang_latest, value: '13' } - { name: gcc_latest, value: '11' } - { name: vc_latest, value: 'vc142' } - { name: vs_latest, value: '2019' } - { name: xc_latest, value: '12.5.1' } - { name: macos_latest_vm, value: 'macOS-11' } stages: - stage: Core jobs: - job: 'Linux_Default_Build' strategy: matrix: Clang ${{variables.clang_latest}}: {TOOLSET: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", PACKAGES: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", LLVM_OS: "${{variables.linux_latest_os}}", LLVM_VER: "${{variables.clang_latest}}", VM_IMAGE: "${{variables.linux_latest_vm}}"} pool: vmImage: $(VM_IMAGE) steps: - bash: | set -e uname -a ./.ci/linux-cxx-install.sh displayName: Install - bash: | set -e ./src/engine/build.sh --verbose displayName: Build - job: 'Linux_Clang_Only_Build' strategy: matrix: Clang ${{variables.clang_latest}}: {TOOLSET: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", PACKAGES: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", LLVM_OS: "${{variables.linux_latest_os}}", LLVM_VER: "${{variables.clang_latest}}", VM_IMAGE: "${{variables.linux_latest_vm}}"} pool: vmImage: $(VM_IMAGE) steps: - bash: | set -e uname -a ./.ci/linux-cxx-install.sh sudo apt remove gcc g++ displayName: Install - bash: | set -e ./src/engine/build.sh --verbose displayName: Build - job: 'Linux_Latest' strategy: matrix: GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {TOOLSET: "gcc-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", VM_IMAGE: "${{variables.linux_latest_vm}}"} Clang ${{variables.clang_latest}}: {TOOLSET: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", PACKAGES: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", LLVM_OS: "${{variables.linux_latest_os}}", LLVM_VER: 13, VM_IMAGE: "${{variables.linux_latest_vm}}"} pool: vmImage: $(VM_IMAGE) steps: - template: .ci/azp-linux-test.yml - job: 'Windows_Latest' strategy: matrix: VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}", TEST_TOOLSET: msvc, VM_IMAGE: "${{variables.windows_latest_vm}}"} pool: vmImage: $(VM_IMAGE) steps: - template: .ci/azp-windows-test.yml - job: 'macOS' strategy: matrix: Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app", VM_IMAGE: "${{variables.macos_latest_vm}}"} pool: vmImage: $(VM_IMAGE) steps: - template: .ci/azp-macos-test.yml - job: 'Linux_ASAN' strategy: matrix: Clang ${{variables.clang_latest}}: {TOOLSET: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", PACKAGES: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", LLVM_OS: "${{variables.linux_latest_os}}", LLVM_VER: 13, VM_IMAGE: "${{variables.linux_latest_vm}}"} pool: vmImage: $(VM_IMAGE) continueOnError: 'true' steps: - template: .ci/azp-linux-asan-test.yml - stage: Compilers dependsOn: [Core] jobs: - job: 'Linux' strategy: matrix: GCC 10: {TOOLSET: gcc-10, PACKAGES: g++-10, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-20.04'} GCC 9: {TOOLSET: gcc-9, PACKAGES: g++-9, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} GCC 8: {TOOLSET: gcc-8, PACKAGES: g++-8, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} GCC 7: {TOOLSET: gcc-7, PACKAGES: g++-7, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} GCC 6: {TOOLSET: gcc-6, PACKAGES: g++-6, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} GCC 5: {TOOLSET: gcc-5, PACKAGES: g++-5, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} Clang 12: {TOOLSET: clang-12, PACKAGES: clang-12, LLVM_OS: focal, LLVM_VER: 12, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-20.04'} Clang 11: {TOOLSET: clang-11, PACKAGES: clang-11, LLVM_OS: focal, LLVM_VER: 11, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-20.04'} Clang 10: {TOOLSET: clang-10, PACKAGES: clang-10, LLVM_OS: bionic, LLVM_VER: 10, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} Clang 9: {TOOLSET: clang-9, PACKAGES: clang-9, LLVM_OS: bionic, LLVM_VER: 9, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} Clang 8: {TOOLSET: clang-8, PACKAGES: clang-8, LLVM_OS: bionic, LLVM_VER: 8, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} Clang 7: {TOOLSET: clang-7, PACKAGES: clang-7, LLVM_OS: bionic, LLVM_VER: 7, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} Clang 6: {TOOLSET: clang-6.0, PACKAGES: clang-6.0, LLVM_OS: bionic, LLVM_VER: 6.0, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} Clang 5: {TOOLSET: clang-5.0, PACKAGES: clang-5.0, LLVM_OS: bionic, LLVM_VER: 5.0, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} Clang 4: {TOOLSET: clang-4.0, PACKAGES: clang-4.0, LLVM_OS: xenial, LLVM_VER: 4.0, VM_IMAGE: 'ubuntu-18.04'} pool: vmImage: $(VM_IMAGE) steps: - template: .ci/azp-linux-test.yml - job: 'Windows' strategy: matrix: VS 2022: {TOOLSET: vc143, TEST_TOOLSET: msvc, VM_IMAGE: 'windows-2022'} VS 2017: {TOOLSET: vc141, TEST_TOOLSET: msvc, VM_IMAGE: 'vs2017-win2016'} MinGW 8.1.0: {TOOLSET: mingw, TEST_TOOLSET: gcc, VM_IMAGE: 'vs2017-win2016'} pool: vmImage: $(VM_IMAGE) steps: - template: .ci/azp-windows-test.yml - job: 'macOS' strategy: matrix: Xcode 13.0: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_13.0.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-11'} Xcode 12.4: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_12.4.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-11'} Xcode 12.3: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_12.3.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 12.2: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_12.2.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 12.1.1: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_12.1.1.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 12.0.1: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_12.0.1.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 11.7: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_11.7.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 11.6: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_11.6.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 11.5: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_11.5.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 11.4.1: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_11.4.1.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 11.3.1: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_11.3.1.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 11.3: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_11.3.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 11.2.1: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_11.2.1.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.15'} Xcode 10.2.1: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_10.2.1.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.14'} Xcode 10.2: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_10.2.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.14'} Xcode 10.1: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_10.1.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.14'} Xcode 10.0: {TOOLSET: clang, TEST_TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: /Applications/Xcode_10.app, VM_IMAGE: 'macOS-10.14'} pool: vmImage: $(VM_IMAGE) steps: - template: .ci/azp-macos-test.yml - stage: Boost_Dev dependsOn: [Core] jobs: - job: 'Dev_Linux' displayName: 'Dev Linux' pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' strategy: matrix: Master .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_BRANCH: master, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} Master .. Clang ${{variables.clang_latest}}: {BOOST_BRANCH: master, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: "clang++-${{variables.clang_latest}}", PACKAGES: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", LLVM_OS: "${{variables.linux_latest_os}}", LLVM_VER: "${{variables.clang_latest}}"} Develop .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_BRANCH: develop, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} Develop .. Clang ${{variables.clang_latest}}: {BOOST_BRANCH: develop, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: "clang++-${{variables.clang_latest}}", PACKAGES: "clang-${{variables.clang_latest}}", LLVM_OS: "${{variables.linux_latest_os}}", LLVM_VER: "${{variables.clang_latest}}"} steps: - bash: | set -e uname -a ./.ci/linux-cxx-install.sh displayName: Install - bash: | set -e cd src/engine ./build.sh ${TOOLSET} --cxx=${CXX} ./b2 -v displayName: Build - bash: | set -e pushd ${HOME} git clone --recursive https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git cd boost git checkout ${BOOST_BRANCH} CXX_PATH=`which ${CXX}` echo "using ${TOOLSET} : : ${CXX_PATH} ;" > ${HOME}/user-config.jam "${BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src/engine/b2" "--boost-build=${BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src" --debug-configuration --build-type=complete --layout=versioned -n -d1 toolset=${TOOLSET} install popd displayName: Test - job: 'Dev_macOS' displayName: 'Dev macOS' pool: vmImage: "${{variables.macos_latest_vm}}" strategy: matrix: Master .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_BRANCH: master, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} Develop .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_BRANCH: develop, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} steps: - bash: | set -e uname -a sudo xcode-select -switch ${XCODE_APP} which clang++ displayName: Install - bash: | set -e cd src/engine ./build.sh ${TOOLSET} --cxx=${CXX} ./b2 -v displayName: Build - bash: | set -e pushd ${HOME} git clone --recursive https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git cd boost git checkout ${BOOST_BRANCH} CXX_PATH=`which ${CXX}` echo "using ${TOOLSET} : : ${CXX_PATH} ;" > ${HOME}/user-config.jam "${BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src/engine/b2" "--boost-build=${BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src" --debug-configuration --build-type=complete --layout=versioned -n -d1 toolset=${TOOLSET} install popd displayName: Test - job: 'Dev_Windows' displayName: 'Dev Windows' pool: vmImage: "${{variables.windows_latest_vm}}" strategy: matrix: Master .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_BRANCH: master, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} Develop .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_BRANCH: develop, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} steps: - powershell: | cd src/engine $env:path += ';' + ${env:CXX_PATH} cmd /c build.bat ${env:TOOLSET} ./b2.exe -v cd ../.. displayName: Build - powershell: | $env:HOME = "$env:HOMEDRIVE" + "$env:HOMEPATH" cd "${env:HOME}" git clone --recursive https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git cd boost $OriginalErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue' git checkout "${env:BOOST_BRANCH}" $ErrorActionPreference = $OriginalErrorActionPreference echo "using" "msvc" ";" > "${env:HOME}/user-config.jam" & "${env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}\src\engine\b2.exe" "--boost-build=${env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src" --debug-configuration --build-type=complete --layout=versioned -n -d1 toolset=msvc install displayName: Test - stage: Boost_Release dependsOn: [Boost_Dev] jobs: - job: 'Release_Linux' displayName: 'Release Linux' pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' strategy: matrix: 1.77.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.77.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_77_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.76.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.76.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_76_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.75.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.75.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_75_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.74.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.74.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_74_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.73.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.73.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_73_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.72.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.72.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_72_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.71.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.71.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_71_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.70.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.70.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_70_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.69.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.69.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_69_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.68.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.68.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_68_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.67.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.67.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_67_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} 1.66.0 .. GCC ${{variables.gcc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.66.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_66_0, TOOLSET: gcc, CXX: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}", PACKAGES: "g++-${{variables.gcc_latest}}"} steps: - bash: | set -e uname -a ./.ci/linux-cxx-install.sh displayName: Install - bash: | set -e cd src/engine ./build.sh ${TOOLSET} --cxx=${CXX} ./b2 -v displayName: Build - bash: | set -e pushd ${HOME} git clone -b boost-${BOOST_VERSION} --single-branch --recurse-submodules https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git boost_${BOOST_VERSION_U} cd boost_${BOOST_VERSION_U} CXX_PATH=`which ${CXX}` echo "using ${TOOLSET} : : ${CXX_PATH} ;" > ${HOME}/user-config.jam "${BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src/engine/b2" "--boost-build=${BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src" --debug-configuration --build-type=complete --layout=versioned -n -d1 toolset=${TOOLSET} install popd displayName: Test - job: 'Release_macOS' displayName: 'Release macOS' pool: vmImage: "${{variables.macos_latest_vm}}" strategy: matrix: 1.77.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.77.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_77_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.76.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.76.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_76_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.75.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.75.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_75_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.74.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.74.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_74_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.73.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.73.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_73_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.72.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.72.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_72_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.71.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.71.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_71_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.70.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.70.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_70_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.69.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.69.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_69_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.68.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.68.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_68_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.67.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.67.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_67_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} 1.66.0 .. Xcode ${{variables.xc_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.66.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_66_0, TOOLSET: clang, CXX: clang++, XCODE_APP: "/Applications/Xcode_${{variables.xc_latest}}.app"} steps: - bash: | set -e uname -a sudo xcode-select -switch ${XCODE_APP} which clang++ displayName: Install - bash: | set -e cd src/engine ./build.sh ${TOOLSET} --cxx=${CXX} ./b2 -v displayName: Build - bash: | set -e pushd ${HOME} git clone -b boost-${BOOST_VERSION} --single-branch --recurse-submodules https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git boost_${BOOST_VERSION_U} cd boost_${BOOST_VERSION_U} CXX_PATH=`which ${CXX}` echo "using ${TOOLSET} : : ${CXX_PATH} ;" > ${HOME}/user-config.jam "${BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src/engine/b2" "--boost-build=${BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src" --debug-configuration --build-type=complete --layout=versioned -n -d1 toolset=${TOOLSET} install popd displayName: Test - job: 'Release_Windows' displayName: 'Release Windows' pool: vmImage: "${{variables.windows_latest_vm}}" strategy: matrix: 1.77.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.77.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_77_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.76.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.76.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_76_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.75.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.75.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_75_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.74.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.74.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_74_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.73.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.73.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_73_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.72.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.72.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_72_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.71.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.71.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_71_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.70.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.70.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_70_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.69.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.69.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_69_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.68.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.68.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_68_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.67.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.67.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_67_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} 1.66.0 .. VS ${{variables.vs_latest}}: {BOOST_VERSION: 1.66.0, BOOST_VERSION_U: 1_66_0, TOOLSET: "${{variables.vc_latest}}"} steps: - powershell: | cd src/engine $env:path += ';' + ${env:CXX_PATH} cmd /c build.bat ${env:TOOLSET} ./b2.exe -v cd ../.. displayName: Build - powershell: | $env:HOME = "$env:HOMEDRIVE" + "$env:HOMEPATH" cd "${env:HOME}" git clone -b boost-${env:BOOST_VERSION} --single-branch --recurse-submodules https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git boost_${env:BOOST_VERSION_U} cd "boost_${env:BOOST_VERSION_U}" echo "using" "msvc" ";" > "${env:HOME}/user-config.jam" & "${env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}\src\engine\b2.exe" "--boost-build=${env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY}/src" --debug-configuration --build-type=complete --layout=versioned -n -d1 toolset=msvc install displayName: Test - stage: Website_Update dependsOn: [Core] displayName: 'Website Update' condition: in(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main', 'refs/heads/release') jobs: - job: Documentation pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' steps: - task: UsePythonVersion@0 inputs: versionSpec: '3.x' - task: UseRubyVersion@0 - bash: | pip install --user Pygments pip install --user "https://github.com/bfgroup/jam_pygments/archive/master.zip" gem install asciidoctor gem install pygments.rb echo "using asciidoctor ;" >> project-config.jam ./bootstrap.sh pushd doc ../b2 --website-doc-dir=manual/$(Build.SourceBranchName) website displayName: 'Build & Publish' env: GH_TOKEN: $(GitHubToken)