# vcpkg_build_msbuild The latest version of this document lives in the [vcpkg repo](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/docs/maintainers/vcpkg_build_msbuild.md). Build a msbuild-based project. Deprecated in favor of `vcpkg_install_msbuild()`. ## Usage ```cmake vcpkg_build_msbuild( PROJECT_PATH <${SOURCE_PATH}/port.sln> [RELEASE_CONFIGURATION ] [DEBUG_CONFIGURATION ] [TARGET ] [TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION <10.0.15063.0>] [PLATFORM <${TRIPLET_SYSTEM_ARCH}>] [PLATFORM_TOOLSET <${VCPKG_PLATFORM_TOOLSET}>] [OPTIONS ...] [OPTIONS_RELEASE ...] [OPTIONS_DEBUG ...] [USE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION] ) ``` ## Parameters ### USE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION Apply the normal `integrate install` integration for building the project. By default, projects built with this command will not automatically link libraries or have header paths set. ### PROJECT_PATH The path to the solution (`.sln`) or project (`.vcxproj`) file. ### RELEASE_CONFIGURATION The configuration (``/p:Configuration`` msbuild parameter) used for Release builds. ### DEBUG_CONFIGURATION The configuration (``/p:Configuration`` msbuild parameter) used for Debug builds. ### TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION The WindowsTargetPlatformVersion (``/p:WindowsTargetPlatformVersion`` msbuild parameter) ### TARGET The MSBuild target to build. (``/t:``) ### PLATFORM The platform (``/p:Platform`` msbuild parameter) used for the build. ### PLATFORM_TOOLSET The platform toolset (``/p:PlatformToolset`` msbuild parameter) used for the build. ### OPTIONS Additional options passed to msbuild for all builds. ### OPTIONS_RELEASE Additional options passed to msbuild for Release builds. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ### OPTIONS_DEBUG Additional options passed to msbuild for Debug builds. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ## Examples * [chakracore](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/chakracore/portfile.cmake) ## Source [scripts/cmake/vcpkg\_build\_msbuild.cmake](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/scripts/cmake/vcpkg_build_msbuild.cmake)