# This is the CMakeCache file. # For build in directory: d:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-timer/x64-windows-dbg # It was generated by CMake: C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe # You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake. # If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor. # If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor. # The syntax for the file is as follows: # KEY:TYPE=VALUE # KEY is the name of a variable in the cache. # TYPE is a hint to GUIs for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!. # VALUE is the current value for the KEY. ######################## # EXTERNAL cache entries ######################## //No help, variable specified on the command line. B2_EXE:UNINITIALIZED=D:/a/1/s/build/vcpkg_installed/x64-windows/tools/boost-build/b2.exe //No help, variable specified on the command line. BOOST_BUILD_PATH:UNINITIALIZED=D:/a/1/s/build/vcpkg_installed/x64-windows/tools/boost-build //No help, variable specified on the command line. BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:UNINITIALIZED=ON //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:UNINITIALIZED=Debug CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING:STRING=OFF CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=' /nologo /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /utf-8 /GR /EHsc /MP ' CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING='/D_DEBUG /MDd /Z7 /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 ' CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING='/MD /O2 /Oi /Gy /DNDEBUG /Z7 ' CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=' /nologo /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /utf-8 /MP ' CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING='/D_DEBUG /MDd /Z7 /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 ' CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING='/MD /O2 /Oi /Gy /DNDEBUG /Z7 ' //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKE_ERROR_ON_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION:UNINITIALIZED=ON CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING='/nologo /DEBUG /INCREMENTAL:NO /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF ' //Enable/Disable output of compile commands during generation. CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL= //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKE_EXPORT_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY:UNINITIALIZED=ON //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY:UNINITIALIZED=ON //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY:UNINITIALIZED=ON //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR:STRING=bin //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR:STRING=lib //Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=D:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg/packages/boost-timer_x64-windows/debug //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS_SKIP:UNINITIALIZED=TRUE //make program CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM:FILEPATH=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Enterprise/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/Ninja/ninja.exe CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY:STRING=MultiThreaded$<$<CONFIG:Debug>:Debug>$<$<STREQUAL:dynamic,dynamic>:DLL> //Value Computed by CMake CMAKE_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION:STATIC= //Value Computed by CMake CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL:STATIC= //Value Computed by CMake CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME:STATIC=boost CMAKE_RC_FLAGS:STRING=-c65001 /DWIN32 CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING='/nologo /DEBUG /INCREMENTAL:NO /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF ' //If set, runtime paths are not added when installing shared libraries, // but are added when building. CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH:BOOL=NO //If set, runtime paths are not added when using shared libraries. CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL=NO CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME:STRING=Windows CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR:STRING=AMD64 CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION:STRING=10.0.17763 //The CMake toolchain file CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=D:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake //If this value is on, makefiles will be generated without the // .SILENT directive, and all commands will be echoed to the console // during the make. This is useful for debugging only. With Visual // Studio IDE projects all commands are done without /nologo. CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON //No help, variable specified on the command line. CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR:UNINITIALIZED=D:/a/1/s/build/vcpkg_installed/x64-windows //No help, variable specified on the command line. FEATURES:UNINITIALIZED=core //No help, variable specified on the command line. PORT:UNINITIALIZED=boost-timer //No help, variable specified on the command line. SOURCE_PATH:UNINITIALIZED=D:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-timer/src/ost-1.79.0-bd2228d599.clean //Automatically copy dependencies into the output directory for // executables. VCPKG_APPLOCAL_DEPS:BOOL=OFF //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:UNINITIALIZED=D:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg/scripts/toolchains/windows.cmake //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_CMAKE_VARS_FILE:UNINITIALIZED=D:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-timer/cmake-get-vars-x64-windows.cmake.log //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_CRT_LINKAGE:UNINITIALIZED=dynamic //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_CXX_FLAGS:UNINITIALIZED= //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:UNINITIALIZED= //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE:UNINITIALIZED= //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_C_FLAGS:UNINITIALIZED= //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_C_FLAGS_DEBUG:UNINITIALIZED= //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_C_FLAGS_RELEASE:UNINITIALIZED= //The directory which contains the installed libraries for each // triplet VCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR:PATH=D:/a/1/s/build/vcpkg_installed //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_LINKER_FLAGS:UNINITIALIZED= //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG:UNINITIALIZED= //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE:UNINITIALIZED= //The path to the vcpkg manifest directory. VCPKG_MANIFEST_DIR:PATH= //Use manifest mode, as opposed to classic mode. VCPKG_MANIFEST_MODE:BOOL=OFF //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_PLATFORM_TOOLSET:UNINITIALIZED=v142 //Appends the vcpkg paths to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH // and CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH so that vcpkg libraries/packages are // found after toolchain/system libraries/packages. VCPKG_PREFER_SYSTEM_LIBS:BOOL=OFF //Enable the setup of CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH to vcpkg paths VCPKG_SETUP_CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH:BOOL=ON //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_SET_CHARSET_FLAG:UNINITIALIZED=ON //No help, variable specified on the command line. VCPKG_TARGET_ARCHITECTURE:UNINITIALIZED=x64 //Vcpkg target triplet (ex. x86-windows) VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET:STRING=x64-windows //Enables messages from the VCPKG toolchain for debugging purposes. VCPKG_VERBOSE:BOOL=OFF //No help, variable specified on the command line. WITH_PYTHON2:UNINITIALIZED=OFF //No help, variable specified on the command line. WITH_PYTHON3:UNINITIALIZED=OFF //(experimental) Automatically copy dependencies into the install // target directory for executables. Requires CMake 3.14. X_VCPKG_APPLOCAL_DEPS_INSTALL:BOOL=OFF //(experimental) Add USES_TERMINAL to VCPKG_APPLOCAL_DEPS to force // serialization. X_VCPKG_APPLOCAL_DEPS_SERIALIZED:BOOL=OFF //The directory which contains the installed libraries for each // triplet _VCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR:PATH=D:/a/1/s/build/vcpkg_installed //No help, variable specified on the command line. _VCPKG_ROOT_DIR:UNINITIALIZED=D:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg //Value Computed by CMake boost_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=D:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-timer/x64-windows-dbg //Value Computed by CMake boost_IS_TOP_LEVEL:STATIC=ON //Value Computed by CMake boost_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=D:/a/1/s/build/vcpkg_installed/x64-windows/share/boost-build ######################## # INTERNAL cache entries ######################## //This is the directory where this CMakeCache.txt was created CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR:INTERNAL=d:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-timer/x64-windows-dbg //Major version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION:INTERNAL=3 //Minor version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION:INTERNAL=23 //Patch version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache CMAKE_CACHE_PATCH_VERSION:INTERNAL=2 //Path to CMake executable. CMAKE_COMMAND:INTERNAL=C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe //Path to cpack program executable. CMAKE_CPACK_COMMAND:INTERNAL=C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cpack.exe //Path to ctest program executable. CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND:INTERNAL=C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/ctest.exe //Path to cache edit program executable. CMAKE_EDIT_COMMAND:INTERNAL=C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake-gui.exe //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //Name of external makefile project generator. CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR:INTERNAL= //Name of generator. CMAKE_GENERATOR:INTERNAL=Ninja //Generator instance identifier. CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE:INTERNAL= //Name of generator platform. CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM:INTERNAL= //Name of generator toolset. CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET:INTERNAL= //Source directory with the top level CMakeLists.txt file for this // project CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY:INTERNAL=D:/a/1/s/build/vcpkg_installed/x64-windows/share/boost-build //number of local generators CMAKE_NUMBER_OF_MAKEFILES:INTERNAL=1 //Platform information initialized CMAKE_PLATFORM_INFO_INITIALIZED:INTERNAL=1 //Path to CMake installation. CMAKE_ROOT:INTERNAL=C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.23 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //Install the dependencies listed in your manifest: //\n If this is off, you will have to manually install your dependencies. //\n See https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/docs/specifications/manifests.md // for more info. //\n VCPKG_MANIFEST_INSTALL:INTERNAL=OFF //ADVANCED property for variable: VCPKG_VERBOSE VCPKG_VERBOSE-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //Making sure VCPKG_MANIFEST_MODE doesn't change Z_VCPKG_CHECK_MANIFEST_MODE:INTERNAL=OFF //Vcpkg root directory Z_VCPKG_ROOT_DIR:INTERNAL=D:/a/1/s/externals/vcpkg