#include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include <cstring> #include <memory> #include "jwt/string_view.hpp" using string_view = jwt::basic_string_view<char>; void basic_cons() { // Default construction string_view sv{}; assert (sv.length() == 0 && "Size must be zero for default constructor"); // Construction from string literal string_view sv2{"Arun Muralidharan"}; assert (sv2.length() == strlen("Arun Muralidharan") && "Lengths must match"); const char* haystack = "some really big data with infinite objects...."; // Construct using part of data string_view sv3{haystack, 4}; assert (sv3.length() == 4 && "Partial construction is not ok"); assert (sv3.to_string() == "some" && "Partial strings are not equal"); return; } void iterator_test() { string_view sv{"Arun Muralidharan"}; for (auto c : sv) std::cout << c; std::cout << std::endl; return; } void str_operations() { string_view sv{"Arun Muralidharan"}; string_view tmp = sv; sv.remove_prefix(5); assert (sv.to_string() == "Muralidharan" && "Remove prefix failed"); sv = tmp; sv.remove_suffix(strlen("Muralidharan")); assert (sv.to_string() == "Arun " && "Remove suffix failed"); sv=tmp; { std::unique_ptr<char[]> dst{new char[32]}; sv.copy(dst.get(), 6, 0); dst[6] = '\0'; assert (strlen(dst.get()) == 6 && "Copy Failed-1"); assert (std::string{dst.get()} == "Arun M" && "Copy Failed-2"); sv.copy(dst.get(), 8, 4); dst[8] = '\0'; assert (strlen(dst.get()) == 8 && "Middle copy failed-1"); assert (std::string{dst.get()} == " Muralid" && "Middle copy failed-2"); } { auto ss1 = sv.substr(0, 4); assert (ss1.to_string() == "Arun" && "Substr failed - 1"); auto ss2 = sv.substr(1, 3); assert (ss2.to_string() == "run" && "Substr failed - 2"); auto ss3 = sv.substr(0); assert (ss3.length() == sv.length() && "Substr failed - 3"); } return; } void find_oper() { string_view sv{"Arun Muralidharan"}; auto pos = sv.find("Arun", 0, 4); assert (pos == 0 && "Arun not found in sv"); pos = sv.find("arun", 0, 4); assert (pos == string_view::npos && "arun is not there in sv"); sv = "This has a, in it."; pos = sv.find_first_of(",", 0, 1); assert (pos != string_view::npos); assert (pos == 10 && "Comma not found at correct place"); pos = sv.find_first_of(",", 10, 1); assert (pos != string_view::npos); assert (pos == 10 && "Comma not found at correct place"); pos = sv.find_first_of(":", 10, 1); assert (pos == string_view::npos); pos = sv.find_last_of(",", 5, 1); assert (pos == string_view::npos); pos = sv.find_last_of(",", sv.length() - 1, 1); assert (pos != string_view::npos); assert (pos == 10 && "Comma not found at correct place"); pos = sv.find_first_of(".", 0, 1); assert (pos == sv.length() - 1 && "Dot not found at correct place"); pos = sv.find_last_of(".", sv.length() - 2, 1); assert (pos == string_view::npos); pos = sv.find_last_of(".", sv.length() - 1, 1); assert (pos == sv.length() - 1); sv = "Some string :<> with some ??? pattern --**"; pos = sv.rfind("???", sv.length() - 1, 3); assert (pos != string_view::npos && "??? not found"); assert (pos == 26 && "??? not found at the correct place"); sv = "ATCGTTCACGRRRTCGGGGACGTC"; pos = sv.find_first_not_of("ATCG"); assert (pos != string_view::npos); assert (pos == 10); return; } void conversions() { auto c2sv = [](int num) -> string_view { switch (num) { case 1: return "one"; case 2: return "two"; case 3: return "three"; default: return "many"; }; }; auto res = c2sv(2); assert (res.to_string() == "two"); auto s2sv = [](std::string s) { return s; }; s2sv(static_cast<std::string>(res)); } void comparisons() { string_view s1{"Apple"}; string_view s2{"Orange"}; assert (s1 != s2 && "Two string views are not equal"); assert (s2 > s1 && "Orange is lexicographically bigger than Apple"); s2 = "Apples"; assert (s2 > s1 && "Because Apples is plural"); } int main() { basic_cons(); iterator_test(); str_operations(); find_oper(); conversions(); comparisons(); return 0; };