//Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Emil Dotchevski and Reverge Studios, Inc. //Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying //file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_EXCEPTION_274DA366004E11DCB1DDFE2E56D89593 #define BOOST_EXCEPTION_274DA366004E11DCB1DDFE2E56D89593 #include <boost/assert/source_location.hpp> #include <boost/config.hpp> #include <exception> #ifdef BOOST_EXCEPTION_MINI_BOOST #include <memory> namespace boost { namespace exception_detail { using std::shared_ptr; } } #else namespace boost { template <class T> class shared_ptr; } namespace boost { namespace exception_detail { using boost::shared_ptr; } } #endif #if !defined(BOOST_EXCEPTION_ENABLE_WARNINGS) #if __GNUC__*100+__GNUC_MINOR__>301 #pragma GCC system_header #endif #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang system_header #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push,1) #pragma warning(disable: 4265) #endif #endif namespace boost { namespace exception_detail { template <class T> class refcount_ptr { public: refcount_ptr(): px_(0) { } ~refcount_ptr() { release(); } refcount_ptr( refcount_ptr const & x ): px_(x.px_) { add_ref(); } refcount_ptr & operator=( refcount_ptr const & x ) { adopt(x.px_); return *this; } void adopt( T * px ) { release(); px_=px; add_ref(); } T * get() const { return px_; } private: T * px_; void add_ref() { if( px_ ) px_->add_ref(); } void release() { if( px_ && px_->release() ) px_=0; } }; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <class Tag,class T> class error_info; typedef error_info<struct throw_function_,char const *> throw_function; typedef error_info<struct throw_file_,char const *> throw_file; typedef error_info<struct throw_line_,int> throw_line; typedef error_info<struct throw_column_,int> throw_column; template <> class error_info<throw_function_,char const *> { public: typedef char const * value_type; value_type v_; explicit error_info( value_type v ): v_(v) { } }; template <> class error_info<throw_file_,char const *> { public: typedef char const * value_type; value_type v_; explicit error_info( value_type v ): v_(v) { } }; template <> class error_info<throw_line_,int> { public: typedef int value_type; value_type v_; explicit error_info( value_type v ): v_(v) { } }; template <> class error_info<throw_column_,int> { public: typedef int value_type; value_type v_; explicit error_info( value_type v ): v_(v) { } }; class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE exception; namespace exception_detail { class error_info_base; struct type_info_; struct error_info_container { virtual char const * diagnostic_information( char const * ) const = 0; virtual shared_ptr<error_info_base> get( type_info_ const & ) const = 0; virtual void set( shared_ptr<error_info_base> const &, type_info_ const & ) = 0; virtual void add_ref() const = 0; virtual bool release() const = 0; virtual refcount_ptr<exception_detail::error_info_container> clone() const = 0; protected: ~error_info_container() BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW { } }; template <class> struct get_info; template <> struct get_info<throw_function>; template <> struct get_info<throw_file>; template <> struct get_info<throw_line>; template <> struct get_info<throw_column>; template <class> struct set_info_rv; template <> struct set_info_rv<throw_function>; template <> struct set_info_rv<throw_file>; template <> struct set_info_rv<throw_line>; template <> struct set_info_rv<throw_column>; char const * get_diagnostic_information( exception const &, char const * ); void copy_boost_exception( exception *, exception const * ); template <class E,class Tag,class T> E const & set_info( E const &, error_info<Tag,T> const & ); template <class E> E const & set_info( E const &, throw_function const & ); template <class E> E const & set_info( E const &, throw_file const & ); template <class E> E const & set_info( E const &, throw_line const & ); template <class E> E const & set_info( E const &, throw_column const & ); boost::source_location get_exception_throw_location( exception const & ); } class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE exception { //<N3757> public: template <class Tag> void set( typename Tag::type const & ); template <class Tag> typename Tag::type const * get() const; //</N3757> protected: exception(): throw_function_(0), throw_file_(0), throw_line_(-1), throw_column_(-1) { } #ifdef __HP_aCC //On HP aCC, this protected copy constructor prevents throwing boost::exception. //On all other platforms, the same effect is achieved by the pure virtual destructor. exception( exception const & x ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW: data_(x.data_), throw_function_(x.throw_function_), throw_file_(x.throw_file_), throw_line_(x.throw_line_), throw_column_(x.throw_column_) { } #endif virtual ~exception() BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW #ifndef __HP_aCC = 0 //Workaround for HP aCC, =0 incorrectly leads to link errors. #endif ; #if (defined(__MWERKS__) && __MWERKS__<=0x3207) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER<=1310) public: #else private: template <class E> friend E const & exception_detail::set_info( E const &, throw_function const & ); template <class E> friend E const & exception_detail::set_info( E const &, throw_file const & ); template <class E> friend E const & exception_detail::set_info( E const &, throw_line const & ); template <class E> friend E const & exception_detail::set_info( E const &, throw_column const & ); template <class E,class Tag,class T> friend E const & exception_detail::set_info( E const &, error_info<Tag,T> const & ); friend char const * exception_detail::get_diagnostic_information( exception const &, char const * ); friend boost::source_location exception_detail::get_exception_throw_location( exception const & ); template <class> friend struct exception_detail::get_info; friend struct exception_detail::get_info<throw_function>; friend struct exception_detail::get_info<throw_file>; friend struct exception_detail::get_info<throw_line>; friend struct exception_detail::get_info<throw_column>; template <class> friend struct exception_detail::set_info_rv; friend struct exception_detail::set_info_rv<throw_function>; friend struct exception_detail::set_info_rv<throw_file>; friend struct exception_detail::set_info_rv<throw_line>; friend struct exception_detail::set_info_rv<throw_column>; friend void exception_detail::copy_boost_exception( exception *, exception const * ); #endif mutable exception_detail::refcount_ptr<exception_detail::error_info_container> data_; mutable char const * throw_function_; mutable char const * throw_file_; mutable int throw_line_; mutable int throw_column_; }; inline exception:: ~exception() BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW { } namespace exception_detail { template <class E> E const & set_info( E const & x, throw_function const & y ) { x.throw_function_=y.v_; return x; } template <class E> E const & set_info( E const & x, throw_file const & y ) { x.throw_file_=y.v_; return x; } template <class E> E const & set_info( E const & x, throw_line const & y ) { x.throw_line_=y.v_; return x; } template <class E> E const & set_info( E const & x, throw_column const & y ) { x.throw_column_=y.v_; return x; } #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES template <> struct set_info_rv<throw_column> { template <class E> static E const & set( E const & x, throw_column && y ) { x.throw_column_=y.v_; return x; } }; #endif inline boost::source_location get_exception_throw_location( exception const & x ) { return boost::source_location( x.throw_file_? x.throw_file_: "", x.throw_line_ >= 0? x.throw_line_: 0, x.throw_function_? x.throw_function_: "", x.throw_column_ >= 0? x.throw_column_: 0 ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace exception_detail { template <class T> struct BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE error_info_injector: public T, public exception { explicit error_info_injector( T const & x ): T(x) { } ~error_info_injector() BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW { } }; struct large_size { char c[256]; }; large_size dispatch_boost_exception( exception const * ); struct small_size { }; small_size dispatch_boost_exception( void const * ); template <class,int> struct enable_error_info_helper; template <class T> struct enable_error_info_helper<T,sizeof(large_size)> { typedef T type; }; template <class T> struct enable_error_info_helper<T,sizeof(small_size)> { typedef error_info_injector<T> type; }; template <class T> struct enable_error_info_return_type { typedef typename enable_error_info_helper<T,sizeof(exception_detail::dispatch_boost_exception(static_cast<T *>(0)))>::type type; }; } template <class T> inline typename exception_detail::enable_error_info_return_type<T>::type enable_error_info( T const & x ) { typedef typename exception_detail::enable_error_info_return_type<T>::type rt; return rt(x); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS) BOOST_NORETURN void throw_exception(std::exception const & e); // user defined #endif namespace exception_detail { class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE clone_base { public: virtual clone_base const * clone() const = 0; virtual void rethrow() const = 0; virtual ~clone_base() BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW { } }; inline void copy_boost_exception( exception * a, exception const * b ) { refcount_ptr<error_info_container> data; if( error_info_container * d=b->data_.get() ) data = d->clone(); a->throw_file_ = b->throw_file_; a->throw_line_ = b->throw_line_; a->throw_function_ = b->throw_function_; a->throw_column_ = b->throw_column_; a->data_ = data; } inline void copy_boost_exception( void *, void const * ) { } template <class T> class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE clone_impl: public T, public virtual clone_base { struct clone_tag { }; clone_impl( clone_impl const & x, clone_tag ): T(x) { copy_boost_exception(this,&x); } public: explicit clone_impl( T const & x ): T(x) { copy_boost_exception(this,&x); } ~clone_impl() BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW { } private: clone_base const * clone() const { return new clone_impl(*this,clone_tag()); } void rethrow() const { #if defined(BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS) boost::throw_exception(*this); #else throw*this; #endif } }; } template <class T> inline exception_detail::clone_impl<T> enable_current_exception( T const & x ) { return exception_detail::clone_impl<T>(x); } } #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(BOOST_EXCEPTION_ENABLE_WARNINGS) #pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // #ifndef BOOST_EXCEPTION_274DA366004E11DCB1DDFE2E56D89593