# vcpkg_build_nmake The latest version of this document lives in the [vcpkg repo](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/docs/maintainers/vcpkg_build_nmake.md). Build a msvc makefile project. ## Usage: ```cmake vcpkg_build_nmake( SOURCE_PATH <${SOURCE_PATH}> [NO_DEBUG] [ENABLE_INSTALL] [TARGET <all>] [PROJECT_SUBPATH <${SUBPATH}>] [PROJECT_NAME <${MAKEFILE_NAME}>] [PRERUN_SHELL <${SHELL_PATH}>] [PRERUN_SHELL_DEBUG <${SHELL_PATH}>] [PRERUN_SHELL_RELEASE <${SHELL_PATH}>] [OPTIONS <-DUSE_THIS_IN_ALL_BUILDS=1>...] [OPTIONS_RELEASE <-DOPTIMIZE=1>...] [OPTIONS_DEBUG <-DDEBUGGABLE=1>...] [TARGET <target>]) ``` ## Parameters ### SOURCE_PATH Specifies the directory containing the source files. By convention, this is usually set in the portfile as the variable `SOURCE_PATH`. ### PROJECT_SUBPATH Specifies the sub directory containing the `makefile.vc`/`makefile.mak`/`makefile.msvc` or other msvc makefile. ### PROJECT_NAME Specifies the name of msvc makefile name. Default is `makefile.vc` ### ENABLE_INSTALL Install binaries after build. ### PRERUN_SHELL Script that needs to be called before build ### PRERUN_SHELL_DEBUG Script that needs to be called before debug build ### PRERUN_SHELL_RELEASE Script that needs to be called before release build ### OPTIONS Additional options passed to generate during the generation. ### OPTIONS_RELEASE Additional options passed to generate during the Release generation. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ### OPTIONS_DEBUG Additional options passed to generate during the Debug generation. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ### TARGET The target passed to the nmake build command (`nmake/nmake install`). If not specified, no target will be passed. ## Notes: You can use the alias [`vcpkg_install_nmake()`](vcpkg_install_nmake.md) function if your makefile supports the "install" target ## Examples * [tcl](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/tcl/portfile.cmake) * [freexl](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/freexl/portfile.cmake) ## Source [scripts/cmake/vcpkg\_build\_nmake.cmake](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/scripts/cmake/vcpkg_build_nmake.cmake)