2018-12-04 08:32:11 +04:00
package tdlib
//#cgo linux CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include
//#cgo darwin CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include
//#cgo windows CFLAGS: -IC:/src/td -IC:/src/td/build
//#cgo linux LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/lib -ltdjson_static -ltdjson_private -ltdclient -ltdcore -ltdactor -ltddb -ltdsqlite -ltdnet -ltdutils -lstdc++ -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lm
//#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -ltdjson_static -ltdjson_private -ltdclient -ltdcore -ltdactor -ltddb -ltdsqlite -ltdnet -ltdutils -lstdc++ -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lm
//#cgo windows LDFLAGS: -LC:/src/td/build/Debug -ltdjson
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <td/telegram/td_json_client.h>
//#include <td/telegram/td_log.h>
import "C"
import (
// UpdateData alias for use in UpdateMsg
type UpdateData map [ string ] interface { }
// UpdateMsg is used to unmarshal recieved json strings into
type UpdateMsg struct {
Data UpdateData
Raw [ ] byte
// EventFilterFunc used to filter out unwanted messages in receiver channels
type EventFilterFunc func ( msg * TdMessage ) bool
// EventReceiver used to retreive updates from tdlib to user
type EventReceiver struct {
Instance TdMessage
Chan chan TdMessage
FilterFunc EventFilterFunc
// Client is the Telegram TdLib client
type Client struct {
Client unsafe . Pointer
Config Config
rawUpdates chan UpdateMsg
receivers [ ] EventReceiver
waiters sync . Map
receiverLock * sync . Mutex
// Config holds tdlibParameters
type Config struct {
APIID string // Application identifier for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org --- must be non-empty..
APIHash string // Application identifier hash for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org --- must be non-empty..
SystemLanguageCode string // IETF language tag of the user's operating system language; must be non-empty.
DeviceModel string // Model of the device the application is being run on; must be non-empty.
SystemVersion string // Version of the operating system the application is being run on; must be non-empty.
ApplicationVersion string // Application version; must be non-empty.
// Optional fields
UseTestDataCenter bool // if set to true, the Telegram test environment will be used instead of the production environment.
DatabaseDirectory string // The path to the directory for the persistent database; if empty, the current working directory will be used.
FileDirectory string // The path to the directory for storing files; if empty, database_directory will be used.
UseFileDatabase bool // If set to true, information about downloaded and uploaded files will be saved between application restarts.
UseChatInfoDatabase bool // If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of users, basic groups, supergroups, channels and secret chats. Implies use_file_database.
UseMessageDatabase bool // If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of chats and messages. Implies use_chat_info_database.
UseSecretChats bool // If set to true, support for secret chats will be enabled.
EnableStorageOptimizer bool // If set to true, old files will automatically be deleted.
IgnoreFileNames bool // If set to true, original file names will be ignored. Otherwise, downloaded files will be saved under names as close as possible to the original name.
// NewClient Creates a new instance of TDLib.
// Has two public fields:
// Client itself and RawUpdates channel
func NewClient ( config Config ) * Client {
// Seed rand with time
rand . Seed ( time . Now ( ) . UnixNano ( ) )
client := Client { Client : C . td_json_client_create ( ) }
client . receivers = make ( [ ] EventReceiver , 0 , 1 )
client . receiverLock = & sync . Mutex { }
client . Config = config
go func ( ) {
for {
// get update
updateBytes := client . Receive ( 10 )
var updateData UpdateData
json . Unmarshal ( updateBytes , & updateData )
// does new update has @extra field?
if extra , hasExtra := updateData [ "@extra" ] . ( string ) ; hasExtra {
// trying to load update with this salt
if waiter , found := client . waiters . Load ( extra ) ; found {
// found? send it to waiter channel
waiter . ( chan UpdateMsg ) <- UpdateMsg { Data : updateData , Raw : updateBytes }
// trying to prevent memory leak
close ( waiter . ( chan UpdateMsg ) )
} else {
// does new updates has @type field?
if msgType , hasType := updateData [ "@type" ] ; hasType {
if client . rawUpdates != nil {
// if rawUpdates is initialized, send the update in rawUpdates channel
client . rawUpdates <- UpdateMsg { Data : updateData , Raw : updateBytes }
client . receiverLock . Lock ( )
for _ , receiver := range client . receivers {
if msgType == receiver . Instance . MessageType ( ) {
var newMsg TdMessage
newMsg = reflect . New ( reflect . ValueOf ( receiver . Instance ) . Elem ( ) . Type ( ) ) . Interface ( ) . ( TdMessage )
err := json . Unmarshal ( updateBytes , & newMsg )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "Error unmarhaling to type %v" , err )
if receiver . FilterFunc ( & newMsg ) {
receiver . Chan <- newMsg
client . receiverLock . Unlock ( )
} ( )
return & client
// GetRawUpdatesChannel creates a general channel that fetches every update comming from tdlib
func ( client * Client ) GetRawUpdatesChannel ( capacity int ) chan UpdateMsg {
client . rawUpdates = make ( chan UpdateMsg , capacity )
return client . rawUpdates
// AddEventReceiver adds a new receiver to be subscribed in receiver channels
func ( client * Client ) AddEventReceiver ( msgInstance TdMessage , filterFunc EventFilterFunc , channelCapacity int ) EventReceiver {
receiver := EventReceiver {
Instance : msgInstance ,
Chan : make ( chan TdMessage , channelCapacity ) ,
FilterFunc : filterFunc ,
client . receiverLock . Lock ( )
defer client . receiverLock . Unlock ( )
client . receivers = append ( client . receivers , receiver )
return receiver
// DestroyInstance Destroys the TDLib client instance.
// After this is called the client instance shouldn't be used anymore.
func ( client * Client ) DestroyInstance ( ) {
C . td_json_client_destroy ( client . Client )
// Send Sends request to the TDLib client.
// You can provide string or UpdateData.
func ( client * Client ) Send ( jsonQuery interface { } ) {
var query * C . char
switch jsonQuery . ( type ) {
case string :
query = C . CString ( jsonQuery . ( string ) )
case UpdateData :
jsonBytes , _ := json . Marshal ( jsonQuery . ( UpdateData ) )
query = C . CString ( string ( jsonBytes ) )
defer C . free ( unsafe . Pointer ( query ) )
C . td_json_client_send ( client . Client , query )
// Receive Receives incoming updates and request responses from the TDLib client.
// You can provide string or UpdateData.
func ( client * Client ) Receive ( timeout float64 ) [ ] byte {
result := C . td_json_client_receive ( client . Client , C . double ( timeout ) )
return [ ] byte ( C . GoString ( result ) )
// Execute Synchronously executes TDLib request.
// Only a few requests can be executed synchronously.
func ( client * Client ) Execute ( jsonQuery interface { } ) UpdateMsg {
var query * C . char
switch jsonQuery . ( type ) {
case string :
query = C . CString ( jsonQuery . ( string ) )
case UpdateData :
jsonBytes , _ := json . Marshal ( jsonQuery . ( UpdateData ) )
query = C . CString ( string ( jsonBytes ) )
defer C . free ( unsafe . Pointer ( query ) )
result := C . td_json_client_execute ( client . Client , query )
var update UpdateData
json . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( C . GoString ( result ) ) , & update )
return UpdateMsg { Data : update , Raw : [ ] byte ( C . GoString ( result ) ) }
// SetFilePath Sets the path to the file to where the internal TDLib log will be written.
// By default TDLib writes logs to stderr or an OS specific log.
// Use this method to write the log to a file instead.
func SetFilePath ( path string ) {
2019-10-08 05:51:49 +04:00
bytes , _ := json . Marshal ( UpdateData {
"@type" : "setLogStream" ,
"log_stream" : UpdateData {
"@type" : "logStreamFile" ,
"path" : path ,
"max_file_size" : 10485760 ,
} ,
} )
query := C . CString ( string ( bytes ) )
C . td_json_client_execute ( nil , query )
C . free ( unsafe . Pointer ( query ) )
2018-12-04 08:32:11 +04:00
// SetLogVerbosityLevel Sets the verbosity level of the internal logging of TDLib.
// By default the TDLib uses a verbosity level of 5 for logging.
func SetLogVerbosityLevel ( level int ) {
2019-10-08 05:51:49 +04:00
bytes , _ := json . Marshal ( UpdateData {
"@type" : "setLogVerbosityLevel" ,
"new_verbosity_level" : level ,
} )
query := C . CString ( string ( bytes ) )
C . td_json_client_execute ( nil , query )
C . free ( unsafe . Pointer ( query ) )
2018-12-04 08:32:11 +04:00
// SendAndCatch Sends request to the TDLib client and catches the result in updates channel.
// You can provide string or UpdateData.
func ( client * Client ) SendAndCatch ( jsonQuery interface { } ) ( UpdateMsg , error ) {
var update UpdateData
switch jsonQuery . ( type ) {
case string :
// unmarshal JSON into map, we don't have @extra field, if user don't set it
json . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( jsonQuery . ( string ) ) , & update )
case UpdateData :
update = jsonQuery . ( UpdateData )
// letters for generating random string
letterBytes := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
// generate random string for @extra field
b := make ( [ ] byte , 32 )
for i := range b {
b [ i ] = letterBytes [ rand . Intn ( len ( letterBytes ) ) ]
randomString := string ( b )
// set @extra field
update [ "@extra" ] = randomString
// create waiter chan and save it in Waiters
waiter := make ( chan UpdateMsg , 1 )
client . waiters . Store ( randomString , waiter )
// send it through already implemented method
client . Send ( update )
select {
// wait response from main loop in NewClient()
case response := <- waiter :
return response , nil
// or timeout
case <- time . After ( 10 * time . Second ) :
client . waiters . Delete ( randomString )
return UpdateMsg { } , errors . New ( "timeout" )
// Authorize is used to authorize the users
func ( client * Client ) Authorize ( ) ( AuthorizationState , error ) {
state , err := client . GetAuthorizationState ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if state . GetAuthorizationStateEnum ( ) == AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKeyType {
ok , err := client . CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey ( nil )
if ok == nil || err != nil {
return nil , err
} else if state . GetAuthorizationStateEnum ( ) == AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParametersType {
client . sendTdLibParams ( )
authState , err := client . GetAuthorizationState ( )
return authState , err
func ( client * Client ) sendTdLibParams ( ) {
client . Send ( UpdateData {
"@type" : "setTdlibParameters" ,
"parameters" : UpdateData {
"@type" : "tdlibParameters" ,
"use_test_dc" : client . Config . UseTestDataCenter ,
"database_directory" : client . Config . DatabaseDirectory ,
"files_directory" : client . Config . FileDirectory ,
"use_file_database" : client . Config . UseFileDatabase ,
"use_chat_info_database" : client . Config . UseChatInfoDatabase ,
"use_message_database" : client . Config . UseMessageDatabase ,
"use_secret_chats" : client . Config . UseSecretChats ,
"api_id" : client . Config . APIID ,
"api_hash" : client . Config . APIHash ,
"system_language_code" : client . Config . SystemLanguageCode ,
"device_model" : client . Config . DeviceModel ,
"system_version" : client . Config . SystemVersion ,
"application_version" : client . Config . ApplicationVersion ,
"enable_storage_optimizer" : client . Config . EnableStorageOptimizer ,
"ignore_file_names" : client . Config . IgnoreFileNames ,
} ,
} )
// SendPhoneNumber sends phone number to tdlib
func ( client * Client ) SendPhoneNumber ( phoneNumber string ) ( AuthorizationState , error ) {
_ , err := client . SetAuthenticationPhoneNumber ( phoneNumber , false , false )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
authState , err := client . GetAuthorizationState ( )
return authState , err
// SendAuthCode sends auth code to tdlib
func ( client * Client ) SendAuthCode ( code string ) ( AuthorizationState , error ) {
_ , err := client . CheckAuthenticationCode ( code , "" , "" )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
authState , err := client . GetAuthorizationState ( )
return authState , err
// SendAuthPassword sends two-step verification password (user defined)to tdlib
func ( client * Client ) SendAuthPassword ( password string ) ( AuthorizationState , error ) {
_ , err := client . CheckAuthenticationPassword ( password )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
authState , err := client . GetAuthorizationState ( )
return authState , err