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// Fantasy World Zookeeper Helper Bot
// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Vladimir "fat0troll" Hodakov
package announcesv1
import (
tdlib "github.com/Arman92/go-tdlib"
func fwMessagesFilter(msg *tdlib.TdMessage) bool {
updateMsg := (*msg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
// We need only messages, created by @FWorldBot
return updateMsg.Message.ViaBotUserID == 6.74929718e+08
// ZookeeperReceiver adds announcement functionality to bot
func ZookeeperReceiver(client *tdlib.Client) {
// Where to send announces
announcerID := int64(665790161)
log.Debug().Msg("Adding receiver for @FWorldBot messages...")
// Here we can add a receiver to retreive any message type we want
// We like to get UpdateNewMessage events and with a specific FilterFunc
receiver := client.AddEventReceiver(&tdlib.UpdateNewMessage{}, fwMessagesFilter, 5)
log.Debug().Msg("Receiver added")
go func() {
for newMsg := range receiver.Chan {
updateMsg := (newMsg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
// Check if message text contains needed battle data
msgText := updateMsg.Message.Content.(*tdlib.MessageText)
if strings.HasPrefix(msgText.Text.Text, "Я встретил") {
log.Debug().Msgf("%s", msgText.Text.Text)
battleType := ""
battleTag := ""
if strings.Contains(msgText.Text.Text, "Огров") {
battleType = "Огры!"
if strings.Contains(msgText.Text.Text, "Буйволов") {
battleType = "Буйволы!"
if strings.Contains(msgText.Text.Text, "Кабанов") {
battleType = "Кабаны!"
switch updateMsg.Message.ReplyMarkup.(type) {
case *tdlib.ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard:
keyboard := updateMsg.Message.ReplyMarkup.(*tdlib.ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard)
if len(keyboard.Rows) > 0 {
if len(keyboard.Rows[0]) > 0 {
button := keyboard.Rows[0][0]
switch button.Type.(type) {
case *tdlib.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline:
buttonQuery := button.Type.(*tdlib.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline)
battleTag = string(buttonQuery.Query)
log.Error().Msg("Invalid button type")
log.Error().Msg("Invalid keyboard type")
log.Debug().Msgf("Battle type: %s", battleType)
log.Debug().Msgf("Battle tag: %s", battleTag)
replyText := battleType + " " + battleTag
reply := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(replyText, nil), true, true)
_, err := client.SendMessage(announcerID, 0, false, true, nil, reply)
if err != nil {