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// i2_bot Instinct PokememBro Bot
// Copyright (c) 2017 Vladimir "fat0troll" Hodakov
package pokedexer
import (
// BestPokememesList shows list for catching based on player league and grade
func (p *Pokedexer) BestPokememesList(update *tgbotapi.Update, playerRaw *dbmapping.Player) string {
pokememes, ok := p.getBestPokememes(playerRaw.ID)
if !ok {
c.Log.Error("Cannot get pokememes from getter!")
return "fail"
message := "*Лучшие покемемы для ловли*\n\n"
for i := range pokememes {
pk := pokememes[i].Pokememe
pkL := pokememes[i].Locations
pkE := pokememes[i].Elements
message += strconv.Itoa(pk.Grade) + "⃣ "
message += pk.Name + " (⚔"
message += c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(pk.Attack)
message += ", 🛡" + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(pk.Defence) + ")"
for i := range pkE {
message += pkE[i].Symbol
message += " /pk" + strconv.Itoa(pk.ID) + "\n"
message += "Локации: "
for i := range pkL {
message += pkL[i].Symbol + pkL[i].Name
if i+1 < len(pkL) {
message += ", "
message += "\nКупить: "
if pk.Purchaseable {
message += "💲" + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(pk.Price*3)
} else {
message += "Нельзя"
message += "\n\n"
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(update.Message.Chat.ID, message)
msg.ParseMode = "Markdown"
return "ok"
// PokememesList lists all known pokememes
func (p *Pokedexer) PokememesList(update *tgbotapi.Update) {
pageNumber := strings.Replace(update.Message.Text, "/pokedex", "", 1)
pageNumber = strings.Replace(pageNumber, "/pokedeks", "", 1)
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(pageNumber)
if page == 0 {
page = 1
pokememesArray, ok := p.GetPokememes()
if !ok {
} else {
p.pokememesListing(update, page, pokememesArray)
// PokememeInfo shows information about single pokememe based on internal ID
func (p *Pokedexer) PokememeInfo(update *tgbotapi.Update, playerRaw *dbmapping.Player) string {
pokememeNumber := strings.Replace(update.Message.Text, "/pk", "", 1)
var calculatePossibilites = true
profileRaw, ok := c.Users.GetProfile(playerRaw.ID)
if !ok {
calculatePossibilites = false
pokememe, ok := p.GetPokememeByID(pokememeNumber)
if !ok {
return "fail"
pk := pokememe.Pokememe
message := strconv.Itoa(pk.Grade) + "⃣ *" + pk.Name + "*\n"
message += pk.Description + "\n\n"
message += "Элементы:"
for i := range pokememe.Elements {
message += " " + pokememe.Elements[i].Symbol
message += "\n⚔ Атака: *" + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(pk.Attack)
message += "*\n❤ HP: *" + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(pk.HP)
message += "*\n💙 MP: *" + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(pk.MP)
if pk.Defence != pk.Attack {
message += "*\n🛡Защита: *" + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(pk.Defence) + "* _(сопротивляемость покемема к поимке)_"
} else {
message += "*"
message += "\nСтоимость: *" + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(pk.Price)
message += "*\nКупить: *"
if pk.Purchaseable {
message += "Можно"
} else {
message += "Нельзя"
message += "*\nОбитает:"
for i := range pokememe.Locations {
message += " *" + pokememe.Locations[i].Name + "*"
if (i + 1) < len(pokememe.Locations) {
message += ","
if calculatePossibilites {
if (pk.Grade < profileRaw.LevelID+2) && (pk.Grade > profileRaw.LevelID-3) {
message += "\nВероятность поимки:"
for i := range pokememe.Locations {
percentile, pokeballs := c.Statistics.PossibilityRequiredPokeballs(pokememe.Locations[i].ID, pk.Grade, profileRaw.LevelID)
message += "\n" + pokememe.Locations[i].Name + " "
message += strconv.FormatFloat(percentile, 'f', 2, 64) + "% или "
message += strconv.Itoa(pokeballs) + "⭕"
message += "\n" + pk.ImageURL
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(update.Message.Chat.ID, message)
keyboard := tgbotapi.InlineKeyboardMarkup{}
for i := range pokememe.Locations {
var row []tgbotapi.InlineKeyboardButton
btn := tgbotapi.NewInlineKeyboardButtonSwitch(pokememe.Locations[i].Symbol+pokememe.Locations[i].Name, pokememe.Locations[i].Symbol+pokememe.Locations[i].Name)
row = append(row, btn)
keyboard.InlineKeyboard = append(keyboard.InlineKeyboard, row)
msg.ReplyMarkup = keyboard
msg.ParseMode = "Markdown"
return "ok"