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// i2_bot Instinct PokememBro Bot
// Copyright (c) 2018 Vladimir "fat0troll" Hodakov
package datacache
import (
func (dc *DataCache) initPokememes() {
c.Log.Info("Initializing Pokememes storage...")
dc.pokememes = make(map[int]*datamapping.Pokememe)
dc.fullPokememes = make(map[int]*datamapping.PokememeFull)
dc.pokememesGradeLocation = make(map[int]map[int]int)
func (dc *DataCache) loadPokememes() {
c.Log.Info("Load current Pokememes data to DataCache...")
pokememes := dc.getPokememes()
for i := range pokememes {
dc.pokememes[pokememes[i].ID] = &pokememes[i]
if dc.pokememesGradeLocation[pokememes[i].Grade] == nil {
dc.pokememesGradeLocation[pokememes[i].Grade] = make(map[int]int)
pokememeFull := datamapping.PokememeFull{}
pokememeFullElements := []datamapping.Element{}
pokememeFullLocations := []datamapping.Location{}
pokememeFull.Pokememe = pokememes[i]
for ii := range pokememes[i].Elements {
element, err := dc.GetElementByID(pokememes[i].Elements[ii])
if err != nil {
// This is critical
pokememeFullElements = append(pokememeFullElements, *element)
for ii := range pokememes[i].Locations {
location, err := dc.getLocationByID(pokememes[i].Locations[ii])
if err != nil {
// This is critical
pokememeFullLocations = append(pokememeFullLocations, *location)
pokememeFull.Elements = pokememeFullElements
pokememeFull.Locations = pokememeFullLocations
dc.fullPokememes[pokememes[i].ID] = &pokememeFull
c.Log.Info("Loaded pokememes in DataCache: " + strconv.Itoa(len(dc.fullPokememes)))
func (dc *DataCache) getPokememes() []datamapping.Pokememe {
pokememes := []datamapping.Pokememe{}
allPokememesFiles, err := static.WalkDirs("pokememes", false)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Fatal("Can't read directory with pokememes information")
var pokememesData []byte
for i := range allPokememesFiles {
yamlFile, err := static.ReadFile(allPokememesFiles[i])
if err != nil {
c.Log.Fatal("Can't read pokememes data file: " + allPokememesFiles[i])
for ii := range yamlFile {
pokememesData = append(pokememesData, yamlFile[ii])
pokememesData = append(pokememesData, '\n')
err = yaml.Unmarshal(pokememesData, &pokememes)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Fatal("Can't parse merged pokememes data")
return pokememes
// External functions
// GetAllPokememes returns all pokememes
func (dc *DataCache) GetAllPokememes() map[int]*datamapping.PokememeFull {
pokememes := make(map[int]*datamapping.PokememeFull)
for i := range dc.fullPokememes {
pokememes[dc.fullPokememes[i].Pokememe.ID] = dc.fullPokememes[i]
return pokememes
// GetPokememeByID returns pokememe with additional information by ID
func (dc *DataCache) GetPokememeByID(pokememeID int) (*datamapping.PokememeFull, error) {
if dc.fullPokememes[pokememeID] != nil {
return dc.fullPokememes[pokememeID], nil
return nil, errors.New("There is no pokememe with ID = " + strconv.Itoa(pokememeID))
// GetPokememeByName returns pokememe with additional information by name
func (dc *DataCache) GetPokememeByName(pokememeName string) (*datamapping.PokememeFull, error) {
for i := range dc.fullPokememes {
if strings.Contains(dc.fullPokememes[i].Pokememe.Name, pokememeName) {
return dc.fullPokememes[i], nil
return nil, errors.New("There is no pokememe with name = " + pokememeName)
// GetPokememesCountByGradeAndLocation returns pokememes count with given grade on given location
func (dc *DataCache) GetPokememesCountByGradeAndLocation(grade int, locationID int) int {
if dc.pokememesGradeLocation[grade] == nil {
return 0
return dc.pokememesGradeLocation[grade][locationID]