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// i2_bot Instinct PokememBro Bot
// Copyright (c) 2017 Vladimir "fat0troll" Hodakov
package users
import (
// FormatUsername formats Telegram username for posting
func (u *Users) FormatUsername(userName string) string {
return strings.Replace(userName, "_", `\_`, -1)
// FindByLevel finds user with level and recent profile update
func (u *Users) FindByLevel(update *tgbotapi.Update) string {
commandArgs := update.Message.CommandArguments()
if commandArgs == "" {
return "fail"
levelID, err := strconv.Atoi(commandArgs)
if err != nil {
return "fail"
users := u.findUsersByLevel(levelID)
u.foundUsersMessage(update, users)
return "ok"
// FindByName finds user with such username or nickname
func (u *Users) FindByName(update *tgbotapi.Update) string {
commandArgs := update.Message.CommandArguments()
if commandArgs == "" {
return "fail"
users := u.findUserByName(commandArgs)
u.foundUsersMessage(update, users)
return "ok"
// FindByTopAttack finds user by top-attack rating
func (u *Users) FindByTopAttack(update *tgbotapi.Update) string {
commandArgs := update.Message.CommandArguments()
if commandArgs == "" {
return "fail"
attackInt, err := strconv.Atoi(commandArgs)
if err != nil {
return "fail"
users := u.findUserByTopAttack(attackInt)
u.foundUsersMessage(update, users)
return "ok"
// ForeignProfileMessage shows profile of another user
func (u *Users) ForeignProfileMessage(update *tgbotapi.Update) string {
userNum := strings.TrimPrefix(update.Message.Command(), "profile")
userID, err := strconv.Atoi(userNum)
if err != nil {
return "fail"
playerRaw, err := c.DataCache.GetPlayerByID(userID)
if err != nil {
return "fail"
_, err = c.DataCache.GetProfileByPlayerID(playerRaw.ID)
if err != nil {
return c.Talkers.BotError(update)
return u.ProfileMessage(update, playerRaw)
// ProfileAddEffectsMessage shows when user tries to post profile with effects enabled
func (u *Users) ProfileAddEffectsMessage(update *tgbotapi.Update) string {
message := "*Наркоман, штоле?*\n\n"
message += "Бот не принимает профили во время активированных эффектов. Закончи свои дела и принеси чистый профиль через полчаса."
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(update.Message.Chat.ID, message)
msg.ParseMode = "Markdown"
return "fail"
// ProfileMessage shows current player's profile
func (u *Users) ProfileMessage(update *tgbotapi.Update, playerRaw *dbmapping.Player) string {
profileRaw, err := c.DataCache.GetProfileByPlayerID(playerRaw.ID)
if err != nil {
return c.Talkers.AnyMessageUnauthorized(update)
league, err := c.DataCache.GetLeagueByID(playerRaw.LeagueID)
if err != nil {
return c.Talkers.BotError(update)
level, err := c.DataCache.GetLevelByID(profileRaw.LevelID)
if err != nil {
weapon, err := c.DataCache.GetWeaponTypeByID(profileRaw.WeaponID)
if err != nil {
// It's non critical
profilePokememes := []dbmapping.ProfilePokememe{}
err = c.Db.Select(&profilePokememes, c.Db.Rebind("SELECT * FROM profiles_pokememes WHERE profile_id=?"), profileRaw.ID)
if err != nil {
pokememes := c.DataCache.GetAllPokememes()
attackPokememes := 0
for i := range profilePokememes {
for j := range pokememes {
if profilePokememes[i].PokememeID == pokememes[j].Pokememe.ID {
singleAttack := profilePokememes[i].PokememeAttack
attackPokememes += singleAttack
message := "*Профиль игрока "
message += profileRaw.Nickname + "*"
if profileRaw.TelegramNickname != "" {
message += " (@" + u.FormatUsername(profileRaw.TelegramNickname) + ")"
message += "\nЛига: " + league.Symbol + league.Name
message += "\n👤 " + strconv.Itoa(profileRaw.LevelID)
message += " | 🎓 " + strconv.Itoa(profileRaw.Exp) + "/" + strconv.Itoa(level.MaxExp)
message += " | 🥚 " + strconv.Itoa(profileRaw.EggExp) + "/" + strconv.Itoa(level.MaxEgg)
message += "\n💲" + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(profileRaw.Wealth)
message += " |💎" + strconv.Itoa(profileRaw.Crystalls)
message += " |⭕" + strconv.Itoa(profileRaw.Pokeballs)
if weapon != nil {
message += "\n⚔Атака: " + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(weapon.Power) + " + " + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(attackPokememes) + "\n"
} else {
message += "\n⚔Атака: " + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(attackPokememes) + "\n"
if profileRaw.WeaponID != 0 {
message += "\n🔫Оружие: " + weapon.Name + " " + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(weapon.Power) + "⚔"
message += "\n🐱Покемемы:"
for i := range profilePokememes {
for j := range pokememes {
if profilePokememes[i].PokememeID == pokememes[j].Pokememe.ID {
message += "\n *[" + strconv.Itoa(pokememes[j].Pokememe.Grade)
message += "]* " + pokememes[j].Pokememe.Name
message += " +" + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(profilePokememes[i].PokememeAttack) + "⚔"
message += "\nСтоимость покемемов на руках: " + c.Statistics.GetPrintablePoints(profileRaw.PokememesWealth) + "$"
message += "\n\n💳" + strconv.Itoa(playerRaw.TelegramID)
if playerRaw.Status == "owner" {
message += "\n\nСтатус в боте: _владелец_"
} else if playerRaw.Status == "admin" {
message += "\n\nСтатус в боте: _администратор_"
} else if playerRaw.Status == "academic" {
message += "\n\nСтатус в боте: _академик_"
} else {
message += "\n\nСтатус в боте: _игрок_"
squadRoles := c.DataCache.GetUserRolesInSquads(playerRaw.ID)
if len(squadRoles) > 0 {
for i := range squadRoles {
if squadRoles[i].UserRole == "commander" {
message += "\nКомандир отряда " + squadRoles[i].Squad.Chat.Name
} else {
message += "\nУчастник отряда " + squadRoles[i].Squad.Chat.Name
message += "\n\n⏰Последнее обновление профиля: " + profileRaw.CreatedAt.Format("02.01.2006 15:04:05")
message += "\nНе забывай обновляться, это важно для получения актуальной информации.\n\n"
message += "/best посмотреть лучших покемемов для поимки\n"
message += "/advice посмотреть самых дорогих покемемов для поимки\n"
message += "/top — посмотреть лучших игроков лиги\n"
message += "/top\\_my — посмотреть лучших игроков лиги твоего уровня\n"
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(update.Message.Chat.ID, message)
msg.ParseMode = "Markdown"
return "ok"
// UsersList lists all known users
func (u *Users) UsersList(update *tgbotapi.Update) string {
pageNumber := strings.Replace(update.Message.Text, "/users", "", 1)
pageNumber = strings.Replace(pageNumber, "/users", "", 1)
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(pageNumber)
if page == 0 {
page = 1
users := c.DataCache.GetPlayersWithCurrentProfiles()
u.usersList(update, page, users)
return "ok"