Recent game update changed pokememes view in pokedeks, so we need to reflect it by updating parser. Introducing DataCache - a silver bullet for eliminating lags linked to database queries. Less queries, more in RAM, faster work. Needs testing in production environment.
84 lines
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84 lines
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// i2_bot – Instinct PokememBro Bot
// Copyright (c) 2017 Vladimir "fat0troll" Hodakov
package router
import (
// RouteInline routes inline requests to bot
func (r *Router) RouteInline(update *tgbotapi.Update) string {
playerRaw, err := c.DataCache.GetOrCreatePlayerByTelegramID(update.InlineQuery.From.ID)
if err != nil {
return "fail"
results := make([]interface{}, 0)
if playerRaw.LeagueID != 1 {
article := tgbotapi.NewInlineQueryResultArticle("0", "Команда боту @PokememBroBot:", "👤Герой")
article.Description = "👤Герой"
results = append(results, article)
} else {
orderNumber, _ := strconv.Atoi(update.InlineQuery.Query)
if orderNumber != 0 {
order, ok := c.Orders.GetOrderByID(orderNumber)
if !ok {
return "fail"
attackTarget := ""
if order.Target == "M" {
attackTarget = "⚔ 🈳 МИСТИКА"
} else {
attackTarget = "⚔ 🈵 ОТВАГА"
article := tgbotapi.NewInlineQueryResultArticle(strconv.Itoa(orderNumber), "Выполнить приказ отряда:", attackTarget)
article.Description = attackTarget
results = append(results, article)
} else {
availableCommands := make(map[string]string)
availableCommands["10"] = "🌲Лес"
availableCommands["11"] = "⛰Горы"
availableCommands["12"] = "🚣Озеро"
availableCommands["13"] = "🏙Город"
availableCommands["14"] = "🏛Катакомбы"
availableCommands["15"] = "⛪️Кладбище"
outputCommands := make(map[string]string)
for i, value := range availableCommands {
if strings.Contains(value, update.InlineQuery.Query) {
outputCommands[i] = value
for i, value := range outputCommands {
article := tgbotapi.NewInlineQueryResultArticle(i, "Команда боту @PokememBroBot:", value)
article.Description = value
results = append(results, article)
inlineConf := tgbotapi.InlineConfig{
InlineQueryID: update.InlineQuery.ID,
IsPersonal: true,
CacheTime: 0,
Results: results,
_, err = c.Bot.AnswerInlineQuery(inlineConf)
if err != nil {
return "ok"