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2014-02-13 01:44:20 +04:00
pgn4web javascript chessboard
copyright (C) 2009-2014 Paolo Casaschi
see README file and http://pgn4web.casaschi.net
for credits, license and more details
<title>chess games viewer: live broadcast</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pawn.ico" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="pawn.png" />
<script src="pgn4web.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
var pgnData_default = "live/live.pgn";
var maxBoards_default = 8;
var displayGame_default = 1;
var refreshMinutes_default = 1;
var thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(help|h)=(true|t)(&|$)/i;
if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
alert("pgn4web live-mosaic-viewer.html parameters" + "\n\n" +
" - pgnData = file.pgn" + "\n\n" +
" - maxBoards = max number of boards to display in a page (default " + maxBoards_default + ")" + "\n\n" +
" - displayGame = number of game for display, negative counts backwards (default " + displayGame_default + ")" + "\n\n" +
" - refreshMinutes = live broadcast delay (default " + refreshMinutes_default + ")" + "\n\n" +
" - refreshDemo = if set true sets live demo mode (default false)" + "\n\n" +
" - headlessPage = if set true displays a page without heading (default false)" + "\n\n" +
// " - barePadding = if not null, displays a page with given padding and without header/footer (default null)" + "\n\n" +
" - help = true");
var pgnData = pgnData_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(pgnData|pd)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
pgnData = unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
} else {
// accepts pgnData as alias for pgnFile for consistency with board.html
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(pgnFile|pf)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
pgnData = unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
SetPgnUrl(pgnData); // if set, this has precedence over the inline PGN in the HTML file
var maxBoards = getMaxBoardFromLocalStorage();
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(maxBoards|mb)=([\d]*)(&|$)/i;
if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
maxBoards = unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
maxBoards = parseInt(maxBoards, 10);
if (isNaN(maxBoards) || (maxBoards < 1)) { maxBoards = maxBoards_default; }
var displayGame = displayGame_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(displayGame|dg)=([+-]?[\d]+)(&|$)/i;
if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
displayGame = unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
displayGame = parseInt(displayGame, 10);
if (displayGame === 0) { displayGame = 1; }
var alertFlag = false;
var demoFlag = false;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(refreshDemo|rd)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
var refreshDemo = unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
if ((refreshDemo == "true") || (refreshDemo == "t")) { alertFlag = demoFlag = true; }
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(demoPly|dp)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
gameDemoMaxPly = unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]).split(",");
var p;
for (var g in gameDemoMaxPly) { gameDemoMaxPly[g] = isNaN(p = parseInt(gameDemoMaxPly[g], 10)) ? 0 : p; }
var refreshMinutes = refreshMinutes_default;
var stepFlag = true;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(refreshMinutes|rm)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (window.location.search.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
refreshMinutes = parseFloat(unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]));
if (isNaN(refreshMinutes)) { refreshMinutes = refreshMinutes_default; }
if (refreshMinutes <= 0) { refreshMinutes = refreshMinutes_default; }
SetLiveBroadcast(refreshMinutes, alertFlag, demoFlag, stepFlag);
function getMaxBoardFromLocalStorage() {
var mb;
try { mb = localStorage.getItem("pgn4web_chess_live_mosaic_viewer_maxBoards"); }
catch(e) { return maxBoards_default; }
return mb === null ? maxBoards_default : mb;
function setMaxBoardToLocalStorage(mb) {
try { localStorage.setItem("pgn4web_chess_live_mosaic_viewer_maxBoards", mb); }
catch(e) { return false; }
return true;
var headlessPage = false;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(headlessPage|hp)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
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// undocumented feature
var barePadding = "";
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(barePadding|bp)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
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barePadding = unescape(window.location.search.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
barePadding = barePadding.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9%\s]/g, "");
SetImagePath("images/alpha/24"); // just to avoid console errors
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display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
margin-top: 5px;
height: 20px;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
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display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
height: 40px;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
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function fixCSSforHeadelessPage() {
document.write("<style type='text/css'> body { color: #AAAAAA; } a { color: #AAAAAA; } a:hover { color: black; } .beforeBoards { margin-top: 10px; } </style>");
function fixCSSforBarePadding() {
document.write("<style type='text/css'> body { padding: " + barePadding + "; } .beforeBoards, .afterBoards { display: none; } </style>");
function printHeader() {
document.write("<h1 style='margin-top:0px; padding-top:0px; text-align:right;'><span style='float:left; color:red;'>pgn4web chess live broadcast</span><a href='.' onfocus='this.blur();' style='width:49px; height:29px; background:url(pawns.png) -47px -15px; vertical-align:baseline; display:inline-block;'></a></h1>");
function printMenu() {
document.write("<div id='rightMenu' class='menuLine' style='text-align:right; float:right;'></div><div id='leftMenu' class='menuLine' style='text-align:left; float:left;'><span id='GameLiveStatusDemo' title='this is a simulation of the live broadcast functionality'></span><a id='GameLiveStatus' href='javascript:void(0);' style='display:none;' onclick='clickGameLiveStatus(); this.blur();'></a></div><div id='infoMessage' class='menuLine infoMessage'>chess games viewer: loading PGN data, please wait...</div>");
var timeOfLastReplayPreviousMoves = 0;
function clickGameLiveStatus() {
var thisTime = (new Date()).getTime();
if (thisTime - timeOfLastReplayPreviousMoves < 333) {
} else {
timeOfLastReplayPreviousMoves = thisTime;
function replayPreviousMoves() {
var showAll = LiveBroadcastEnded, wf, rpm;
for (var thisBoard in boardId) {
if ((wf = window.frames["board" + boardId[thisBoard]]) && (rpm = wf.replayPreviousMoves)) {
if (showAll || wf.newMovesFlagTimeout) { rpm(1); }
var nextBoardId = 1000;
var boardId = new Array();
function updateBoardFrames(newMaxBoards) {
var theObj = document.getElementById("boardFrames");
if (theObj) {
theObj.innerHTML = "";
for (var board = 0; board < newMaxBoards; board++) {
theObj.innerHTML += "<iframe src='live-mosaic-tile.html?ut=t&amp;rm=" + refreshMinutes + "' class='hiddenFrame' id='board" + nextBoardId + "' name='board" + nextBoardId + "' width='256' height='306' frameborder='0' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' scrolling='no'>your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard</iframe>";
boardId[board] = nextBoardId++;
maxBoards = newMaxBoards;
if (headlessPage || (barePadding !== "")) {
if (barePadding !== "") { fixCSSforBarePadding(); }
else { printMenu(); }
} else {
<a class="beforeBoards" name="boards" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="goToHash('boards');" onfocus="this.blur();">&nbsp;</a>
<div id="boardFrames"></div>
<a class="afterBoards" name="bottom" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="goToHash('');" onfocus="this.blur();">&nbsp;</a>
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"use strict";
if (!headlessPage && (barePadding === "")) { printMenu(); }
var pgn4webClearShortCutSquaresForChildFrames = [ ["DH", "8"], ["H", "7"], ["ABH", "6"] ];
var filteredGames = new Array();
var unfilteredGames = new Array();
var numberOfGamesForDisplay = 0;
var firstGame;
var startGame;
var firstBoardDisplayGame = 0;
var gamesForHiding;
function firstFromDisplayGame(dGame) {
if (dGame > numberOfGames) { dGame = numberOfGames; }
else if (dGame < -numberOfGames) { dGame = -numberOfGames; }
if (dGame > 0) { dGame--; } // positive displayGame starts from +1 as first game
var dGameAdjustment = 0;
if (filteredGames.length > 0) {
var g;
if (dGame >= 0) {
for (g = 0; g < dGame; g++) {
if (checkForHiddenGame(gameEvent[g], gameSite[g], gameDate[g], gameRound[g], gameWhite[g], gameBlack[g])) {
} else {
for (g = numberOfGames - 1; g > numberOfGames + dGame; g--) {
if (checkForHiddenGame(gameEvent[g], gameSite[g], gameDate[g], gameRound[g], gameWhite[g], gameBlack[g])) {
return (dGame + dGameAdjustment);
function gameKey(event, site, date, round, white, black) {
var key = "";
key += "[" + (typeof(event) == "string" ? event : "") + "]";
key += "[" + (typeof(site) == "string" ? site : "") + "]";
key += "[" + (typeof(round) == "string" ? round : "") + "]";
key += "[" + (typeof(white) == "string" ? white : "") + "]";
key += "[" + (typeof(black) == "string" ? black : "") + "]";
return key;
function pgn4webHideChildFrameGame(event, site, date, round, white, black, test) {
var res = false;
if (numberOfGamesForDisplay > 1) {
res = hideGame(event, site, date, round, white, black, test);
if (res && (test !== true)) {
firstGame = firstFromDisplayGame(firstBoardDisplayGame);
return res;
function hideGame(event, site, date, round, white, black, test) {
var key = gameKey(event, site, date, round, white, black);
var meaningful = (key.match(/[A-Za-z0-9]/) !== null);
if (meaningful && (test !== true)) {
for (var f in filteredGames) { if (key == filteredGames[f]) { return false; } }
return meaningful;
function checkForHiddenGame(event, site, date, round, white, black) {
var key = gameKey(event, site, date, round, white, black);
for (var f in filteredGames) {
if (key == filteredGames[f]) { return true; }
return false;
function hideEndedGames() {
for (var g = 0; g < numberOfGames; g++) {
if ((typeof(gameResult[g]) == "undefined") || (gameResult[g].indexOf("*") == -1)) {
hideGame(gameEvent[g], gameSite[g], gameDate[g], gameRound[g], gameWhite[g], gameBlack[g]);
firstGame = firstFromDisplayGame(firstBoardDisplayGame);
function restoreHiddenGames() {
filteredGames = new Array();
firstGame = firstFromDisplayGame(firstBoardDisplayGame);
function pgnGameForBoard(gameNum) {
if (!LiveBroadcastDemo) { return fullPgnGame(gameNum); }
if (gameDemoMaxPly[gameNum] > gameDemoLength[gameNum]) { return fullPgnGame(gameNum); }
var localPgnGame = "";
if (gameEvent[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[Event \"" + gameEvent[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameSite[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[Site \"" + gameSite[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameDate[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[Date \"" + gameDate[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameRound[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[Round \"" + gameRound[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameWhite[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[White \"" + gameWhite[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameBlack[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[Black \"" + gameBlack[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameResult[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[Result \"" + gameResult[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameFEN[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[FEN \"" + gameFEN[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameSetUp[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[SetUp \"" + gameSetUp[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameVariant[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[Variant \"" + gameVariant[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameInitialWhiteClock[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[WhiteClock \"" + gameInitialWhiteClock[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
if (gameInitialBlackClock[gameNum]) { localPgnGame += "[BlackClock \"" + gameInitialBlackClock[gameNum] + "\"]\n"; }
var thisTag = customPgnHeaderTag("TimeControl");
if (thisTag) { localPgnGame += "[TimeControl \"" + thisTag + "\"]\n"; }
localPgnGame += "\n";
var gameDemoPlyNumber = gameDemoMaxPly[gameNum] <= gameDemoLength[gameNum] ? gameDemoMaxPly[gameNum] : gameDemoLength[gameNum] + 1;
for (var thisPly = StartPly; thisPly < StartPly + gameDemoPlyNumber; thisPly++) {
if (thisPly % 2) {
if (thisComment = MoveComments[thisPly].replace(/{/g, "")) {
localPgnGame += "{" + thisComment + "} " + ((thisPly+1)/2) + "... ";
localPgnGame += Moves[thisPly] + " \n";
} else {
if (thisComment = MoveComments[thisPly].replace(/{/g, "")) { localPgnGame += "{" + thisComment + "} "; }
localPgnGame += (thisPly/2+1) + ". " + Moves[thisPly] + " ";
var thisComment = MoveComments[thisPly].replace(/{/g, "");
if (thisComment) { localPgnGame += "{" + thisComment + "} "; }
localPgnGame += " *";
return localPgnGame;
function updateBoard(thisBoardId) {
var gameNum = -1;
var thisBoard = -1;
var thisFrame, gameForBoard, thisPgnGame, thisFrameClass;
for (thisBoard in boardId) { if (thisBoardId === boardId[thisBoard]) { break; } }
thisBoard = parseInt(thisBoard, 10);
if ((thisBoard < boardId.length) && (thisFrame = document.getElementById("board" + thisBoardId))) {
if (thisBoard < numberOfGamesForDisplay) {
startGame = startFromFirstGame(firstGame);
if (startGame >= 0) { gameForBoard = (startGame + thisBoard) % numberOfGamesForDisplay; }
else { gameForBoard = (2 * numberOfGamesForDisplay + startGame - thisBoard) % numberOfGamesForDisplay; }
gameNum = unfilteredGames[gameForBoard];
thisPgnGame = simpleHtmlentitiesDecode(pgnGameForBoard(gameNum));
thisFrameClass = "visibleFrame";
} else {
thisPgnGame = "";
thisFrameClass = "hiddenFrame";
try {
if (window.frames["board" + thisBoardId].readyToReceivePgn) {
window.frames["board" + thisBoardId].pauseLiveBroadcast();
window.frames["board" + thisBoardId].document.getElementById("pgnText").value = thisPgnGame;
window.frames["board" + thisBoardId].refreshPgnSource();
window.frames["board" + thisBoardId].clearShortcutSquares("A","8");
} catch(e) { myAlert("error: failed accessing iframe for board #" + thisBoard, true); }
thisFrame.className = thisFrameClass;
return gameNum;
var firstLoadPgnText = true;
var liveBroadcastUpdateTicker = 0;
var previousPgnGameLength = new Array();
function customFunctionOnPgnTextLoad() {
var theObj;
if (firstLoadPgnText) { firstGame = firstFromDisplayGame(displayGame); }
unfilteredGames = new Array();
var newMovesInShownGames = false;
gamesForHiding = 0;
for (var g = 0; g < numberOfGames; g++) {
if (!checkForHiddenGame(gameEvent[g], gameSite[g], gameDate[g], gameRound[g], gameWhite[g], gameBlack[g])) {
if ((typeof(gameResult[g]) == "undefined") || (gameResult[g].indexOf("*") == -1)) { gamesForHiding++; }
numberOfGamesForDisplay = unfilteredGames.length;
for (var board = 0; board < maxBoards; board++) {
if ((g = updateBoard(boardId[board])) != -1) {
if (board === 0) { firstBoardDisplayGame = displayGame >=0 ? g + 1 : numberOfGames - g; }
var found_g = false; for (var f in unfilteredGames) { if (unfilteredGames[f] === g) { found_g = true; break; } }
if (found_g) {
var currentPgnGameLength;
if (LiveBroadcastDemo) {
currentPgnGameLength = gameDemoMaxPly[g] > gameDemoLength[g] ? gameDemoLength[g] + 1 : gameDemoMaxPly[g];
} else {
currentPgnGameLength = pgnGame[g].replace(/{[^}]*}/g, " ").replace(/\([^)]*\)/g, " ").length;
newMovesInShownGames = newMovesInShownGames || (typeof(previousPgnGameLength[g]) == "undefined") || (previousPgnGameLength[g] !== currentPgnGameLength);
previousPgnGameLength[g] = currentPgnGameLength;
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameLiveStatus")) {
if (alertNumSinceReset) {
theObj.title += " - " + alertNumSinceReset + " new alert" + (alertNumSinceReset > 1 ? "s" : "");
if (firstLoadPgnText) { theObj.style.display = "inline"; }
if (newMovesInShownGames) { liveBroadcastUpdateTicker++; }
document.title = liveBroadcastUpdateTicker + "." + LiveBroadcastStatusString.replace(/^(\d*)\D*(\d*)$/, "$1.$2") + " live broadcast" + (demoFlag ? " demo" : "");
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameLiveStatusDemo")) { theObj.innerHTML = LiveBroadcastDemo ? "demo &nbsp; " : ""; }
if (firstLoadPgnText) { firstLoadPgnText = false; }
function customDebugInfo() {
var dbg = "maxBoards=" + maxBoards;
dbg += " filtered=" + filteredGames.length;
return dbg;
function updateMenu() {
var theRightObject, theLeftObject, theInfoObject;
if (theRightObject = document.getElementById("rightMenu")) {
theRightObject.innerHTML = "";
if (numberOfGamesForDisplay > maxBoards) { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='previousPage();' title='showing from game " + (Math.abs(firstGame)+1) + "/" + numberOfGamesForDisplay + ": view the Earlier games' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;e&nbsp;</a></span><span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='nextPage();' title='showing from game " + (Math.abs(firstGame)+1) + "/" + numberOfGamesForDisplay + ": view the Next games' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;n&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
if (maxBoards > 1 && numberOfGamesForDisplay > 1) { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='newBoards(" + Math.min(maxBoards - 1, numberOfGamesForDisplay - 1) + ");' title='show one chessboard Less' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;l&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
if (numberOfGamesForDisplay > maxBoards) { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='newBoards(" + (maxBoards + 1) + ");' title='show one chessboard More' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;m&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
if (LiveBroadcastStarted && !LiveBroadcastEnded && gamesForHiding && numberOfGamesForDisplay > 1) { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='hideEndedGames();' title='Hide games finished so far' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;h&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
if (filteredGames.length > 0) { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='restoreHiddenGames();' title='Unhide games previously hidden: " + filteredGames.length + "/" + numberOfGames + "' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;u&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
if (LiveBroadcastDelay > 0) {
if (LiveBroadcastEnded) { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='restartLiveBroadcast();' title='Check for the start of a new live broadcast event' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;c&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
else {
if (LiveBroadcastPaused && LiveBroadcastStarted) { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='restartLiveBroadcast(); updateMenu();' title='Restart live broadcast automatic refresh of games' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;r&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
else if (LiveBroadcastPaused && !LiveBroadcastStarted) { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='restartLiveBroadcast(); updateMenu();' title='Restart polling for a new live broadcast' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;r&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
else if (LiveBroadcastStarted) { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='pauseLiveBroadcast(); updateMenu();' title='Pause live broadcast automatic refresh of games' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;p&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
else { theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='pauseLiveBroadcast(); updateMenu();' title='Pause polling for a new live broadcast' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;p&nbsp;</a></span>"; }
theRightObject.innerHTML += "<span class='menuLink'><a class='commandLink' class='commandLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='refreshPgnSource();' title='Force games refresh" + (LiveBroadcastStarted ? ": last moves received on " + LiveBroadcastLastReceivedLocal : "") + "' onfocus='this.blur();'>&nbsp;f&nbsp;</a></span>";
if (theRightObject && (theLeftObject = document.getElementById("leftMenu"))) {
theRightObject.style.minWidth = 0;
theLeftObject.style.minWidth = 0;
theRightObject.style.minWidth = theLeftObject.offsetWidth;
theLeftObject.style.minWidth = theRightObject.offsetWidth;
if (theInfoObject = document.getElementById("infoMessage")) {
if (numberOfGamesForDisplay < 1) {
theInfoObject.innerHTML = "warning: all games hidden: <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='restoreHiddenGames();' onfocus='this.blur();'>unhide games</a> or <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='refreshPgnSource();' onfocus='this.blur();'>force live refresh</a>";
} else {
var theEvent = "";
var theSite = "";
for (var n = 0; n < numberOfGames; n++) {
if ((theEvent !== false) && (theEvent !== gameEvent[n])) {
if (theEvent) { theEvent = false; }
else { theEvent = gameEvent[n]; }
if ((theSite !== false) && (theSite !== gameSite[n])) {
if (theSite) { theSite = false; }
else { theSite = gameSite[n]; }
if (theEvent == "?") { theEvent = ""; }
if (theSite == "?") { theSite = ""; }
if (theEvent) { theEvent = theEvent.replace(/\s/g, "&nbsp;").replace(/-/g, "&#8209;"); }
if (theSite) { theSite = theSite.replace(/\s/g, "&nbsp;").replace(/-/g, "&#8209;"); }
if (theEvent || theSite) {
var theInfoObjectText = "<span class='notranslate'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if (theEvent) { theInfoObjectText += theEvent; }
if (theEvent && theSite) { theInfoObjectText += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
if (theSite) { theInfoObjectText += theSite; }
theInfoObjectText += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>";
theInfoObject.innerHTML = theInfoObjectText;
theInfoObject.title = "event currently on display: hover the mouse below each chessboard for more details";
} else {
theInfoObject.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
theInfoObject.title = "";
function startFromFirstGame(fGame) {
if (fGame >= numberOfGamesForDisplay) { return numberOfGamesForDisplay - 1; }
if (fGame < -numberOfGamesForDisplay) { return 0; }
if (fGame < 0) { return numberOfGamesForDisplay + fGame; }
else { return fGame; }
function nextPage() {
firstGame = (startFromFirstGame(firstGame) + maxBoards) % numberOfGamesForDisplay;
firstGame -= (firstGame < 0 ? numberOfGamesForDisplay : 0);
function previousPage() {
firstGame = (startFromFirstGame(firstGame) - maxBoards + numberOfGamesForDisplay) % numberOfGamesForDisplay;
firstGame -= (firstGame < 0 ? numberOfGamesForDisplay : 0);
function newBoards(newMaxBoards) {
function cycleHash() {
switch (location.hash) {
case "#boards": goToHash("bottom"); break;
case "#bottom": goToHash(""); break;
default: goToHash("boards"); break;
function goToHash(hash) {
if (hash) { location.hash = ""; }
else { location.hash = "boards"; }
location.hash = hash;
function customShortcutKey_Shift_3() { cycleHash(); }
function customShortcutKey_Shift_5() {
displayGame = displayGame_default;
firstLoadPgnText = true;
function customShortcutKey_Shift_6() {
firstLoadPgnText = true;
function customShortcutKey_Shift_7() {
function customShortcutKey_Shift_8() {