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2014-02-13 01:44:20 +04:00
* pgn4web javascript chessboard
* copyright (C) 2009-2013 Paolo Casaschi
* see README file and http://pgn4web.casaschi.net
* for credits, license and more details
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
* URL parameters:
* headlessPage = true | false (default false)
* hideForm = true | false (default false)
* pgnData (or pgnUrl) = (default null)
* pgnText = (default null)
$pgnDebugInfo = "";
$tmpDir = "viewer";
$fileUploadLimitBytes = 4194304;
$fileUploadLimitText = round(($fileUploadLimitBytes / 1048576), 0) . "MB";
$fileUploadLimitIniText = ini_get("upload_max_filesize");
if ($fileUploadLimitIniText === "") { $fileUploadLimitIniText = "unknown"; }
// it would be nice here to evaluate ini_get('allow_fopen_url') and flag the issue (possibly disabling portions of the input forms), but the return values of ini_get() for boolean values are totally unreliable, so we have to leave with the generic server error message when trying to load a remote URL while allow_fopen_url is disabled in php.ini
$zipSupported = function_exists('zip_open');
if (!$zipSupported) { $pgnDebugInfo = $pgnDebugInfo . "\\n" . "ZIP support unavailable from server, missing php ZIP library"; }
$http_response_header_status = "";
$http_response_header_last_modified = "";
$debugHelpText = "a flashing chessboard signals errors in the PGN data, click on the top left chessboard square for debug messages";
$headlessPage = strtolower(get_param("headlessPage", "hp", ""));
$hideForm = strtolower(get_param("hideForm", "hf", ""));
$hideFormCss = ($hideForm == "true") || ($hideForm == "t") ? "display:none;" : "";
$startPosition = '[Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Round ""] [White ""] [Black ""] [Result ""] ' . ((($hideForm == "true") || ($hideForm == "t")) ? '' : '{ please enter chess games in PGN format using the form at the top of the page }');
$presetURLsArray = array();
function addPresetURL($label, $javascriptCode) {
global $presetURLsArray;
array_push($presetURLsArray, array('label' => $label, 'javascriptCode' => $javascriptCode));
// modify the viewer-preset-URLs.php file to add preset URLs for the viewer's form
include 'viewer-preset-URLs.php';
$pgnOnly = get_param("pgnOnly", "po", "");
$generateParameter = get_param("generateParameter", "gp", "");
if (($pgnOnly == "true") || ($pgnOnly == "t")) {
if (!get_pgn()) { header("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content"); }
header("content-type: application/x-chess-pgn");
header("content-disposition: inline; filename=games.pgn");
if ($http_response_header_last_modified) { header($http_response_header_last_modified); }
if ($pgnText) { print $pgnText; }
} elseif (($generateParameter == "true") || ($generateParameter == "t")) {
header("content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
$pgnUrl = get_param("pgnData", "pd", "");
if ($pgnUrl == "") { $pgnUrl = get_param("pgnUrl", "pu", ""); }
$pgnLink = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . urlencode("?po=t&pd=" . $pgnUrl);
print("<div style='font-family:sans-serif; padding:1em;'><a style='text-decoration:none; color:black;' href='" . $pgnLink . "'>" . $pgnLink . "</a></div>");
} else {
header("content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
if (!($goToView = get_pgn())) {
$pgnText = preg_match("/^error:/", $pgnStatus) ? '[Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Round ""] [White ""] [Black ""] [Result ""] { error loading PGN data, click square A8 for more details }' : $startPosition;
function get_param($param, $shortParam, $default) {
if (isset($_REQUEST[$param])) { return $_REQUEST[$param]; }
if (isset($_REQUEST[$shortParam])) { return $_REQUEST[$shortParam]; }
return $default;
function http_parse_headers($headerFields) {
global $http_response_header_status, $http_response_header_last_modified;
$retVal = array();
foreach ($headerFields as $field) {
if (preg_match('/([^:]+): (.+)/m', $field, $match)) {
$match[1] = preg_replace('/(?<=^|[\x09\x20\x2D])./e', 'strtoupper("\0")', strtolower(trim($match[1])));
if (isset($retVal[$match[1]])) {
$retVal[$match[1]] = array($retVal[$match[1]], $match[2]);
} else {
$retVal[$match[1]] = trim($match[2]);
} else if (preg_match('/^\S+\s+\d+\s/m', $field)) {
$retVal["status"] = $field;
if (isset($retVal["status"])) { $http_response_header_status = $retVal["status"]; }
if (isset($retVal["Last-Modified"])) { $http_response_header_last_modified = "Last-Modified: " . $retVal["Last-Modified"]; }
return $retVal;
function http_response_header_isInvalid() {
global $http_response_header_status;
return $http_response_header_status ? preg_match("/^\S+\s+[45]\d\d\s/", $http_response_header_status) : FALSE;
function get_pgn() {
global $pgnText, $pgnTextbox, $pgnUrl, $pgnFileName, $pgnFileSize, $pgnStatus, $tmpDir, $debugHelpText, $pgnDebugInfo;
global $fileUploadLimitIniText, $fileUploadLimitText, $fileUploadLimitBytes, $startPosition, $goToView, $zipSupported;
global $http_response_header_status, $http_response_header_last_modified;
$pgnDebugInfo = $pgnDebugInfo . get_param("debug", "d", "");
$pgnText = get_param("pgnText", "pt", "");
$pgnUrl = get_param("pgnData", "pd", "");
if ($pgnUrl == "") { $pgnUrl = get_param("pgnUrl", "pu", ""); }
if ($pgnText) {
$pgnStatus = "info: games from textbox input";
$pgnTextbox = $pgnText = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $pgnText);
$pgnText = preg_replace("/\[/", "\n\n[", $pgnText);
$pgnText = preg_replace("/\]/", "]\n\n", $pgnText);
$pgnText = preg_replace("/([012\*])(\s*)(\[)/", "$1\n\n$3", $pgnText);
$pgnText = preg_replace("/\]\s*\[/", "]\n[", $pgnText);
$pgnText = preg_replace("/^\s*\[/", "[", $pgnText);
$pgnText = preg_replace("/\n[\s*\n]+/", "\n\n", $pgnText);
$pgnTextbox = $pgnText;
return TRUE;
} else if ($pgnUrl) {
$pgnStatus = "info: games from $pgnUrl";
$isPgn = preg_match("/\.(pgn|txt)$/i", preg_replace("/[?#].*$/", "", $pgnUrl));
$isZip = preg_match("/\.zip$/i", preg_replace("/[?#].*$/", "", $pgnUrl));
if ($isZip) {
if (!$zipSupported) {
$pgnStatus = "error: zipfile support unavailable, unable to open $pgnUrl";
return FALSE;
} else {
$tempZipName = tempnam($tmpDir, "pgn4webViewer_");
// $pgnUrlOpts tries forcing following location redirects
// depending on server configuration, the script might still fail if the ZIP URL is redirected
$pgnUrlOpts = array("http" => array("follow_location" => TRUE, "max_redirects" => 20));
$pgnUrlHandle = @fopen($pgnUrl, "rb", false, stream_context_create($pgnUrlOpts));
if (!$pgnUrlHandle) {
$pgnStatus = "error: failed to get $pgnUrl: file not found or server error";
return FALSE;
} else {
$tempZipHandle = fopen($tempZipName, "wb");
$copiedBytes = stream_copy_to_stream($pgnUrlHandle, $tempZipHandle, $fileUploadLimitBytes + 1, 0);
if (isset($http_response_header)) { http_parse_headers($http_response_header); }
if ((($copiedBytes > 0) && ($copiedBytes <= $fileUploadLimitBytes)) && (!http_response_header_isInvalid())) {
$pgnSource = $tempZipName;
} else {
$pgnStatus = "error: failed to get $pgnUrl: " . (http_response_header_isInvalid() ? "server error: $http_response_header_status" : "file not found, file size exceeds $fileUploadLimitText form limit, $fileUploadLimitIniText server limit or server error");
if (($tempZipName) && (file_exists($tempZipName))) { unlink($tempZipName); }
return FALSE;
} else {
$pgnSource = $pgnUrl;
} elseif (count($_FILES) == 0) {
$pgnStatus = "info: no games supplied";
return FALSE;
} elseif ($_FILES['pgnFile']['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$pgnFileName = $_FILES['pgnFile']['name'];
$pgnStatus = "info: games from file $pgnFileName";
$pgnFileSize = $_FILES['pgnFile']['size'];
if ($pgnFileSize == 0) {
$pgnStatus = "info: failed uploading games: file not found, file empty or upload error";
return FALSE;
} elseif ($pgnFileSize > $fileUploadLimitBytes) {
$pgnStatus = "error: failed uploading games: file size exceeds $fileUploadLimitText limit";
return FALSE;
} else {
$isPgn = preg_match("/\.(pgn|txt)$/i",$pgnFileName);
$isZip = preg_match("/\.zip$/i",$pgnFileName);
$pgnSource = $_FILES['pgnFile']['tmp_name'];
} else {
$pgnStatus = "error: failed uploading games: ";
switch ($_FILES['pgnFile']['error']) {
$pgnStatus = $pgnStatus . "file size exceeds $fileUploadLimitText form limit or $fileUploadLimitIniText server limit";
$pgnStatus = $pgnStatus . "file missing or truncated";
$pgnStatus = $pgnStatus . "server error";
$pgnStatus = $pgnStatus . "unknown upload error";
return FALSE;
if ($isZip) {
if ($zipSupported) {
if ($pgnUrl) { $zipFileString = $pgnUrl; }
else { $zipFileString = "zip file"; }
$pgnZip = zip_open($pgnSource);
if (is_resource($pgnZip)) {
while (is_resource($zipEntry = zip_read($pgnZip))) {
if (zip_entry_open($pgnZip, $zipEntry)) {
if (preg_match("/\.pgn$/i",zip_entry_name($zipEntry))) {
$pgnText = $pgnText . zip_entry_read($zipEntry, zip_entry_filesize($zipEntry)) . "\n\n\n";
} else {
$pgnStatus = "error: failed reading $zipFileString content";
if ((isset($tempZipName)) && ($tempZipName) && (file_exists($tempZipName))) { unlink($tempZipName); }
return FALSE;
if ((isset($tempZipName)) && ($tempZipName) && (file_exists($tempZipName))) { unlink($tempZipName); }
if (!$pgnText) {
$pgnStatus = "error: games not found in $zipFileString";
return FALSE;
} else {
if ((isset($tempZipName)) && ($tempZipName) && (file_exists($tempZipName))) { unlink($tempZipName); }
$pgnStatus = "error: failed opening $zipFileString";
return FALSE;
} else {
$pgnStatus = "error: ZIP support unavailable from this server, only PGN files are supported";
return FALSE;
} elseif ($isPgn) {
if ($pgnUrl) { $pgnFileString = $pgnUrl; }
else { $pgnFileString = "pgn file"; }
$pgnText = @file_get_contents($pgnSource, NULL, NULL, 0, $fileUploadLimitBytes + 1);
if (isset($http_response_header)) { http_parse_headers($http_response_header); }
if ((!$pgnText) || (($pgnUrl) && (http_response_header_isInvalid()))) {
$pgnStatus = "error: failed reading $pgnFileString: " . (http_response_header_isInvalid() ? "server error: $http_response_header_status" : "file not found or server error");
return FALSE;
if ((strlen($pgnText) == 0) || (strlen($pgnText) > $fileUploadLimitBytes)) {
$pgnStatus = "error: failed reading $pgnFileString: file size exceeds $fileUploadLimitText form limit, $fileUploadLimitIniText server limit or server error";
return FALSE;
} elseif ($pgnSource) {
if ($zipSupported) {
$pgnStatus = "error: only PGN and ZIP (zipped pgn) files are supported";
} else {
$pgnStatus = "error: only PGN files are supported, ZIP support unavailable from this server";
return FALSE;
$pgnText = str_replace(array("&", "<", ">"), array("&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;"), $pgnText);
return TRUE;
function check_tmpDir() {
global $pgnText, $pgnTextbox, $pgnUrl, $pgnFileName, $pgnFileSize, $pgnStatus, $tmpDir, $debugHelpText, $pgnDebugInfo;
global $fileUploadLimitIniText, $fileUploadLimitText, $fileUploadLimitBytes, $startPosition, $goToView, $zipSupported;
$unexpectedFiles = "";
$tmpDirHandle = opendir($tmpDir);
while($entryName = readdir($tmpDirHandle)) {
if (($entryName !== ".") && ($entryName !== "..") && ($entryName !== "index.html")) {
if ((time() - filemtime($tmpDir . "/" . $entryName)) > 3600) {
$unexpectedFiles = $unexpectedFiles . " " . $entryName;
if ($unexpectedFiles) {
$pgnDebugInfo = $pgnDebugInfo . "\\n" . "clean temporary directory " . $tmpDir . ":" . $unexpectedFiles;
function print_menu($item) {
print <<<END
<div style="height:0.2em; overflow:hidden;"><a name="$item">&nbsp;</a></div>
<div style="width:100%; text-align:right; font-size:66%; padding-bottom:0.5em;">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#bottom" style="color: #B0B0B0;" onclick="this.blur();">bottom</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#moves" style="color: #B0B0B0;" onclick="this.blur();">moves</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#board" style="color: #B0B0B0;" onclick="this.blur();">board</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#top" style="color: #B0B0B0;" onclick="this.blur();">top</a>
function print_header() {
global $headlessPage;
if (($headlessPage == "true") || ($headlessPage == "t")) {
$headClass = " display:none;";
} else {
$headClass = "";
print <<<END
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=800">
<title>pgn4web games viewer</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
body {
color: black;
background: white;
font-family: 'pgn4web Liberation Sans', sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
padding: 1.75em;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;
div, span, table, tr, td {
font-family: 'pgn4web Liberation Sans', sans-serif; /* fixes IE9 body css issue */
font-size: 16px; /* fixes Opera table css issue */
line-height: 1.4em;
a {
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
.formControl {
font-size: smaller;
margin: 0px;
.verticalMiddle {
display: block;
vertical-align: middle;
.borderBox {
box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box; /* remove when non-prefixed option supported by firefox */
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; /* remove when non-prefixed option supported by safari */
.textboxAppearance {
appearance: field;
-moz-appearance: textfield;
-webkit-appearance: textfield;
.headClass {
<body onResize="if (typeof(updateAnnotationGraph) != 'undefined') { updateAnnotationGraph(); }">
<h1 class="headClass" style="margin-top:0px; padding-top:0px; text-align:right;">
<a style="float:left; color:red;">
pgn4web games viewer
<a href="." onfocus="this.blur();" style="width:49px; height:29px; background:url(pawns.png) -47px -15px; vertical-align:baseline; display:inline-block;"></a>
<div style="height:1em;" class="headClass">&nbsp;</div>
function print_form() {
global $pgnText, $pgnTextbox, $pgnUrl, $pgnFileName, $pgnFileSize, $pgnStatus, $tmpDir, $debugHelpText, $pgnDebugInfo;
global $fileUploadLimitIniText, $fileUploadLimitText, $fileUploadLimitBytes, $startPosition, $goToView, $zipSupported;
global $headlessPage, $hideFormCss, $presetURLsArray;
$thisScript = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
if (($headlessPage == "true") || ($headlessPage == "t")) { $thisScript .= "?hp=t"; }
print <<<END
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
function setPgnUrl(newPgnUrl) {
if (!newPgnUrl) { newPgnUrl = ""; }
document.getElementById("urlFormText").value = newPgnUrl;
return false;
function checkPgnUrl() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("urlFormText");
if (!theObj) { return false; }
if (!checkPgnExtension(theObj.value)) { return false; }
else { return (theObj.value !== ""); }
function checkPgnFile() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("uploadFormFile");
if (!theObj) { return false; }
if (!checkPgnExtension(theObj.value)) { return false; }
else { return (theObj.value !== ""); }
if ($zipSupported) { print <<<END
function checkPgnExtension(uri) {
if (uri.replace(/[?#].*$/, "").match(/\\.(zip|pgn|txt)\$/i)) {
return true;
} else if (uri !== "") {
alert("only PGN and ZIP (zipped pgn) files are supported");
return false;
} else { print <<<END
function checkPgnExtension(uri) {
if (uri.match(/\\.(pgn|txt)\$/i)) {
return true;
} else if (uri.match(/\\.zip\$/i)) {
alert("ZIP support unavailable from this server, only PGN files are supported\\n\\nplease submit locally extracted PGN");
} else if (uri !== "") {
alert("only PGN files are supported (ZIP support unavailable from this server)");
return false;
print <<<END
function checkPgnFormTextSize() {
document.getElementById("pgnFormButton").title = "view games from textbox: PGN textbox size is " + document.getElementById("pgnFormText").value.length;
if (document.getElementById("pgnFormText").value.length == 1) {
document.getElementById("pgnFormButton").title += " char;";
} else {
document.getElementById("pgnFormButton").title += " chars;";
document.getElementById("pgnFormButton").title += " $debugHelpText";
document.getElementById("pgnFormText").title = document.getElementById("pgnFormButton").title;
function loadPgnFromForm() {
var theObjPgnFormText = document.getElementById('pgnFormText');
if (!theObjPgnFormText) { return; }
if (theObjPgnFormText.value === "") { return; }
var theObjPgnText = document.getElementById('pgnText');
if (!theObjPgnText) { return; }
theObjPgnText.value = theObjPgnFormText.value;
theObjPgnText.value = theObjPgnText.value.replace(/\\[/g,'\\n\\n[');
theObjPgnText.value = theObjPgnText.value.replace(/\\]/g,']\\n\\n');
theObjPgnText.value = theObjPgnText.value.replace(/([012\\*])(\\s*)(\\[)/g,'\$1\\n\\n\$3');
theObjPgnText.value = theObjPgnText.value.replace(/\\]\\s*\\[/g,']\\n[');
theObjPgnText.value = theObjPgnText.value.replace(/^\\s*\\[/g,'[');
theObjPgnText.value = theObjPgnText.value.replace(/\\n[\\s*\\n]+/g,'\\n\\n');
document.getElementById('uploadFormFile').value = "";
document.getElementById('urlFormText').value = "";
if (analysisStarted) { stopAnalysis(); }
firstStart = true;
myAlert("info: games from textbox input", false, true);
function urlFormSelectChange() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("urlFormSelect");
if (!theObj) { return; }
var targetPgnUrl = "";
switch (theObj.value) {
foreach($presetURLsArray as $value) {
print("\n" . ' case "' . $value['label'] . '":' . "\n" . ' targetPgnUrl = (function(){ ' . $value['javascriptCode'] . '})();' . "\n" . ' break;' . "\n");
$formVariableColspan = $presetURLsArray ? 2: 1;
print <<<END
theObj.value = "header";
var textFormMinHeight = "";
function getTextFormMinHeight() {
var theObj;
if ((theObj = document.getElementById("pgnFormText")) && (theObj.offsetHeight)) {
return (theObj.offsetHeight + "px");
} else {
return "5em";
function reset_viewer() {
document.getElementById("uploadFormFile").value = "";
document.getElementById("urlFormText").value = "";
document.getElementById("pgnFormText").value = "";
document.getElementById("pgnFormText").style.height = textFormMinHeight;
document.getElementById("pgnText").value = '$startPosition';
if (typeof(start_pgn4web) == "function") {
if (analysisStarted) { stopAnalysis(); }
firstStart = true;
if (IsRotated) { FlipBoard(); }
// fake functions to avoid warnings before pgn4web.js is loaded
function disableShortcutKeysAndStoreStatus() {}
function restoreShortcutKeysStatus() {}
<table style="margin-bottom:1.5em; $hideFormCss" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0"><tbody>
<form id="uploadForm" action="$thisScript" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" style="display:inline;">
<td align="left" valign="middle">
<input id="uploadFormSubmitButton" type="submit" class="formControl" value=" view games from local file " style="width:100%;" title="view games from local file: PGN and ZIP files must be smaller than $fileUploadLimitText (form limit) and $fileUploadLimitIniText (server limit); $debugHelpText" onClick="this.blur(); return checkPgnFile();">
<td colspan="$formVariableColspan" width="100%" align="left" valign="middle">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="$fileUploadLimitBytes">
<input id="uploadFormFile" name="pgnFile" type="file" class="formControl borderBox" style="width:100%;" title="view games from local file: PGN and ZIP files must be smaller than $fileUploadLimitText (form limit) and $fileUploadLimitIniText (server limit); $debugHelpText" onClick="this.blur();">
<form id="urlForm" action="$thisScript" method="POST" style="display:inline;">
<td align="left" valign="middle">
<input id="urlFormSubmitButton" type="submit" class="formControl" value=" view games from remote URL " title="view games from remote URL: PGN and ZIP files must be smaller than $fileUploadLimitText (form limit) and $fileUploadLimitIniText (server limit); $debugHelpText" onClick="this.blur(); return checkPgnUrl();">
<td width="100%" align="left" valign="middle">
<input id="urlFormText" name="pgnUrl" type="text" class="formControl verticalMiddle borderBox" value="" style="width:100%;" onFocus="disableShortcutKeysAndStoreStatus();" onBlur="restoreShortcutKeysStatus();" title="view games from remote URL: PGN and ZIP files must be smaller than $fileUploadLimitText (form limit) and $fileUploadLimitIniText (server limit); $debugHelpText">
if ($presetURLsArray) {
print(' <td align="right" valign="middle">' . "\n" . ' <select id="urlFormSelect" class="formControl verticalMiddle" style="font-family:monospace; display:block; vertical-align:middle;" title="view games from remote URL: select the download URL from the preset options; please support the sites providing the PGN games downloads" onChange="this.blur(); urlFormSelectChange();">' . "\n" . ' <option value="header"> </option>' . "\n");
foreach($presetURLsArray as $value) {
print(' <option value="' . $value['label'] . '">' . $value['label'] . '</option>' . "\n");
print(' <option value="clear">clear URL</option>' . "\n" . ' </select>' . "\n" . ' </td>' . "\n");
print <<<END
<form id="textForm" style="display:inline;">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<input id="pgnFormButton" type="button" class="formControl" value=" view games from textbox " style="width:100%;" onClick="this.blur(); loadPgnFromForm();">
<td colspan="$formVariableColspan" rowspan="2" width="100%" align="right" valign="middle">
<textarea id="pgnFormText" class="formControl verticalMiddle borderBox textboxAppearance" name="pgnTextbox" rows=4 style="width:100%; resize:vertical;" onFocus="disableShortcutKeysAndStoreStatus();" onBlur="restoreShortcutKeysStatus();" onChange="checkPgnFormTextSize();">$pgnTextbox</textarea>
<td align="left" valign="bottom">
<input id="clearButton" type="button" class="formControl" value=" reset viewer " onClick="this.blur(); if (confirm('reset viewer: current PGN games and inputs will be lost')) { reset_viewer(); }" title="reset viewer: current PGN games and inputs will be lost">
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
var textFormMinHeight = getTextFormMinHeight();
var theObj = document.getElementById("pgnFormText");
if (theObj) {
theObj.style.height = textFormMinHeight;
theObj.style.minHeight = textFormMinHeight;
function print_chessboard_one() {
global $pgnText, $pgnTextbox, $pgnUrl, $pgnFileName, $pgnFileSize, $pgnStatus, $tmpDir, $debugHelpText, $pgnDebugInfo;
global $fileUploadLimitIniText, $fileUploadLimitText, $fileUploadLimitBytes, $startPosition, $goToView, $zipSupported;
global $hideFormCss;
print <<<END
<style type="text/css">
@import url("fonts/pgn4web-font-LiberationSans.css");
@import url("fonts/pgn4web-font-ChessSansUsual.css");
.gameBoard, .boardTable {
width: 392px !important;
height: 392px !important;
.boardTable {
border-style: solid;
border-color: #663300;
border-width: 4px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #663300;
.pieceImage {
width: 36px;
height: 36px;
.highlightBlackSquare {
width: 44px;
height: 44px;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 2px;
.highlightWhiteSquare {
border-color: #FFCC99;
background: #FFCC99;
.highlightBlackSquare {
border-color: #CC9966;
background: #CC9966;
.highlightBlackSquare {
border-color: #663300;
.selectControl {
/* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
width: 100% !important;
margin-top: 1em;
.optionSelectControl {
.gameButtons {
width: 392px;
.buttonControl {
/* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
width: 75.2px !important;
font-family: 'pgn4web ChessSansUsual', 'pgn4web Liberation Sans', sans-serif;
font-size: 1em;
color: #B0B0B0;
-webkit-appearance: none;
border: none;
background: transparent;
margin-top: 25px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.buttonControlSpace {
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a.variation {
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padding-top: 0.5em;
padding-bottom: 1em;
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float: left;
width: 100%;
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float: left;
width: 60%;
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height: 6em;
width: 100%;
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width: 1em;
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text-align: right;
color: #B0B0B0;
.gameAnnotationMessage {
display: inline-block;
white-space: nowrap;
color: #B0B0B0;
margin-top: 25px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.lastMoveAndVariations {
float: left;
.lastMove {
.lastVariations {
padding-left: 1em;
.nextMoveAndVariations {
float: right;
.nextMove {
.nextVariations {
padding-right: 1em;
.backButton {
.lastMoveAndComment {
clear: both;
line-height: 1.4em;
display: none;
.lastComment {
clear: both;
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height: 4.2em;
min-height: 1.4em;
max-height: 21em;
padding-right: 1em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
text-align: justify;
.analysisEval {
display: inline-block;
min-width: 3em;
.analysisMove {
.tablebase {
display: none;
.analysisPv {
margin-left: 0.5em;
<script src="pgn4web.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="engine.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="fonts/chess-informant-NAG-symbols.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="fide-lookup.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.NAGs {
font-size: 19px;
line-height: 0.9em;
<!-- paste your PGN below and make sure you dont specify an external source with SetPgnUrl() -->
<form style="display: none;"><textarea style="display: none;" id="pgnText">
<!-- paste your PGN above and make sure you dont specify an external source with SetPgnUrl() -->
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
var pgn4web_engineWindowUrlParameters = "pf=m";
var highlightOption_default = true;
var commentsOnSeparateLines_default = false;
var commentsIntoMoveText_default = true;
var initialHalfmove_default = "start";
SetInitialHalfmove(initialHalfmove_default, true);
SetGameSelectorOptions(null, true, 12, 12, 2, 15, 15, 3, 10);
function getHighlightOptionFromLocalStorage() {
var ho;
try { ho = (localStorage.getItem("pgn4web_chess_viewer_highlightOption") != "false"); }
catch(e) { return highlightOption_default; }
return ho === null ? highlightOption_default : ho;
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catch(e) { return false; }
return true;
function getCommentsIntoMoveTextFromLocalStorage() {
var cimt;
try { cimt = !(localStorage.getItem("pgn4web_chess_viewer_commentsIntoMoveText") == "false"); }
catch(e) { return commentsIntoMoveText_default; }
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catch(e) { return false; }
return true;
function getCommentsOnSeparateLinesFromLocalStorage() {
var cosl;
try { cosl = (localStorage.getItem("pgn4web_chess_viewer_commentsOnSeparateLines") == "true"); }
catch(e) { return commentsOnSeparateLines_default; }
return cosl === null ? commentsOnSeparateLines_default : cosl;
function setCommentsOnSeparateLinesToLocalStorage(cosl) {
try { localStorage.setItem("pgn4web_chess_viewer_commentsOnSeparateLines", cosl ? "true" : "false"); }
catch(e) { return false; }
return true;
var Delay_default = 2000;
function getDelayFromLocalStorage() {
var d;
try { d = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("pgn4web_chess_viewer_Delay"), 10); }
catch(e) { return Delay_default; }
return ((d === null) || (isNaN(d))) ? Delay_default : d;
function setDelayToLocalStorage(d) {
try { localStorage.setItem("pgn4web_chess_viewer_Delay", d); }
catch(e) { return false; }
return true;
function searchTag(tag, key, event) {
searchPgnGame('\\\\[\\\\s*' + tag + '\\\\s*"' + fixRegExp(key) + '"\\\\s*\\\\]', event.shiftKey);
function searchTagDifferent(tag, key, event) {
searchPgnGame('\\\\[\\\\s*' + tag + '\\\\s*"(?!' + fixRegExp(key) + '"\\\\s*\\\\])', event.shiftKey);
function fixHeaderTag(elementId) {
var headerId = ["GameEvent", "GameSite", "GameDate", "GameRound", "GameWhite", "GameBlack", "GameResult", "GameMode", "GameSection", "GameStage", "GameBoardNum", "Timecontrol", "GameWhiteTeam", "GameBlackTeam", "GameWhiteTitle", "GameBlackTitle", "GameWhiteElo", "GameBlackElo", "GameECO", "GameOpening", "GameVariation", "GameSubVariation", "GameTermination", "GameAnnotator", "GameWhiteClock", "GameBlackClock", "GameTimeControl"];
var headerLabel = ["event", "site", "date", "round", "white player", "black player", "result", "mode", "section", "stage", "board", "time control", "white team", "black team", "white title", "black title", "white elo", "black elo", "eco", "opening", "variation", "subvariation", "termination", "annotator", "white clock", "black clock", "time control"];
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customPgnHeaderTag(tag, elementId);
if (fixForDisplay && (theObj = document.getElementById(elementId)) && theObj.innerHTML) {
theObj.innerHTML = fixCommentForDisplay(theObj.innerHTML);
var previousCurrentVar = -1;
function customFunctionOnMove() {
if (analysisStarted) {
if (engineUnderstandsGame(currentGame)) {
if (previousCurrentVar !== CurrentVar) { scanGameForFen(); }
else { stopAnalysis(); }
} else {
previousCurrentVar = CurrentVar;
if ((annotateInProgress) && (!analysisStarted)) { stopAnnotateGame(false); }
else if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnnotationMessage")) {
if ((!annotateInProgress) && (theObj.innerHTML.indexOf("completed") > -1)) {
theObj.style.display = "none";
theObj.innerHTML = "";
theObj.title = "";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameButtons")) {
theObj.style.display = "";
var PlyNumberMax;
function customFunctionOnPgnGameLoad() {
var theObj;
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('Mode', 'GameMode');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('Section', 'GameSection');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('Stage', 'GameStage');
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameRound")) {
if (theObj.innerHTML) {
theObj.innerHTML = "round " + theObj.innerHTML;
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('Board', 'GameBoardNum');
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameBoardNum")) {
if (theObj.innerHTML) {
theObj.innerHTML = "board " + theObj.innerHTML;
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('TimeControl', 'GameTimeControl');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('WhiteTeam', 'GameWhiteTeam');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('BlackTeam', 'GameBlackTeam');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('WhiteTitle', 'GameWhiteTitle');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('BlackTitle', 'GameBlackTitle');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('WhiteElo', 'GameWhiteElo');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('BlackElo', 'GameBlackElo');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('ECO', 'GameECO');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('Opening', 'GameOpening', true);
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('Variation', 'GameVariation', true);
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('SubVariation', 'GameSubVariation', true);
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('Termination', 'GameTermination');
customPgnHeaderTagWithFix('Annotator', 'GameAnnotator');
if (PlyNumber > 0) { customPgnHeaderTag('Result', 'ResultAtGametextEnd'); }
else { if (theObj = document.getElementById('ResultAtGametextEnd')) { theObj.innerHTML = ""; } }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameNumCurrent")) {
theObj.innerHTML = currentGame + 1;
theObj.title = "current game: " + (currentGame + 1);
if (theObj = document.getElementById('lastMoveAndComment')) {
var lastDisplayStyle;
if ((PlyNumber === 0) && (gameFEN[currentGame])) {
lastDisplayStyle = "block";
} else if (commentsIntoMoveText && ((PlyNumber > 0) || (gameFEN[currentGame]))) {
lastDisplayStyle = GameHasComments ? "block" : "none";
} else {
lastDisplayStyle = "none";
theObj.style.display = lastDisplayStyle;
if (theObj = document.getElementById("toggleCommentsLink")) {
if (GameHasComments) {
theObj.innerHTML = commentsIntoMoveText ? "&times;" : "+";
} else {
theObj.innerHTML = "";
PlyNumberMax = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < numberOfVars; ii++) {
PlyNumberMax = Math.max(PlyNumberMax, StartPlyVar[ii] + PlyNumberVar[ii] - StartPly);
if (analysisStarted) {
if (engineUnderstandsGame(currentGame)) { scanGameForFen(); }
else { stopAnalysis(); }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("toggleAnalysisLink")) {
theObj.style.visibility = (annotationSupported && engineUnderstandsGame(currentGame)) ? "visible" : "hidden";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnalysisEval")) {
theObj.style.visibility = (annotationSupported && engineUnderstandsGame(currentGame)) ? "visible" : "hidden";
function customFunctionOnPgnTextLoad() {
var theObj;
var gameLoadStatus = "$pgnStatus";
if (gameLoadStatus) { myAlert(gameLoadStatus, gameLoadStatus.match(/^error:/), !gameLoadStatus.match(/^error:/)); }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameNumInfo")) {
theObj.style.display = numberOfGames > 1 ? "block" : "none";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameNumTotal")) {
theObj.innerHTML = numberOfGames;
theObj.title = "number of games: " + numberOfGames;
function searchPlayer(name, FideId, event) {
if (name) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
if (typeof(openFidePlayerUrl) == "function") { openFidePlayerUrl(name, FideId); }
} else {
searchPgnGame('\\\\[\\\\s*(White|Black)\\\\s*"' + fixRegExp(name) + '"\\\\s*\\\\]', false);
function searchTeam(name) {
searchPgnGame('\\\\[\\\\s*(White|Black)Team\\\\s*"' + fixRegExp(name) + '"\\\\s*\\\\]', false);
function cycleHash() {
switch (location.hash) {
case "#top": goToHash("board"); break;
case "#board": goToHash("moves"); break;
case "#zoom": goToHash("moves"); break;
case "#moves": goToHash("bottom"); break;
case "#bottom": goToHash("top"); break;
default: goToHash("board"); break;
function goToHash(hash) {
if (hash) { location.hash = ""; }
else { location.hash = "#board"; }
location.hash = "#" + hash;
var shortcutKeyTimeout = null;
// customShortcutKey_Shift_1 defined by fide-lookup.js
// customShortcutKey_Shift_2 defined by fide-lookup.js
function customShortcutKey_Shift_3() { if (shortcutKeyTimeout) { SetInitialHalfmove(initialHalfmove_default, true); } else { shortcutKeyTimeout = setTimeout("shortcutKeyTimeout = null;", 333); SetInitialHalfmove(initialHalfmove == "end" ? "start" : "end", true); } }
function customShortcutKey_Shift_4() { if (shortcutKeyTimeout) { goToHash("zoom"); } else { shortcutKeyTimeout = setTimeout("shortcutKeyTimeout = null;", 333); cycleHash(); } }
function customShortcutKey_Shift_5() { cycleLastCommentArea(); }
function customShortcutKey_Shift_6() { if (annotationSupported) { userToggleAnalysis(); } }
function customShortcutKey_Shift_7() { if (annotationSupported) { goToMissingAnalysis(true); } }
// customShortcutKey_Shift_8 defined by engine.js
// customShortcutKey_Shift_9 defined by engine.js
// customShortcutKey_Shift_0 defined by engine.js
function gameIsNormalChess(gameNum) {
return ((typeof(gameVariant[gameNum]) == "undefined") || (gameVariant[gameNum].match(/^(chess|normal|standard|)$/i) !== null));
function emPixels(em) { return em * document.getElementById("emMeasure").offsetHeight; }
var cycleLCA = 0;
function cycleLastCommentArea() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameLastComment");
if (theObj) {
switch (cycleLCA++ % 3) {
case 0:
if (theObj.scrollHeight === theObj.clientHeight) { cycleLastCommentArea(); }
else { fitLastCommentArea(); }
case 1:
if (theObj.offsetHeight == emPixels(21)) { cycleLastCommentArea(); }
else { maximizeLastCommentArea(); }
case 2:
if (theObj.offsetHeight == emPixels(4.2)) { cycleLastCommentArea(); }
else { resetLastCommentArea(); }
function resetLastCommentArea() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameLastComment");
if (theObj) { theObj.style.height = ""; }
function fitLastCommentArea() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameLastComment");
if (theObj) {
theObj.style.height = "";
theObj.style.height = theObj.scrollHeight + "px";
function maximizeLastCommentArea() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameLastComment");
if (theObj) { theObj.style.height = "21em"; }
function clickedGameAnalysisEval() {
<div class="selectSearchContainer">
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<div id="GameSelector" class="gameSelector"></div>
<td width="100%" align="left" valign="top">
<div id="GameSearch" style="white-space:nowrap;"></div>
</td><td align="right" valign="bottom">
<div id="GameNumInfo" style="width:15ex; margin-right:0.5ex; display:none; color: #808080; font-size: 66%;"><span id="GameNumCurrent" style="font-size: 100%;" title="current game"></span>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<span id="GameNumTotal" style="font-size: 100%;" title="number of games"></span></div>
<div id="emMeasure" class="emMeasure"><a href="#zoom" onclick="this.blur();" id="zoom" class="NAGs" style="width:392px; font-size:14px; display:inline-block;">&nbsp;</a></div>
<div><a name="zoom">&nbsp;</a></div>
<div class="mainContainer">
<div class="columnsContainer">
<div class="boardColumn">
<div id="GameBoard" class="gameBoard"></div>
<div id="GameButtons" class="gameButtons"></div>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="stopAnnotateGame(false); this.blur();" class="gameAnnotationMessage" style="display:none;" id="GameAnnotationMessage"></a>
<div class="headerColumn">
<div class="headerItem"><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameDate" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTagDifferent('Date', this.innerHTML, event); this.blur();"></a><span class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameMode"></span><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
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<div class="headerItem headerSpacer"><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
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<div class="headerItem"><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameRound" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTagDifferent('Round', this.innerHTML.replace('round ', ''), event); this.blur();"></a><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameBoardNum" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTagDifferent('Board', this.innerHTML, event); this.blur();"></a><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameTimeControl" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTagDifferent('TimeControl', this.innerHTML, event); this.blur();"></a><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem headerSpacer"><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem"><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameECO" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTag('ECO', this.innerHTML, event); this.blur();"></a><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameOpening" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTag('Opening', customPgnHeaderTag('Opening'), event); this.blur();"></a><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameVariation" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTag('Variation', customPgnHeaderTag('Variation'), event); this.blur();"></a><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameSubVariation" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTag('SubVariation', customPgnHeaderTag('SubVariation'), event); this.blur();"></a><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem headerSpacer"><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem"><span class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameWhiteClock"></span><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem"><b><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchPlayer(this.innerHTML, customPgnHeaderTag('WhiteFideId'), event); this.blur();" class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameWhite"></a></b><span class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameWhiteTitle"></span><span class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameWhiteElo"></span><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameWhiteTeam" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTeam(this.innerHTML); this.blur();"></a><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem"><b><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchPlayer(this.innerHTML, customPgnHeaderTag('BlackFideId'), event); this.blur();" class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameBlack"></a></b><span class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameBlackTitle"></span><span class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameBlackElo"></span><a class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameBlackTeam" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchTeam(this.innerHTML); this.blur();"></a><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem"><span class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameBlackClock"></span><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem headerSpacer"><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem"><b><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="SetInitialHalfmove(event.shiftKey ? initialHalfmove_default : (initialHalfmove == 'end' ? 'start' : 'end'), true); GoToMove(initialHalfmove == 'end' ? StartPlyVar[0] + PlyNumberVar[0] : StartPlyVar[0], 0); this.blur();" class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameResult"></a></b><span class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameTermination"></span><span class="innerHeaderItem" id="GameAnnotator"></span><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem headerSpacer"><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem headerSpacer"><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem headerSpacer"><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="if (event.shiftKey) { clickedGameAnalysisEval(); } else { userToggleAnalysis(); } this.blur(); return false;" class="innerHeaderItem analysisEval" id="GameAnalysisEval" title="start annotation">&middot;&nbsp;</a><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="if (event.shiftKey) { MoveBackward(1); } else { goToMissingAnalysis(false); } this.blur();" class="innerHeaderItem move analysisMove notranslate" id="GameAnalysisMove" title="annotated move"></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="clickedGameTablebase();" class="innerHeaderItem tablebase" id="GameTablebase" title="probe endgame tablebase">&nbsp;</a><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="if (event.shiftKey) { MoveForward(1); } else { goToMissingAnalysis(true); } this.blur();" class="innerHeaderItemNoMargin move analysisPv notranslate" id="GameAnalysisPv"></a><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="headerItem headerSpacer"><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="gameAnnotationContainer" id="GameAnnotationContainer">
<canvas class="gameAnnotationGraph" id="GameAnnotationGraph" height="1" width="1" onclick="annotationGraphClick(event); this.blur();" onmousemove="annotationGraphMousemove(event);" onmouseover="annotationGraphMouseover(event);" onmouseout="annotationGraphMouseout(event);"></canvas>
<div class="headerItem headerSpacer"><b>&nbsp;</b></div>
<div class="toggleAnalysis" id="toggleAnalysis">&nbsp;<a class="toggleAnalysisLink" style="visibility:hidden;" id="toggleAnalysisLink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="if (event.shiftKey) { annotateGame(false); } else { userToggleAnalysis(); } this.blur();" title="toggle annotation">+</a></div>
<div class="toggleComments" id="toggleComments">&nbsp;<a class="toggleCommentsLink" id="toggleCommentsLink" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="if (event.shiftKey && commentsIntoMoveText) { cycleLastCommentArea(); } else { SetCommentsIntoMoveText(!commentsIntoMoveText); var oldPly = CurrentPly; var oldVar = CurrentVar; Init(); GoToMove(oldPly, oldVar); } this.blur();" title="toggle show comments in game text"></a></div>
<div class="lastMoveAndComment" id="lastMoveAndComment">
<div class="lastMoveAndVariations">
<span class="lastMove" id="GameLastMove" title="last move"></span>
<span class="lastVariations" id="GameLastVariations" title="last move alternatives"></span>&nbsp;
<div class="nextMoveAndVariations">
<span class="nextVariations" id="GameNextVariations" title="next move alternatives"></span>&nbsp;
<span class="nextMove" id="GameNextMove" title="next move"></span><a class="backButton" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="backButton(event); this.blur();" title="move backward">&lt;</a>
<div class="lastComment" title="current position comment" id="GameLastComment"></div>
function print_chessboard_two() {
global $pgnText, $pgnTextbox, $pgnUrl, $pgnFileName, $pgnFileSize, $pgnStatus, $tmpDir, $debugHelpText, $pgnDebugInfo;
global $fileUploadLimitIniText, $fileUploadLimitText, $fileUploadLimitBytes, $startPosition, $goToView, $zipSupported;
print <<<END
<div class="mainContainer">
<div id="moveText" class="moveText"><span id="GameText"></span> <span class="move" style="white-space:nowrap;" id="ResultAtGametextEnd"></span></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
var theObj;
var maxMenInTablebase = 0;
var minMenInTablebase = 3;
function probeTablebase() {}
// DeploymentCheck: tablebase glue code
// end DeploymentCheck
function clickedGameTablebase() {
var menPosition = CurrentFEN().replace(/\s.*$/, "").replace(/[0-9\/]/g, "").length;
if ((menPosition >= minMenInTablebase) && (menPosition <= maxMenInTablebase)) {
} else {
myAlert("warning: endgame tablebase only supports positions with " + minMenInTablebase + " to " + maxMenInTablebase + " men");
theObj = document.getElementById("GameTablebase");
if (theObj) { theObj.innerHTML = translateNAGs("$148"); }
function updateTablebaseFlag(thisFen) {
if (typeof(thisFen) == "undefined") { thisFen = CurrentFEN(); }
var menPosition = thisFen.replace(/\s.*$/, "").replace(/[0-9\/]/g, "").length;
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameTablebase");
if (theObj) {
theObj.style.display = (menPosition >= minMenInTablebase) && (menPosition <= maxMenInTablebase) && (!g_initErrors) && (analysisStarted) ? "inline" : "none";
var annotationSupported = !!window.Worker;
try {
} catch(e) { annotationSupported = false; }
var analysisStarted = false;
function toggleAnalysis() {
if (analysisStarted) { stopAnalysis(); }
else { restartAnalysis(); }
function restartAnalysis() {
analysisStarted = StartEngineAnalysis();
if (theObj = document.getElementById("toggleAnalysisLink")) { theObj.innerHTML = "&times;"; }
function stopAnalysis() {
analysisStarted = false;
var theObj = document.getElementById("toggleAnalysisLink");
if (theObj) { theObj.innerHTML = "+"; }
var fenPositions;
var fenPositionsEval;
var fenPositionsPv;
var fenPositionsDepth;
function resetFenPositions() {
fenPositions = new Array();
fenPositionsEval = new Array();
fenPositionsPv = new Array();
fenPositionsDepth = new Array();
var annotationBarWidth;
function updateAnnotationGraph() {
if (!annotationSupported) { return; }
var index, theObj;
if (!analysisStarted) { clearAnnotationGraph(); }
else if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnnotationGraph")) {
var canvasWidth = graphCanvasWidth();
theObj.width = canvasWidth;
var canvasHeight = graphCanvasHeight();
theObj.height = canvasHeight;
var annotationPlyBlock = 40;
annotationBarWidth = canvasWidth / (Math.max(Math.ceil(PlyNumberMax / annotationPlyBlock) * annotationPlyBlock, 2 * annotationPlyBlock) + 2);
var barOverlap = Math.ceil(annotationBarWidth / 20);
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var lineTop = Math.floor((canvasHeight - lineHeight) / 2);
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var maxBarHeight = lineTop + barOverlap;
var context = theObj.getContext("2d");
var thisBarTopLeftX = 0;
var thisBarHeight = lineHeight;
var thisBarTopLeftY = lineTop;
context.rect(thisBarTopLeftX, thisBarTopLeftY, (PlyNumber + 1) * annotationBarWidth + barOverlap, thisBarHeight);
context.fillStyle = "#D9D9D9";
context.fillStyle = "#666666";
var highlightTopLeftX = null;
var highlightTopLeftY = null;
var highlightBarHeight = null;
for (var annPly = StartPly; annPly <= StartPly + PlyNumber; annPly++) {
var annGraphEval = typeof(fenPositionsEval[annPly]) != "undefined" ? fenPositionsEval[annPly] : (annPly === CurrentPly ? 0 : null);
if (annGraphEval !== null) {
thisBarTopLeftX = (annPly - StartPly) * annotationBarWidth;
if (annGraphEval >= 0) {
thisBarHeight = Math.max((1 - Math.pow(2, -annGraphEval)) * maxBarHeight, lineHeight);
thisBarTopLeftY = lineBottom - thisBarHeight;
} else {
thisBarHeight = Math.max((1 - Math.pow(2, annGraphEval)) * maxBarHeight, lineHeight);
thisBarTopLeftY = lineTop;
if (annPly !== CurrentPly) {
context.rect(thisBarTopLeftX, thisBarTopLeftY, annotationBarWidth + barOverlap, thisBarHeight);
} else {
highlightTopLeftX = thisBarTopLeftX;
highlightTopLeftY = thisBarTopLeftY;
highlightBarHeight = thisBarHeight;
if (highlightBarHeight !== null) {
context.rect(highlightTopLeftX, highlightTopLeftY, annotationBarWidth + barOverlap, highlightBarHeight);
context.fillStyle = "#FF6633";
function clearAnnotationGraph() {
if (!annotationSupported) { return; }
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnnotationGraph");
if (theObj) {
var context = theObj.getContext("2d");
theObj.width = graphCanvasWidth();
theObj.height = graphCanvasHeight();
context.clearRect(0, 0, theObj.width, theObj.height);
function graphCanvasWidth() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnnotationContainer");
if (theObj) { return theObj.offsetWidth; }
else { return 320; }
function graphCanvasHeight() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnnotationContainer");
if (theObj) { return theObj.offsetHeight; }
else { return 96; }
function updateAnalysisHeader() {
if (!analysisStarted) { clearAnalysisHeader(); return; }
var theObj;
var annPly = (lastMousemoveAnnPly == -1) ? CurrentPly : lastMousemoveAnnPly;
var annMove = "&middot;&nbsp;";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnalysisMove")) {
if ((annPly > StartPly) && (annPly <= StartPly + PlyNumber)) {
annMove = (Math.floor(annPly / 2) + (annPly % 2)) + (annPly % 2 ? ". " : "... ") + Moves[annPly - 1];
if (isBlunder(annPly, blunderThreshold)) { annMove += translateNAGs("$4"); }
else if (isBlunder(annPly, mistakeThreshold)) { annMove += translateNAGs("$2"); }
annMove += "&nbsp;";
theObj.innerHTML = annMove;
var annEval = fenPositionsEval[annPly];
var annPv = fenPositionsPv[annPly];
var annDepth = fenPositionsDepth[annPly];
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnalysisEval")) {
theObj.innerHTML = (annEval || annEval === 0) ? ev2NAG(annEval) : "";
theObj.title = (annEval || annEval === 0) ? "engine evaluation: " + (annEval > 0 ? "+" : "") + annEval + (annEval == Math.floor(annEval) ? ".0" : "") + (annDepth ? " depth: " + annDepth : "") : "";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnalysisPv")) {
theObj.innerHTML = annPv ? annPv : "";
theObj.title = annPv ? "engine principal variation: " + annPv : "";
var moderateDefiniteThreshold = 1.85;
var slightModerateThreshold = 0.85;
var equalSlightThreshold = 0.25;
var useNAGeval = (NAGstyle != 'default');
function ev2NAG(ev) {
if ((ev === null) || (ev === "") || (isNaN(ev = parseFloat(ev)))) { return ""; }
if (!useNAGeval) { return (ev > 0 ? "+" : "") + ev + (ev == Math.floor(ev) ? ".0" : ""); }
if (ev < -moderateDefiniteThreshold) { return NAG[19]; } // -+
if (ev > moderateDefiniteThreshold) { return NAG[18]; } // +-
if (ev < -slightModerateThreshold) { return NAG[17]; } // -/+
if (ev > slightModerateThreshold) { return NAG[16]; } // +/-
if (ev < -equalSlightThreshold) { return NAG[15]; } // =/+
if (ev > equalSlightThreshold) { return NAG[14]; } // +/=
return NAG[11]; // =
function clearAnalysisHeader() {
var theObj;
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnalysisMove")) { theObj.innerHTML = ""; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnalysisEval")) { theObj.innerHTML = "&middot;&nbsp;"; theObj.title = "start annotation"; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameTablebase")) { theObj.style.display = "none"; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnalysisPv")) { theObj.innerHTML = ""; }
var lastMousemoveAnnPly = -1;
var lastMousemoveAnnGame = -1;
function annotationGraphMouseover(e) {
function annotationGraphMouseout(e) {
lastMousemoveAnnPly = -1;
lastMousemoveAnnGame = -1;
if (analysisStarted) { updateAnalysisHeader(); }
function annotationGraphMousemove(e) {
var newMousemoveAnnPly = StartPly + Math.floor((e.pageX - document.getElementById("GameAnnotationGraph").offsetLeft) / annotationBarWidth);
if ((newMousemoveAnnPly !== lastMousemoveAnnPly) || (currentGame !== lastMousemoveAnnGame)) {
lastMousemoveAnnPly = newMousemoveAnnPly <= StartPly + PlyNumber ? newMousemoveAnnPly : -1;
lastMousemoveAnnGame = currentGame;
if (analysisStarted) { updateAnalysisHeader(); }
function annotationGraphClick(e) {
if ((analysisStarted) && (typeof(annotationBarWidth) != "undefined")) {
var annPly = StartPly + Math.floor((e.pageX - document.getElementById("GameAnnotationGraph").offsetLeft) / annotationBarWidth);
if ((annPly >= StartPly) && (annPly <= StartPly + PlyNumber)) {
if (e.shiftKey) { save_cache_to_localStorage(); }
else { GoToMove(annPly); }
function num2string(num) {
var unit = "";
if (num >= Math.pow(10, 12)) { num = Math.round(num / Math.pow(10, 11)) / 10; unit = "T"; }
else if (num >= Math.pow(10, 9)) { num = Math.round(num / Math.pow(10, 8)) / 10; unit = "G"; }
else if (num >= Math.pow(10, 6)) { num = Math.round(num / Math.pow(10, 5)) / 10; unit = "M"; }
else if (num >= Math.pow(10, 3)) { num = Math.round(num / Math.pow(10, 2)) / 10; unit = "K"; }
if ((unit !== "") && (num === Math.floor(num))) { num += ".0"; }
return num + unit;
var annotateInProgress = null;
var minAnnotationSeconds = Math.max(1, Math.floor(minAutoplayDelay/1000));
var maxAnnotationSeconds = Math.max(100, Math.floor(maxAutoplayDelay/1000));
var annotationSeconds_default = 15;
var annotationSeconds = annotationSeconds_default;
function getAnnotationSecondsFromLocalStorage() {
var as;
try { as = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("pgn4web_chess_viewer_annotationSeconds")); }
catch(e) { return annotationSeconds_default; }
return ((as === null) || (isNaN(as))) ? annotationSeconds_default : as;
function setAnnotationSecondsToLocalStorage(as) {
try { localStorage.setItem("pgn4web_chess_viewer_annotationSeconds", as); }
catch(e) { return false; }
return true;
function annotateGame(promptUser) {
if ((checkEngineUnderstandsGameAndWarn()) && (annotationSeconds = promptUser ? prompt("Automated game" + (annotateGameMulti ? "s" : "") + " annotation from the current position; please do not interact with the chessboard until the annotation has completed.\\n\\nEnter annotation time per move, in seconds, between " + minAnnotationSeconds + " and " + maxAnnotationSeconds + ":", getAnnotationSecondsFromLocalStorage()) : getAnnotationSecondsFromLocalStorage())) {
if (isNaN(annotationSeconds = parseFloat(annotationSeconds))) { annotationSeconds = getAnnotationSecondsFromLocalStorage(); }
annotationSeconds = Math.min(maxAnnotationSeconds, Math.max(minAnnotationSeconds, annotationSeconds));
if (!analysisStarted) {
if (annotateInProgress) {
annotateInProgress = null;
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnnotationMessage");
if (theObj) {
theObj.innerHTML = "automated game" + (annotateGameMulti ? "s" : "") + " annotation in progress";
theObj.title = theObj.innerHTML + " at " + annotationSeconds + " second" + (annotationSeconds == 1 ? "" : "s") + " per move; please do not interact with the chessboard until the annotation has completed; click here to stop the automated annotation";
theObj.style.display = "";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameButtons")) {
theObj.style.display = "none";
annotateGameStep(CurrentPly, CurrentVar, annotationSeconds * 1000);
var annotateGameMulti = false;
function annotateGameStep(thisPly, thisVar, thisDelay) {
if (analysisStarted) {
GoToMove(thisPly, thisVar);
var thisCmd = "stopAnnotateGame(true);";
if (thisPly < StartPlyVar[thisVar] + PlyNumberVar[thisVar]) {
thisCmd = "annotateGameStep(" + (thisPly + 1) + ", " + thisVar + ", " + thisDelay + ");";
} else if (thisVar + 1 < numberOfVars) {
thisCmd = "annotateGameStep(" + (StartPlyVar[thisVar + 1] + 1) + ", " + (thisVar + 1) + ", " + thisDelay + ");";
} else if ((annotateGameMulti) && (currentGame + 1 < numberOfGames)) {
thisCmd = "Init(" + (currentGame + 1) + "); GoToMove(StartPly, 0); annotateGame(false);";
annotateInProgress = setTimeout(thisCmd, thisDelay);
} else {
function stopAnnotateGame(annotationCompleted) {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameAnnotationMessage");
if (theObj) {
theObj.style.display = ((annotateInProgress) && (annotationCompleted)) ? "" : "none";
theObj.innerHTML = ((annotateInProgress) && (annotationCompleted)) ? "automated game" + (annotateGameMulti ? "s" : "") + " annotation completed" : "";
theObj.title = "";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameButtons")) {
theObj.style.display = ((annotateInProgress) && (annotationCompleted)) ? "none" : "";
if (annotateInProgress) {
annotateInProgress = null;
function engineUnderstandsGame(gameNum) {
return gameIsNormalChess(gameNum);
function checkEngineUnderstandsGameAndWarn() {
var retVal = engineUnderstandsGame(currentGame);
if (!retVal) { myAlert("warning: engine annotation unavailable for the " + gameVariant[currentGame] + " variant", true); }
return retVal;
function userToggleAnalysis() {
if (checkEngineUnderstandsGameAndWarn()) {
if (!analysisStarted) { scanGameForFen(); }
function scanGameForFen() {
var index;
var savedCurrentPly = CurrentPly;
var savedCurrentVar = CurrentVar;
var wasAutoPlayOn = isAutoPlayOn;
if (wasAutoPlayOn) { SetAutoPlay(false); }
MoveForward(StartPly + PlyNumber - savedCurrentPly, CurrentVar, true);
while (true) {
fenPositions[CurrentPly] = CurrentFEN();
if ((index = cache_fen_lastIndexOf(fenPositions[CurrentPly])) != -1) {
fenPositionsEval[CurrentPly] = cache_ev[index];
fenPositionsPv[CurrentPly] = cache_pv[index];
fenPositionsDepth[CurrentPly] = cache_depth[index];
if (CurrentPly === StartPly) { break; }
MoveBackward(1, true);
MoveForward(savedCurrentPly - StartPly, savedCurrentVar, true);
if (wasAutoPlayOn) { SetAutoPlay(true); }
function goToMissingAnalysis(forward) {
if (!analysisStarted) { return; }
if (typeof(fenPositions[CurrentPly]) == "undefined") { return; }
if (typeof(fenPositionsEval[CurrentPly]) == "undefined") { return; }
if (typeof(forward) == "undefined") {
forward = ((typeof(event) != "undefined") && (typeof(event.shiftKey) != "undefined")) ? !event.shiftKey : true;
var wasAutoPlayOn = isAutoPlayOn;
if (wasAutoPlayOn) { SetAutoPlay(false); }
for (var thisPly = CurrentPly + (forward ? 1 : -1); ; thisPly = thisPly + (forward ? 1 : -1)) {
if (forward) { if (thisPly > StartPly + PlyNumber) { thisPly = StartPly; } }
else { if (thisPly < StartPly) { thisPly = StartPly + PlyNumber; } }
if (thisPly === CurrentPly) { break; }
if (typeof(fenPositions[thisPly]) == "undefined") { break; }
if (typeof(fenPositionsEval[thisPly]) == "undefined") { GoToMove(thisPly); break; }
if (wasAutoPlayOn) { SetAutoPlay(true); }
var mistakeThreshold = 0.55;
var blunderThreshold = 1.15;
var ignoreThreshold = 4.95;
function isBlunder(thisPly, threshold) {
if (typeof(fenPositionsEval[thisPly]) == "undefined") { return false; }
if (typeof(fenPositionsEval[thisPly - 1]) == "undefined") { return false; }
if ((fenPositionsEval[thisPly] > ignoreThreshold) && (fenPositionsEval[thisPly - 1] > ignoreThreshold)) { return false; }
if ((fenPositionsEval[thisPly] < -ignoreThreshold) && (fenPositionsEval[thisPly - 1] < -ignoreThreshold)) { return false; }
return (((thisPly % 2 ? -1 : 1) * (fenPositionsEval[thisPly] - fenPositionsEval[thisPly - 1])) > threshold);
function blunderCheck(threshold, backwards) {
var thisPly = StartPly + ((CurrentPly - StartPly + (backwards ? -1 : 1) + (PlyNumber + 1)) % (PlyNumber + 1));
while (thisPly !== CurrentPly) {
if (isBlunder(thisPly, threshold)) {
thisPly = StartPly + ((thisPly - StartPly + (backwards ? -1 : 1) + (PlyNumber + 1)) % (PlyNumber + 1));
function annotationSupportedCheckAndWarnUser() {
if (!annotationSupported) { myAlert("warning: engine annotation unavailable", true); }
return annotationSupported;
// F5
boardShortcut("F5", "adjust last move and current comment text area, if present", function(t,e){ if (e.shiftKey) { resetLastCommentArea(); } else { cycleLastCommentArea(); } });
// A6
boardShortcut("A6", "go to previous annotated blunder", function(t,e){ if (annotationSupportedCheckAndWarnUser()) { if (e.shiftKey) { GoToMove(CurrentPly - 1); } else { if (!analysisStarted) { userToggleAnalysis(); } blunderCheck(blunderThreshold, true); } } });
// B6
boardShortcut("B6", "go to previous annotated mistake", function(t,e){ if (annotationSupportedCheckAndWarnUser()) { if (e.shiftKey) { GoToMove(CurrentPly - 1); } else { if (!analysisStarted) { userToggleAnalysis(); } blunderCheck(mistakeThreshold, true); } } });
// G6
boardShortcut("G6", "go to next annotated mistake", function(t,e){ if (annotationSupportedCheckAndWarnUser()) { if (e.shiftKey) { GoToMove(CurrentPly - 1); } else { if (!analysisStarted) { userToggleAnalysis(); } blunderCheck(mistakeThreshold, false); } } });
// H6
boardShortcut("H6", "go to next annotated blunder", function(t,e){ if (annotationSupportedCheckAndWarnUser()) { if (e.shiftKey) { GoToMove(CurrentPly - 1); } else { if (!analysisStarted) { userToggleAnalysis(); } blunderCheck(blunderThreshold, false); } } });
// G5
boardShortcut("G5", "start/stop automated game annotation", function(t,e){ if (annotationSupportedCheckAndWarnUser()) { annotateGameMulti = e.shiftKey; if (annotateInProgress) { stopAnnotateGame(false); } else { annotateGame(true); } } });
// H5
boardShortcut("H5", "start/stop annotation", function(t,e){ if (annotationSupportedCheckAndWarnUser()) { if (e.shiftKey) { if (confirm("clear annotation cache, all current and stored annotation data will be lost")) { clear_cache_from_localStorage(); cache_clear(); if (analysisStarted) { updateAnnotationGraph(); updateAnalysisHeader(); } } } else { userToggleAnalysis(); } } });
var pgn4web_chess_engine_id = "garbochess-pgn4web-" + pgn4web_version;
var engineWorker = "libs/garbochess/garbochess.js";
var g_backgroundEngine;
var g_topNodesPerSecond = 0;
var g_ev = "";
var g_maxEv = 99.9;
var g_pv = "";
var g_depth = "";
var g_nodes = "";
var g_initErrors = 0;
var g_lastFenError = "";
function InitializeBackgroundEngine() {
if (!g_backgroundEngine) {
try {
g_backgroundEngine = new Worker(engineWorker);
g_backgroundEngine.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
if ((e.data.match("^pv")) && (fenString == CurrentFEN())) {
var matches = e.data.substr(3, e.data.length - 3).match(/Ply:(\d+) Score:(-*\d+) Nodes:(\d+) NPS:(\d+) (.*)/);
if (matches) {
g_depth = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
if (isNaN(g_ev = parseInt(matches[2], 10))) {
g_ev = "";
} else {
g_ev = Math.round(g_ev / 100) / 10;
if (g_ev < -g_maxEv) { g_ev = -g_maxEv; } else if (g_ev > g_maxEv) { g_ev = g_maxEv; }
if (fenString.indexOf(" b ") !== -1) { g_ev = -g_ev; }
g_nodes = parseInt(matches[3], 10);
var nodesPerSecond = parseInt(matches[4], 10);
g_topNodesPerSecond = Math.max(nodesPerSecond, g_topNodesPerSecond);
g_pv = matches[5].replace(/(^\s+|\s*[x+=]|\s+$)/g, "").replace(/\s*stalemate/, "=").replace(/\s*checkmate/, "#"); // patch: remove/add '+' 'x' '=' chars for full chess informant style or pgn style for the game text
if (searchMeaningful()) {
if ((typeof(fenPositionsDepth[CurrentPly]) == "undefined") || (g_depth > fenPositionsDepth[CurrentPly])) {
fenPositionsEval[CurrentPly] = g_ev;
fenPositionsPv[CurrentPly] = g_pv;
fenPositionsDepth[CurrentPly] = g_depth;
if (detectGameEnd(g_pv, "")) { StopBackgroundEngine(); }
} else if (e.data.match("^message Invalid FEN")) {
if (fenString != g_lastFenError) {
g_lastFenError = fenString;
myAlert("error: engine: " + e.data.replace(/^message /, "") + "\\n" + fenString);
}, false);
g_initErrors = 0;
return true;
} catch(e) {
if (!g_initErrors++) { myAlert("error: engine exception " + e); }
return false;
var cache_local_storage_prefix = "pgn4web_chess_viewer_engine_cache_"; // default "pgn4web_chess_engine_cache_"
var localStorage_supported;
try { localStorage_supported = (("localStorage" in window) && (window["localStorage"] !== null)); }
catch(e) { localStorage_supported = false; }
function load_cache_from_localStorage() {
if (!localStorage_supported) { return; }
if (pgn4web_chess_engine_id != localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "id"]) {
localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "id"] = pgn4web_chess_engine_id;
if (cache_pointer = localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "pointer"]) {
cache_pointer = parseInt(cache_pointer, 10) % cache_max;
} else { cache_pointer = -1; }
if (cache_fen = localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "fen"]) {
cache_fen = cache_fen.split(",");
} else { cache_fen = new Array(); }
if (cache_ev = localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "ev"]) {
cache_ev = cache_ev.split(",");
if (typeof(cache_ev.map == "function")) { cache_ev = cache_ev.map(parseFloat); }
} else { cache_ev = new Array(); }
if (cache_pv = localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "pv"]) {
cache_pv = cache_pv.split(",");
} else { cache_pv = new Array(); }
if (cache_depth = localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "depth"]) {
cache_depth = cache_depth.split(",");
if (typeof(cache_depth.map == "function")) { cache_depth = cache_depth.map(parseFloat); }
} else { cache_depth = new Array(); }
cache_needs_sync = 0;
if ((cache_fen.length !== cache_ev.length) || (cache_fen.length !== cache_pv.length) || (cache_fen.length !== cache_depth.length)) {
function save_cache_to_localStorage() {
if (!localStorage_supported) { return; }
if (!cache_needs_sync) { return; }
localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "pointer"] = cache_pointer;
localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "fen"] = cache_fen.toString();
localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "ev"] = cache_ev.toString();
localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "pv"] = cache_pv.toString();
localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "depth"] = cache_depth.toString();
cache_needs_sync = 0;
function clear_cache_from_localStorage() {
if (!localStorage_supported) { return; }
localStorage.removeItem(cache_local_storage_prefix + "pointer");
localStorage.removeItem(cache_local_storage_prefix + "fen");
localStorage.removeItem(cache_local_storage_prefix + "ev");
localStorage.removeItem(cache_local_storage_prefix + "pv");
localStorage.removeItem(cache_local_storage_prefix + "depth");
localStorage.removeItem(cache_local_storage_prefix + "nodes"); // backward compatibility
function cacheDebugInfo() {
var dbg = "";
if (localStorage_supported) {
dbg += " cache=";
try {
dbg += num2string(localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "pointer"].length + localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "fen"].length + localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "ev"].length + localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "pv"].length + localStorage[cache_local_storage_prefix + "depth"].length);
} catch(e) {
dbg += "0";
return dbg;
var cache_pointer = -1;
var cache_max = 8000; // ~ 64 games of 60 moves ~ 1MB of local storage
var cache_fen = new Array();
var cache_ev = new Array();
var cache_pv = new Array();
var cache_depth = new Array();
var cache_needs_sync = 0;
function searchMeaningful() {
var minNodesForAnnotation = 12345;
return ((g_nodes > minNodesForAnnotation) || (g_ev === g_maxEv) || (g_ev === -g_maxEv) || (g_ev === 0));
function validateSearchWithCache() {
var id = cache_fen_lastIndexOf(fenString);
if (id == -1) {
cache_last = cache_pointer = (cache_pointer + 1) % cache_max;
cache_fen[cache_pointer] = fenString.replace(/\s+\d+\s+\d+\s*$/, "");
cache_ev[cache_pointer] = g_ev;
cache_pv[cache_pointer] = g_pv;
cache_depth[cache_pointer] = g_depth;
} else {
if (g_depth > cache_depth[id]) {
cache_ev[id] = g_ev;
cache_pv[id] = g_pv;
cache_depth[id] = g_depth;
} else {
g_ev = parseFloat(cache_ev[id]);
g_pv = cache_pv[id];
g_depth = parseInt(cache_depth[id], 10);
if (cache_needs_sync > 3) { save_cache_to_localStorage(); }
var cache_last = 0;
function cache_fen_lastIndexOf(fenString) {
fenString = fenString.replace(/\s+\d+\s+\d+\s*$/, "");
if (fenString === cache_fen[cache_last]) { return cache_last; }
if (typeof(cache_fen.lastIndexOf) == "function") { return (cache_last = cache_fen.lastIndexOf(fenString)); }
for (var n = cache_fen.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
if (fenString === cache_fen[n]) { return (cache_last = n); }
return -1;
function cache_clear() {
cache_pointer = -1;
cache_fen = new Array();
cache_ev = new Array();
cache_pv = new Array();
cache_depth = new Array();
function StopBackgroundEngine() {
if (analysisTimeout) { clearTimeout(analysisTimeout); }
if (g_backgroundEngine) {
g_backgroundEngine = null;
var analysisTimeout;
function setAnalysisTimeout(seconds) {
if (analysisTimeout) { clearTimeout(analysisTimeout); }
analysisTimeout = setTimeout("analysisTimeout = null; save_cache_to_localStorage(); StopBackgroundEngine();", seconds * 1000);
var fenString;
function StartEngineAnalysis() {
if (InitializeBackgroundEngine()) {
fenString = CurrentFEN();
g_backgroundEngine.postMessage("position " + fenString);
return true;
} else {
return false;
var analysisSeconds = 300;
function detectGameEnd(pv, FEN) {
if ((pv !== "") && (pv.match(/^[#=]/))) { return true; }
var matches = FEN.match(/\s*\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s*/);
if ((matches) && (parseInt(matches[1], 10) > 100)) { return true; }
return false;
function customDebugInfo() {
var dbg = "initialHalfmove=" + initialHalfmove;
dbg += " annotation=";
if (!annotationSupported) { dbg += "unavailable"; }
else if (!analysisStarted) { dbg += "disabled"; }
else { dbg += (g_backgroundEngine ? ( annotateInProgress ? ("automatedGame" + (annotateGameMulti ? "s" : "") + " annotationSeconds=" + getAnnotationSecondsFromLocalStorage()) : "pondering") : "idle") + " analysisSeconds=" + analysisSeconds + " topNodesPerSecond=" + num2string(g_topNodesPerSecond) + cacheDebugInfo(); }
return dbg;
window.onunload = function() {
if (analysisStarted) { stopAnalysis(); }
function print_footer() {
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global $fileUploadLimitIniText, $fileUploadLimitText, $fileUploadLimitBytes, $startPosition, $goToView, $zipSupported;
if ($goToView) { $hashStatement = " goToHash('board');"; }
else { $hashStatement = ""; }
if (($pgnDebugInfo) != "") { $pgnDebugMessage = "warning: system: " . $pgnDebugInfo; }
else {$pgnDebugMessage = ""; }
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"use strict";
function pgn4web_onload(e) {
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