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2014-02-13 01:44:20 +04:00
pgn4web javascript chessboard
copyright (C) 2009-2013 Paolo Casaschi
see README file and http://pgn4web.casaschi.net
for credits, license and more details
<title>chess games</title>
<!-- use viewport settings when body.onresize adapts the chessboard to the available space -->
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<!-- AppCheck: meta -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pawn.ico" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="pawn.png" />
<style type="text/css">
<style id="dynamicStyle" type="text/css"></style>
<script src="pgn4web.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="engine.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="fide-lookup.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
SetGameSelectorOptions("&middot;&middot;&middot;", true, 30, 0, 8, 15, 15, 3, 0); // (head, num, chEvent, chSite, chRound, chWhite, chBlack, chResult, chDate);
SetAutoplayDelay(2000); // milliseconds
var pgnData_default = "";
var refreshMinutes_default = 0;
var initialGame_default = "first";
var pieceBaseSize_default = 96;
var pieceFont_default = "uscf";
var theme = new Array();
theme[0] = new Array("black", "FFFFFF", "000000", "999999", "777777", "000000");
theme[1] = new Array("blue", "000000", "80B0E0", "E6EDF3", "A0BED8", "596978");
theme[2] = new Array("braun", "221100", "FFCE9E", "FFCE9E", "D18B47", "663300");
theme[3] = new Array("dark", "FFFFFF", "000000", "FFCE9E", "D18B47", "663300");
theme[4] = new Array("gray", "666666", "F4F4F4", "F4F4F4", "E0E0E0", "AAAAAA");
theme[5] = new Array("green", "333333", "EFF4EC", "EFF4EC", "C6CEC3", "999999");
theme[6] = new Array("light", "000000", "FFFFFF", "FFCE9E", "D18B47", "663300");
theme[7] = new Array("pink", "615F54", "EDE8D5", "EDE8D5", "CFCBB3", "F8CCA0");
theme[8] = new Array("white", "000000", "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF", "E4E4E4", "000000");
theme[9] = new Array("wood", "663300", "FFFFFF", "FFCC99", "CC9966", "663300");
theme[10] = new Array("yellow", "54110C", "F2D798", "F2D798", "C9AD6F", "54110C");
var colorTheme_indexDefault = 2;
var colorThemeOptions = "";
for (var ii = 0; ii < theme.length; ii++) { colorThemeOptions += "'" + theme[ii][0] + "' | "; }
colorThemeOptions += "'random' ";
var fontSizeRatio_default = 0.8;
var pieceSizeRatio_default = 0.8;
var sizeRatio_min = 0.3;
var sizeRatio_max = 1;
var framePaddingRatio_default = 0;
var thisParamString = window.location.search;
var thisRegExp;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(help|h)=(true|t)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
document.write("<pre style='font-size: smaller;'>pgn4web dynamic-frame.html parameters" + "\n" +
" - pgnData = file.pgn (no default)" + "\n" +
" - initialGame = initial game (default " + initialGame_default + ")" + "\n" +
" - live = if set true enables live broadcast with default values (default false)" + "\n" +
" - refreshMinutes = live broadcast delay (default " + refreshMinutes_default + ")" + "\n" +
" - refreshDemo = if set true sets live demo mode (default false)" + "\n" +
// " - pieceBaseSize = size of baseline piece bitmap (default " + pieceBaseSize_default + ")" + "\n" +
" - pieceFont = 'alpha' | 'merida' | 'uscf' | 'random' (default " + pieceFont_default + ")" + "\n" +
" - colorTheme = " + colorThemeOptions + "(default '" + theme[colorTheme_indexDefault][0] + "')" + "\n" +
" - fontColorHex = font color hex code, like FF0000 (default according to the selected color theme)" + "\n" +
" - backgroundColorHex = page background color hex code, like FF0000 (default according to the selected color theme)" + "\n" +
" - lightColorHex = light square color hex code, like FF0000 (default according to the selected color theme)" + "\n" +
" - darkColorHex = dark square color hex code, like FF0000 (default according to the selected color theme)" + "\n" +
" - highlightColorHex = highlight square color hex code, like FF0000, or 'transparent' for no highlight (default according to the selected color theme)" + "\n" +
" - showColorFlag = if set true shows a color flag for the side to move (default false)" + "\n" +
" - showEco = if set true shows the ECO code if available (default false)" + "\n" +
// " - fontSizeRatio = font size ratio, from " + sizeRatio_min + " to " + sizeRatio_max + " (default " + fontSizeRatio_default + ")" + "\n" +
// " - pieceSizeRatio = piece size ratio, from " + sizeRatio_min + " to " + sizeRatio_max + " (default " + pieceSizeRatio_default + ")" + "\n" +
// " - framePaddingRatio = frame padding as a square ratio (default " + framePaddingRatio_default + ")" + "\n" +
// " - horizontalCentered = if set true centers vertically the chessboard when in horizontal layout (default false)" + "\n" +
" - bare = if set true shows chessboard only (default false)" + "\n" +
// " - engineWinPrepareIdle = if set true preloads the analysis board with an empty board; use only for embedded analysis boards
// " - debug = true | false (default false)" + "\n" +
" - help = true" + "\n" +
// undocumented feature
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(engineWinPrepareIdle|ewpi)=(true|t)(&|$)/i;
var engineWinPrepareIdle = (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null);
// undocumented feature
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(debug|d)=(true|t)(&|$)/i;
var debug = (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null);
var dynamicFrameDebugString = "";
var liveString = "";
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(live|l)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
liveString = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
if ((liveString == "true") || (liveString == "t")) {
refreshMinutes_default = 1;
var alertFlag = false;
var demoFlag = false;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(refreshDemo|rd)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
var refreshDemo = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
if ((refreshDemo == "true") || (refreshDemo == "t")) { alertFlag = demoFlag = true; }
var refreshMinutes = refreshMinutes_default;
var stepFlag = true;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(refreshMinutes|rm)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
refreshMinutes = parseFloat(unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]));
if (isNaN(refreshMinutes)) { refreshMinutes = refreshMinutes_default; }
if (refreshMinutes <= 0) { refreshMinutes = refreshMinutes_default; }
if (refreshMinutes) {
pgnData_default = "live/live.pgn";
initialGame_default = "\\[\\s*Result\\s*\"\\*\"\\s*\\]";
SetInitialHalfmove(refreshMinutes ? "end" : "start", true);
SetLiveBroadcast(refreshMinutes, alertFlag, demoFlag, stepFlag);
var pgnData = pgnData_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(pgnData|pd)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
pgnData = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var iniGame = initialGame_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(initialGame|ig)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
iniGame = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
// undocumented feature
var allowedPieceBaseSize = new Array(20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 112, 128, 144, 300);
var pieceBaseSize = pieceBaseSize_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(pieceBaseSize|pbs)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
var pieceBaseSize_input = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
pieceBaseSize = parseInt(pieceBaseSize_input, 10);
var validPieceBaseSize = false;
for (var pieceBaseIndex in allowedPieceBaseSize) {
if (pieceBaseSize === allowedPieceBaseSize[pieceBaseIndex]) {
validPieceBaseSize = true;
if (!validPieceBaseSize) {
myAlert("warning: invalid pieceBaseSize=" + pieceBaseSize_input + ", reverting to " + pieceBaseSize_default + " as default");
pieceBaseSize = pieceBaseSize_default;
var pieceFont = pieceFont_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(pieceFont|pf)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
pieceFont = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
if (pieceFont == "a") { pieceFont = "alpha"; }
if (pieceFont == "m") { pieceFont = "merida"; }
if (pieceFont == "u") { pieceFont = "uscf"; }
if (pieceFont == "i") { pieceFont = "igorsvg"; }
if (pieceFont == "s") { pieceFont = "svgchess"; }
if (pieceFont == "t") { pieceFont = "tilesvg"; }
if ((pieceFont == "random") || (pieceFont == "r")) {
pieceFont = ["alpha", "merida", "uscf"][Math.floor(3 * Math.random())];
if ((pieceFont != "alpha") && (pieceFont != "merida") && (pieceFont != "uscf") && (pieceFont != "igorsvg") && (pieceFont != "svgchess") && (pieceFont != "tilesvg")) { pieceFont = pieceFont_default; }
if ((pieceFont == "igorsvg") || (pieceFont == "svgchess") || (pieceFont == "tilesvg")) {
SetImagePath("images/" + pieceFont);
} else {
SetImagePath("images/" + pieceFont + "/" + pieceBaseSize);
var colorTheme = theme[colorTheme_indexDefault][0];
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(colorTheme|ct)=([\w]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
colorTheme = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var colorTheme_index = colorTheme_indexDefault;
if (colorTheme == "random") { colorTheme_index = Math.floor(theme.length * Math.random()); }
else { for (ii = 0; ii < theme.length; ii++) { if (theme[ii][0] === colorTheme) { colorTheme_index = ii; break; } } }
var fontColorHex_default = theme[colorTheme_index][1];
var backgroundColorHex_default = theme[colorTheme_index][2];
var lightColorHex_default = theme[colorTheme_index][3];
var darkColorHex_default = theme[colorTheme_index][4];
var highlightColorHex_default = theme[colorTheme_index][5];
var fontColorHex = fontColorHex_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(fontColorHex|fch)=([A-F0-9]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
fontColorHex = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var backgroundColorHex = backgroundColorHex_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(backgroundColorHex|bch)=([A-F0-9]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
backgroundColorHex = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var lightColorHex = lightColorHex_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(lightColorHex|lch)=([A-F0-9]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
lightColorHex = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var darkColorHex = darkColorHex_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(darkColorHex|dch)=([A-F0-9]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
darkColorHex = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var highlightColorHex = highlightColorHex_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(highlightColorHex|hch)=(t|transparent)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
highlightColorHex = "";
clearShortcutSquares("D", "7");
} else {
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(highlightColorHex|hch)=([A-F0-9]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
highlightColorHex = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var showColorFlagString = "false";
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(showColorFlag|scf)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
showColorFlagString = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var showColorFlag = ((showColorFlagString == "true") || (showColorFlagString == "t"));
var showEcoString = "false";
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(showEco|se)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
showEcoString = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var showEco = ((showEcoString == "true") || (showEcoString == "t"));
// undocumented feature
var fontSizeRatio = fontSizeRatio_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(fontSizeRatio|fsr)=([0-9.]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
fontSizeRatio = parseFloat(unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]));
if (isNaN(fontSizeRatio) || (fontSizeRatio < sizeRatio_min) || (fontSizeRatio > sizeRatio_max)) { fontSizeRatio = fontSizeRatio_default; }
// undocumented feature
var pieceSizeRatio = pieceSizeRatio_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(pieceSizeRatio|psr)=([0-9.]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
pieceSizeRatio = parseFloat(unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]));
if (isNaN(pieceSizeRatio) || (pieceSizeRatio < sizeRatio_min) || (pieceSizeRatio > sizeRatio_max)) { pieceSizeRatio = pieceSizeRatio_default; }
// undocumented feature
var framePaddingRatio = framePaddingRatio_default;
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(framePaddingRatio|fpr)=([0-9.]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
framePaddingRatio = parseFloat(unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]));
if (isNaN(framePaddingRatio)) { framePaddingRatio = framePaddingRatio_default; }
// undocumented feature
var horizontalCenteredString = "";
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(horizontalCentered|hc)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
horizontalCenteredString = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var horizontalCentered = ((horizontalCenteredString == "true") || (horizontalCenteredString == "t"));
var bareString = "";
thisRegExp = /(&|\?)(bare|b)=([^&]*)(&|$)/i;
if (thisParamString.match(thisRegExp) !== null) {
bareString = unescape(thisParamString.match(thisRegExp)[3]);
var bare = ((bareString == "true") || (bareString == "t"));
function myRulesLength(sheet) {
if (sheet.cssRules) { return sheet.cssRules.length; }
if (sheet.rules) { return sheet.rules.length; }
return null;
function myInsertRule(sheet, selector, declaration) {
if (sheet.insertRule) { sheet.insertRule(selector + "{ " + declaration + " }", myRulesLength(sheet)); }
else if (sheet.addRule) { sheet.addRule(selector, declaration); }
function myDeleteRule(sheet, index) {
if (sheet.deleteRule) { sheet.deleteRule(index); }
else if (sheet.removeRule) { sheet.removeRule(index); }
function toggleColorFlag() {
var theObj;
showColorFlag = !showColorFlag;
if (!showColorFlag) {
if (theObj = document.getElementById("whiteColorFlag")) { theObj.style.display = "none"; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("whiteColorFlagFiller")) { theObj.style.display = "none"; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("blackColorFlag")) { theObj.style.display = "none"; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("blackColorFlagFiller")) { theObj.style.display = "none"; }
function toggleShowEco() {
if (showEco = !showEco) {
fixHeaderItem("ECO", "GameECO", "ECO");
fixHeaderItem("ECO", "GameECOFiller", "ECO");
} else {
var theObj;
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameECO")) { theObj.innerHTML = theObj.title = ""; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameECOFiller")) { theObj.innerHTML = theObj.title = ""; }
var horizontalLayout;
function myOnResize() {
var ww, wh;
if (window.innerWidth && window.innerHeight) { ww = window.innerWidth; wh = window.innerHeight; }
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { ww = document.documentElement.clientWidth; wh = document.documentElement.clientHeight; }
else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) { ww = document.body.clientWidth; wh = document.body.clientHeight; }
else { return false; }
var squareSize;
if (bare) {
horizontalLayout = (ww >= wh);
squareSize = Math.min(ww / (8 + 2 * framePaddingRatio), wh / (8 + 2 * framePaddingRatio));
} else {
var squareSize_H = Math.min(ww / (16 / 9), wh) / (8 + 2 * framePaddingRatio);
var squareSize_V = Math.min(ww, wh / (16 / 9)) / (8 + 2 * framePaddingRatio);
horizontalLayout = (squareSize_H >= squareSize_V);
squareSize = horizontalLayout ? squareSize_H : squareSize_V;
var framePadding = framePaddingRatio * squareSize;
var bodyHeight = wh - 2 * framePadding;
var lineHeight;
if (horizontalLayout) {
lineHeight = Math.floor(squareSize * 8 / 16.5);
} else {
lineHeight = Math.floor(Math.min((wh - framePadding * 2 - squareSize * 8) / (11 + 6/2), squareSize * 8 / 16.5));
var fontSize = Math.floor(lineHeight * fontSizeRatio);
if (fontSize > lineHeight) { fontSize = lineHeight; }
var squareBorderWidth = Math.min(Math.ceil(squareSize / 50), 3);
var bareSquareSize = squareSize - 2 * squareBorderWidth;
var pieceSize = Math.floor(squareSize * pieceSizeRatio);
if (pieceSize > bareSquareSize) { pieceSize = Math.floor(bareSquareSize); }
var headerContainerWidth = horizontalLayout ? ww - 2 * framePadding - 9 * squareSize + Math.floor(3 * lineHeight / 4) : ww - 2 * framePadding;
if (document.styleSheets.length === 0) { return false; }
var sheet = document.styleSheets[0];
var oldRules = myRulesLength(sheet);
myInsertRule(sheet, "body", "-webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; -o-user-select: none; user-select: none; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; -moz-text-size-adjust: none; -ms-text-size-adjust: none; -o-text-size-adjust: none; text-size-adjust: none; -webkit-touch-callout: none; height: " + bodyHeight + "px; padding: 0px; margin: " + framePadding + "px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; color: #" + fontColorHex + "; background-color: #" + backgroundColorHex + "; font-family: sans-serif; line-height: " + lineHeight + "px; font-size: " + fontSize + "px;");
myInsertRule(sheet, "a", "text-decoration: none; color: #" + fontColorHex + ";");
if (bare) {
if (horizontalLayout) { myInsertRule(sheet, ".boardTable", "margin-left: " + ((ww - 2 * framePadding - 8 * squareSize) / 2) + "px;"); }
else { myInsertRule(sheet, ".boardTable", "margin-top: " + ((wh - 2 * framePadding - 8 * squareSize) / 2) + "px;"); }
} else {
if (horizontalLayout) { myInsertRule(sheet, ".boardTable", "float: left;" + (horizontalCentered ? " margin-top: " + ((wh - 2 * framePadding - 8 * squareSize) / 2) + "px;" : "")); }
else { myInsertRule(sheet, ".boardTable", "margin-left: " + ((ww - 2 * framePadding - 8 * squareSize) / 2) + "px;"); }
myInsertRule(sheet, ".pieceImage", "width:" + pieceSize + "px; height:" + pieceSize + "px;");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".whiteSquare", "width:" + bareSquareSize + "px; height:" + bareSquareSize + "px; border-style: solid; border-width: " + squareBorderWidth + "px;" + "background-color: #" + lightColorHex + "; border-color: #" + lightColorHex + ";");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".blackSquare", "width:" + bareSquareSize + "px; height:" + bareSquareSize + "px; border-style: solid; border-width: " + squareBorderWidth + "px;" + "background-color: #" + darkColorHex + "; border-color: #" + darkColorHex + ";");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".highlightWhiteSquare", "width:" + bareSquareSize + "px; height:" + bareSquareSize + "px; border-style: solid; border-width: " + squareBorderWidth + "px;" + "background-color: #" + lightColorHex + "; border-color: #" + (highlightColorHex ? highlightColorHex : lightColorHex) + ";");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".highlightBlackSquare", "width:" + bareSquareSize + "px; height:" + bareSquareSize + "px; border-style: solid; border-width: " + squareBorderWidth + "px;" + "background-color: #" + darkColorHex + "; border-color: #" + (highlightColorHex ? highlightColorHex : darkColorHex) + ";");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".headerContainer", "width: " + headerContainerWidth + "px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;" + (horizontalLayout ? " float: right; text-align: left;" + (horizontalCentered ? " margin-top: " + ((wh - 2 * framePadding - 8 * squareSize) / 2) + "px;" : "") : " text-align: center;"));
if (LiveBroadcastDelay > 0) {
myInsertRule(sheet, ".gameButtons", "display: none;");
} else {
myInsertRule(sheet, ".liveStatusLine", "display: none;");
if (horizontalLayout) { myInsertRule(sheet, ".gameButtons", "width: " + (headerContainerWidth - lineHeight) + "px; " + "text-align: left;"); }
var buttonCss = "margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: " + (3 * lineHeight / 2) + "px !important; height: " + lineHeight + "px; color: #" + fontColorHex + "; border-style: none; -webkit-appearance: none; background-color: #" + backgroundColorHex + "; font-family: sans-serif; line-height: " + lineHeight + "px; font-size: " + fontSize + "px;";
myInsertRule(sheet, ".buttonControl", buttonCss);
myInsertRule(sheet, ".buttonControlPlay", buttonCss);
myInsertRule(sheet, ".buttonControlStop", buttonCss);
myInsertRule(sheet, ".buttonControlSpace", "margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: " + (lineHeight / 4) + "px !important;");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".colorFlag", "height: 0.8ex; width: 0.8ex; border-width: 1px; border-color: #" + fontColorHex + "; border-style: solid; margin-bottom: 0.2ex; margin-left: " + Math.floor(5 * lineHeight / 9) + "px; margin-right:" + Math.floor(5 * lineHeight / 9) + "px;");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".leftRightSpacing", "margin-left: " + Math.floor(lineHeight / 2) + "px; margin-right: " + Math.floor(lineHeight / 2) + "px;");
if (!horizontalLayout) {
var variableSpacerLineHeight = Math.floor(Math.min((wh - framePadding * 2 - squareSize * 8 - lineHeight * 11) / 6, lineHeight / 2));
var variableSpacerFontSize = Math.floor(variableSpacerLineHeight * 0.8);
myInsertRule(sheet, ".variableSpacer", "line-height: " + variableSpacerLineHeight + "px; font-size: " + variableSpacerFontSize + "px;");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".gameLiveStatusExtraInfoLeft", horizontalLayout ? "display: none;" : "");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".showGameListLink", "padding-right: " + squareSize + "px; padding-left: " + (horizontalLayout ? 0 : squareSize) + "px;");
var gameListFontSize = Math.floor(Math.min((ww - framePadding * 2) / 30, (wh - framePadding * 2) / 24));
gameListLineHeight = Math.floor(1.4 * gameListFontSize);
var gameListPadding = Math.floor(gameListLineHeight / 2);
gameListBodyHeight = gameListLineHeight * Math.floor((wh - 2 * framePadding - gameListLineHeight - 2.5 * gameListPadding) / gameListLineHeight) + 1;
myInsertRule(sheet, ".gameList", "display: none; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; font-size: " + gameListFontSize + "px; line-height: " + gameListLineHeight + "px;");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".gameListHeader", "overflow: hidden; width: " + (ww - 2 * framePadding) + "px; padding-top: " + gameListPadding + "px; padding-bottom: " + gameListPadding + "px;");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".gameListBody", "height: " + gameListBodyHeight + "px; width: " + (ww - 2 * framePadding) + "px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; scrollbar-base-color: #" + backgroundColorHex + "; overflow-scrolling: touch; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".gameListBodyItems", "min-height: " + gameListBodyHeight + "px; min-width: " + (ww - 2 * framePadding) + "px;");
myInsertRule(sheet, ".scrollLink", "visibility: " + (numberOfGames > gameListBodyHeight / gameListLineHeight + 0.2 ? "visible" : "hidden") + ";");
for (var ii = 0; ii < oldRules; ii++) { myDeleteRule(sheet, 0); }
var theObj;
if (theObj = document.getElementById("boardTable")) {
theObj.style.height = (squareSize * 8) + "px";
theObj.style.width = (squareSize * 8) + "px";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("HeaderContainer")) { theObj.style.display = bare ? "none" : document.getElementById("GameBoard").style.display; }
if (!firstStart) {
dynamicFrameDebugString = "fw=" + ww + " fh=" + wh + " fp=" + Math.round(framePadding*100)/100 + " fs=" + fontSize + " ss=" + Math.round(squareSize*100)/100 + " sb=" + squareBorderWidth + " ps=" + pieceSize + " pbs=" + pieceBaseSize;
return pieceSize;
function customFunctionOnCheckLiveBroadcastStatus() {
function customDebugInfo() {
var dbg = "";
if (highlightColorHex) { dbg += "highlightOption=" + highlightOption + " "; }
if (LiveBroadcastDelay === 0) { dbg += "initialHalfmove=" + initialHalfmove + " "; }
dbg += "showColorFlag=" + showColorFlag + " " + "showEco=" + showEco;
if (debug) { dbg += " " + dynamicFrameDebugString; }
return dbg;
var textSelectOptionsLast = "none";
var currentGameLast = -1;
var gameListBodyHeight = -1;
var gameListLineHeight = -1;
function fillGameList(force) {
var theObj;
if ((currentGame !== currentGameLast) || (textSelectOptions !== textSelectOptionsLast)) {
currentGameLast = currentGame;
textSelectOptionsLast = textSelectOptions;
force = true;
var text;
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameListBodyItems")) {
var extractGamesRegExp = /<OPTION CLASS="optionSelectControl" value=(\d+)>(\s*\d+)(\s{1,2}.{30})(.{10})([^<]+)/g;
var thisGameText, thisGameTitle1, thisGameTitle2;
var thisOption, thisNum, thisEvent, thisRound, thesePlayers, thisBold;
var firstGame = true;
var matches;
text = "";
while (matches = extractGamesRegExp.exec(textSelectOptions.replace(/&nbsp;/g, " "))) {
thisOption = matches[1];
thisNum = matches[2];
thisEvent = matches[3].replace(/\s+$/, "");
if (thisRound = matches[4].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")) { thisRound = " - " + thisRound; }
thesePlayers = simpleHtmlentities(matches[5]);
if (firstGame) { firstGame = false; } else { text += "<br/>"; }
thisBold = ((parseInt(thisNum, 10) - 1) === currentGame);
thisGameText = thisNum + (thisBold ? "." : " ") + thesePlayers + " " + thisEvent + thisRound + " ";
thisGameTitle1 = gameWhite[thisNum - 1] || "";
thisGameTitle1 += (thisGameTitle1 && gameBlack[thisNum - 1]) ? " " : "";
thisGameTitle1 += gameBlack[thisNum - 1] || "";
thisGameTitle1 += (thisGameTitle1 && gameResult[thisNum - 1]) ? " " : "";
thisGameTitle1 += gameResult[thisNum - 1] || "";
if (thisGameTitle1) { thisGameTitle1 = " " + thisGameTitle1 + " "; }
thisGameTitle2 = gameEvent[thisNum - 1] || "";
thisGameTitle2 += (thisGameTitle2 && gameRound[thisNum - 1]) ? " - " : "";
thisGameTitle2 += gameRound[thisNum - 1] || "";
if (thisGameTitle2) { thisGameTitle2 = " " + thisGameTitle2 + " "; }
text += "<a" + (thisBold ? " style='font-weight: bold;' " : " ") + "href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='selectGameList(" + thisOption + ");' title='" + thisGameTitle1 + (thisGameTitle1 && thisGameTitle2 ? "\n" : "") + thisGameTitle2 + "'>" + thisGameText + "</a>";
if (text === "") { text += "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='selectGameList(-1);' title='back to chessboard'> --------------- --------------- --- </a>"; }
theObj.innerHTML = text;
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameListHeader")) {
text = "";
text += "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='selectGameList(-1);' title='back to chessboard'> " + numberOfGames.toString().replace(/\d$/, "").replace(/./g, " ") + "&crarr; </a> ";
text += "<a class='scrollLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='if (theObj = document.getElementById(\"GameListBody\")) { theObj.scrollTop = 0; theObj.scrollLeft = 0; } this.blur();' title='scroll to first page'> &lt;&lt; </a> ";
text += "<a class='scrollLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='if (theObj = document.getElementById(\"GameListBody\")) { theObj.scrollTop = gameListLineHeight * (Math.ceil(theObj.scrollTop / gameListLineHeight) - Math.floor(gameListBodyHeight / gameListLineHeight)); theObj.scrollLeft = 0; } this.blur();' title='scroll to previous page'> &lt; </a> ";
text += "<a class='scrollLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='if (theObj = document.getElementById(\"GameListBody\")) { theObj.scrollTop = gameListLineHeight * (Math.ceil(theObj.scrollTop / gameListLineHeight) + Math.floor(gameListBodyHeight / gameListLineHeight)); theObj.scrollLeft = 0; } this.blur();' title='scroll to next page'> &gt; </a> ";
text += "<a class='scrollLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='if (theObj = document.getElementById(\"GameListBody\")) { theObj.scrollTop = theObj.scrollHeight; theObj.scrollLeft = 0; } this.blur();' title='scroll to last page'> &gt;&gt; </a> ";
text += "<a class='scrollLink' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='if (theObj = document.getElementById(\"GameListBody\")) { theObj.scrollTop = gameListLineHeight * (currentGame ? currentGame - 1 : 0); theObj.scrollLeft = 0; } this.blur();' title='scroll to current game'> &middot; </a> ";
theObj.innerHTML = text;
if (force && (theObj = document.getElementById("GameListBody"))) {
setTimeout("document.getElementById('GameListBody').scrollTop = (currentGame - 1) * gameListLineHeight; document.getElementById('GameListBody').scrollLeft = 0;", 111);
var oldHeaderContainerDisplay;
function showGameList() {
if (numberOfGames < 2) { return; }
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameList");
if ((theObj) && (theObj.style.display == "block")) { return; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("HeaderContainer")) {
oldHeaderContainerDisplay = theObj.style.display;
theObj.style.display = "none";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameBoard")) { theObj.style.display = "none"; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameList")) { theObj.style.display = "block"; }
function selectGameList(gameNum) {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameList");
if ((theObj) && (theObj.style.display === "")) { return; }
if (gameNum != -1) { Init(gameNum); }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameList")) { theObj.style.display = ""; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameBoard")) { theObj.style.display = ""; }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("HeaderContainer")) { theObj.style.display = oldHeaderContainerDisplay; }
var liveBroadcastUpdateTicker = 0;
var previousPlyNumber = -1;
function customFunctionOnPgnTextLoad() {
var noGamesLoaded = (numberOfGames == 1) && (PlyNumber === 0) && (StartPly === 0) && (!gameWhite[0]) && (!gameBlack[0]) && (!gameResult[0]) && (!gameFEN[0]);
if (LiveBroadcastDelay > 0) {
if (previousPlyNumber !== PlyNumber) {
previousPlyNumber = PlyNumber;
document.title = liveBroadcastUpdateTicker + "." + LiveBroadcastStatusString.replace(/^(\d*)\D*(\d*)$/, "$1.$2") + " live broadcast" + (demoFlag ? " demo" : "");
} else {
if (noGamesLoaded) { document.title = alertNum ? "PGN data error" : "chess games viewer"; }
else { document.title = numberOfGames + " game" + (numberOfGames == 1 ? "" : "s"); }
if (theObj = document.getElementById("ShowGameListLink")) {
theObj.title = "select from " + numberOfGames + " games";
var text = "", ii;
for (ii = 0; ii <= 4 + Math.log(numberOfGames)/Math.LN2; ii++) { text += "&middot; "; }
text += "&middot;";
theObj.innerHTML = text;
if (theObj = document.getElementById("ShowGameList")) {
theObj.style.visibility = numberOfGames > 1 ? "visible" : "hidden";
if (numberOfGames > 1) {
boardShortcut("F5", "show games list", function(t,e){ showGameList(); });
} else {
boardShortcut("F5", "", function(t,e){});
if (engineWinPrepareIdle) {
showEngineAnalysisBoard(true, true);
engineWinPrepareIdle = false;
<!-- AppCheck: customFunctionOnPgnTextLoad -->
function fixHeaderItem(tag, objectId, label) {
var theObj = document.getElementById(objectId);
if (theObj) {
var tagValue = simpleHtmlentitiesDecode(tag ? customPgnHeaderTag(tag, objectId) : theObj.innerHTML);
if (tagValue) {
theObj.title = label + ": " + tagValue;
theObj.className = "leftRightSpacing";
} else {
theObj.title = label;
theObj.className = "";
function customFunctionOnPgnGameLoad() {
fixHeaderItem(null, "GameEvent", "event");
fixHeaderItem(null, "GameSite", "site");
fixHeaderItem(null, "GameDate", "date");
fixHeaderItem(null, "GameRound", "round");
fixHeaderItem(null, "GameWhite", "white player");
fixHeaderItem(null, "GameBlack", "black player");
fixHeaderItem(null, "GameResult", "result");
fixHeaderItem("Section", "GameSection", "section");
fixHeaderItem("Stage", "GameStage", "stage");
fixHeaderItem("WhiteTitle", "GameWhiteTitle", "white title");
fixHeaderItem("WhiteElo", "GameWhiteElo", "white elo");
fixHeaderItem("WhiteTeam", "GameWhiteTeam", "white team");
fixHeaderItem("BlackTitle", "GameBlackTitle", "black title");
fixHeaderItem("BlackElo", "GameBlackElo", "black elo");
fixHeaderItem("BlackTeam", "GameBlackTeam", "black team");
if (showEco) {
fixHeaderItem("ECO", "GameECO", "ECO");
fixHeaderItem("ECO", "GameECOFiller", "ECO");
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameResult");
if ((theObj) && (theObj.innerHTML == "*")) { theObj.innerHTML = "&lowast;"; }
<!-- AppCheck: customFunctionOnPgnGameLoad -->
function customFunctionOnMove() {
var extraMoves = 2;
document.getElementById("GamePrevMoves").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("GameCurrMove").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("GameNextMoves").innerHTML = "";
var theObj = document.getElementById("GamePrevMoves");
var thisPly = Math.max(CurrentPly - extraMoves - 1, StartPly);
if (thisPly > StartPly) { theObj.innerHTML += "... "; }
for (; thisPly < Math.min(CurrentPly + extraMoves, StartPly + PlyNumber); thisPly++) {
if (thisPly == CurrentPly) {
theObj = document.getElementById("GameNextMoves");
if (thisPly % 2 === 0) { theObj.innerHTML += Math.floor(1 + thisPly / 2) + ". "; }
if (thisPly == CurrentPly - 1) {
theObj = document.getElementById("GameCurrMove");
theObj.innerHTML += Moves[thisPly] + " ";
if (thisPly < StartPly + PlyNumber) { theObj.innerHTML += "..."; }
fixHeaderItem(null, "GameWhiteClock", "white clock");
fixHeaderItem(null, "GameBlackClock", "black clock");
<!-- AppCheck: customFunctionOnMove -->
function fixColorFlag() {
var theObj;
if (showColorFlag) {
var whiteFlagPadding = (horizontalLayout || ((theObj = document.getElementById("GameWhiteClock")) && (theObj.innerHTML)));
if (theObj = document.getElementById("whiteColorFlag")) {
theObj.style.display = "inline";
theObj.style.visibility = CurrentPly % 2 ? "hidden" : "visible";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("whiteColorFlagFiller")) {
theObj.style.display = whiteFlagPadding ? "inline" : "none";
theObj.style.visibility = "hidden";
var blackFlagPadding = (horizontalLayout || ((theObj = document.getElementById("GameBlackClock")) && (theObj.innerHTML)));
if (theObj = document.getElementById("blackColorFlag")) {
theObj.style.display = "inline";
theObj.style.visibility = CurrentPly % 2 ? "visible" : "hidden";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("blackColorFlagFiller")) {
theObj.style.display = blackFlagPadding ? "inline" : "none";
theObj.style.visibility = "hidden";
function fixECO() {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameECOFiller");
if (theObj) {
theObj.style.display = horizontalLayout ? "none" : "";
function searchPlayer(name, FideId) {
if (typeof(openFidePlayerUrl) == "function") { openFidePlayerUrl(name, FideId); }
function customShortcutKey_Shift_1() {
searchPlayer(gameWhite[currentGame], customPgnHeaderTag('WhiteFideId'));
function customShortcutKey_Shift_2() {
searchPlayer(gameBlack[currentGame], customPgnHeaderTag('BlackFideId'));
function customShortcutKey_Shift_3() {
function customShortcutKey_Shift_4() {
var showFullscreenChessboardTimeout = null;
function customShortcutKey_Shift_5() {
if (showFullscreenChessboardTimeout) {
showFullscreenChessboardTimeout = null;
} else {
showFullscreenChessboardTimeout = setTimeout("showFullscreenChessboardTimeout = false; showFullscreenChessboard(false);", 333);
function customShortcutKey_Shift_6() {
function customShortcutKey_Shift_7() {
// customShortcutKey_Shift_8 defined by engine.js
// customShortcutKey_Shift_9 defined by engine.js
// customShortcutKey_Shift_0 defined by engine.js
function toggleBareChessboard() {
bare = !bare;
function showFullscreenChessboard(newWin) {
var win = window;
if (newWin) { win.open(location.href.replace(/(pieceBaseSize|pbs)=[^&]*/gi, ""), "_blank"); }
else {
while (win.parent !== win) { win = win.parent; }
win.location.href = location.href.replace(/(pieceBaseSize|pbs)=[^&]*/gi, "");
function toggleInitialHalfmove(reset2default) {
SetInitialHalfmove(reset2default ? 'start' : (initialHalfmove == 'end' ? 'start' : 'end'), true);
GoToMove(initialHalfmove == 'end' ? StartPlyVar[0] + PlyNumberVar[0] : StartPlyVar[0], 0);
boardShortcut("E7", "toggle ECO code", function(t,e){ toggleShowEco(); });
// disable FlipBoard functionality, otherwise remember to redefine FlipBoard() to include myOnResize()
var warnedFlipBoard = false;
function FlipBoard() { if (!warnedFlipBoard) { myAlert("warning: flip board functionality disabled", false, true); warnedFlipBoard = true; } }
boardShortcut("F7", "toggle side to move flag", function(t,e){ toggleColorFlag(); });
if (LiveBroadcastDelay === 0) {
boardShortcut("G6", "toggle initial halfmove", function(t,e){ toggleInitialHalfmove(e.shiftKey); });
if (window.parent !== window) {
boardShortcut("H5", "show fullscreen chessboard", function(t,e){ showFullscreenChessboard(e.shiftKey); });
function updateBareShortcut() {
boardShortcut("G5", bare ? "unhide game info\n\n" + gameTooltipInfo() : "maximize chessboard and hide game info", function(t,e){ toggleBareChessboard(); });
function meaningfulHeader(tagValue) {
return ((typeof(tagValue) == "string") && (tagValue.match(/[^\s?.-]/)));
function gameTooltipInfo() {
var str = " game " + (currentGame+1) + " of " + numberOfGames + " ";
if (LiveBroadcastDelay > 0) { str += LiveBroadcastStatusString.replace(/^(\d*).*$/, "($1 live) "); }
if (meaningfulHeader(gameEvent[currentGame])) { str+= "\n event: " + gameEvent[currentGame] + " "; }
if (meaningfulHeader(gameSite[currentGame])) { str+= "\n site: " + gameSite[currentGame] + " "; }
if (meaningfulHeader(gameDate[currentGame])) { str+= "\n date: " + gameDate[currentGame] + " "; }
if (meaningfulHeader(gameRound[currentGame])) { str+= "\n round: " + gameRound[currentGame] + " "; }
if (meaningfulHeader(gameWhite[currentGame])) { str+= "\n white: " + gameWhite[currentGame] + " "; }
if (meaningfulHeader(gameBlack[currentGame])) { str+= "\n black: " + gameBlack[currentGame] + " "; }
if (meaningfulHeader(gameResult[currentGame])) { str+= "\n result: " + gameResult[currentGame] + " "; }
return str;
function searchNextEventRound(backward) {
searchPgnGame('\\[\\s*Event\\s*"(?!' + fixRegExp(gameEvent[currentGame]) + '"\\s*\\])|\\[\\s*Section\\s*"(?!' + fixRegExp(customPgnHeaderTag("Section")) + '"\\s*\\])|\\[\\s*Stage\\s*"(?!' + fixRegExp(customPgnHeaderTag("Stage")) + '"\\s*\\])|\\[\\s*Round\\s*"(?!' + fixRegExp(gameRound[currentGame]) + '"\\s*\\])', backward);
var lastOrientation;
var lastOrientationTimeout = null;
simpleAddEvent(window, "orientationchange", function() {
var theObj;
if (window.orientation === lastOrientation) { return; }
var lastOrientationTimeoutString = "lastOrientationTimeout = null;";
if (lastOrientationTimeout) {
if ((theObj = document.getElementById("GameList")) && (theObj.style.display)) { selectGameList(-1); }
lastOrientationTimeoutString += " refreshPgnSource();";
} else {
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameListBody")) {
setTimeout("document.getElementById('GameListBody').scrollTop = (currentGame - 1) * gameListLineHeight; document.getElementById('GameListBody').scrollLeft = 0;", 111);
lastOrientationTimeout = setTimeout(lastOrientationTimeoutString, 1800);
lastOrientation = window.orientation;
<body onResize="myOnResize();" onLoad="myOnResize();">
<!-- paste your PGN below and make sure you dont specify an external source with SetPgnUrl() -->
<form style="display: none;"><textarea style="display: none;" id="pgnText">
<!-- paste your PGN above and make sure you dont specify an external source with SetPgnUrl() -->
<div style="display:none;" id="GameSelector"></div>
<div class="gameList" id="GameList"><div class="gameListHeader" id="GameListHeader"></div><div class="gameListBody" id="GameListBody"><div class="gameListBodyItems" id="GameListBodyItems"></div></div></div>
<div id="GameBoard"></div>
<div class="headerContainer" id="HeaderContainer">
<div class="firstVariableSpacer">&nbsp;</div>
<div>&nbsp;<span id="GameSite" title="site"></span><span id="GameDate" title="date"></span>&nbsp;</div>
<div>&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchNextEventRound(event.shiftKey); this.blur();"><span id="GameEvent" title="event"></span><span id="GameSection" title="section"></span><span id="GameStage" title="stage"></span><span id="GameRound" title="round"></span></a>&nbsp;</div>
<div class="variableSpacer">&nbsp;</div>
<div>&nbsp;<span style="display:inline-block;" title="white to move"><img class="colorFlag" style="background:white; display:none;" id="whiteColorFlag" src="" /></span><a id="GameWhiteClock" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="if (!showColorFlag) { toggleColorFlag(); setTimeout('if (showColorFlag) { toggleColorFlag(); }', 1111); } this.blur();" title="white clock"></a><span style="display:inline-block;"><img class="colorFlag" style="background:white; display:none;" id="whiteColorFlagFiller" src="" /></span>&nbsp;</div>
<div>&nbsp;<a style="font-weight: bold;" id="GameWhite" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchPlayer(this.innerHTML, customPgnHeaderTag('WhiteFideId')); this.blur();" title="white player"></a><span id="GameWhiteTitle" title="white title"></span><span id="GameWhiteElo" title="white elo"></span><span id="GameWhiteTeam" title="white team"></span><span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;</span></div>
<div>&nbsp;<a style="font-weight:bold;" id="GameBlack" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="searchPlayer(this.innerHTML, customPgnHeaderTag('BlackFideId')); this.blur();" title="black player"></a><span id="GameBlackTitle" title="black title"></span><span id="GameBlackElo" title="black elo"></span><span id="GameBlackTeam" title="black team"></span><span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;</span></div>
<div>&nbsp;<span style="display:inline-block;" title="black to move"><img class="colorFlag" style="background:black; display:none;" id="blackColorFlag" src="" /></span><a id="GameBlackClock" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="if (!showColorFlag) { toggleColorFlag(); setTimeout('if (showColorFlag) { toggleColorFlag(); }', 1111); } this.blur();" title="black clock"></a><span style="display:inline-block;"><img class="colorFlag" style="background:black; display:none;" id="blackColorFlagFiller" src="" /></span>&nbsp;</div>
<div class="variableSpacer">&nbsp;</div>
<div>&nbsp;<span style="visibility:hidden; padding-right:2.5em;" id="GameECOFiller"></span><a style="font-weight: bold;" id="GameResult" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="if (!showEco) { toggleShowEco(); setTimeout('if (showEco) { toggleShowEco(); }', 1111); } this.blur();" title="result"></a><span style="padding-left:2.5em;" id="GameECO"></span><span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;</span></div>
<div class="variableSpacer">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="leftRightSpacing">&nbsp;<a id="GamePrevMoves" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="GoToMove(CurrentPly - 1); this.blur();" title="previous moves"></a><a style="font-weight: bold;" id="GameCurrMove" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="if (!highlightOption) { SetHighlight(!highlightOption); setTimeout('if (highlightOption) { SetHighlight(!highlightOption); }', 1111); } this.blur();" title="current move as shown on chessboard"></a><a id="GameNextMoves" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="GoToMove(CurrentPly + 1); this.blur();" title="next moves"></a><span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;</span></div>
<div class="variableSpacer">&nbsp;</div>
<center><div class="leftRightSpacing gameButtons" id="GameButtons"></div></center>
<div class="liveStatusLine">&nbsp;<span id="GameLiveStatusExtraInfoLeft" class="leftRightSpacing gameLiveStatusExtraInfoLeft" style="visibility: hidden;"></span><a id="GameLiveStatus" class="leftRightSpacing" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="refreshPgnSource(); this.blur();"></a><span id="GameLiveStatusExtraInfoRight" class="leftRightSpacing" style="visibility: hidden;"></span>&nbsp;</div>
<div class="variableSpacer">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="leftRightSpacing" style="visibility: hidden;" id="ShowGameList">&nbsp;<a class="showGameListLink" id="ShowGameListLink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showGameList();"></a>&nbsp;</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
if (LiveBroadcastDelay && LiveBroadcastDemo) {
var theObj = document.getElementById("GameLiveStatusExtraInfoRight");
if (theObj) {
theObj.innerHTML = "demo";
theObj.title = "this is a broadcast simulation";
theObj.style.visibility = "visible";
if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameLiveStatusExtraInfoLeft")) {
theObj.innerHTML = "demo";
<!-- AppCheck: footer -->