
16 lines
2.8 KiB

[Event "Rated game"]
[Site "http://lichess.org/7zurlqj4"]
[Date "2013.09.21"]
[White "fat0troll"]
[Black "sshilovsky"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1315"]
[BlackElo "1574"]
[PlyCount "106"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[ECO "A00"]
[Opening "Van 't Kruijs Opening, General"]
[Annotator "lichess.org"]
1. e3 { Van 't Kruijs Opening, General } e5 2. Be2 d5 3. Nf3 e4 4. Nd4 Bc5?! { (-0.60 → -0.02) Inaccuracy. } 5. O-O Qg5 6. g3? { (0.40 → -0.66) Mistake. } 6... Qf6? { (-0.66 → 0.56) Mistake. } 7. Re1?! { (0.56 → 0.06) Inaccuracy. } 7... Bxd4?! { (0.06 → 0.56) Inaccuracy. } 8. exd4 Qxd4 9. d3 Bf5?! { (0.56 → 1.31) Inaccuracy. } 10. Bf4? { (1.31 → 0.06) Mistake. } 10... c6? { (0.06 → 1.81) Mistake. } 11. Nd2 Qxb2? { (1.77 → 3.87) Mistake. } 12. Nb3?? { (3.87 → -0.48) Blunder. } 12... Nf6? { (-0.48 → 0.94) Mistake. } 13. Nc5? { (0.94 → -0.36) Mistake. } 13... O-O 14. Nxb7?? { (-0.16 → -4.14) Blunder. } 14... Qxb7 15. Rb1 Qd7 16. Qd2 h6 17. Rb3 g5? { (-4.56 → -1.97) Mistake. } 18. Be5? { (-1.97 → -4.44) Mistake. } 18... Ng4? { (-4.44 → -3.23) Mistake. } 19. Bxg4?! { (-3.23 → -4.08) Inaccuracy. } 19... Bxg4 20. Reb1?! { (-3.61 → -4.42) Inaccuracy. } 20... Na6?! { (-4.42 → -3.81) Inaccuracy. } 21. Qa5?! { (-3.81 → -4.58) Inaccuracy. } 21... exd3?! { (-4.58 → -3.85) Inaccuracy. } 22. cxd3 Qc8?! { (-4.16 → -3.61) Inaccuracy. } 23. Kg2? { (-3.61 → -4.80) Mistake. } 23... Re8 24. Bd6?? { (-4.84 → -8.08) Blunder. } 24... Re6? { (-8.08 → -6.14) Mistake. } 25. Bc5 Nxc5 26. Qxc5 Qa6?? { (-6.64 → -0.34) Blunder. } 27. Rb8+?? { (-0.34 → -5.71) Blunder. } 27... Rxb8?? { (-5.71 → -2.04) Blunder. } 28. Rxb8+? { (-2.04 → -3.11) Mistake. } 28... Kg7?! { (-3.11 → -2.26) Inaccuracy. } 29. d4?? { (-2.26 → Mate in 3) Checkmate is now unavoidable. } 29... Qxa2?? { (Mate in 3 → 0.00) Lost forced checkmate sequence. } 30. Qf8+ Kf6 31. Qh8+ Kf5 32. Qh7+ Kf6 33. Qxh6+ Kf5 34. Qh7+ Rg6?? { (0.00 → 5.37) Blunder. } 35. Rg8?? { (5.37 → -4.50) Blunder. } 35... Bh5?? { (-4.50 → 3.51) Blunder. } 36. Qxf7+?? { (3.51 → 0.20) Blunder. } 36... Rf6? { (0.20 → 2.32) Mistake. } 37. Qxh5? { (2.32 → 0.22) Mistake. } 37... Qd2?? { (0.22 → Mate in 3) Checkmate is now unavoidable. } 38. Qxg5+?? { (Mate in 3 → -8.64) Lost forced checkmate sequence. } 38... Qxg5 39. Rxg5+ Kxg5?! { (-9.21 → -8.48) Inaccuracy. } 40. h4+? { (-8.48 → -12.40) Mistake. } 40... Kh5?? { (-12.40 → -6.74) Blunder. } 41. Kh3?? { (-6.74 → -20.66) Blunder. } 41... Rf3 42. Kg2 Rd3 43. f3 Rxd4?! { (-14.26 → -9.19) Inaccuracy. } 44. Kh3?! { (-9.19 → -19.43) Inaccuracy. } 44... a5 45. g4+ Kh6 46. h5 a4 47. Kg3 a3 48. f4 a2 49. f5 Kg5?! { (Mate in 4 → Mate in 4) Not the best checkmate sequence. } 50. h6 Rd3+?! { (Mate in 3 → Mate in 4) Not the best checkmate sequence. } 51. Kh2 a1=Q 52. h7 Qa2+ 53. Kg1 Rd1# { White is checkmated } 0-1