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2022-11-05 18:35:56 +04:00
/// \file tags.hpp
/// Contains the tags for all the overloadable operators in C++
// Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#ifndef BOOST_PROTO_TAGS_HPP_EAN_04_01_2005
#define BOOST_PROTO_TAGS_HPP_EAN_04_01_2005
#include <boost/proto/proto_fwd.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace proto { namespace tagns_ { namespace tag
/// Tag type for terminals; aka, leaves in the expression tree.
struct terminal {};
/// Tag type for the unary + operator.
struct unary_plus {};
/// Tag type for the unary - operator.
struct negate {};
/// Tag type for the unary * operator.
struct dereference {};
/// Tag type for the unary ~ operator.
struct complement {};
/// Tag type for the unary & operator.
struct address_of {};
/// Tag type for the unary ! operator.
struct logical_not {};
/// Tag type for the unary prefix ++ operator.
struct pre_inc {};
/// Tag type for the unary prefix -- operator.
struct pre_dec {};
/// Tag type for the unary postfix ++ operator.
struct post_inc {};
/// Tag type for the unary postfix -- operator.
struct post_dec {};
/// Tag type for the binary \<\< operator.
struct shift_left {};
/// Tag type for the binary \>\> operator.
struct shift_right {};
/// Tag type for the binary * operator.
struct multiplies {};
/// Tag type for the binary / operator.
struct divides {};
/// Tag type for the binary % operator.
struct modulus {};
/// Tag type for the binary + operator.
struct plus {};
/// Tag type for the binary - operator.
struct minus {};
/// Tag type for the binary \< operator.
struct less {};
/// Tag type for the binary \> operator.
struct greater {};
/// Tag type for the binary \<= operator.
struct less_equal {};
/// Tag type for the binary \>= operator.
struct greater_equal {};
/// Tag type for the binary == operator.
struct equal_to {};
/// Tag type for the binary != operator.
struct not_equal_to {};
/// Tag type for the binary || operator.
struct logical_or {};
/// Tag type for the binary && operator.
struct logical_and {};
/// Tag type for the binary & operator.
struct bitwise_and {};
/// Tag type for the binary | operator.
struct bitwise_or {};
/// Tag type for the binary ^ operator.
struct bitwise_xor {};
/// Tag type for the binary , operator.
struct comma {};
/// Tag type for the binary ->* operator.
struct mem_ptr {};
/// Tag type for the binary = operator.
struct assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary \<\<= operator.
struct shift_left_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary \>\>= operator.
struct shift_right_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary *= operator.
struct multiplies_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary /= operator.
struct divides_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary %= operator.
struct modulus_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary += operator.
struct plus_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary -= operator.
struct minus_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary &= operator.
struct bitwise_and_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary |= operator.
struct bitwise_or_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary ^= operator.
struct bitwise_xor_assign {};
/// Tag type for the binary subscript operator.
struct subscript {};
/// Tag type for the binary virtual data members.
struct member {};
/// Tag type for the ternary ?: conditional operator.
struct if_else_ {};
/// Tag type for the n-ary function call operator.
struct function {};