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2022-07-23 05:01:36 +04:00
This software and any related materials were created by the California
Institute of Technology (Caltech) under U.S. government contract with the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The software is
Technology and Software Publicly Available under U.S. export laws and is
provided "as-is" to the recipient without warranty of any kind, including any
warranties of performance or merchantability or fitness for particular use or
purpose (as set forth in United States UCC§2312-§2313) or for any purpose
whatsoever, for the software and related materials, however used. In no event
shall Caltech, its Jet Propulsion Laboratory, or NASA be liable for any damages
and/or costs, including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential
damages of any kind, including economic damage or injury to property and lost
profits, regardless of whether Caltech, JPL, or NASA be advised, have reason to
know, or, in fact, shall know of the possibility. Recipient bears all risk
relating to quality and performance of the software and any related materials,
and agrees to indemnify Caltech and NASA for all third-party claims resulting
from the actions of recipient in the use of the software.