2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< ? xml version = "1.0" ? > < ! DOCTYPE TS > < TS version = "2.1" language = "vi_VN" sourcelanguage = "en_US" >
< context >
< name > AboutDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/aboutdialog.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > About yuzu < / source >
< translation > Thông tin về yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/aboutdialog.ui" line = "72" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :28pt ; & quot ; & gt ; yuzu & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :28pt ; & quot ; & gt ; yuzu & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/aboutdialog.ui" line = "85" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; % 1 ( % 2 ) & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; % 1 ( % 2 ) & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/aboutdialog.ui" line = "98" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' U b u n t u ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - family : 'MS Shell Dlg 2' ; font - size :12pt ; & quot ; & gt ; yuzu is an experimental open - source emulator for the Nintendo Switch licensed under GPLv3 . 0 + . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; font - family : 'MS Shell Dlg 2' ; font - size :8pt ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - family : & apos ; MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos ; ; font - size :12pt ; & quot ; & gt ; This software should not be used to play games you have not legally obtained . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; U b u n t u & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - family : & apos ; MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos ; ; font - size :12pt ; & quot ; & gt ; yuzu là một phần mềm giả lập thử nghiệm mã nguồn mở cho máy Nintendo Switch , đ ư ợ c cấp phép theo giấy phép GPLv3 . 0 + . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; font - family : & apos ; MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos ; ; font - size :8pt ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - family : & apos ; MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos ; ; font - size :12pt ; & quot ; & gt ; Bạn không đ ư ợ c phép sử dụng phần mềm này cho đ ể chơi game mà bạn kiếm đ ư ợ c một cách bất hợp pháp . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/aboutdialog.ui" line = "130" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Website</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/yuzu-emu"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Source Code</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu/graphs/contributors"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Contributors</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu/blob/master/LICENSE.txt"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">License</span></a></p></body></html></source>
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Trang web</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/yuzu-emu"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Mã nguồn</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu/graphs/contributors"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Đóng góp</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu/blob/master/license.txt"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Giấy phép</span></a></p></body></html></translation>
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/aboutdialog.ui" line = "146" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :7pt ; & quot ; & gt ; & amp ; quot ; Nintendo Switch & amp ; quot ; is a trademark of Nintendo . yuzu is not affiliated with Nintendo in any way . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :7pt ; & quot ; & gt ; & amp ; quot ; Nintendo Switch & amp ; quot ; là thương hiệu của Nintendo . yuzu không hề liên kết với Nintendo dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > CalibrationConfigurationDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "23" / >
< source > Communicating with the server . . . < / source >
< translation > Đ ang giao tiếp với máy chủ . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "24" / >
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > Huỷ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "43" / >
< source > Touch the top left corner & lt ; br & gt ; of your touchpad . < / source >
< translation > Hãy chạm vào góc trên cùng & lt ; br & gt ; bên trái trên touchpad của bạn . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "46" / >
< source > Now touch the bottom right corner & lt ; br & gt ; of your touchpad . < / source >
< translation > Giờ hãy chạm vào góc dưới cùng & lt ; br & gt ; bên phải trên touchpad của bạn . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "49" / >
< source > Configuration completed ! < / source >
< translation > Đ ã hoàn thành quá trình thiết lập ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "57" / >
< source > OK < / source >
< translation > OK < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ChatRoom < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Room Window < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cửa sổ Phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.ui" line = "40" / >
< source > Send Chat Message < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Tin nhắn < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.ui" line = "47" / >
< source > Send Message < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Gửi tin nhắn < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "181" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Members < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Thành viên < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "318" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 has joined < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > % 1 đ ã vô < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "321" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 has left < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > % 1 đ ã thoát < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "324" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 has been kicked < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > % 1 đ ã bị kick < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "327" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 has been banned < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > % 1 đ ã bị ban < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "330" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 has been unbanned < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > % 1 đ ã đ ư ợ c unban < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "446" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > View Profile < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Xem hồ sơ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "459" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "469" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Block Player < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Chặn người chơi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "470" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > When you block a player , you will no longer receive chat messages from them . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Are you sure you would like to block % 1 ? < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Khi bạn chặn một người chơi , bạn sẽ không còn nhận đ ư ợ c tin nhắn từ người chơi đ ó nữa . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Bạn có chắc là muốn chặn % 1 ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "483" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Kick < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Kick < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "484" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Ban < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Ban < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "488" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Kick Player < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Kick người chơi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "489" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you would like to & lt ; b & gt ; kick & lt ; / b & g t ; % 1 ? < / s o u r c e >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Bạn có chắc là bạn muốn & lt ; b & gt ; kick & lt ; / b & g t ; % 1 ? < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "497" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Ban Player < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Ban người chơi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "498" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you would like to & lt ; b & gt ; kick and ban & lt ; / b & g t ; % 1 ?
This would ban both their forum username and their IP address . < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Bạn có chắc là bạn muốn & lt ; b & gt ; kick và ban & lt ; / b & g t ; % 1 ?
Đ iều này sẽ ban tên trên diễn đ à n của họ và IP của họ luôn < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ClientRoom < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/client_room.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Room Window < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cửa sổ Phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/client_room.ui" line = "27" / >
< source > Room Description < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Nội dung phòng chơi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/client_room.ui" line = "47" / >
< source > Moderation . . . < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Quản lý . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/client_room.ui" line = "57" / >
< source > Leave Room < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Rời khỏi phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ClientRoomWindow < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/client_room.cpp" line = "78" / >
< source > Connected < / source >
< translation > Đ ã kết nối < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/client_room.cpp" line = "87" / >
< source > Disconnected < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Mất kết nối < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/client_room.cpp" line = "100" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > % 1 - % 2 ( % 3 / % 4 members ) - connected < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > % 1 - % 2 ( % 3 / % 4 members ) - đ ã kết nối < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > CompatDB < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > Report Compatibility < / source >
< translation > Báo cáo tương thích < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "27" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "63" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "115" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "167" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "219" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "271" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "330" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Report Game Compatibility < / source >
< translation > Báo cáo trò chơi tương thích < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "36" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :10pt ; & quot ; & gt ; Should you choose to submit a test case to the & lt ; /span><a href="https:/ / yuzu - emu . org / game / & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :10pt ; text - decoration : underline ; color : # 0000 ff ; & quot ; & gt ; yuzu Compatibility List & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / a & g t ; & l t ; s p a n s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 0 p t ; & q u o t ; & g t ; , T h e f o l l o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n w i l l b e c o l l e c t e d a n d d i s p l a y e d o n t h e s i t e : & l t ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; u l s t y l e = & q u o t ; m a r g i n - t o p : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - l e f t : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - r i g h t : 0 p x ; - q t - l i s t - i n d e n t : 1 ; & q u o t ; & g t ; & l t ; l i s t y l e = & q u o t ; m a r g i n - t o p : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - l e f t : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - r i g h t : 0 p x ; - q t - b l o c k - i n d e n t : 0 ; t e x t - i n d e n t : 0 p x ; & q u o t ; & g t ; H a r d w a r e I n f o r m a t i o n ( C P U / G P U / O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m ) & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i s t y l e = & q u o t ; m a r g i n - t o p : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - l e f t : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - r i g h t : 0 p x ; - q t - b l o c k - i n d e n t : 0 ; t e x t - i n d e n t : 0 p x ; & q u o t ; & g t ; W h i c h v e r s i o n o f y u z u y o u a r e r u n n i n g & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i s t y l e = & q u o t ; m a r g i n - t o p : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - l e f t : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - r i g h t : 0 p x ; - q t - b l o c k - i n d e n t : 0 ; t e x t - i n d e n t : 0 p x ; & q u o t ; & g t ; T h e c o n n e c t e d y u z u a c c o u n t & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :10pt ; & quot ; & gt ; Nếu bạn chọn gửi bản kiểm tra vào & lt ; /span><a href="https:/ / yuzu - emu . org / game / & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :10pt ; text - decoration : underline ; color : # 0000 ff ; & quot ; & gt ; danh sách tương thích yuzu & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / a & g t ; & l t ; s p a n s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 0 p t ; & q u o t ; & g t ; , T h ô n g t i n s a u s ẽ đ ư ợ c t h u t h ậ p v à h i ể n t h ị l ê n t r a n g w e b : & l t ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; u l s t y l e = & q u o t ; m a r g i n - t o p : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - l e f t : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - r i g h t : 0 p x ; - q t - l i s t - i n d e n t : 1 ; & q u o t ; & g t ; & l t ; l i s t y l e = & q u o t ; m a r g i n - t o p : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - l e f t : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - r i g h t : 0 p x ; - q t - b l o c k - i n d e n t : 0 ; t e x t - i n d e n t : 0 p x ; & q u o t ; & g t ; T h ô n g t i n p h ầ n c ứ n g ( C P U / G P U / H ệ đ i ề u h à n h ) & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i s t y l e = & q u o t ; m a r g i n - t o p : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - l e f t : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - r i g h t : 0 p x ; - q t - b l o c k - i n d e n t : 0 ; t e x t - i n d e n t : 0 p x ; & q u o t ; & g t ; P h i ê n b ả n y u z u b ạ n đ a n g c h ạ y & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i s t y l e = & q u o t ; m a r g i n - t o p : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 1 2 p x ; m a r g i n - l e f t : 0 p x ; m a r g i n - r i g h t : 0 p x ; - q t - b l o c k - i n d e n t : 0 ; t e x t - i n d e n t : 0 p x ; & q u o t ; & g t ; T à i k h o ả n y u z u đ a n g k ế t n ố i & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "77" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Does the game boot ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Game có chạy lên thành công hay không ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "100" / >
< source > Yes The game starts to output video or audio < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Có Game có xuất ra hình và â m thanh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "107" / >
< source > No The game doesn & apos ; t get past the & quot ; Launching . . . & quot ; screen < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Không Game không thể qua khỏi đ ư ợ c khúc màn hình & quot ; Launching . . . & quot ; < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "124" / >
< source > Yes The game gets past the intro / menu and into gameplay < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Có Game có thể qua đ ư ợ c khúc intro / menu và vô đ ư ợ c game < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "131" / >
< source > No The game crashes or freezes while loading or using the menu < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Không Game crash hoặc đ ơ khi đ ang loading hoặc sử dụng menu < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "143" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Does the game reach gameplay ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Game có chạy đ ư ợ c tới vô bên trong hay không ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "176" / >
< source > Yes The game works without crashes < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Có Game chạy ổ n đ ị nh , không bị crash < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "183" / >
< source > No The game crashes or freezes during gameplay < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Không Game crash hoặc đ ơ trong lúc chơi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "195" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Does the game work without crashing , freezing or locking up during gameplay ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Game chạy có ổ n đ ị nh với không crash , đ ơ hoặc bị kẹt trong lúc chơi hay không ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "228" / >
< source > Yes The game can be finished without any workarounds < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Có Game có thể hoàn thành mà không cần phải làm gì thêm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "235" / >
< source > No The game can & apos ; t progress past a certain area < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Không Game không thể qua đ ư ợ c mốt số khúc < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "247" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Is the game completely playable from start to finish ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Game có chơi đ ư ợ c từ đ ầ u đ ế n cuối hay không ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "280" / >
< source > Major The game has major graphical errors < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi nặng Game bị lỗi hình ả nh nặng < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "287" / >
< source > Minor The game has minor graphical errors < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi nhẹ Game bị lỗi hình ả nh nhẹ < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "294" / >
< source > None Everything is rendered as it looks on the Nintendo Switch < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Không lỗi Game nhìn y hệt như trên Nintendo Switch < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "306" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Does the game have any graphical glitches ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Game có bị lỗi gì về hình ả nh không ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "339" / >
< source > Major The game has major audio errors < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi nặng Game bị lỗi â m thanh nặng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "346" / >
< source > Minor The game has minor audio errors < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi nhẹ Game bị lỗi â m thanh nhẹ < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "353" / >
< source > None Audio is played perfectly < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Không lỗi  m thanh hoạt đ ộ ng hoàn hảo < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "365" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Does the game have any audio glitches / missing effects ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Game có bị lỗi â m thanh hay lỗi hiệu ứ ng hay không ? & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.ui" line = "389" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Thank you for your submission ! < / source >
< translation > Cảm ơ n bạn đ ã gửi đ ế n cho chúng tôi ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.cpp" line = "121" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Submitting < / source >
< translation > Đ ang gửi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.cpp" line = "195" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Communication error < / source >
< translation > Đ ã xảy ra lỗi giao tiếp với máy chủ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.cpp" line = "196" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > An error occurred while sending the Testcase < / source >
< translation > Có lỗi xảy ra khi gửi Testcase < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/compatdb.cpp" line = "198" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Next < / source >
< translation > Tiếp theo < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< name > ConfigurationShared < / name >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/shared_widget.cpp" line = "63" / >
< source > % < / source >
< translation > % < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "319" / >
< source > Auto ( % 1 ) < / source >
< comment > Auto select time zone < / comment >
< translation > Tự đ ộ ng ( % 1 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "323" / >
< source > Default ( % 1 ) < / source >
< comment > Default time zone < / comment >
< translation > Mặc đ ị nh ( % 1 ) < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureAudio < / name >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_audio.ui" line = "14" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_audio.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > Audio < / source >
< translation > Â m thanh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureCamera < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Configure Infrared Camera < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Chỉnh sửa camera hồng ngoại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > Select where the image of the emulated camera comes from . It may be a virtual camera or a real camera . < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Chọn hình ả nh từ camera giả lập . Nó có thể là một camera giả hoặc là một camera thật < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "52" / >
< source > Camera Image Source : < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Camera ả nh gốc : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "71" / >
< source > Input device : < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Đ ầ u vào thiết bị : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "96" / >
< source > Preview < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Xem trước < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "108" / >
< source > Resolution : 320 * 240 < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Đ ộ phân giải : 320 * 240 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "115" / >
< source > Click to preview < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Nhấn đ ể xem < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "140" / >
< source > Restore Defaults < / source >
< translation > Khôi phục về mặc đ ị nh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_camera.cpp" line = "140" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Auto < / source >
< translation > Tự đ ộ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureCpu < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > CPU < / source >
< translation > CPU < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "28" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > General < / source >
< translation > Chung < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "52" / >
< source > We recommend setting accuracy to & quot ; Auto & quot ; . < / source >
< translation > Chúng tôi khuyến khích sử dụng chế đ ộ & quot ; Tự đ ộ ng & quot ; < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "65" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Unsafe CPU Optimization Settings < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t tối ư u cho CPU ở chế đ ộ tương đ ố i < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "71" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > These settings reduce accuracy for speed . < / source >
< translation > Những cài đ ặ t sau giảm đ ộ chính xác của giả lập đ ể đ ổ i lấy tốc đ ộ . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureCpuDebug < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > CPU < / source >
< translation > CPU < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > Toggle CPU Optimizations < / source >
< translation > Tuỳ chọn cho tối ư u CPU < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "31" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - weight :600 ; & quot ; & gt ; For debugging only . & lt ; /span><br/ & gt ; If you & apos ; re not sure what these do , keep all of these enabled . & lt ; br / & gt ; These settings , when disabled , only take effect when CPU Debugging is enabled . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - weight :600 ; & quot ; & gt ; Chỉ dành cho việc gỡ lỗi . & lt ; /span><br/ & gt ; Nếu bạn không biết những sự lựa chọn này làm gì , hãy bật tất cả . & lt ; br / & gt ; Những cài đ ặ t này , khi tắt , chỉ hiệu quả khi bật & quot ; Gỡ lỗi CPU & quot ; . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "41" / >
< source >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; This optimization speeds up memory accesses by the guest program . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Enabling it inlines accesses to PageTable : : pointers into emitted code . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Disabling this forces all memory accesses to go through the Memory : : Read / Memory : : Write functions . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
< translation >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Sự tối ư u hóa này làm cho việc truy cập bộ nhớ của chương trình khách nhanh hơn . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Bật nó giúp PageTable : : pointers có thể đ ư ợ c truy cập trong mã đ ư ợ c phát ra . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Tắt nó làm cho mọi truy cập vào bộ nhớ bắt buộc phải qua các function Memory : : Read / Memory : : Write . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "48" / >
< source > Enable inline page tables < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật bảng trang nội tuyến < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "55" / >
< source >
& lt ; div & gt ; This optimization avoids dispatcher lookups by allowing emitted basic blocks to jump directly to other basic blocks if the destination PC is static . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div & gt ; Tối ư u hóa này tránh tra cứu trình đ iều phối bằng cách cho phép các khối cơ bản đ ư ợ c phát ra nhảy trực tiếp đ ế n các khối cơ bản khác nếu đ ị a chỉ PC đ í ch là tĩnh . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "60" / >
< source > Enable block linking < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật liên kết khối < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "67" / >
< source >
& lt ; div & gt ; This optimization avoids dispatcher lookups by keeping track potential return addresses of BL instructions . This approximates what happens with a return stack buffer on a real CPU . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div & gt ; Tối ư u hóa này tránh tra cứu trình đ iều phối bằng cách theo dõi các đ ị a chỉ trả về tiềm năng của các chỉ thị BL . Đ iều này xấp xỉ việc xảy ra với một bộ đ ệ m ngăn xếp trả về trên CPU thật . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "72" / >
< source > Enable return stack buffer < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật phản hồi của bộ đ ệ m ngăn xếp < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "79" / >
< source >
& lt ; div & gt ; Enable a two - tiered dispatch system . A faster dispatcher written in assembly has a small MRU cache of jump destinations is used first . If that fails , dispatch falls back to the slower C ++ dispatcher . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div & gt ; Bật hệ thống đ iều phối hai cấp . Một trình đ iều phối nhanh hơn đ ư ợ c viết bằng assembly và có một bộ nhớ đ ệ m MRU nhỏ của các đ ị a chỉ nhảy đ ư ợ c sử dụng trước . Nếu không thành công , việc đ iều phối sẽ chuyển sang trình đ iều phối chậm hơn viết bằng C ++ . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "84" / >
< source > Enable fast dispatcher < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật trình đ iều phối nhanh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "91" / >
< source >
& lt ; div & gt ; Enables an IR optimization that reduces unnecessary accesses to the CPU context structure . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div & gt ; Kích hoạt một tối ư u hóa IR giảm truy cập không cần thiết vào cấu trúc ngữ cảnh CPU . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "96" / >
< source > Enable context elimination < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cho phép loại bỏ ngữ cảnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "103" / >
< source >
& lt ; div & gt ; Enables IR optimizations that involve constant propagation . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div & gt ; Kích hoạt tối ư u hóa IR liên quan đ ế n truyền tải hằng số . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "108" / >
< source > Enable constant propagation < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật lan truyền hằng số < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "115" / >
< source >
& lt ; div & gt ; Enables miscellaneous IR optimizations . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div & gt ; Cho phép tối ư u hoá IR đ a dạng . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "120" / >
< source > Enable miscellaneous optimizations < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Bật tối ư u hóa tính năng phụ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "127" / >
< source >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; When enabled , a misalignment is only triggered when an access crosses a page boundary . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; When disabled , a misalignment is triggered on all misaligned accesses . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Khi kích hoạt , sự không căn chỉnh chỉ xảy ra khi một truy cập vượt qua ranh giới trang . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Khi vô hiệu hóa , sự không căn chỉnh đ ư ợ c kích hoạt cho tất cả các truy cập không căn chỉnh . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "133" / >
< source > Enable misalignment check reduction < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cho phép giảm kiểm tra không đ ồ ng nhất < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "140" / >
< source >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; This optimization speeds up memory accesses by the guest program . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Enabling it causes guest memory reads / writes to be done directly into memory and make use of Host ' s MMU . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Disabling this forces all memory accesses to use Software MMU Emulation . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Cái này sẽ tăng tốc đ ộ truy cập bộ nhớ bằng cách truy cập dưới dạng chương trình guest & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Khi bật lên sẽ viết / đ ọ c trực tiếp vô bộ nhớ và sử dụng Host MMU & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Tắt cái này đ i sẽ é p mọi phương thức truy cập bộ nhớ đ i qua Software MMU Emulation & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "147" / >
< source > Enable Host MMU Emulation ( general memory instructions ) < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Bật Host MMU Emulation ( general memory instructions ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "154" / >
< source >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; This optimization speeds up exclusive memory accesses by the guest program . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Enabling it causes guest exclusive memory reads / writes to be done directly into memory and make use of Host ' s MMU . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Disabling this forces all exclusive memory accesses to use Software MMU Emulation . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Tối ư u hóa này làm cho việc truy cập bộ nhớ đ ộ c quyền của chương trình khách nhanh hơn . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Kích hoạt nó sẽ làm cho việc đ ọ c / ghi bộ nhớ đ ộ c quyền của máy khách đ ư ợ c thực hiện trực tiếp vào bộ nhớ và sử dụng MMU của máy chủ . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Vô hiệu hóa đ iều này sẽ buộc tất cả các truy cập bộ nhớ đ ộ c quyền sử dụng giả lập MMU phần mềm . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "161" / >
< source > Enable Host MMU Emulation ( exclusive memory instructions ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật giả lập MMU trên máy chủ ( các chỉ thị bộ nhớ đ ộ c quyền ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "168" / >
< source >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; This optimization speeds up exclusive memory accesses by the guest program . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Enabling it reduces the overhead of fastmem failure of exclusive memory accesses . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Tối ư u hóa này giúp tăng tốc truy cập bộ nhớ đ ộ c quyền từ chương trình khách . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Bật nó giảm tải chi phí phụ khi xảy ra lỗi fastmem trong quá trình truy cập bộ nhớ đ ộ c quyền . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "174" / >
< source > Enable recompilation of exclusive memory instructions < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật biên dịch lại các chỉ thị bộ nhớ đ ộ c quyền < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "181" / >
< source >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; This optimization speeds up memory accesses by allowing invalid memory accesses to succeed . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Enabling it reduces the overhead of all memory accesses and has no impact on programs that don ' t access invalid memory . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation >
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Tối ư u hóa này tăng tốc truy cập bộ nhớ bằng cách cho phép các truy cập bộ nhớ không hợp lệ thành công . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
& lt ; div style = & quot ; white - space : nowrap & quot ; & gt ; Bật tối ư u hóa này giảm thiểu các chi phí phụ liên quan đ ế n việc truy cập bộ nhớ và không ả nh hưởng đ ế n các chương trình không truy cập vào bộ nhớ không hợp lệ . & lt ; / d i v & g t ;
< / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "187" / >
< source > Enable fallbacks for invalid memory accesses < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật dự phòng cho truy cập bộ nhớ không hợp lệ < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "212" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > CPU settings are available only when game is not running . < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t CPU chỉ có sẵn khi không chạy trò chơi . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureDebug < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "40" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Debugger < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trình gỡ lỗi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "85" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enable GDB Stub < / source >
< translation > Cho phép bật GDB sơ khai < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "119" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Port : < / source >
< translation > Cổng : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "157" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Logging < / source >
< translation > Sổ ghi chép < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "163" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Open Log Location < / source >
< translation > Mở vị trí sổ ghi chép < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "197" / >
< source > Global Log Filter < / source >
< translation > Bộ lọc sổ ghi chép < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "213" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > When checked , the max size of the log increases from 100 MB to 1 GB < / source >
< translation > Khi tích vào , dung lượng tối đ a cho file log chuyển từ 100 MB lên 1 GB < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "216" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enable Extended Logging * * < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật ghi nhật ký mở rộng * * < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "223" / >
< source > Show Log in Console < / source >
< translation > Hiện nhật ký trên trong console < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "235" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Homebrew < / source >
< translation > Homebrew < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "243" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Arguments String < / source >
< translation > Chuỗi đ ố i số < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "260" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Graphics < / source >
< translation > Đ ồ hoạ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "266" / >
< source > When checked , it executes shaders without loop logic changes < / source >
< translation > Khi kích hoạt , nó thực thi shaders mà không thay đ ổ i logic vòng lặp . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "269" / >
< source > Disable Loop safety checks < / source >
< translation > Tắt kiểm tra an toàn vòng lặp < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "279" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > When checked , it will dump all the original assembler shaders from the disk shader cache or game as found < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Khi kích hoạt , nó sẽ trích xuất tất cả shader của trình hợp dịch từ bộ nhớ đ ệ m shader trên ổ cứng hoặc từ game khi tìm thấy < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "282" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Dump Game Shaders < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trích xuất shader game < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "292" / >
< source > When checked , it disables the macro HLE functions . Enabling this makes games run slower < / source >
< translation > Khi chọn , nó sẽ tắt các chức năng Macro HLE . Bật tính năng này sẽ làm cho các trò chơi chạy chậm hơn < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "295" / >
< source > Disable Macro HLE < / source >
< translation > Tắt Macro HLE < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "305" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > When checked , it disables the macro Just In Time compiler . Enabling this makes games run slower < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Khi chọn , nó sẽ tắt trình biên dịch Just In Time cho macro . Bật tính năng này sẽ làm cho các trò chơi chạy chậm hơn < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "308" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Disable Macro JIT < / source >
< translation > Không dùng Macro JIT < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "318" / >
< source > When checked , the graphics API enters a slower debugging mode < / source >
< translation > Khi đ ư ợ c kích hoạt , API đ ồ hoạ sẽ chuyển sang chế đ ộ gỡ lỗi chậm hơn . < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "321" / >
< source > Enable Graphics Debugging < / source >
< translation > Kích hoạt chế đ ộ gỡ lỗi đ ồ hoạ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "331" / >
< source > When checked , it will dump all the macro programs of the GPU < / source >
< translation > Khi kích hoạt , nó sẽ trích xuất tất cả chương trình macro của GPU < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "334" / >
< source > Dump Maxwell Macros < / source >
< translation > Trích xuất Maxwell Macros < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "341" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > When checked , yuzu will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Khi chọn , yuzu sẽ ghi lại các thống kê về bộ nhớ cache pipeline đ ã đ ư ợ c biên dịch < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "344" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enable Shader Feedback < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật phản hồi shader < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "351" / >
< source > When checked , it enables Nsight Aftermath crash dumps < / source >
< translation > Khi kích hoạt , nó cho phép ghi nhận lỗi Nsight Aftermath . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "354" / >
< source > Enable Nsight Aftermath < / source >
< translation > Bật Nsight Aftermath < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "380" / >
< source > Advanced < / source >
< translation > Nâng Cao < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "386" / >
< source > Enables yuzu to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up . Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing yuzu . < / source >
< translation > Cho phép yuzu kiểm tra môi trường Vulkan hoạt đ ộ ng khi chương trình bắt đ ầ u . Vô hiệu hóa tính năng này nếu nó gây ra vấn đ ề cho các chương trình bên ngoài khi nhìn thấy yuzu . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "389" / >
< source > Perform Startup Vulkan Check < / source >
< translation > Thực hiện kiểm tra Vulkan khi khởi đ ộ ng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "396" / >
< source > Disable Web Applet < / source >
< translation > Tắt applet web < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "403" / >
< source > Enable All Controller Types < / source >
< translation > Kích hoạt tất cả các loại tay cầm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "410" / >
< source > Enable Auto - Stub * * < / source >
< translation > Bật Auto - Stub * * < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "417" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Kiosk ( Quest ) Mode < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chế đ ộ Kiosk ( Khách ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "424" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enable CPU Debugging < / source >
< translation > Bật Vá Lỗi CPU < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "431" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enable Debug Asserts < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật kiểm tra lỗi gỡ lỗi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "457" / >
< source > Debugging < / source >
< translation > Vá lỗi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "463" / >
< source > Enable FS Access Log < / source >
< translation > Bật log truy cập FS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "470" / >
< source > Create Minidump After Crash < / source >
< translation > Tạo Minidump sau khi xảy ra sự cố . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "477" / >
< source > Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console . Only affects games using the audio renderer . < / source >
< translation > Bật tính năng này đ ể đ ư a ra danh sách lệnh â m thanh mới nhất đ ã tạo ra đ ế n console . Chỉ ả nh hưởng đ ế n các game sử dụng bộ mã hóa â m thanh . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "480" / >
< source > Dump Audio Commands To Console * * < / source >
< translation > Trích xuất các lệnh â m thanh đ ế n console * * < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "487" / >
< source > Enable Verbose Reporting Services * * < / source >
< translation > Bật dịch vụ báo cáo chi tiết * * < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "539" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > * * This will be reset automatically when yuzu closes . < / source >
< translation > * * Sẽ tự đ ộ ng thiết lập lại khi tắt yuzu . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.cpp" line = "35" / >
< source > Restart Required < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cần khởi đ ộ ng lại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.cpp" line = "36" / >
< source > yuzu is required to restart in order to apply this setting . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > yuzu cần khởi đ ộ ng lại đ ể á p dụng cài đ ặ t này . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.cpp" line = "88" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Web applet not compiled < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Applet web chưa đ ư ợ c biên dịch < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug.cpp" line = "95" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > MiniDump creation not compiled < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chức năng tạo MiniDump không đ ư ợ c biên dịch < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureDebugController < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug_controller.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Configure Debug Controller < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập bộ đ iều khiển vá lỗi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug_controller.ui" line = "40" / >
< source > Clear < / source >
< translation > Làm trống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug_controller.ui" line = "47" / >
< source > Defaults < / source >
< translation > Quay về mặc đ ị nh < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureDebugTab < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug_tab.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug_tab.ui" line = "17" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug_tab.cpp" line = "16" / >
< source > Debug < / source >
< translation > Vá lỗi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_debug_tab.cpp" line = "17" / >
< source > CPU < / source >
< translation > CPU < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > yuzu Configuration < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure.ui" line = "67" / >
< source > Some settings are only available when a game is not running . < / source >
< translation > Một số cài đ ặ t chỉ khả dụng khi game không chạy . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "62" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "168" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Audio < / source >
< translation > Â m thanh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "63" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "166" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > CPU < / source >
< translation > CPU < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "64" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Debug < / source >
< translation > Gỡ lỗi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "65" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Filesystem < / source >
< translation > Hệ thống tệp tin < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "66" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "162" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > General < / source >
< translation > Chung < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "67" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "167" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Graphics < / source >
< translation > Đ ồ hoạ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "68" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > GraphicsAdvanced < / source >
< translation > Đ ồ họa Nâng cao < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "69" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Hotkeys < / source >
< translation > Phím tắt < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "70" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "169" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Controls < / source >
< translation > Phím < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "71" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Profiles < / source >
< translation > Hồ sơ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "72" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Network < / source >
< translation > Mạng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "73" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "164" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > System < / source >
< translation > Hệ thống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "74" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Game List < / source >
< translation > Danh sách trò chơi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "75" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Web < / source >
< translation > Web < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureFilesystem < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Filesystem < / source >
< translation > File hệ thống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > Storage Directories < / source >
< translation > Thư mục lưu trữ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "31" / >
< source > NAND < / source >
< translation > NAND < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "38" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "58" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "114" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "136" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "143" / >
< source > . . . < / source >
< translation > . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "51" / >
< source > SD Card < / source >
< translation > Thẻ nhớ SD < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "84" / >
< source > Gamecard < / source >
< translation > Thẻ nhớ trò chơi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "90" / >
< source > Path < / source >
< translation > Đ ư ờ ng dẫn < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "100" / >
< source > Inserted < / source >
< translation > Đ ã chèn vào < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "107" / >
< source > Current Game < / source >
< translation > Game hiện tại < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "124" / >
< source > Patch Manager < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Quản lý bản bá < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "152" / >
< source > Dump Decompressed NSOs < / source >
< translation > Sao chép NSO đ ã giải nén < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "159" / >
< source > Dump ExeFS < / source >
< translation > Sao chép ExeFS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "168" / >
< source > Mod Load Root < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thư mục tải mod gốc < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "175" / >
< source > Dump Root < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trích xuất thư mục gốc < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "201" / >
< source > Caching < / source >
< translation > Bộ nhớ đ ệ m < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "209" / >
< source > Cache Game List Metadata < / source >
< translation > Lưu bộ nhớ đ ệ m của danh sách trò chơi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "216" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "131" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "135" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "140" / >
< source > Reset Metadata Cache < / source >
< translation > Khôi phục bộ nhớ đ ệ m của metadata < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "93" / >
< source > Select Emulated NAND Directory . . . < / source >
< translation > Chọn Thư Mục Giả Lập NAND . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "96" / >
< source > Select Emulated SD Directory . . . < / source >
< translation > Chọn Thư Mục Giả Lập SD . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "99" / >
< source > Select Gamecard Path . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chọn đ ư ờ ng dẫn tới đ ĩ a game . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "102" / >
< source > Select Dump Directory . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chọn thư mục trích xuất . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "105" / >
< source > Select Mod Load Directory . . . < / source >
< translation > Chọn Thư Mục Chứa Mod . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "132" / >
< source > The metadata cache is already empty . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bộ nhớ đ ệ m metadata trống . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "136" / >
< source > The operation completed successfully . < / source >
< translation > Các hoạt đ ộ ng đ ã hoàn tất thành công . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "141" / >
< source > The metadata cache couldn & apos ; t be deleted . It might be in use or non - existent . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bộ nhớ đ ệ m metadata không thể xoá . Nó có thể đ ang đ ư ợ c sử dụng hoặc không tồn tại . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureGeneral < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_general.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_general.ui" line = "17" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_general.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > General < / source >
< translation > Chung < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_general.ui" line = "82" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Reset All Settings < / source >
< translation > Đ ặ t lại mọi tùy chỉnh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_general.cpp" line = "70" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > yuzu < / source >
< translation > yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_general.cpp" line = "71" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > This reset all settings and remove all per - game configurations . This will not delete game directories , profiles , or input profiles . Proceed ? < / source >
< translation > Quá trình này sẽ thiết lập lại toàn bộ tùy chỉnh và gỡ hết mọi cài đ ặ t cho từng game riêng lẻ . Quá trình này không xóa đ ư ờ ng dẫn tới thư mục game , hồ sơ , hay hồ sơ của thiết lập phím . Tiếp tục ? < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureGraphics < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Graphics < / source >
< translation > Đ ồ họa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > API Settings < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t API < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "58" / >
< source > Graphics Settings < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t đ ồ hoạ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "103" / >
< source > Background Color : < / source >
< translation > Màu nền : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "263" / >
< source > % < / source >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< comment > FSR sharpening percentage ( e . g . 50 % ) < / comment >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< translation > % < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "376" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Off < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tắt < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "377" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > VSync Off < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tắt Vsync < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "379" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Recommended < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ề xuất < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "382" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > On < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "383" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > VSync On < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật Vsync < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureGraphicsAdvanced < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics_advanced.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics_advanced.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Advanced < / source >
< translation > Nâng cao < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_graphics_advanced.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > Advanced Graphics Settings < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t đ ồ hoạ nâng cao < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureHotkeys < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Hotkey Settings < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t phím nóng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Hotkeys < / source >
< translation > Phím tắt < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > Double - click on a binding to change it . < / source >
< translation > Đ ú p chuột vào phím đ ã đ ư ợ c thiết lập đ ể thay đ ổ i . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "45" / >
< source > Clear All < / source >
< translation > Bỏ Trống Hết < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "52" / >
< source > Restore Defaults < / source >
< translation > Khôi phục về mặc đ ị nh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "100" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Action < / source >
< translation > Hành đ ộ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "100" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Hotkey < / source >
< translation > Phím tắt < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "100" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Controller Hotkey < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Phím tắt tay cầm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "140" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "168" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "394" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Conflicting Key Sequence < / source >
< translation > Tổ hợp phím bị xung đ ộ t < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "141" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "169" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The entered key sequence is already assigned to : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Tổ hợp phím này đ ã gán với : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "176" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > [ waiting ] < / source >
< translation > [ Chờ ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "253" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Invalid < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không hợp lệ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "358" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Restore Default < / source >
< translation > Khôi phục về mặc đ ị nh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "359" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Clear < / source >
< translation > Xóa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "380" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Conflicting Button Sequence < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dãy nút xung đ ộ t < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "381" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The default button sequence is already assigned to : % 1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dãy nút mặc đ ị nh đ ã đ ư ợ c gán cho : % 1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "395" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The default key sequence is already assigned to : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Tổ hợp phím này đ ã gán với : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureInput < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > ConfigureInput < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập đ ầ u vào < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "39" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "42" / >
< source > Player 1 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "47" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "50" / >
< source > Player 2 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "55" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "58" / >
< source > Player 3 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 3 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "63" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "66" / >
< source > Player 4 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 4 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "71" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "74" / >
< source > Player 5 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 5 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "79" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "82" / >
< source > Player 6 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 6 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "87" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "90" / >
< source > Player 7 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 7 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "95" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "98" / >
< source > Player 8 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 8 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "103" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "106" / >
< source > Advanced < / source >
< translation > Nâng cao < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "138" / >
< source > Console Mode < / source >
< translation > Console Mode < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "159" / >
< source > Docked < / source >
< translation > Chế đ ộ cắm TV < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "169" / >
< source > Handheld < / source >
< translation > Cầm tay < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "179" / >
< source > Vibration < / source >
< translation > Đ ộ rung < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "215" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "261" / >
< source > Configure < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "225" / >
< source > Motion < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chuyển đ ộ ng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "296" / >
< source > Controllers < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "324" / >
< source > 1 < / source >
< translation > 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "365" / >
< source > 2 < / source >
< translation > 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "375" / >
< source > 3 < / source >
< translation > 3 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "385" / >
< source > 4 < / source >
< translation > 4 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "395" / >
< source > 5 < / source >
< translation > 5 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "405" / >
< source > 6 < / source >
< translation > 6 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "415" / >
< source > 7 < / source >
< translation > 7 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "425" / >
< source > 8 < / source >
< translation > 8 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "435" / >
< source > Connected < / source >
< translation > Đ ã kết nối < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "494" / >
< source > Defaults < / source >
< translation > Quay về mặc đ ị nh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "537" / >
< source > Clear < / source >
< translation > Xóa < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureInputAdvanced < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Configure Input < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập đ ầ u vào < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "74" / >
< source > Joycon Colors < / source >
< translation > Màu tay cầm Joycon < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "125" / >
< source > Player 1 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "164" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "450" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "754" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1040" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1365" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1651" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1955" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2241" / >
< source > L Body < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thân trái < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "219" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "505" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "809" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1095" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1420" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1706" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2010" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2296" / >
< source > L Button < / source >
< translation > Phím L < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "295" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "581" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "885" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1171" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1496" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1782" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2086" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2372" / >
< source > R Body < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thân phải < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "350" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "636" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "940" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1226" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1551" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1837" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2141" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2427" / >
< source > R Button < / source >
< translation > Phím R < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "411" / >
< source > Player 2 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "715" / >
< source > Player 3 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 3 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1001" / >
< source > Player 4 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 4 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1326" / >
< source > Player 5 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 5 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1612" / >
< source > Player 6 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 6 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1916" / >
< source > Player 7 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 7 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2202" / >
< source > Player 8 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 8 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2533" / >
< source > Emulated Devices < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thiết bị giả lập < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2545" / >
< source > Keyboard < / source >
< translation > Bàn phím < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2558" / >
< source > Mouse < / source >
< translation > Chuột < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2565" / >
< source > Touchscreen < / source >
< translation > Màn hình cảm ứ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2588" / >
< source > Advanced < / source >
< translation > Nâng cao < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2595" / >
< source > Debug Controller < / source >
< translation > Hiệu chỉnh lỗi tay cầm < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2602" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2616" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2630" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2756" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Configure < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2609" / >
< source > Ring Controller < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Vòng đ iều khiển < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2623" / >
< source > Infrared Camera < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Camera hồng ngoại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2640" / >
< source > Other < / source >
< translation > Khác < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2652" / >
< source > Emulate Analog with Keyboard Input < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Giả lập analog bằng cách sử dụng đ ầ u vào từ bàn phím < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2659" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2701" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2717" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Requires restarting yuzu < / source >
< translation > Phải khởi đ ộ ng lại yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2668" / >
< source > Enable XInput 8 player support ( disables web applet ) < / source >
< translation > Bật hỗ trợ XInput cho 8 người ( tắt web applet ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2681" / >
< source > Enable UDP controllers ( not needed for motion ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật đ iều khiển UDP ( không cần thiết cho chuyển đ ộ ng ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2694" / >
< source > Controller navigation < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ iều hướng bằng tay cầm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2710" / >
< source > Enable direct JoyCon driver < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật driver JoyCon trực tiếp < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2726" / >
< source > Enable direct Pro Controller driver [ EXPERIMENTAL ] < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật driver Pro Controller trực tiếp [ THỬ NGHIỆM ] < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2733" / >
< source > Allows unlimited uses of the same Amiibo in games that would otherwise limit you to one use . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cho phép sử dụng không giới hạn cùng một Amiibo trong các game mà thông thường giới hạn bạn chỉ sử dụng một lần . < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2742" / >
< source > Use random Amiibo ID < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dùng ID Amiibo ngẫu nhiên < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2749" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Motion / Touch < / source >
< translation > Chuyển đ ộ ng / Cảm ứ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< context >
< name > ConfigureInputPerGame < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Graphics < / source >
< translation > Đ ồ Họa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "28" / >
< source > Input Profiles < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ đ ầ u vào < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "49" / >
< source > Player 1 Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ Người chơi 1 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "84" / >
< source > Player 2 Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ Người chơi 2 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "119" / >
< source > Player 3 Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ Người chơi 3 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "154" / >
< source > Player 4 Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ Người chơi 4 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "189" / >
< source > Player 5 Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ Người chơi 5 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "224" / >
< source > Player 6 Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ Người chơi 6 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "259" / >
< source > Player 7 Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ Người chơi 7 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "294" / >
< source > Player 8 Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ Người chơi 8 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.cpp" line = "35" / >
< source > Use global input configuration < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dùng cấu hình đ ầ u vào chung < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_per_game.cpp" line = "47" / >
< source > Player % 1 profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ Người chơi % 1 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< context >
< name > ConfigureInputPlayer < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Configure Input < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập đ ầ u vào < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "63" / >
< source > Connect Controller < / source >
< translation > Kết nối Tay cầm < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "100" / >
< source > Input Device < / source >
< translation > Thiết bị Nhập < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "137" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Profile < / source >
< translation > Hồ sơ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "177" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Save < / source >
< translation > Lưu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "193" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > New < / source >
< translation > Mới < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "209" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Delete < / source >
< translation > Xoá < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "272" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1340" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Left Stick < / source >
< translation > Cần trái < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "330" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "372" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "906" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "945" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2564" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2603" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Up < / source >
< translation > Lên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "403" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "442" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "976" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1015" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2050" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2634" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2673" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Left < / source >
< translation > Trái < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "452" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "491" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1025" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1064" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2099" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2683" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2722" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Right < / source >
< translation > Phải < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "534" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "573" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1107" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1146" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2765" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2804" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Down < / source >
< translation > Xuống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "604" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "643" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2835" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2874" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Pressed < / source >
< translation > Nhấn < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "653" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "692" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2884" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2923" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Modifier < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ngưỡng đ iều chỉnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "702" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2933" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Range < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Phạm vi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "735" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2966" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % < / source >
< translation > % < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "778" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3006" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Deadzone : 0 % < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Vùng chết : 0 % < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "802" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3030" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Modifier Range : 0 % < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Phạm vi đ iều chỉnh : 0 % < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "848" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > D - Pad < / source >
< translation > D - Pad < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1232" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1271" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1345" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > L < / source >
< translation > L < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1287" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1326" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1337" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > ZL < / source >
< translation > ZL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1407" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1446" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Minus < / source >
< translation > Trừ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1456" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1495" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Capture < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chụp < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1526" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1565" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1336" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Plus < / source >
< translation > Cộng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1575" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1614" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Home < / source >
< translation > Home < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1679" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1718" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1339" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1346" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > R < / source >
< translation > R < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1734" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1773" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1338" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > ZR < / source >
< translation > ZR < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1854" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1893" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > SL < / source >
< translation > SL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1903" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1942" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > SR < / source >
< translation > SR < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2011" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Motion 1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chuyển đ ộ ng 1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2060" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Motion 2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chuyển đ ộ ng 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2151" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Face Buttons < / source >
< translation > Nút chức năng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2209" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2248" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > X < / source >
< translation > X < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2279" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2318" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Y < / source >
< translation > Y < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2328" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2367" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > A < / source >
< translation > A < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2410" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2449" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > B < / source >
< translation > B < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2497" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1341" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Right Stick < / source >
< translation > Cần phải < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3085" / >
< source > Mouse panning < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Di chuyển chuột < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3109" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Configure < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "384" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "469" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "567" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "662" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Clear < / source >
< translation > Bỏ trống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "386" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "471" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "571" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "590" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "664" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > [ not set ] < / source >
< translation > [ không đ ặ t ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "389" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "415" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "676" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Invert button < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ả o ngược nút < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "395" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "667" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Toggle button < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ổ i nút < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "401" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Turbo button < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nút Turbo < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "409" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "618" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Invert axis < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ả o ngược trục < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "421" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "425" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "478" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Set threshold < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thiết lập ngưỡng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "425" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "478" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Choose a value between 0 % and 100 % < / source >
< translation > Chọn một giá trị giữa 0 % và 100 % < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "437" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Toggle axis < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chuyển đ ổ i trục < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "474" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Set gyro threshold < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thiết lập ngưỡng cảm biến con quay < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "483" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Calibrate sensor < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiệu chỉnh cảm biến < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "523" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Map Analog Stick < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập Cần Đ iều Khiển < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "524" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > After pressing OK , first move your joystick horizontally , and then vertically .
To invert the axes , first move your joystick vertically , and then horizontally . < / source >
< translation > Sau khi bấm OK , di chuyển cần sang ngang , rồi sau đ ó sang dọc .
Nếu muốn đ ả o ngược hướng cần đ iều khiển , di chuyển cần sang dọc trước , rồi sang ngang . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "592" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Center axis < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Canh chỉnh trục < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "700" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1065" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Deadzone : % 1 % < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Vùng chết : % 1 % < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "709" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1070" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Modifier Range : % 1 % < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Phạm vi đ iều chỉnh : % 1 % < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "750" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1095" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Pro Controller < / source >
< translation > Tay cầm Pro Controller < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1099" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Dual Joycons < / source >
< translation > Joycon đ ô i < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1103" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Left Joycon < / source >
< translation > Joycon Trái < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1107" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Right Joycon < / source >
< translation > Joycon Phải < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1111" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Handheld < / source >
< translation > Cầm tay < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1115" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > GameCube Controller < / source >
< translation > Tay cầm GameCube < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1124" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Poke Ball Plus < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Poke Ball Plus < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1128" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > NES Controller < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm NES < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1132" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > SNES Controller < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm SNES < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1136" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > N64 Controller < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm N64 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1140" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Sega Genesis < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Sega Genesis < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1344" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Start / Pause < / source >
< translation > Bắt đ ầ u / Tạm ngưng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1347" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Z < / source >
< translation > Z < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1348" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Control Stick < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cần đ iều khiển < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1349" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > C - Stick < / source >
< translation > C - Stick < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1450" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Shake ! < / source >
< translation > Lắc ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1452" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > [ waiting ] < / source >
< translation > [ Chờ ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1547" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > New Profile < / source >
< translation > Hồ sơ mới < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1547" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enter a profile name : < / source >
< translation > Nhập tên hồ sơ : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1555" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1563" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Create Input Profile < / source >
< translation > Tạo Hồ Sơ Phím < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1556" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The given profile name is not valid ! < / source >
< translation > Tên hồ sơ không hợp lệ ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1564" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to create the input profile & quot ; % 1 & quot ; < / source >
< translation > Quá trình tạo hồ sơ phím & quot ; % 1 & quot ; thất bại < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1584" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Delete Input Profile < / source >
< translation > Xóa Hồ Sơ Phím < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1585" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to delete the input profile & quot ; % 1 & quot ; < / source >
< translation > Quá trình xóa hồ sơ phím & quot ; % 1 & quot ; thất bại < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1607" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Load Input Profile < / source >
< translation > Nạp Hồ Sơ Phím < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1608" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to load the input profile & quot ; % 1 & quot ; < / source >
< translation > Quá trình nạp hồ sơ phím & quot ; % 1 & quot ; thất bại < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1633" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Save Input Profile < / source >
< translation > Lưu Hồ Sơ Phím < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1634" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to save the input profile & quot ; % 1 & quot ; < / source >
< translation > Quá trình lưu hồ sơ phím & quot ; % 1 & quot ; thất bại < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureInputProfileDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_profile_dialog.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Create Input Profile < / source >
< translation > Tạo Hồ Sơ Phím < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_profile_dialog.ui" line = "40" / >
< source > Clear < / source >
< translation > Bỏ trống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_profile_dialog.ui" line = "47" / >
< source > Defaults < / source >
< translation > Mặc đ ị nh < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureMotionTouch < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "6" / >
< source > Configure Motion / Touch < / source >
< translation > Tùy chỉnh Chuột / Cảm Ứ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "15" / >
< source > Touch < / source >
< translation > Cảm Ứ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "23" / >
< source > UDP Calibration : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiệu chỉnh UDP : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "30" / >
< source > ( 100 , 50 ) - ( 1800 , 850 ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > ( 100 , 50 ) - ( 1800 , 850 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "46" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "73" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "242" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Configure < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "57" / >
< source > Touch from button profile : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chạm từ hồ sơ nút : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "85" / >
< source > CemuhookUDP Config < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thiết lập CemuhookUDP < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "91" / >
< source > You may use any Cemuhook compatible UDP input source to provide motion and touch input . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bạn có thể dùng bất cứ bản Cemuhook nào tương thích với đ ầ u vào UDP đ ể cung cấp đ ầ u vào chuyển đ ộ ng và cảm ứ ng . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "134" / >
< source > Server : < / source >
< translation > Server : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "161" / >
< source > Port : < / source >
< translation > Cổng : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "188" / >
< source > Learn More < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tìm hiểu thêm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "201" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "265" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Test < / source >
< translation > Thử nghiệm < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "214" / >
< source > Add Server < / source >
< translation > Thêm Server < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "247" / >
< source > Remove Server < / source >
< translation > Xóa Server < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "87" / >
< source > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Learn More</span></a></source>
< translation > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Tìm hiểu thêm</span></a></translation>
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "168" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 : % 2 < / source >
< translation > % 1 : % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "173" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "177" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "181" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "187" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "193" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "287" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > yuzu < / source >
< translation > yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "173" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Port number has invalid characters < / source >
< translation > Cổng có kí tự không hợp lệ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "177" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Port has to be in range 0 and 65353 < / source >
< translation > Cổng phải từ 0 đ ế n 65353 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "181" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > IP address is not valid < / source >
< translation > Đ ị a chỉ IP không hợp lệ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "187" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > This UDP server already exists < / source >
< translation > Server UDP đ ã tồn tại < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "193" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Unable to add more than 8 servers < / source >
< translation > Không thể vượt quá 8 server < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "209" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Testing < / source >
< translation > Thử nghiệm < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "225" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Configuring < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "256" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Test Successful < / source >
< translation > Thử Nghiệm Thành Công < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "257" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Successfully received data from the server . < / source >
< translation > Nhận đ ư ợ c dữ liệu từ server ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "259" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Test Failed < / source >
< translation > Thử Nghiệm Thất Bại < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "260" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Could not receive valid data from the server . & lt ; br & gt ; Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct . < / source >
< translation > Không thể nhận đ ư ợ c dữ liệu hợp lệ từ server . & lt ; br & gt ; Hãy chắc chắn server đ ư ợ c thiết lập chính xác , từ đ ị a chỉ lẫn cổng phải đ ư ợ c thiết lập đ ú ng . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "288" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress . & lt ; br & gt ; Please wait for them to finish . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cấu hình kiểm tra hoặc hiệu chuẩn UDP đ ang đ ư ợ c tiến hành . & lt ; br & gt ; Vui lòng chờ cho đ ế n khi nó hoàn thành . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< context >
< name > ConfigureMousePanning < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "6" / >
< source > Configure mouse panning < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thiết lập di chuyển chuột < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "12" / >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< source > Enable mouse panning < / source >
< translation > Bật di chuyển chuột < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "15" / >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< source > Can be toggled via a hotkey . Default hotkey is Ctrl + F9 < / source >
< translation > Có thể chuyển đ ổ i bằng cách sử dụng phím tắt . Phím tắt mặc đ ị nh là Ctrl + F9 < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "24" / >
< source > Sensitivity < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ộ nhạy < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "30" / >
< source > Horizontal < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ngang < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "40" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "66" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "104" / >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "139" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "165" / >
< source > % < / source >
< translation > % < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "56" / >
< source > Vertical < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dọc < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "85" / >
< source > Deadzone counterweight < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ố i trọng vùng chết < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "88" / >
< source > Counteracts a game & apos ; s built - in deadzone < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chống lại vùng chết tích hợp trong game < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "94" / >
< source > Deadzone < / source >
< translation > Vùng chết < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "123" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Stick decay < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Sự xuống cấp của cần đ iều khiển < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "129" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Strength < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Sức mạnh < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "155" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Minimum < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tối thiểu < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "195" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Default < / source >
< translation > Mặc đ ị nh < / translation >
< / message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.cpp" line = "43" / >
< source > Mouse panning works better with a deadzone of 0 % and a range of 100 % .
Current values are % 1 % and % 2 % respectively . < / source >
< translation > Di chuyển chuột hoạt đ ộ ng tốt hơn với vùng chết là 0 % và phạm vi là 100 % .
Các giá trị hiện tại lần lượt là % 1 % và % 2 % . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.cpp" line = "50" / >
< source > Emulated mouse is enabled . This is incompatible with mouse panning . < / source >
< translation > Chuột giả lập đ ã đ ư ợ c kích hoạt . Đ iều này không tương thích với chức năng lia chuột . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.cpp" line = "83" / >
< source > Emulated mouse is enabled < / source >
< translation > Chuột giả lập đ ã đ ư ợ c kích hoạt < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.cpp" line = "84" / >
< source > Real mouse input and mouse panning are incompatible . Please disable the emulated mouse in input advanced settings to allow mouse panning . < / source >
< translation > Đ ầ u vào từ chuột thật và tính năng lia chuột không tương thích . Vui lòng tắt chuột giả lập trong cài đ ặ t đ ầ u vào nâng cao đ ể cho phép lia chuột . < / translation >
< / message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / context >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< context >
< name > ConfigureNetwork < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_network.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_network.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Network < / source >
< translation > Mạng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_network.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > General < / source >
< translation > Tổng Quan < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_network.ui" line = "34" / >
< source > Network Interface < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Giao diện mạng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_network.cpp" line = "15" / >
< source > None < / source >
< translation > Trống < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigurePerGame < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "20" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Dialog < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hộp thoại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "34" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Info < / source >
< translation > Thông Tin < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "93" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Name < / source >
< translation > Tên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "100" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Title ID < / source >
< translation > ID của game < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "137" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Filename < / source >
< translation > Tên tệp < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "164" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Format < / source >
< translation > Đ ị nh dạng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "171" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Version < / source >
< translation > Phiên Bản < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "178" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Size < / source >
< translation > Dung Lượng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "185" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Developer < / source >
< translation > Nhà Phát Hành < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "240" / >
< source > Some settings are only available when a game is not running . < / source >
< translation > Một số cài đ ặ t chỉ khả dụng khi game không chạy . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "68" / >
< source > Add - Ons < / source >
< translation > Bổ Sung < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "69" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > System < / source >
< translation > Hệ Thống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "70" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > CPU < / source >
< translation > CPU < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "71" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Graphics < / source >
< translation > Đ ồ Họa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "72" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Adv . Graphics < / source >
< translation > Đ ồ Họa Nâng Cao < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "73" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Audio < / source >
< translation > Â m Thanh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "74" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Input Profiles < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hồ sơ đ ầ u vào < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "77" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Properties < / source >
< translation > Thuộc tính < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigurePerGameAddons < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game_addons.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game_addons.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Add - Ons < / source >
< translation > Bổ Sung < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game_addons.cpp" line = "46" / >
< source > Patch Name < / source >
< translation > Tên bản vá < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_per_game_addons.cpp" line = "47" / >
< source > Version < / source >
< translation > Phiên Bản < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureProfileManager < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Profiles < / source >
< translation > Hồ Sơ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > Profile Manager < / source >
< translation > Quản Lý Hồ Sơ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "42" / >
< source > Current User < / source >
< translation > Người Dùng Hiện Tại < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "86" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Username < / source >
< translation > Tên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "116" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Set Image < / source >
< translation > Đ ặ t Hình Ả nh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "136" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Add < / source >
< translation > Thêm < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "146" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Rename < / source >
< translation > Đ ổ i Tên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "156" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove < / source >
< translation > Gỡ Bỏ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "168" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Profile management is available only when game is not running . < / source >
< translation > Chỉ có thể quản lí hồ sơ khi game không chạy . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "55" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1
% 2 < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the profile username , % 2 is the formatted UUID ( e . g . 00112233 - 4455 - 6677 - 8899 - AABBCCDDEEFF ) ) < / comment >
< translation > % 1
% 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "73" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enter Username < / source >
< translation > Đ iền Tên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "139" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Users < / source >
< translation > Người Dùng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "201" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enter a username for the new user : < / source >
< translation > Chọn tên cho người dùng mới < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "221" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enter a new username : < / source >
< translation > Chọn một tên mới : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "271" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Select User Image < / source >
< translation > Chọn Ả nh cho Người Dùng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "272" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > JPEG Images ( * . jpg * . jpeg ) < / source >
< translation > Ả nh JPEG ( * . jpg * . jpeg ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "281" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error deleting image < / source >
< translation > Lỗi khi xóa ả nh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "282" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error occurred attempting to overwrite previous image at : % 1 . < / source >
< translation > Có lỗi khi ghi đ è ả nh trước tại : % 1 . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "290" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error deleting file < / source >
< translation > Lỗi xóa ả nh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "291" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Unable to delete existing file : % 1 . < / source >
< translation > Không thể xóa ả nh hiện tại : % 1 . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "298" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error creating user image directory < / source >
< translation > Lỗi khi tạo thư mục chứa ả nh người dùng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "299" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Unable to create directory % 1 for storing user images . < / source >
< translation > Không thể tạo thư mục % 1 đ ể chứa ả nh người dùng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "304" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error copying user image < / source >
< translation > Lỗi chép ả nh người dùng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "305" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Unable to copy image from % 1 to % 2 < / source >
< translation > Không thể chép ả nh từ % 1 sang % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "314" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error resizing user image < / source >
< translation > Lỗi thu phóng ả nh < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "315" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Unable to resize image < / source >
< translation > Không thể thu phóng ả nh < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< context >
< name > ConfigureProfileManagerDeleteDialog < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "332" / >
< source > Delete this user ? All of the user & apos ; s save data will be deleted . < / source >
< translation > Xoá người dùng này ? Tất cả dữ liệu save của người dùng này sẽ bị xoá . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "344" / >
< source > Confirm Delete < / source >
< translation > Xác nhận xóa < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "360" / >
< source > Name : % 1
UUID : % 2 < / source >
< translation > Tên : % 1
UUID : % 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureRingController < / name >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Configure Ring Controller < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập vòng đ iều khiển < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > To use Ring - Con , configure player 1 as right Joy - Con ( both physical and emulated ) , and player 2 as left Joy - Con ( left physical and dual emulated ) before starting the game . < / source >
< translation > Đ ể sử dụng Ring - Con , hãy cấu hình Người chơi 1 như là Joy - Con phải ( cả vật lý và giả lập ) , và Người chơi 2 như là Joy - Con trái ( vật lý trái và giả lập kép ) trước khi bắt đ ầ u trò chơi . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "52" / >
< source > Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters < / source >
< translation > Tham số cảm biến vòng ả o < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "84" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "123" / >
< source > Pull < / source >
< translation > Kéo < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "133" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "172" / >
< source > Push < / source >
< translation > Đ ẩ y < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "206" / >
< source > Deadzone : 0 % < / source >
< translation > Vùng chết : 0 % < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "233" / >
< source > Direct Joycon Driver < / source >
< translation > Driver Joycon trực tiếp < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "293" / >
< source > Enable Ring Input < / source >
< translation > Bật đ ầ u vào từ vòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "300" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "317" / >
< source > Enable < / source >
< translation > Bật < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "307" / >
< source > Ring Sensor Value < / source >
< translation > Giá trị cảm biến vòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "314" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "282" / >
< source > Not connected < / source >
< translation > Không kết nối < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "344" / >
< source > Restore Defaults < / source >
< translation > Khôi phục về mặc đ ị nh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "168" / >
< source > Clear < / source >
< translation > Bỏ trống < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "170" / >
< source > [ not set ] < / source >
< translation > [ không đ ặ t ] < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "172" / >
< source > Invert axis < / source >
< translation > Đ ả o ngược trục < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "191" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "257" / >
< source > Deadzone : % 1 % < / source >
< translation > Vùng chết : % 1 % < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "279" / >
< source > Error enabling ring input < / source >
< translation > Lỗi khi bật đ ầ u vào từ vòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "285" / >
< source > Direct Joycon driver is not enabled < / source >
< translation > Driver JoyCon trực tiếp chưa đ ư ợ c bật < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "290" / >
< source > Configuring < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "302" / >
< source > The current mapped device doesn & apos ; t support the ring controller < / source >
< translation > Thiết bị đ ư ơ c á nh xạ hiện tại không hỗ trợ vòng đ iều khiển < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "306" / >
< source > The current mapped device doesn & apos ; t have a ring attached < / source >
< translation > Thiết bị đ ư ợ c á nh xạ hiện tại không có vòng đ ư ợ c gắn vào < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "309" / >
< source > The current mapped device is not connected < / source >
< translation > Thiết bị đ ư ợ c á nh xạ hiện tại không đ ư ợ c kết nối < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "313" / >
< source > Unexpected driver result % 1 < / source >
< translation > Kết quả driver không như mong đ ợ i % 1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "336" / >
< source > [ waiting ] < / source >
< translation > [ Chờ ] < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureSystem < / name >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_system.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_system.ui" line = "17" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_system.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > System < / source >
< translation > Hệ thống < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_system.ui" line = "62" / >
< source > Core < / source >
< translation > Lõi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_system.cpp" line = "62" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Warning : & quot ; % 1 & quot ; is not a valid language for region & quot ; % 2 & quot ; < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cảnh báo : & quot ; % 1 & quot ; không phải là ngôn ngữ hợp lệ cho khu vực & quot ; % 2 & quot ; < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureTas < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "11" / >
< source > TAS < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > TAS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Reads controller input from scripts in the same format as TAS - nx scripts . & lt ; br / & gt ; For a more detailed explanation , please consult the & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/feature/tas/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">help page</span></a> on the yuzu website.</p></body></html></source>
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Reads controller input from scripts in the same format as TAS - nx scripts . & lt ; br / & gt ; Đ ể biết thêm chi tiết , vui lòng tham khảo & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/feature/tas/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">trang trợ giúp</span></a> trên website của yuzu.</p></body></html></translation>
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "27" / >
< source > To check which hotkeys control the playback / recording , please refer to the Hotkey settings ( Configure - & gt ; General - & gt ; Hotkeys ) . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ể kiểm tra các phím tắt nào đ iều khiển phát lại / ghi lại , vui lòng xem cài đ ặ t Phím tắt ( Cấu hình - & gt ; Chung - & gt ; Phím tắt ) . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "37" / >
< source > WARNING : This is an experimental feature . & lt ; br / & gt ; It will not play back scripts frame perfectly with the current , imperfect syncing method . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > CẢNH BÁO : Đây là tính năng thử nghiệm . & lt ; br / & gt ; Nó sẽ không phát lại các kịch bản hoàn hảo theo từng khung hình với phương thức đ ồ ng bộ hóa hiện tại , không hoàn hảo . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "54" / >
< source > Settings < / source >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< translation > Cài đ ặ t < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "60" / >
< source > Enable TAS features < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật các tính năng TAS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "67" / >
< source > Loop script < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lặp lại tập lệnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "77" / >
< source > Pause execution during loads < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tạm dừng thực thi trong quá trình tải < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "91" / >
< source > Script Directory < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thư mục tập lệnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "97" / >
< source > Path < / source >
< translation > Đ ư ờ ng dẫn < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "104" / >
< source > . . . < / source >
< translation > . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureTasDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.cpp" line = "19" / >
< source > TAS Configuration < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cấu hình TAS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_tas.cpp" line = "49" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Select TAS Load Directory . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chọn thư mục tải TAS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureTouchFromButton < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Configure Touchscreen Mappings < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thiết lập á nh xạ màn hình cảm ứ ng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "22" / >
< source > Mapping : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Á nh xạ : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "48" / >
< source > New < / source >
< translation > Mới < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "61" / >
< source > Delete < / source >
< translation > Xoá < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "74" / >
< source > Rename < / source >
< translation > Đ ổ i Tên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "92" / >
< source > Click the bottom area to add a point , then press a button to bind .
Drag points to change position , or double - click table cells to edit values . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nhấp vào khu vực dưới đ ể thêm đ iểm , sau đ ó nhấn một nút đ ể gắn liền .
Kéo đ iểm đ ể thay đ ổ i vị trí , hoặc nhấp đ ú p chuột vào ô trong bảng đ ể chỉnh sửa giá trị . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "116" / >
< source > Delete Point < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá đ iểm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "78" / >
< source > Button < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nút < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "78" / >
< source > X < / source >
< comment > X axis < / comment >
< translation > X < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "78" / >
< source > Y < / source >
< comment > Y axis < / comment >
< translation > Y < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "195" / >
< source > New Profile < / source >
< translation > Hồ sơ mới < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "195" / >
< source > Enter the name for the new profile . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nhập tên cho hồ sơ mới < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "206" / >
< source > Delete Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá hồ sơ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "206" / >
< source > Delete profile % 1 ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá hồ sơ % 1 ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "219" / >
< source > Rename Profile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ổ i tên hồ sơ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "219" / >
< source > New name : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tên mới : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "231" / >
< source > [ press key ] < / source >
< translation > [ nhấn nút ] < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureTouchscreenAdvanced < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Configure Touchscreen < / source >
< translation > Thiết lập màn hình cảm ứ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > Warning : The settings in this page affect the inner workings of yuzu & apos ; s emulated touchscreen . Changing them may result in undesirable behavior , such as the touchscreen partially or not working . You should only use this page if you know what you are doing . < / source >
< translation > Chú ý : Cài đ ặ t trong trang này có thể ả nh hưởng đ ế n hoạt đ ộ ng bên trong giả lập màn hình cảm ứ ng của yuzu & apos ; s . Thay đ ổ i chúng có thể dẫn đ ế n hành vi không mong muốn , chẳng hạn như một phần của màn hình cảm ứ ng sẽ không hoạt đ ộ ng . Bạn chỉ nên sử dụng trang này nếu bạn biết bạn đ ang làm gì . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "52" / >
< source > Touch Parameters < / source >
< translation > Thông số cảm ứ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "71" / >
< source > Touch Diameter Y < / source >
< translation > Đ ư ờ ng kính cảm ứ ng Y < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "91" / >
< source > Touch Diameter X < / source >
< translation > Đ ư ờ ng kính cảm ứ ng X < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "98" / >
< source > Rotational Angle < / source >
< translation > Góc quay < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "132" / >
< source > Restore Defaults < / source >
< translation > Khôi phục về mặc đ ị nh < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureUI < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "33" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "41" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "53" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > None < / source >
< translation > Trống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "34" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Small ( 32 x32 ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nhỏ ( 32 x32 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "35" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Standard ( 64 x64 ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tiêu chuẩn ( 64 x64 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "36" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Large ( 128 x128 ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lớn ( 128 x128 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "37" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Full Size ( 256 x256 ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Kích thước đ ầ y đ ủ ( 256 x256 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "42" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Small ( 24 x24 ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nhỏ ( 24 x24 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "43" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Standard ( 48 x48 ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tiêu chuẩn ( 48 x48 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "44" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Large ( 72 x72 ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lớn ( 72 x72 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "49" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Filename < / source >
< translation > Tên tệp < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "50" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Filetype < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại tập tin < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "51" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Title ID < / source >
< translation > ID của game < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "52" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Title Name < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tên title < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureUi < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > UI < / source >
< translation > UI < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "23" / >
< source > General < / source >
< translation > Tổng Quan < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "31" / >
< source > Note : Changing language will apply your configuration . < / source >
< translation > Lưu ý : Thay đ ổ i ngôn ngữ sẽ á p dụng thiết lập của bạn < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "43" / >
< source > Interface language : < / source >
< translation > Ngôn ngữ giao diện : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "57" / >
< source > Theme : < / source >
< translation > Giao diện : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "74" / >
< source > Game List < / source >
< translation > Danh sách trò chơi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "82" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Show Compatibility List < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiện danh sách tương thích < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "89" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Show Add - Ons Column < / source >
< translation > Hiện thị cột Tiện í ch ngoài < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "96" / >
< source > Show Size Column < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiện cột Kích thước < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "103" / >
< source > Show File Types Column < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiện cột Loại tệp < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "112" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Game Icon Size : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Kích thước icon game : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "126" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Folder Icon Size : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Kích thước icon thư mục : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "140" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Row 1 Text : < / source >
< translation > Dòng chữ hàng 1 : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "154" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Row 2 Text : < / source >
< translation > Dòng chữ hàng 2 : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "171" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Screenshots < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ả nh chụp màn hình < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "179" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Ask Where To Save Screenshots ( Windows Only ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hỏi nơi lưu ả nh chụp màn hình ( chỉ Windows ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "188" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Screenshots Path : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ư ờ ng dẫn cho ả nh chụp màn hình : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "198" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > . . . < / source >
< translation > . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "214" / >
< source > TextLabel < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "233" / >
< source > Resolution : < / source >
< translation > Đ ộ phân giải : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "147" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Select Screenshots Path . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chọn đ ư ờ ng dẫn cho ả nh chụp màn hình . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "291" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & lt ; System & gt ; < / source >
< translation > & lt ; System & gt ; < / translation >
< / message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "396" / >
< source > Auto ( % 1 x % 2 , % 3 x % 4 ) < / source >
< comment > Screenshot width value < / comment >
< translation > Tự đ ộ ng ( % 1 x % 2 , % 3 x % 4 ) < / translation >
< / message >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureVibration < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Configure Vibration < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thiết lập rung < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "23" / >
< source > Press any controller button to vibrate the controller . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nhấn bất kỳ nút nào trên tay cầm đ ể làm rung tay cầm . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "30" / >
< source > Vibration < / source >
< translation > Đ ộ rung < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "63" / >
< source > Player 1 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "96" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "148" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "200" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "252" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "322" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "374" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "426" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "478" / >
< source > % < / source >
< translation > % < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "115" / >
< source > Player 2 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "167" / >
< source > Player 3 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 3 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "219" / >
< source > Player 4 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 4 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "289" / >
< source > Player 5 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 5 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "341" / >
< source > Player 6 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 6 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "393" / >
< source > Player 7 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 7 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "445" / >
< source > Player 8 < / source >
< translation > Người chơi 8 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "503" / >
< source > Settings < / source >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< translation > Cài đ ặ t < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "509" / >
< source > Enable Accurate Vibration < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật Rung chính xác < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ConfigureWeb < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
< translation > Mẫu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Web < / source >
< translation > Web < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > yuzu Web Service < / source >
< translation > Dịch vụ Web yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "31" / >
< source > By providing your username and token , you agree to allow yuzu to collect additional usage data , which may include user identifying information . < / source >
< translation > Bằng cách cung cấp tên đ ă ng nhập và mã thông báo của bạn , bạn đ ã chấp thuận sẽ cho phép yuzu thu thập dữ liệu đ ã sử dụng , trong đ ó có thể có thông tin nhận dạng người dùng . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "49" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "159" / >
< source > Verify < / source >
< translation > Xác nhận < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "56" / >
< source > Sign up < / source >
< translation > Đ ă ng ký < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "66" / >
< source > Token : < / source >
< translation > Mã thông báo : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "76" / >
< source > Username : < / source >
< translation > Tên người dùng : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "93" / >
< source > What is my token ? < / source >
< translation > Mã thông báo của tôi là gì ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "118" / >
< source > Web Service configuration can only be changed when a public room isn & apos ; t being hosted . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cấu hình dịch vụ web chỉ có thể thay đ ổ i khi không có phòng công khai đ ang đ ư ợ c tổ chức . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "128" / >
< source > Telemetry < / source >
< translation > Viễn trắc < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "134" / >
< source > Share anonymous usage data with the yuzu team < / source >
< translation > Chia sẽ dữ liệu sử dụng ẩ n danh với nhóm yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "141" / >
< source > Learn more < / source >
< translation > Tìm hiểu thêm < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "150" / >
< source > Telemetry ID : < / source >
< translation > ID Viễn trắc : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "166" / >
< source > Regenerate < / source >
< translation > Tạo mới < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "180" / >
< source > Discord Presence < / source >
< translation > Hiện diện trên Discord < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "186" / >
< source > Show Current Game in your Discord Status < / source >
< translation > Hiển thị trò chơi hiện tại lên thông tin Discord của bạn < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "68" / >
< source > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/feature/telemetry/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Learn more</span></a></source>
< translation > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/feature/telemetry/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Tìm hiểu thêm</span></a></translation>
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "72" / >
< source > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //profile.yuzu-emu.org/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Sign up</span></a></source>
< translation > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //profile.yuzu-emu.org/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Đăng ký</span></a></translation>
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "76" / >
< source > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/wiki/yuzu-web-service/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">What is my token?</span></a></source>
< translation > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/wiki/yuzu-web-service/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Mã thông báo của tôi là gì?</span></a></translation>
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "80" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "125" / >
< source > Telemetry ID : 0x % 1 < / source >
< translation > ID Viễn trắc : 0x % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "91" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "170" / >
< source > Unspecified < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không xác đ ị nh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "117" / >
< source > Token not verified < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Token chưa đ ư ợ c xác minh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "118" / >
< source > Token was not verified . The change to your token has not been saved . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Token không đ ư ợ c xác thực . Thay đ ổ i token của bạn chưa đ ư ợ c lưu . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "141" / >
< source > Unverified , please click Verify before saving configuration < / source >
< comment > Tooltip < / comment >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chưa xác minh , vui lòng nhấp vào Xác minh trước khi lưu cấu hình < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "147" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "149" / >
< source > Verifying . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ang xác minh . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "164" / >
< source > Verified < / source >
< comment > Tooltip < / comment >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ã xác minh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "169" / >
< source > Verification failed < / source >
< comment > Tooltip < / comment >
< translation > Xác nhận không thành công < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "171" / >
< source > Verification failed < / source >
< translation > Xác nhận không thành công < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "172" / >
< source > Verification failed . Check that you have entered your token correctly , and that your internet connection is working . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xác thực không thành công . Hãy kiểm tra xem bạn đ ã nhập token đ ú ng chưa và kết nối internet của bạn có hoạt đ ộ ng hay không . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ControllerDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/controller.cpp" line = "20" / >
< source > Controller P1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm P1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/controller.cpp" line = "58" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Controller P1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Tay cầm P1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > DirectConnect < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Direct Connect < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Kết nối trực tiếp < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "47" / >
< source > Server Address < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ị a chỉ máy chủ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "54" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Server address of the host & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Đ ị a chỉ máy chủ của người chủ & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "64" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Port < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cổng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "71" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Port number the host is listening on & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Số cổng mà máy chủ đ ang lắng nghe & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "97" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Nickname < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Biệt danh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "111" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Password < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mật khẩu < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "153" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Connect < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Kết nối < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > DirectConnectWindow < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.cpp" line = "121" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Connecting < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ang kết nối < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/direct_connect.cpp" line = "126" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Connect < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Kết nối < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > GMainWindow < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "203" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/feature/telemetry/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve yuzu. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?</source>
< translation > & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/feature/telemetry/'>Dữ liệu ẩn danh được thu thập</a>để hỗ trợ cải thiện yuzu. <br/><br/>Bạn có muốn chia sẽ dữ liệu sử dụng cho chúng tôi?</translation>
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "206" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Telemetry < / source >
< translation > Viễn trắc < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "439" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Broken Vulkan Installation Detected < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Phát hiện cài đ ặ t Vulkan bị hỏng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "440" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Vulkan initialization failed during boot . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Click & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/wiki/faq/#yuzu-starts-with-the-error-broken-vulkan-installation-detected'>here for instructions to fix the issue</a>.</source>
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Khởi tạo Vulkan thất bại trong quá trình khởi đ ộ ng . & lt ; br & gt ; Nhấn & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/wiki/faq/#yuzu-starts-with-the-error-broken-vulkan-installation-detected'>vào đây để xem hướng dẫn khắc phục vấn đề</a>.</translation>
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "460" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Running a game < / source >
< extracomment > TRANSLATORS : This string is shown to the user to explain why yuzu needs to prevent the computer from sleeping < / extracomment >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ang chạy một game < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "841" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Loading Web Applet . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ang tải applet web . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "891" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "894" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Disable Web Applet < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tắt applet web < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "895" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Disabling the web applet can lead to undefined behavior and should only be used with Super Mario 3 D All - Stars . Are you sure you want to disable the web applet ?
( This can be re - enabled in the Debug settings . ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tắt applet web có thể dẫn đ ế n hành vi không xác đ ị nh và chỉ nên đ ư ợ c sử dụng với Super Mario 3 D All - Stars . Bạn có chắc chắn muốn tắt applet web không ?
( Có thể đ ư ợ c bật lại trong cài đ ặ t Gỡ lỗi . ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1011" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The amount of shaders currently being built < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Số lượng shader đ ang đ ư ợ c dựng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1013" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The current selected resolution scaling multiplier . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bội số tỷ lệ đ ộ phân giải đ ư ợ c chọn hiện tại . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1016" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Current emulation speed . Values higher or lower than 100 % indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a Switch . < / source >
< translation > Tốc đ ộ giả lập hiện tại . Giá trị cao hơn hoặc thấp hơn 100 % chỉ ra giả lập sẽ chạy nhanh hơn hoặc chậm hơn trên máy Switch < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1019" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > How many frames per second the game is currently displaying . This will vary from game to game and scene to scene . < / source >
< translation > Có bao nhiêu khung hình trên mỗi giây mà trò chơi đ ang hiển thị . Đ iều này sẽ thay đ ổ i từ trò chơi này đ ế n trò chơi kia và khung cảnh này đ ế n khung cảnh kia . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1023" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Time taken to emulate a Switch frame , not counting framelimiting or v - sync . For full - speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms . < / source >
< translation > Thời gian mà giả lập lấy từ khung hình Switch , sẽ không kể đ ế n giới hạn khung hình hoặc v - sync . Đ ố i với tốc đ ộ tối đ a mà giả lập nhận đ ư ợ c nhiều nhất là ở đ ộ khoảng 16.67 ms . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1078" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Unmute < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật tiếng < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1078" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Mute < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tắt tiếng < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1083" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Reset Volume < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ặ t lại â m lượng < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1267" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Clear Recent Files < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Xoá tập tin gần đ â y < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1349" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Emulated mouse is enabled < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chuột giả lập đ ã đ ư ợ c kích hoạt < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1350" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Real mouse input and mouse panning are incompatible . Please disable the emulated mouse in input advanced settings to allow mouse panning . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ầ u vào chuột thật và tính năng lia chuột không tương thích . Vui lòng tắt chuột giả lập trong cài đ ặ t đ ầ u vào nâng cao đ ể cho phép lia chuột . < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1572" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Continue < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Tiếp tục < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1574" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Pause < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Tạm dừng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1739" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Warning Outdated Game Format < / source >
< translation > Chú ý đ ị nh dạng trò chơi đ ã lỗi thời < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1740" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game , which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA , NAX , XCI , or NSP . Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons , metadata , and update support . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; For an explanation of the various Switch formats yuzu supports , & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.</source>
< translation > Bạn đ ang sử dụng đ ị nh dạng danh mục ROM giải mã cho trò chơi này , và đ ó là một đ ị nh dạng lỗi thời đ ã đ ư ợ c thay thế bởi những thứ khác như NCA , NAX , XCI , hoặc NSP . Danh mục ROM giải mã có thể thiếu biểu tượng , metadata , và hỗ trợ cập nhật . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Đ ể giải thích về các đ ị nh dạng khác nhau của Switch mà yuzu hỗ trợ , & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>vui lòng kiểm tra trên wiki của chúng tôi</a>. Thông báo này sẽ không hiển thị lại lần sau.</translation>
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1752" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1786" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error while loading ROM ! < / source >
< translation > Xảy ra lỗi khi đ ang nạp ROM ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1753" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The ROM format is not supported . < / source >
< translation > Đ ị nh dạng ROM này không hỗ trợ . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1757" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > An error occurred initializing the video core . < / source >
< translation > Đ ã xảy ra lỗi khi khởi tạo lõi video . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1758" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > yuzu has encountered an error while running the video core . This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers , including integrated ones . Please see the log for more details . For more information on accessing the log , please see the following page : & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. </source>
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > yuzu đ ã gặp lỗi khi chạy lõi video . Đ iều này thường xảy ra do phiên bản driver GPU đ ã cũ , bao gồm cả driver tích hợp . Vui lòng xem nhật ký đ ể biết thêm chi tiết . Đ ể biết thêm thông tin về cách truy cập nhật ký , vui lòng xem trang sau : & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Cách tải lên tập tin nhật ký</a>. </translation>
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1773" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error while loading ROM ! % 1 < / source >
< comment > % 1 signifies a numeric error code . < / comment >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi xảy ra khi nạp ROM ! % 1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1776" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 & lt ; br & gt ; Please follow & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the yuzu wiki</a> or the yuzu Discord</a> for help.</source>
< comment > % 1 signifies an error string . < / comment >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 & lt ; br & gt ; Vui lòng tuân theo & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>hướng dẫn nhanh của yuzu</a> để trích xuất lại các tệp của bạn.<br>Bạn có thể tham khảo yuzu wiki</a> hoặc yuzu Discord</a>để được hỗ trợ. </translation>
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1787" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > An unknown error occurred . Please see the log for more details . < / source >
< translation > Đ ã xảy ra lỗi không xác đ ị nh . Vui lòng kiểm tra sổ ghi chép đ ể biết thêm chi tiết . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1968" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > ( 64 - bit ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > ( 64 - bit ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1968" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > ( 32 - bit ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > ( 32 - bit ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "1969" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the title name . % 2 indicates if the title is 64 - bit or 32 - bit < / comment >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2027" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Closing software . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ang đ ó ng phần mềm . . . < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2179" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Save Data < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dữ liệu save < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2235" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Mod Data < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dữ liệu mod < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2248" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error Opening % 1 Folder < / source >
< translation > Xảy ra lỗi khi mở % 1 thư mục < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2249" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2857" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Folder does not exist ! < / source >
< translation > Thư mục này không tồn tại ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2261" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error Opening Transferable Shader Cache < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi mở bộ nhớ cache shader có thể chuyển . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2262" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thất bại khi tạo thư mục bộ nhớ cache shader cho title này . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2313" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Error Removing Contents < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi loại bỏ nội dung < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2315" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Error Removing Update < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi loại bỏ cập nhật < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2317" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Error Removing DLC < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi loại bỏ DLC < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2326" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Remove Installed Game Contents ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ nội dung game đ ã cài đ ặ t ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2328" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Remove Installed Game Update ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ bản cập nhật game đ ã cài đ ặ t ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2330" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Remove Installed Game DLC ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ DLC game đ ã cài đ ặ t ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2336" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Remove Entry < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá mục < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2367" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2383" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2414" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2482" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2516" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2539" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Successfully Removed < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ thành công < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2368" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Successfully removed the installed base game . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ thành công base game đ ã cài đ ặ t < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2372" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Base game không đ ư ợ c cài đ ặ t trong NAND và không thể loại bỏ . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2384" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Successfully removed the installed update . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ thành công bản cập nhật đ ã cài đ ặ t < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2387" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > There is no update installed for this title . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không có bản cập nhật nào đ ư ợ c cài đ ặ t cho title này . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2410" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > There are no DLC installed for this title . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không có DLC nào đ ư ợ c cài đ ặ t cho title này . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2415" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Successfully removed % 1 installed DLC . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ thành công % 1 DLC đ ã cài đ ặ t < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2423" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá bộ nhớ cache shader OpenGL chuyển đ ư ợ c ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2425" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá bộ nhớ cache shader Vulkan chuyển đ ư ợ c ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2427" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Delete All Transferable Shader Caches ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá tất cả bộ nhớ cache shader chuyển đ ư ợ c ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2429" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove Custom Game Configuration ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ cấu hình game tuỳ chỉnh ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2431" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Remove Cache Storage ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá bộ nhớ cache ? < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2437" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove File < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá tập tin < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2477" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2485" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error Removing Transferable Shader Cache < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi xoá bộ nhớ cache shader chuyển đ ư ợ c < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2478" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2512" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > A shader cache for this title does not exist . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bộ nhớ cache shader cho title này không tồn tại . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2483" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Successfully removed the transferable shader cache . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thành công loại bỏ bộ nhớ cache shader chuyển đ ư ợ c < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2486" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to remove the transferable shader cache . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thất bại khi xoá bộ nhớ cache shader chuyển đ ư ợ c . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2501" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi xoá bộ nhớ cache pipeline Vulkan < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2502" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thất bại khi xoá bộ nhớ cache pipeline của driver . < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2511" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2519" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi loại bỏ bộ nhớ cache shader chuyển đ ư ợ c < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2517" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Successfully removed the transferable shader caches . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thành công loại bỏ tât cả bộ nhớ cache shader chuyển đ ư ợ c . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2520" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thất bại khi loại bỏ thư mục bộ nhớ cache shader . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2533" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2542" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error Removing Custom Configuration < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi loại bỏ cấu hình tuỳ chỉnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2534" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > A custom configuration for this title does not exist . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cấu hình tuỳ chỉnh cho title này không tồn tại . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2540" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Successfully removed the custom game configuration . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ thành công cấu hình game tuỳ chỉnh . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2543" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to remove the custom game configuration . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thất bại khi xoá cấu hình game tuỳ chỉnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2565" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2650" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > RomFS Extraction Failed ! < / source >
< translation > Khai thác RomFS không thành công ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2566" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation . < / source >
< translation > Đ ã xảy ra lỗi khi sao chép tệp tin RomFS hoặc người dùng đ ã hủy bỏ hoạt đ ộ ng này . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2630" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Full < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ầ y < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2630" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Skeleton < / source >
< translation > Sườn < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2632" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Select RomFS Dump Mode < / source >
< translation > Chọn chế đ ộ kết xuất RomFS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2633" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped . & lt ; br & gt ; Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while & lt ; br & gt ; skeleton will only create the directory structure . < / source >
< translation > Vui lòng chọn RomFS mà bạn muốn kết xuất như thế nào . & lt ; br & gt ; Đ ầ y đ ủ sẽ sao chép toàn bộ tệp tin vào một danh mục mới trong khi & lt ; br & gt ; bộ xương chỉ tạo kết cấu danh mục . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2651" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > There is not enough free space at % 1 to extract the RomFS . Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation & gt ; Configure & gt ; System & gt ; Filesystem & gt ; Dump Root < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không đ ủ bộ nhớ trống tại % 1 đ ể trích xuất RomFS . Hãy giải phóng bộ nhớ hoặc chọn một thư mục trích xuất khác tại Giả lập & gt ; Thiết lập & gt ; Hệ thống & gt ; Hệ thống tệp & gt ; Thư mục trích xuất gốc < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2658" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Extracting RomFS . . . < / source >
< translation > Khai thác RomFS . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2658" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2995" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > Hủy bỏ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2665" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > RomFS Extraction Succeeded ! < / source >
< translation > Khai thác RomFS thành công ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2666" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The operation completed successfully . < / source >
< translation > Các hoạt đ ộ ng đ ã hoàn tất thành công . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2710" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2734" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2744" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2826" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2834" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Create Shortcut < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tạo lối tắt < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2711" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage . This may not work well if you update . Continue ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Việc này sẽ tạo một lối tắt tới AppImage hiện tại . Đ iều này có thể không hoạt đ ộ ng tốt nếu bạn cập nhật . Tiếp tục ? < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2735" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Cannot create shortcut on desktop . Path & quot ; % 1 & quot ; does not exist . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không thể tạo lối tắt trên desktop . Đ ư ờ ng dẫn & quot ; % 1 & quot ; không tồn tại . < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2745" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Cannot create shortcut in applications menu . Path & quot ; % 1 & quot ; does not exist and cannot be created . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không thể tạo lối tắt trong menu ứ ng dụng . Đ ư ờ ng dẫn & quot ; % 1 & quot ; không tồn tại và không thể tạo . < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2762" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Create Icon < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tạo icon < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2763" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Cannot create icon file . Path & quot ; % 1 & quot ; does not exist and cannot be created . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không thể tạo tập tin icon . Đ ư ờ ng dẫn & quot ; % 1 & quot ; không tồn tại và không thể tạo . < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2814" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Start % 1 with the yuzu Emulator < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bắt đ ầ u % 1 với giả lập yuzu < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2827" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Failed to create a shortcut at % 1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thất bại khi tạo lối tắt tại % 1 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2835" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Successfully created a shortcut to % 1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thành công tạo lối tắt tại % 1 < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2856" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error Opening % 1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi mở % 1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2865" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Select Directory < / source >
< translation > Chọn danh mục < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2894" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Properties < / source >
< translation > Thuộc tính < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2895" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The game properties could not be loaded . < / source >
< translation > Thuộc tính của trò chơi không thể nạp đ ư ợ c . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2912" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Switch Executable ( % 1 ) ; ; All Files ( * . * ) < / source >
< comment > % 1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions . < / comment >
< translation > Thực thi Switch ( % 1 ) ; ; Tất cả tệp tin ( * . * ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2916" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Load File < / source >
< translation > Nạp tệp tin < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2929" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Open Extracted ROM Directory < / source >
< translation > Mở danh mục ROM đ ã trích xuất < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2940" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Invalid Directory Selected < / source >
< translation > Danh mục đ ã chọn không hợp lệ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2941" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The directory you have selected does not contain a & apos ; main & apos ; file . < / source >
< translation > Danh mục mà bạn đ ã chọn không có chứa tệp tin & apos ; main & apos ; . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2951" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Installable Switch File ( * . nca * . nsp * . xci ) ; ; Nintendo Content Archive ( * . nca ) ; ; Nintendo Submission Package ( * . nsp ) ; ; NX Cartridge Image ( * . xci ) < / source >
< translation > Những tệp tin Switch cài đ ư ợ c ( * . nca * . nsp * . xci ) ; ; Nintendo Content Archive ( * . nca ) ; ; Nintendo Submission Package ( * . nsp ) ; ; NX Cartridge Image ( * . xci ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "2956" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Install Files < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cài đ ặ t tập tin < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3002" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % n file ( s ) remaining < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > < numerusform > % n tập tin còn lại < / numerusform > < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3004" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Installing file & quot ; % 1 & quot ; . . . < / source >
< translation > Đ ang cài đ ặ t tệp tin & quot ; % 1 & quot ; . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3050" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3064" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Install Results < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Kết quả cài đ ặ t < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3051" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > To avoid possible conflicts , we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND .
Please , only use this feature to install updates and DLC . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ể tránh xung đ ộ t có thể xảy ra , chúng tôi không khuyến khích người dùng cài base games vào NAND .
Vui lòng , chỉ sử dụng tính năng này đ ể cài các bản cập nhật và DLC . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3057" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % n file ( s ) were newly installed
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > < numerusform > % n đ ã đ ư ợ c cài đ ặ t mới
< / numerusform > < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3060" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % n file ( s ) were overwritten
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > < numerusform > % n tập tin đ ã đ ư ợ c ghi đ è
< / numerusform > < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3062" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % n file ( s ) failed to install
< / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > < numerusform > % n tập tin thất bại khi cài đ ặ t
< / numerusform > < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3163" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > System Application < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ứ ng dụng hệ thống < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3164" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > System Archive < / source >
< translation > Hệ thống lưu trữ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3165" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > System Application Update < / source >
< translation > Cập nhật hệ thống ứ ng dụng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3166" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Firmware Package ( Type A ) < / source >
< translation > Gói phần mềm ( Loại A ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3167" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Firmware Package ( Type B ) < / source >
< translation > Gói phần mềm ( Loại B ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3168" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Game < / source >
< translation > Trò chơi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3169" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Game Update < / source >
< translation > Cập nhật trò chơi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3170" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Game DLC < / source >
< translation > Nội dung trò chơi có thể tải xuống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3171" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Delta Title < / source >
< translation > Tiêu đ ề Delta < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3174" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Select NCA Install Type . . . < / source >
< translation > Chọn loại NCA đ ể cài đ ặ t . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3175" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as :
( In most instances , the default & apos ; Game & apos ; is fine . ) < / source >
< translation > Vui lòng chọn loại tiêu đ ề mà bạn muốn cài đ ặ t NCA này :
( Trong hầu hết trường hợp , chọn mặc đ ị nh & apos ; Game & apos ; là tốt nhất . ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3181" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to Install < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t đ ã không thành công < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3182" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid . < / source >
< translation > Loại tiêu đ ề NCA mà bạn chọn nó không hợp lệ . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3217" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > File not found < / source >
< translation > Không tìm thấy tệp tin < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3218" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > File & quot ; % 1 & quot ; not found < / source >
< translation > Không tìm thấy & quot ; % 1 & quot ; tệp tin < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3295" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > OK < / source >
< translation > OK < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3321" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3340" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Hardware requirements not met < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Yêu cầu phần cứng không đ ư ợ c đ á p ứ ng < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3322" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3341" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements . Compatibility reporting has been disabled . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hệ thống của bạn không đ á p ứ ng yêu cầu phần cứng đ ư ợ c đ ề xuất . Báo cáo tương thích đ ã đ ư ợ c tắt . < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3333" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Missing yuzu Account < / source >
< translation > Thiếu tài khoản yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3334" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > In order to submit a game compatibility test case , you must link your yuzu account . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; To link your yuzu account , go to Emulation & amp ; gt ; Configuration & amp ; gt ; Web . < / source >
< translation > Đ ể gửi trường hợp thử nghiệm trò chơi tương thích , bạn phải liên kết tài khoản yuzu . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Đ ể liên kết tải khoản yuzu của bạn , hãy đ ế n Giả lập & amp ; gt ; Thiết lập & amp ; gt ; Web . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3349" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error opening URL < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi mở URL < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3350" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Unable to open the URL & quot ; % 1 & quot ; . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không thể mở URL & quot ; % 1 & quot ; . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3655" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > TAS Recording < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ghi lại TAS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3656" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Overwrite file of player 1 ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ghi đ è tập tin của người chơi 1 ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3682" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Invalid config detected < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ã phát hiện cấu hình không hợp lệ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3683" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Handheld controller can & apos ; t be used on docked mode . Pro controller will be selected . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm handheld không thể đ ư ợ c sử dụng trong chế đ ộ docked . Pro Controller sẽ đ ư ợ c chọn . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3853" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3881" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Amiibo < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Amiibo < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3853" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3881" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > The current amiibo has been removed < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Amiibo hiện tại đ ã bị loại bỏ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3858" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Error < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3858" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3893" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > The current game is not looking for amiibos < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Game hiện tại không tìm kiếm amiibos < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3864" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Amiibo File ( % 1 ) ; ; All Files ( * . * ) < / source >
< translation > Tệp tin Amiibo ( % 1 ) ; ; Tất cả tệp tin ( * . * ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3865" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Load Amiibo < / source >
< translation > Nạp dữ liệu Amiibo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3877" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error loading Amiibo data < / source >
< translation > Xảy ra lỗi khi nạp dữ liệu Amiibo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3887" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > The selected file is not a valid amiibo < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tập tin đ ã chọn không phải là amiibo hợp lệ < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3890" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > The selected file is already on use < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tập tin đ ã chọn đ ã đ ư ợ c sử dụng < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3896" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > An unknown error occurred < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ã xảy ra lỗi không xác đ ị nh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3948" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Capture Screenshot < / source >
< translation > Chụp ả nh màn hình < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "3949" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > PNG Image ( * . png ) < / source >
< translation > Hình ả nh PNG ( * . png ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4032" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > TAS state : Running % 1 / % 2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trạng thái TAS : Đang chạy % 1 / % 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4036" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > TAS state : Recording % 1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trạng thái TAS : Đang ghi % 1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4038" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > TAS state : Idle % 1 / % 2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trạng thái TAS : Đang chờ % 1 / % 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4042" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > TAS State : Invalid < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trạng thái TAS : Không hợp lệ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4056" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Stop Running < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Dừng chạy < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4056" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Start < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Bắt đ ầ u < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4057" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Stop R & amp ; ecording < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dừng G & amp ; hi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4057" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > R & amp ; ecord < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > G & amp ; hi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4081" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Building : % n shader ( s ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > < numerusform > Đ ang dựng : % n shader ( s ) < / numerusform > < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4090" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Scale : % 1 x < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the resolution scaling factor < / comment >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tỉ lệ thu phóng : % 1 x < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4093" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Speed : % 1 % / % 2 % < / s o u r c e >
< translation > Tốc đ ộ : % 1 % / % 2 % < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4097" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Speed : % 1 % < / source >
< translation > Tốc đ ộ : % 1 % < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4101" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Game : % 1 FPS ( Unlocked ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Game : % 1 FPS ( Đ ã mở khoá ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4104" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Game : % 1 FPS < / source >
< translation > Trò chơi : % 1 FPS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4106" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Frame : % 1 ms < / source >
< translation > Khung hình : % 1 ms < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4133" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4143" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "86" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > FSR < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > FSR < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4151" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > NO AA < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > NO AA < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4160" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > VOLUME : MUTE < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Â M LƯỢNG : TẮT TIẾNG < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4163" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > VOLUME : % 1 % < / source >
< comment > Volume percentage ( e . g . 50 % ) < / comment >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Â M LƯỢNG : % 1 % < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4244" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Confirm Key Rederivation < / source >
< translation > Xác nhận mã khóa Rederivation < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4245" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > You are about to force rederive all of your keys .
If you do not know what this means or what you are doing ,
this is a potentially destructive action .
Please make sure this is what you want
and optionally make backups .
This will delete your autogenerated key files and re - run the key derivation module . < / source >
< translation > Bạn đ ang muốn bắt buộc làm lại trích dẫn toàn bộ mã khóa của bạn .
Nếu bạn không biết cái này là gì hay bạn đ ang làm gì ,
đ â y là hành đ ộ ng có khả năng phá hoại .
Hãy chắc rằng đ â y là đ iều bạn muốn
và phải tạo ra một bản sao lưu lại .
Đ iều này sẽ xóa mã khóa tự đ ộ ng tạo trên tệp tin của bạn và chạy lại mô - đ un mã khóa derivation . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4279" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Missing fuses < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thiếu fuses < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4282" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > - Missing BOOT0 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > - Thiếu BOOT0 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4285" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > - Missing BCPKG2 - 1 - Normal - Main < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > - Thiếu BCPKG2 - 1 - Normal - Main < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4288" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > - Missing PRODINFO < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > - Thiếu PRODINFO < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4293" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Derivation Components Missing < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thiếu các thành phần chuyển hoá < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4294" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Encryption keys are missing . & lt ; br & gt ; Please follow & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.<br><br><small>(%1)</small></source>
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Keys mã hoá bị thiếu . & lt ; br & gt ; Vui lòng tuân theo & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>hướng dẫn nhanh của yuzu</a> để lấy tất cả keys, firmware và games của bạn.<br><br><small>(%1)</small></translation>
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4303" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Deriving keys . . .
This may take up to a minute depending
on your system & apos ; s performance . < / source >
< translation > Mã khóa xuất phát . . .
Đ iều này có thể mất hơn vài phút tùy thuộc
vào hiệu suất hệ thống của bạn . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4305" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Deriving Keys < / source >
< translation > Mã khóa xuất phát < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4322" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > System Archive Decryption Failed < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Giải mã bản lưu trữ của hệ thống thất bại < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4323" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Encryption keys failed to decrypt firmware . & lt ; br & gt ; Please follow & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the yuzu quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.</source>
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Keys mã hoá thấy bại khi giải mã firmware . & lt ; br & gt ; Vui lòng tuân theo & lt ; a href = & apos ; https : //yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>hướng dẫn nhanh của yuzu</a>để lấy tất cả keys, firmware và games của bạn. </translation>
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4379" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Select RomFS Dump Target < / source >
< translation > Chọn thư mục đ ể sao chép RomFS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4380" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Please select which RomFS you would like to dump . < / source >
< translation > Vui lòng chọn RomFS mà bạn muốn sao chép . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4395" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you want to close yuzu ? < / source >
< translation > Bạn có chắc chắn muốn đ ó ng yuzu ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4396" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4491" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4504" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > yuzu < / source >
< translation > yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4492" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you want to stop the emulation ? Any unsaved progress will be lost . < / source >
< translation > Bạn có chắc rằng muốn dừng giả lập ? Bất kì tiến trình nào chưa đ ư ợ c lưu sẽ bị mất . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.cpp" line = "4501" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The currently running application has requested yuzu to not exit .
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway ? < / source >
< translation > Chương trình đ ang chạy đ ã yêu cầu yuzu không đ ư ợ c thoát .
Bạn có muốn bỏ qua yêu cầu đ ó và thoát luôn không ? < / translation >
< / message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "71" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > None < / source >
< translation > Trống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "72" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > FXAA < / source >
< translation > FXAA < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "73" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > SMAA < / source >
< translation > SMAA < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "78" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Nearest < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nearest < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "80" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Bilinear < / source >
< translation > Bilinear < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "81" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Bicubic < / source >
< translation > Bicubic < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "83" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Gaussian < / source >
< translation > ScaleForce < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "85" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > ScaleForce < / source >
< translation > ScaleForce < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "90" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Docked < / source >
< translation > Chế đ ộ cắm TV < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "91" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Handheld < / source >
< translation > Cầm tay < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "95" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Normal < / source >
< translation > Trung bình < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "96" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > High < / source >
< translation > Khỏe < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "97" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Extreme < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tối đ a < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "101" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Vulkan < / source >
< translation > Vulkan < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "102" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > OpenGL < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > OpenGL < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "103" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > Null < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Null < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "107" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > GLSL < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > GLSL < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "108" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > GLASM < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > GLASM < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "109" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< source > SPIRV < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > SPIRV < / translation >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< / message >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > GRenderWindow < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "965" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "982" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > OpenGL not available ! < / source >
< translation > Không có sẵn OpenGL ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "966" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > OpenGL shared contexts are not supported . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Các ngữ cảnh OpenGL chung không đ ư ợ c hỗ trợ . < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "983" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > yuzu has not been compiled with OpenGL support . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > yuzu không đ ư ợ c biên dịch với hỗ trợ OpenGL . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1007" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1027" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error while initializing OpenGL ! < / source >
< translation > Đ ã xảy ra lỗi khi khởi tạo OpenGL ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1008" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Your GPU may not support OpenGL , or you do not have the latest graphics driver . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > GPU của bạn có thể không hỗ trợ OpenGL , hoặc bạn không có driver đ ồ hoạ mới nhất . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1017" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6 ! < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi khi khởi tạo OpenGL 4.6 ! < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1018" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6 , or you do not have the latest graphics driver . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; GL Renderer : & lt ; br & gt ; % 1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > GPU của bạn có thể không hỗ trợ OpenGL 4.6 , hoặc bạn không có driver đ ồ hoạ mới nhất . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; GL Renderer : & lt ; br & gt ; % 1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1028" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions . Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; GL Renderer : & lt ; br & gt ; % 1 & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Unsupported extensions : & lt ; br & gt ; % 2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > GPU của bạn có thể không hỗ trợ một hoặc nhiều tiện í ch OpenGL cần thiết . Vui lòng đ ả m bảo bạn có driver đ ồ hoạ mới nhất . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; GL Renderer : & lt ; br & gt ; % 1 & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Tiện í ch không hỗ trợ : & lt ; br & gt ; % 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > GameList < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "536" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Favorite < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ư a thích < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "538" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Start Game < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bắt đ ầ u game < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "540" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Start Game without Custom Configuration < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bắt đ ầ u game mà không có cấu hình tuỳ chỉnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "542" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Open Save Data Location < / source >
< translation > Mở vị trí lưu dữ liệu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "543" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Open Mod Data Location < / source >
< translation > Mở vị trí chỉnh sửa dữ liệu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "545" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Open Transferable Pipeline Cache < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mở thư mục chứa bộ nhớ cache pipeline < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "547" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove < / source >
< translation > Gỡ Bỏ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "548" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove Installed Update < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ bản cập nhật đ ã cài < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "549" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove All Installed DLC < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ tất cả DLC đ ã cài đ ặ t < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "550" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove Custom Configuration < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ cấu hình tuỳ chỉnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "551" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Remove Cache Storage < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Xoá bộ nhớ cache < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "552" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Remove OpenGL Pipeline Cache < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ OpenGL Pipeline Cache < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "553" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove Vulkan Pipeline Cache < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ bộ nhớ cache pipeline Vulkan < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "555" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove All Pipeline Caches < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ tất cả bộ nhớ cache shader < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "556" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove All Installed Contents < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ tất cả nội dung đ ã cài đ ặ t < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "557" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "558" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Dump RomFS < / source >
< translation > Kết xuất RomFS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "559" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Dump RomFS to SDMC < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trích xuất RomFS tới SDMC < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "560" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Copy Title ID to Clipboard < / source >
< translation > Sao chép ID tiêu đ ề vào bộ nhớ tạm < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "561" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Navigate to GameDB entry < / source >
< translation > Đ iều hướng đ ế n mục cơ sở dữ liệu trò chơi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "563" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Create Shortcut < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tạo lối tắt < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "564" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Add to Desktop < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thêm vào Desktop < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "566" / >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< source > Add to Applications Menu < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thêm vào menu ứ ng dụng < / translation >
2023-01-01 20:46:59 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "569" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Properties < / source >
< translation > Thuộc tính < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "652" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Scan Subfolders < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Quét các thư mục con < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "653" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Remove Game Directory < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại bỏ thư mục game < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "672" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > ▲ Move Up < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > ▲ Di chuyển lên < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "673" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > ▼ Move Down < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > ▼ Di chuyển xuống < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "674" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Open Directory Location < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mở vị trí thư mục < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "719" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Clear < / source >
< translation > Bỏ trống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "783" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Name < / source >
< translation > Tên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "784" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Compatibility < / source >
< translation > Tương thích < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "785" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Add - ons < / source >
< translation > Tiện í ch ngoài < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "786" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > File type < / source >
< translation > Loại tệp tin < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "787" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Size < / source >
< translation > Kích cỡ < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > GameListItemCompat < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "149" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Ingame < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trong game < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "149" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Game starts , but crashes or major glitches prevent it from being completed . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Game khởi đ ộ ng , nhưng gặp vấn đ ề hoặc lỗi nghiêm trọng đ ế n việc không thể hoàn thành trò chơi . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "151" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Perfect < / source >
< translation > Tốt nhất < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "151" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Game can be played without issues . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Game có thể chơi mà không gặp vấn đ ề . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "152" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Playable < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Có thể chơi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "152" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Game hoạt đ ộ ng với lỗi hình ả nh hoặc â m thanh nhẹ và có thể chơi từ đ ầ u tới cuối . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "155" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Intro / Menu < / source >
< translation > Phần mở đ ầ u / Menu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "155" / >
< source > Game loads , but is unable to progress past the Start Screen . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trò chơi đ ã tải , nhưng không thể qua Màn hình Bắt đ ầ u . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "156" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Won & apos ; t Boot < / source >
< translation > Không hoạt đ ộ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "156" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The game crashes when attempting to startup . < / source >
< translation > Trò chơi sẽ thoát đ ộ t ngột khi khởi đ ộ ng . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "157" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Not Tested < / source >
< translation > Chưa ai thử < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "157" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The game has not yet been tested . < / source >
< translation > Trò chơi này chưa có ai thử cả . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > GameListPlaceholder < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "960" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Double - click to add a new folder to the game list < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nháy đ ú p chuột đ ể thêm một thư mục mới vào danh sách trò chơi game < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > GameListSearchField < / name >
< message numerus = "yes" >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "86" / >
< source > % 1 of % n result ( s ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > < numerusform > % 1 trong % n kết quả < / numerusform > < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "799" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Filter : < / source >
< translation > Bộ lọc : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list.cpp" line = "800" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Enter pattern to filter < / source >
< translation > Nhập khuôn đ ể lọc < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > HostRoom < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Create Room < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tạo phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "37" / >
< source > Room Name < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tên phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "51" / >
< source > Preferred Game < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trò chơi ư a thích < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "61" / >
< source > Max Players < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Số người chơi tối đ a < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "91" / >
< source > Username < / source >
< translation > Tên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "101" / >
< source > ( Leave blank for open game ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > ( Đ ể trống cho game mở ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "118" / >
< source > Password < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mật khẩu < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "125" / >
< source > Port < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cổng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "139" / >
< source > Room Description < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Nội dung phòng chơi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "153" / >
< source > Load Previous Ban List < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tải danh sách ban trước đ ó < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "184" / >
< source > Public < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Công khai < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "189" / >
< source > Unlisted < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không công khai < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "197" / >
< source > Host Room < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tạo phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > HostRoomWindow < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.cpp" line = "185" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/host_room.cpp" line = "186" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to announce the room to the public lobby . In order to host a room publicly , you must have a valid yuzu account configured in Emulation - & gt ; Configure - & gt ; Web . If you do not want to publish a room in the public lobby , then select Unlisted instead .
Debug Message : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Công bố phòng công khai trong sảnh thất bại . Đ ể tổ chức phòng công khai , bạn cần phải có một tài khoản yuzu hợp lệ tại Giả lập - & gt ; Thiết lập - & gt ; Web . Nếu không muốn công khai phòng trong sảnh , hãy chọn mục Không công khai .
Tin nhắn gỡ lỗi : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Hotkeys < / name >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "118" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Audio Mute / Unmute < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tắt / Bật tiếng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "118" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "119" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "120" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "121" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "122" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "123" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "124" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "125" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "126" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "127" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "128" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "129" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "130" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "131" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "132" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "133" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "134" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "135" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "136" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "137" / >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "138" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "139" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Main Window < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cửa sổ chính < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "119" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Audio Volume Down < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Giảm â m lượng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "120" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Audio Volume Up < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tăng â m lượng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "121" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Capture Screenshot < / source >
< translation > Chụp ả nh màn hình < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "122" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Change Adapting Filter < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thay đ ổ i bộ lọc đ iều chỉnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "123" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Change Docked Mode < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ổ i chế đ ộ Docked < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "124" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Change GPU Accuracy < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thay đ ổ i đ ộ chính xác GPU < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "125" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Continue / Pause Emulation < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tiếp tục / Tạm dừng giả lập < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "126" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Exit Fullscreen < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thoát chế đ ộ toàn màn hình < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "127" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Exit yuzu < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thoát yuzu < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "128" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Fullscreen < / source >
< translation > Toàn màn hình < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "129" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Load File < / source >
< translation > Nạp tệp tin < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "130" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Load / Remove Amiibo < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tải / Loại bỏ Amiibo < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "131" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Restart Emulation < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Khởi đ ộ ng lại giả lập < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "132" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Stop Emulation < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dừng giả lập < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "133" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > TAS Record < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ghi lại TAS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "134" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > TAS Reset < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ặ t lại TAS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "135" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > TAS Start / Stop < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bắt đ ầ u / Dừng TAS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "136" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Toggle Filter Bar < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiện / Ẩ n thanh lọc < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "137" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Toggle Framerate Limit < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật / Tắt giới hạn tốc đ ộ khung hình < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "138" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Toggle Mouse Panning < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bật / Tắt di chuyển chuột < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/config.cpp" line = "139" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Toggle Status Bar < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiện / Ẩ n thanh trạng thái < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > InstallDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/install_dialog.cpp" line = "29" / >
< source > Please confirm these are the files you wish to install . < / source >
< translation > Xin hãy xác nhận đ â y là những tệp tin bạn muốn cài . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/install_dialog.cpp" line = "32" / >
< source > Installing an Update or DLC will overwrite the previously installed one . < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t một tệp tin cập nhật hoặc DLC mới sẽ thay thế những tệp cũ đ ã cài trước đ ó . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/install_dialog.cpp" line = "36" / >
< source > Install < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/install_dialog.cpp" line = "49" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Install Files to NAND < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cài đ ặ t tập tin vào NAND < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > LimitableInputDialog < / name >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/util/limitable_input_dialog.cpp" line = "59" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > The text can ' t contain any of the following characters :
% 1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Văn bản không đ ư ợ c chứa bất kỳ ký tự sau đ â y :
% 1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > LoadingScreen < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/loading_screen.ui" line = "84" / >
< source > Loading Shaders 387 / 1628 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ang tải shaders 387 / 1628 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/loading_screen.ui" line = "121" / >
< source > Loading Shaders % v out of % m < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ang tải shaders % v trong số % m < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/loading_screen.ui" line = "135" / >
< source > Estimated Time 5 m 4 s < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thời gian ư ớ c tính 5 m 4 s < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/loading_screen.cpp" line = "83" / >
< source > Loading . . . < / source >
< translation > Đ ang tải . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/loading_screen.cpp" line = "84" / >
< source > Loading Shaders % 1 / % 2 < / source >
< translation > Đ ang nạp shader % 1 / % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/loading_screen.cpp" line = "85" / >
< source > Launching . . . < / source >
< translation > Đ ang mở . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/loading_screen.cpp" line = "170" / >
< source > Estimated Time % 1 < / source >
< translation > Ư ớ c tính thời gian % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Lobby < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Public Room Browser < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Duyệt phòng công khai < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "32" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "39" / >
< source > Nickname < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Biệt danh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "59" / >
< source > Filters < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lọc < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "66" / >
< source > Search < / source >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< translation > Tìm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "76" / >
< source > Games I Own < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Games tôi sở hữu < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "83" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Hide Empty Rooms < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ẩ n phòng trống < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "90" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Hide Full Rooms < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ẩ n phòng đ ầ y < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "110" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Refresh Lobby < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Làm mới sảnh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "114" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Password Required to Join < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Yêu cầu mật khẩu đ ể tham gia < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "114" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Password : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mật khẩu : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "217" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Players < / source >
< translation > Người chơi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "218" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Room Name < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tên phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "219" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Preferred Game < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trò chơi ư a thích < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "220" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Host < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chủ phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "227" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Refreshing < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ang làm mới < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "284" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Refresh List < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Làm mới danh sách < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > MainWindow < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > yuzu < / source >
< translation > yuzu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "44" / >
< source > & amp ; File < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Tệp tin < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "48" / >
< source > & amp ; Recent Files < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Tập tin gần đ â y < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "66" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Emulation < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Giả lập < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "77" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; View < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Xem < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "81" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Reset Window Size < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Đ ặ t lại kích thước cửa sổ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "86" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Debugging < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Gỡ lỗi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "91" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Reset Window Size to & amp ; 720 p < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ặ t lại kích thước cửa sổ về & amp ; 720 p < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "94" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Reset Window Size to 720 p < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ặ t lại kích thước cửa sổ về 720 p < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "99" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Reset Window Size to & amp ; 900 p < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ặ t lại kích thước cửa sổ về & amp ; 900 p < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "102" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Reset Window Size to 900 p < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ặ t lại kích thước cửa sổ về 900 p < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "107" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Reset Window Size to & amp ; 1080 p < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ặ t lại kích thước cửa sổ về & amp ; 1080 p < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "110" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Reset Window Size to 1080 p < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ặ t lại kích thước cửa sổ về 1080 p < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "127" / >
< source > & amp ; Multiplayer < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Nhiều người chơi < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "138" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Tools < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Công cụ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "142" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; TAS < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; TAS < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "157" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Help < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Trợ giúp < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "178" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Install Files to NAND . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Cài đ ặ t tập tin vào NAND . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "183" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > L & amp ; oad File . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > N & amp ; ạ p tập tin . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "188" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Load & amp ; Folder . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nạp & amp ; Thư mục < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "193" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > E & amp ; xit < / source >
< translation > Th & amp ; oát < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "201" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Pause < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Tạm dừng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "209" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Stop < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Dừng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "214" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Reinitialize keys . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Khởi tạo lại keys . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "219" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; About yuzu < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Thông tin về yuzu < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "227" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Single & amp ; Window Mode < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Chế đ ộ cửa sổ đ ơ n < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "232" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Con & amp ; figure . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cấu & amp ; hình < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "243" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Display D & amp ; ock Widget Headers < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiển thị tiêu đ ề công cụ D & amp ; ock < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "251" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Show & amp ; Filter Bar < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiện thanh & amp ; lọc < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "259" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Show & amp ; Status Bar < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiện thanh & amp ; trạng thái < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "262" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Show Status Bar < / source >
< translation > Hiển thị thanh trạng thái < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "270" / >
< source > & amp ; Browse Public Game Lobby < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Duyệt phòng game công khai < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "278" / >
< source > & amp ; Create Room < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Tạo phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "286" / >
< source > & amp ; Leave Room < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Rời phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "291" / >
< source > & amp ; Direct Connect to Room < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Kết nối trực tiếp tới phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "299" / >
< source > & amp ; Show Current Room < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Hiện phòng hiện tại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "307" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > F & amp ; ullscreen < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > T & amp ; oàn màn hình < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "315" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Restart < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Khởi đ ộ ng lại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "323" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Load / Remove & amp ; Amiibo . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tải / Loại bỏ & amp ; Amiibo < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "331" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Report Compatibility < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Báo cáo tương thích < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "339" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Open & amp ; Mods Page < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mở trang & amp ; mods < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "344" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Open & amp ; Quickstart Guide < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mở & amp ; Hướng dẫn nhanh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "349" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; FAQ < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; FAQ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "354" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Open & amp ; yuzu Folder < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mở thư mục & amp ; yuzu < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "362" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Capture Screenshot < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Chụp ả nh màn hình < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "367" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Configure TAS . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Cấu hình TAS . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "378" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Configure C & amp ; urrent Game . . . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cấu hình game hiện tại . . . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "389" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Start < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Bắt đ ầ u < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "397" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Reset < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Đ ặ t lại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/main.ui" line = "405" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > R & amp ; ecord < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > G & amp ; hi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > MicroProfileDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/profiler.cpp" line = "50" / >
< source > & amp ; MicroProfile < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; MicroProfile < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ModerationDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.ui" line = "6" / >
< source > Moderation < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Quản lý < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > Ban List < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Danh sác ban < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.ui" line = "41" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "73" / >
< source > Refreshing < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ang làm mới < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.ui" line = "51" / >
< source > Unban < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Unban < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "40" / >
< source > Subject < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ố i tượng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "41" / >
< source > Type < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "83" / >
< source > Forum Username < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tên người dùng trên diễn đ à n < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "88" / >
< source > IP Address < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ị a chỉ IP < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "95" / >
< source > Refresh < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Làm mới < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > MultiplayerState < / name >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "90" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Current connection status < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tình trạng kết nối hiện tại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "117" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Not Connected . Click here to find a room ! < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không kết nối . Nhấn vào đ â y đ ể tìm một phòng ! < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "123" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< source > Not Connected < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không kết nối < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "129" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Connected < / source >
< translation > Đ ã kết nối < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "136" / >
< source > New Messages Received < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ã nhận đ ư ợ c tin nhắn mới < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "207" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "208" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Failed to update the room information . Please check your Internet connection and try hosting the room again .
Debug Message : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không thể cập nhật thông tin phòng . Vui lòng kiểm tra kết nối Internet của bạn và thử tạo phòng lại .
Tin nhắn gỡ lỗi : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > NetworkMessage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "11" / >
< source > Username is not valid . Must be 4 to 20 alphanumeric characters . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tên người dùng không hợp lệ . Phải có từ 4 đ ế n 20 ký tự chữ số hoặc chữ cái . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "13" / >
< source > Room name is not valid . Must be 4 to 20 alphanumeric characters . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tên phòng không hợp lệ . Phải có từ 4 đ ế n 20 ký tự chữ số hoặc chữ cái . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "15" / >
< source > Username is already in use or not valid . Please choose another . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tên người dùng đ ã đ ư ợ c sử dụng hoặc không hợp lệ . Vui lòng chọn tên khác . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "17" / >
< source > IP is not a valid IPv4 address . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ị a chỉ IP không phải là đ ị a chỉ IPv4 hợp lệ . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "19" / >
< source > Port must be a number between 0 to 65535 . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cổng phải là một số từ 0 đ ế n 65535 . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "20" / >
< source > You must choose a Preferred Game to host a room . If you do not have any games in your game list yet , add a game folder by clicking on the plus icon in the game list . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bạn phải chọn một Game ư u thích đ ể tạo một phòng . Nếu bạn chưa có bất kỳ game nào trong danh sách game của bạn , hãy thêm một thư mục game bằng cách nhấp vào biểu tượng dấu cộng trong danh sách game . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "24" / >
< source > Unable to find an internet connection . Check your internet settings . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không thể tìm thấy kết nối internet . Kiểm tra cài đ ặ t internet của bạn . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "26" / >
< source > Unable to connect to the host . Verify that the connection settings are correct . If you still cannot connect , contact the room host and verify that the host is properly configured with the external port forwarded . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không thể kết nối tới máy chủ . Hãy kiểm tra xem các thiết lập kết nối có đ ú ng không . Nếu vẫn không thể kết nối , hãy liên hệ với người chủ phòng và xác minh rằng máy chủ đ ã đ ư ợ c cấu hình đ ú ng cách với cổng ngoài đ ư ợ c chuyển tiếp . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "30" / >
< source > Unable to connect to the room because it is already full . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không thể kết nối tới phòng vì nó đ ã đ ầ y . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "32" / >
< source > Creating a room failed . Please retry . Restarting yuzu might be necessary . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tạo phòng thất bại . Vui lòng thử lại . Có thể cần khởi đ ộ ng lại yuzu . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "34" / >
< source > The host of the room has banned you . Speak with the host to unban you or try a different room . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chủ phòng đ ã ban bạn . Hãy nói chuyện với người chủ phòng đ ể đ ư ợ c unban , hoặc thử vào một phòng khác . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "37" / >
< source > Version mismatch ! Please update to the latest version of yuzu . If the problem persists , contact the room host and ask them to update the server . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Phiên bản không khớp ! Vui lòng cập nhật lên phiên bản mới nhất của yuzu . Nếu vấn đ ề vẫn tiếp tục , hãy liên hệ với người quản lý phòng và yêu cầu họ cập nhật máy chủ . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "39" / >
< source > Incorrect password . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mật khẩu sai < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "40" / >
< source > An unknown error occurred . If this error continues to occur , please open an issue < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ã xảy ra lỗi không xác đ ị nh . Nếu lỗi này tiếp tục xảy ra , vui lòng mở một issue < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "43" / >
< source > Connection to room lost . Try to reconnect . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mất kết nối với phòng . Hãy thử kết nối lại . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "45" / >
< source > You have been kicked by the room host . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bạn đ ã bị kick bởi chủ phòng . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "47" / >
< source > IP address is already in use . Please choose another . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ị a chỉ IP đ ã đ ư ợ c sử dụng . Vui lòng chọn một đ ị a chỉ khác . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "49" / >
< source > You do not have enough permission to perform this action . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bạn không có đ ủ quyền đ ể thực hiên hành đ ộ ng này . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "50" / >
< source > The user you are trying to kick / ban could not be found .
They may have left the room . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không thể tìm thấy người dùng bạn đ ang cố gắng kick / ban .
Họ có thể đ ã rời phòng . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "52" / >
< source > No valid network interface is selected .
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
Please go to Configure - & gt ; System - & gt ; Network and make a selection . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Không có giao diện mạng hợp lệ đ ư ợ c chọn . Vui lòng vào Cấu hình - & gt ; Hệ thống - & gt ; Mạng và thực hiện lựa chọn . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "68" / >
< source > Game already running < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Trò chơi đ ang chạy < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "69" / >
< source > Joining a room when the game is already running is discouraged and can cause the room feature not to work correctly .
Proceed anyway ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Khuyến khích không tham gia phòng khi game đ ang chạy , đ iều này có thể làm cho tính năng phòng không hoạt đ ộ ng đ ú ng cách .
Tiếp tục ? < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "75" / >
< source > Leave Room < / source >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< translation > Rời khỏi phòng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "76" / >
< source > You are about to close the room . Any network connections will be closed . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bạn sắp đ ó ng phòng . Mọi kết nối mạng sẽ bị đ ó ng . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "81" / >
< source > Disconnect < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ngắt kết nối < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "82" / >
< source > You are about to leave the room . Any network connections will be closed . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bạn sắp rời khỏi phòng . Mọi kết nối mạng sẽ bị đ ó ng . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > NetworkMessage : : ErrorManager < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "63" / >
< source > Error < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lỗi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > OverlayDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Dialog < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hộp thoại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "134" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "353" / >
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > Huỷ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "152" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "371" / >
< source > OK < / source >
< translation > OK < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "313" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' M S S h e l l D l g 2 ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 8 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; M S S h e l l D l g 2 & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 8 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PlayerControlPreview < / name >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player_widget.cpp" line = "1630" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > START / PAUSE < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > BẮT Đ Ầ U / TẠM DỪNG < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > QObject < / name >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby_p.h" line = "236" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 is not playing a game < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 hiện không chơi game < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/lobby_p.h" line = "238" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 is playing % 2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 đ ang chơi % 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "142" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Not playing a game < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiện không chơi game < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "244" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Installed SD Titles < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Các title đ ã cài đ ặ t trên thẻ SD < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "252" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Installed NAND Titles < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Các title đ ã cài đ ặ t trên NAND < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "260" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > System Titles < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Titles hệ thống < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "303" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Add New Game Directory < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thêm thư mục game < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/game_list_p.h" line = "326" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Favorites < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ư a thích < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "21" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "32" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "43" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Shift < / source >
< translation > Shift < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "23" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "34" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "45" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Ctrl < / source >
< translation > Ctrl < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "25" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "36" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "47" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Alt < / source >
< translation > Alt < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "35" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "392" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "458" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "181" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "249" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > [ not set ] < / source >
< translation > [ chưa đ ặ t nút ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "47" / >
< source > Hat % 1 % 2 < / source >
< translation > Mũ % 1 % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "54" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "481" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "485" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "489" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "493" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "272" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "276" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "280" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "284" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Axis % 1 % 2 < / source >
< translation > Trục % 1 % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "60" / >
< source > Button % 1 < / source >
< translation > Nút % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "66" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "452" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "466" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "496" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "243" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "257" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "287" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > [ unknown ] < / source >
< translation > [ không xác đ ị nh ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "47" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "58" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "146" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Left < / source >
< translation > Trái < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "49" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "60" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "149" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Right < / source >
< translation > Phải < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "51" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "62" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "155" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Down < / source >
< translation > Xuống < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "53" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "64" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "152" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Up < / source >
< translation > Lên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "55" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "66" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Z < / source >
< translation > Z < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "57" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "68" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > R < / source >
< translation > R < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "59" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "70" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > L < / source >
< translation > L < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "61" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "84" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > A < / source >
< translation > A < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "63" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "86" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > B < / source >
< translation > B < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "65" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "88" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > X < / source >
< translation > X < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "67" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "90" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Y < / source >
< translation > Y < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "69" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "92" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Start < / source >
< translation > Bắt đ ầ u < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "71" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "102" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > L1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > L1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "73" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "104" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > L2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > L2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "75" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "106" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > L3 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > L3 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "77" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "108" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > R1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > R1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "79" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "110" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > R2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > R2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "81" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "112" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > R3 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > R3 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "83" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "114" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Circle < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tròn < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "85" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "116" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Cross < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > X < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "87" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "118" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Square < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hình vuông < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "89" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "120" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Triangle < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hình tam giác < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "91" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "122" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Share < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chia sẻ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "93" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "124" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Options < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tuỳ chọn < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "95" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "140" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > [ undefined ] < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > [ không xác đ ị nh ] < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "402" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "406" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "197" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > [ invalid ] < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > [ không hợp lệ ] < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "416" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "440" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 Hat % 3 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 Mũ % 3 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "420" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "443" / >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "446" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "237" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 Axis % 3 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 Trục % 3 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "426" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "217" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 Axis % 3 , % 4 , % 5 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 Trục % 3 , % 4 , % 5 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "430" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "221" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 Motion % 3 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 Chuyển đ ộ ng % 3 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "434" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "449" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 Button % 3 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 Nút % 3 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "476" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "267" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > [ unused ] < / source >
< translation > [ không sử dụng ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "72" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > ZR < / source >
< translation > ZR < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "74" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > ZL < / source >
< translation > ZL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "76" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > SR < / source >
< translation > SR < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "78" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > SL < / source >
< translation > SL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "80" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Stick L < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cần L < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "82" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Stick R < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cần R < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "94" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Plus < / source >
< translation > Cộng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "96" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Minus < / source >
< translation > Trừ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "98" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "126" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Home < / source >
< translation > Home < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "100" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > Capture < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chụp < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "128" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Touch < / source >
< translation > Cảm Ứ ng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "130" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Wheel < / source >
< comment > Indicates the mouse wheel < / comment >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Con lăn < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "132" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Backward < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Lùi < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "134" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Forward < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tiến < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "136" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Task < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nhiệm vụ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "138" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Extra < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thêm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "193" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "207" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "231" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 % 3 Hat % 4 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 % 3 Mũ % 4 < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "211" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "234" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 % 3 Axis % 4 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 % 3 Trục % 4 < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-01 09:36:50 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "225" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "240" / >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< source > % 1 % 2 % 3 Button % 4 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > % 1 % 2 % 3 Nút % 4 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< context >
< name > QtAmiiboSettingsDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Amiibo Settings < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Cài đ ặ t Amiibo < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "169" / >
< source > Amiibo Info < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thông tin Amiibo < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "177" / >
< source > Series < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loạt < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "197" / >
< source > Type < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "217" / >
< source > Name < / source >
< translation > Tên < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "242" / >
< source > Amiibo Data < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dữ liệu Amiibo < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "250" / >
< source > Custom Name < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tên tuỳ chỉnh < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "270" / >
< source > Owner < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chủ sở hữu < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "290" / >
< source > Creation Date < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ngày tạo < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "307" / >
< source > dd / MM / yyyy < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > dd / MM / yyyy < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "314" / >
< source > Modification Date < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ngày thay đ ổ i < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "331" / >
< source > dd / MM / yyyy < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > dd / MM / yyyy < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "349" / >
< source > Game Data < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dữ liệu game < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "355" / >
< source > Game Id < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Id game < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "384" / >
< source > Mount Amiibo < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Gắn Amiibo < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "390" / >
< source > . . . < / source >
< translation > . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "413" / >
< source > File Path < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ư ờ ng dẫn tập tin < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "191" / >
< source > No game data present < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Hiện tại không có dữ liệu game < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "231" / >
< source > The following amiibo data will be formatted : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dữ liệu amiibo sau sẽ đ ư ợ c đ ị nh dạng : < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "234" / >
< source > The following game data will removed : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dữ liệu game sau sẽ bị xoá : < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "237" / >
< source > Set nickname and owner : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ặ t biệt danh và chủ sỡ hữu : < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "240" / >
< source > Do you wish to restore this amiibo ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Bạn có muốn khôi phục amiibo này không ? < / translation >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< context >
< name > QtControllerSelectorDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Controller Applet < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Applet tay cầm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "129" / >
< source > Supported Controller Types : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Loại tay cầm đ ư ợ c hỗ trợ : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "282" / >
< source > Players : < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Người chơi : < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "300" / >
< source > 1 - 8 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > 1 - 8 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "418" / >
< source > P4 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > P4 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "514" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "711" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "912" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1222" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1459" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1656" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1857" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2054" / >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "418" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Pro Controller < / source >
< translation > Tay cầm Pro Controller < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "519" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "716" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "917" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1227" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1464" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1661" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1862" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2059" / >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "422" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Dual Joycons < / source >
< translation > Joycon đ ô i < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "524" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "721" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "922" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1232" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1469" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1666" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1867" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2064" / >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "426" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Left Joycon < / source >
< translation > Joycon Trái < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "529" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "726" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "927" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1237" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1474" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1671" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1872" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2069" / >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "430" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Right Joycon < / source >
< translation > Joycon Phải < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "538" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "735" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "941" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1246" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1483" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1680" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1881" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2078" / >
< source > Use Current Config < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Dùng cấu hình hiện tại < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "615" / >
< source > P2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > P2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "812" / >
< source > P1 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > P1 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "932" / >
2022-12-01 08:25:16 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2303" / >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "434" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Handheld < / source >
< translation > Cầm tay < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1126" / >
< source > P3 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > P3 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1363" / >
< source > P7 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > P7 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1560" / >
< source > P8 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > P8 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1757" / >
< source > P5 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > P5 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1958" / >
< source > P6 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > P6 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2272" / >
< source > Console Mode < / source >
< translation > Console Mode < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2293" / >
< source > Docked < / source >
< translation > Chế đ ộ cắm TV < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2313" / >
< source > Vibration < / source >
< translation > Đ ộ rung < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2349" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2395" / >
< source > Configure < / source >
< translation > Cài đ ặ t < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2359" / >
< source > Motion < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chuyển đ ộ ng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2405" / >
< source > Profiles < / source >
< translation > Hồ Sơ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2432" / >
< source > Create < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tạo < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2467" / >
< source > Controllers < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2481" / >
< source > 1 < / source >
< translation > 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2508" / >
< source > 2 < / source >
< translation > 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2518" / >
< source > 4 < / source >
< translation > 4 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2528" / >
< source > 3 < / source >
< translation > 3 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2538" / >
< source > Connected < / source >
< translation > Đ ã kết nối < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2552" / >
< source > 5 < / source >
< translation > 5 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2569" / >
< source > 7 < / source >
< translation > 7 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2586" / >
< source > 6 < / source >
< translation > 6 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2596" / >
< source > 8 < / source >
< translation > 8 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "438" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > GameCube Controller < / source >
< translation > Tay cầm GameCube < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "447" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Poke Ball Plus < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Poke Ball Plus < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "451" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > NES Controller < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm NES < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "455" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > SNES Controller < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm SNES < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "459" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > N64 Controller < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tay cầm N64 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-09-03 00:35:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "463" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Sega Genesis < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Sega Genesis < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > QtErrorDisplay < / name >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "27" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "40" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "55" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Error Code : % 1 - % 2 ( 0 x % 3 ) < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Mã lỗi : % 1 - % 2 ( 0 x % 3 ) < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "31" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > An error has occurred .
Please try again or contact the developer of the software . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Một lỗi đ ã xảy ra .
Vui lòng thử lại hoặc liên hệ nhà phát triển của phần mềm . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "44" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > An error occurred on % 1 at % 2 .
Please try again or contact the developer of the software . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Một lỗi đ ã xảy ra tại % 1 vào % 2 .
Vui lòng thử lại hoặc liên hệ nhà phát triển của phần mềm . < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "59" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > An error has occurred .
% 1
% 2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Một lỗi đ ã xảy ra .
% 1
% 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > QtProfileSelectionDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "23" / >
< source > % 1
% 2 < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the profile username , % 2 is the formatted UUID ( e . g . 00112233 - 4455 - 6677 - 8899 - AABBCCDDEEFF ) ) < / comment >
< translation > % 1
% 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "85" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Users < / source >
< translation > Người Dùng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "167" / >
< source > Profile Creator < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Tạo hồ sơ < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "170" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "188" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Profile Selector < / source >
< translation > Chọn hồ sơ < / translation >
< / message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "173" / >
< source > Profile Icon Editor < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Sửa biểu tượng hồ sơ < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "176" / >
< source > Profile Nickname Editor < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Sửa biệt danh hồ sơ < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "198" / >
< source > Who will receive the points ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ai sẽ nhận đ iểm ? < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "201" / >
< source > Who is using Nintendo eShop ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ai đ ang sử dụng Nintendo eShop ? < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "204" / >
< source > Who is making this purchase ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ai đ ang thực hiện giao dịch này ? < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "207" / >
< source > Who is posting ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Ai đ ang đ ă ng bài ? < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "210" / >
< source > Select a user to link to a Nintendo Account . < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Chọn một người dùng đ ể liên kết với tài khoản Nintendo . < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "213" / >
< source > Change settings for which user ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Thay đ ổ i cài đ ặ t cho người dùng nào ? < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "216" / >
< source > Format data for which user ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Đ ị nh dạng dữ liệu cho người dùng nào ? < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "219" / >
< source > Which user will be transferred to another console ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Người dùng nào sẽ đ ư ợ c chuyển tới console khác ? < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "222" / >
< source > Send save data for which user ? < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Gửi dữ liệu save cho người dùng nào ? < / translation >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "226" / >
< source > Select a user : < / source >
< translation > Chọn một người dùng : < / translation >
< / message >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > QtSoftwareKeyboardDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_software_keyboard.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Software Keyboard < / source >
< translation > Phần mềm bàn phím < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_software_keyboard.ui" line = "199" / >
< source > Enter Text < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nhập văn bản < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_software_keyboard.ui" line = "479" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' M S S h e l l D l g 2 ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 2 6 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; M S S h e l l D l g 2 & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 2 6 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_software_keyboard.cpp" line = "403" / >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_software_keyboard.cpp" line = "413" / >
< source > OK < / source >
< translation > Chấp nhận < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/applets/qt_software_keyboard.cpp" line = "413" / >
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > Hủy bỏ < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SequenceDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/util/sequence_dialog/sequence_dialog.cpp" line = "10" / >
< source > Enter a hotkey < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > Nhập một phím tắt < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > WaitTreeCallstack < / name >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "120" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > Call stack < / source >
< translation > Chùm cuộc gọi < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > WaitTreeSynchronizationObject < / name >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "158" / >
< source > [ % 1 ] % 2 < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > [ % 1 ] % 2 < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "184" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > waited by no thread < / source >
< translation > chờ đ ợ i bởi vì không có luồng < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > WaitTreeThread < / name >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "202" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > runnable < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > có thể chạy < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "204" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > paused < / source >
< translation > tạm dừng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "210" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > sleeping < / source >
< translation > ngủ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "213" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > waiting for IPC reply < / source >
< translation > chờ đ ợ i IPC phản hồi < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "216" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > waiting for objects < / source >
< translation > chờ đ ợ i đ ố i tượng < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "219" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > waiting for condition variable < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > đ ang chờ biến đ iều kiện < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "222" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > waiting for address arbiter < / source >
< translation > chờ đ ợ i đ ị a chỉ người đ ứ ng giữa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "225" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > waiting for suspend resume < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > đ ang đ ợ i đ ể tạm dừng và tiếp tục < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "228" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > waiting < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > đ ang chờ < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "233" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > initialized < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > đ ã khởi tạo < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "236" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > terminated < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > đ ã chấm dứt < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "239" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > unknown < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > không xác đ ị nh < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "244" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > PC = 0 x % 1 LR = 0 x % 2 < / source >
< translation > PC = 0 x % 1 LR = 0 x % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "294" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > ideal < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > lý tưởng < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "297" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > core % 1 < / source >
< translation > lõi % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "301" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > processor = % 1 < / source >
< translation > bộ xử lý = % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "303" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > affinity mask = % 1 < / source >
< translation > che đ ậ y tánh giống nhau = % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "304" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > thread id = % 1 < / source >
< translation > id luồng = % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "305" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > priority = % 1 ( current ) / % 2 ( normal ) < / source >
< translation > quyền ư u tiên = % 1 ( hiện tại ) / % 2 ( bình thường ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "309" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > last running ticks = % 1 < / source >
< translation > lần chạy cuối cùng = % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > WaitTreeThreadList < / name >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "325" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > waited by thread < / source >
< translation > chờ đ ợ i bởi vì có luồng < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > WaitTreeWidget < / name >
< message >
2023-06-02 12:28:14 +04:00
< location filename = "../../src/yuzu/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "399" / >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Wait Tree < / source >
2023-08-01 17:17:17 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Cây Đ ợ i < / translation >
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-12-01 07:31:30 +04:00
< / TS >