2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/bit_field.h"
#include "common/common_funcs.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/math_util.h"
#include "video_core/engines/const_buffer_info.h"
#include "video_core/engines/engine_interface.h"
#include "video_core/engines/engine_upload.h"
#include "video_core/gpu.h"
#include "video_core/macro/macro.h"
#include "video_core/textures/texture.h"
namespace Core {
class System;
namespace Tegra {
class MemoryManager;
namespace VideoCore {
class RasterizerInterface;
namespace Tegra::Engines {
2022-12-07 21:29:02 +04:00
class DrawManager;
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
* This Engine is known as GF100_3D. Documentation can be found in:
* https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-doc/blob/master/classes/3d/clb197.h
* https://github.com/envytools/envytools/blob/master/rnndb/graph/gf100_3d.xml
* https://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/tree/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nvc0/nvc0_3d.xml.h
* Note: nVidia have confirmed that their open docs have had parts redacted, so this list is
* currently incomplete, and the gaps are still worth exploring.
#define MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(field_name) (offsetof(Maxwell3D::Regs, field_name) / sizeof(u32))
class Maxwell3D final : public EngineInterface {
explicit Maxwell3D(Core::System& system, MemoryManager& memory_manager);
/// Binds a rasterizer to this engine.
void BindRasterizer(VideoCore::RasterizerInterface* rasterizer);
/// Register structure of the Maxwell3D engine.
struct Regs {
static constexpr std::size_t NUM_REGS = 0xE00;
static constexpr std::size_t NumRenderTargets = 8;
static constexpr std::size_t NumViewports = 16;
static constexpr std::size_t NumCBData = 16;
static constexpr std::size_t NumVertexArrays = 32;
static constexpr std::size_t NumVertexAttributes = 32;
static constexpr std::size_t NumVaryings = 31;
static constexpr std::size_t NumImages = 8; // TODO(Rodrigo): Investigate this number
static constexpr std::size_t NumClipDistances = 8;
static constexpr std::size_t NumTransformFeedbackBuffers = 4;
static constexpr std::size_t MaxShaderProgram = 6;
static constexpr std::size_t MaxShaderStage = 5;
// Maximum number of const buffers per shader stage.
static constexpr std::size_t MaxConstBuffers = 18;
static constexpr std::size_t MaxConstBufferSize = 0x10000;
struct ID {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> cls;
BitField<16, 5, u32> engine;
struct LoadMME {
u32 instruction_ptr;
u32 instruction;
u32 start_address_ptr;
u32 start_address;
struct Notify {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
u32 type;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct PeerSemaphore {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct GlobalRender {
enum class Mode : u32 {
False = 0,
True = 1,
Conditional = 2,
IfEqual = 3,
IfNotEqual = 4,
u32 offset_high;
u32 offset_low;
Mode mode;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{offset_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{offset_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
enum class ReductionOp : u32 {
RedAdd = 0,
RedMin = 1,
RedMax = 2,
RedInc = 3,
RedDec = 4,
RedAnd = 5,
RedOr = 6,
RedXor = 7,
struct LaunchDMA {
enum class Layout : u32 {
Blocklinear = 0,
Pitch = 1,
enum class CompletionType : u32 {
FlushDisable = 0,
FlushOnly = 1,
Release = 2,
union {
BitField<0, 1, Layout> memory_layout;
BitField<4, 2, CompletionType> completion_type;
BitField<8, 2, u32> interrupt_type;
BitField<12, 1, u32> sem_size;
BitField<1, 1, u32> reduction_enable;
BitField<13, 3, ReductionOp> reduction_op;
BitField<2, 2, u32> reduction_format;
BitField<6, 1, u32> sysmembar_disable;
struct I2M {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
u32 payload;
u32 nop0;
u32 nop1;
u32 nop2;
u32 nop3;
struct OpportunisticEarlyZ {
BitField<0, 5, u32> threshold;
u32 Threshold() const {
switch (threshold) {
case 0x0:
return 0;
case 0x1F:
return 0x1F;
// Thresholds begin at 0x10 (1 << 4)
// Threshold is in the range 0x1 to 0x13
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return 1U << (4 + threshold.Value() - 1);
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct GeometryShaderDmFifo {
union {
BitField<0, 13, u32> raster_on;
BitField<16, 13, u32> raster_off;
BitField<31, 1, u32> spill_enabled;
struct L2CacheControl {
enum class EvictPolicy : u32 {
First = 0,
Normal = 1,
Last = 2,
union {
BitField<4, 2, EvictPolicy> policy;
struct InvalidateShaderCache {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> instruction;
BitField<4, 1, u32> data;
BitField<12, 1, u32> constant;
BitField<1, 1, u32> locks;
BitField<2, 1, u32> flush_data;
struct SyncInfo {
enum class Condition : u32 {
StreamOutWritesDone = 0,
RopWritesDone = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> sync_point;
BitField<16, 1, u32> clean_l2;
BitField<20, 1, Condition> condition;
struct SurfaceClipBlockId {
union {
BitField<0, 4, u32> block_width;
BitField<4, 4, u32> block_height;
BitField<8, 4, u32> block_depth;
struct DecompressSurface {
union {
BitField<0, 3, u32> mrt_select;
BitField<4, 16, u32> rt_array_index;
struct ZCullRopBypass {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField<4, 1, u32> no_stall;
BitField<8, 1, u32> cull_everything;
BitField<12, 4, u32> threshold;
struct ZCullSubregion {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField<4, 24, u32> normalized_aliquots;
struct RasterBoundingBox {
enum class Mode : u32 {
BoundingBox = 0,
FullViewport = 1,
union {
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
u32 raw;
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
BitField<0, 1, Mode> mode;
BitField<4, 8, u32> pad;
struct IteratedBlendOptimization {
enum class Noop : u32 {
Never = 0,
SourceRGBA0000 = 1,
SourceAlpha = 2,
SourceRGBA0001 = 3,
union {
BitField<0, 1, Noop> noop;
struct ZCullSubregionAllocation {
enum class Format : u32 {
Z_16x16x2_4x4 = 0,
ZS_16x16_4x4 = 1,
Z_16x16_4x2 = 2,
Z_16x16_2x4 = 3,
Z_16x8_4x4 = 4,
Z_8x8_4x2 = 5,
Z_8x8_2x4 = 6,
Z_16x16_4x8 = 7,
Z_4x8_2x2 = 8,
ZS_16x8_4x2 = 9,
ZS_16x8_2x4 = 10,
ZS_8x8_2x2 = 11,
Z_4x8_1x1 = 12,
None = 15,
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> id;
BitField<8, 16, u32> aliquots;
BitField<24, 4, Format> format;
enum class ZCullSubregionAlgorithm : u32 {
Static = 0,
Adaptive = 1,
struct PixelShaderOutputSampleMaskUsage {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField<1, 1, u32> qualify_by_aa;
struct L1Configuration {
enum class AddressableMemory : u32 {
Size16Kb = 0,
Size48Kb = 3,
union {
BitField<0, 3, AddressableMemory> direct_addressable_memory;
struct SPAVersion {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> minor;
BitField<8, 8, u32> major;
struct SnapGrid {
enum class Location : u32 {
Pixel2x2 = 1,
Pixel4x4 = 2,
Pixel8x8 = 3,
Pixel16x16 = 4,
Pixel32x32 = 5,
Pixel64x64 = 6,
Pixel128x128 = 7,
Pixel256x256 = 8,
enum class Mode : u32 {
RTNE = 0,
Tesla = 1,
struct {
union {
BitField<0, 4, Location> location;
BitField<8, 1, Mode> rounding_mode;
} line;
struct {
union {
BitField<0, 4, Location> location;
BitField<8, 1, Mode> rounding_mode;
} non_line;
struct Tessellation {
enum class DomainType : u32 {
Isolines = 0,
Triangles = 1,
Quads = 2,
enum class Spacing : u32 {
Integer = 0,
FractionalOdd = 1,
FractionalEven = 2,
enum class OutputPrimitives : u32 {
Points = 0,
Lines = 1,
Triangles_CW = 2,
Triangles_CCW = 3,
struct Parameters {
union {
BitField<0, 2, DomainType> domain_type;
BitField<4, 2, Spacing> spacing;
BitField<8, 2, OutputPrimitives> output_primitives;
} params;
struct LOD {
std::array<f32, 4> outer;
std::array<f32, 2> inner;
} lod;
std::array<u32, 9> reserved;
struct SubTilingPerf {
struct {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> spm_triangle_register_file_per;
BitField<8, 8, u32> spm_pixel_output_buffer_per;
BitField<16, 8, u32> spm_triangle_ram_per;
BitField<24, 8, u32> max_quads_per;
} knob_a;
struct {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> max_primitives_per;
} knob_b;
u32 knob_c;
struct ZCullSubregionReport {
enum class ReportType : u32 {
DepthTest = 0,
DepthTestNoAccept = 1,
DepthTestLateZ = 2,
StencilTest = 3,
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enabled;
BitField<4, 8, u32> subregion_id;
} to_report;
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enabled;
BitField<4, 3, ReportType> type;
} report_type;
struct BalancedPrimitiveWorkload {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> unpartitioned_mode;
BitField<4, 1, u32> timesliced_mode;
struct TransformFeedback {
struct Buffer {
u32 enable;
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
s32 size;
s32 start_offset;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
static_assert(sizeof(Buffer) == 0x20);
struct Control {
u32 stream;
u32 varying_count;
u32 stride;
static_assert(sizeof(Control) == 0x10);
std::array<TransformFeedback::Buffer, NumTransformFeedbackBuffers> buffers;
std::array<TransformFeedback::Control, NumTransformFeedbackBuffers> controls;
struct HybridAntiAliasControl {
enum class Centroid : u32 {
PerFragment = 0,
PerPass = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 4, u32> passes;
BitField<4, 1, Centroid> centroid;
BitField<5, 1, u32> passes_extended;
struct ShaderLocalMemory {
u32 base_address;
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
u32 size_high;
u32 size_low;
u32 default_size_per_warp;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
u64 Size() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (u64{size_high} << 32) | u64{size_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct ZCullRegion {
u32 width;
u32 height;
u32 depth;
u32 offset;
u32 fetch_streams_once;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> start_aliquot;
BitField<16, 16, u32> aliquot_count;
} location;
u32 aliquots_per_layer;
u32 storage_address_high;
u32 storage_address_low;
u32 storage_limit_address_high;
u32 storage_limit_address_low;
GPUVAddr StorageAddress() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{storage_address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{storage_address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
GPUVAddr StorageLimitAddress() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{storage_limit_address_high} << 32) |
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct ZetaReadOnly {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable_z;
BitField<4, 1, u32> enable_stencil;
struct VertexAttribute {
enum class Size : u32 {
Invalid = 0x0,
Size_R32_G32_B32_A32 = 0x01,
Size_R32_G32_B32 = 0x02,
Size_R16_G16_B16_A16 = 0x03,
Size_R32_G32 = 0x04,
Size_R16_G16_B16 = 0x05,
Size_R8_G8_B8_A8 = 0x0A,
Size_R16_G16 = 0x0F,
Size_R32 = 0x12,
Size_R8_G8_B8 = 0x13,
Size_R8_G8 = 0x18,
Size_R16 = 0x1B,
Size_R8 = 0x1D,
Size_A2_B10_G10_R10 = 0x30,
Size_B10_G11_R11 = 0x31,
Size_G8_R8 = 0x32,
Size_X8_B8_G8_R8 = 0x33,
Size_A8 = 0x34,
enum class Type : u32 {
UnusedEnumDoNotUseBecauseItWillGoAway = 0,
SNorm = 1,
UNorm = 2,
SInt = 3,
UInt = 4,
UScaled = 5,
SScaled = 6,
Float = 7,
union {
BitField<0, 5, u32> buffer;
BitField<6, 1, u32> constant;
BitField<7, 14, u32> offset;
BitField<21, 6, Size> size;
BitField<27, 3, Type> type;
BitField<31, 1, u32> bgra;
u32 hex;
u32 ComponentCount() const {
switch (size) {
case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
return 4;
case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
return 3;
case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
return 4;
case Size::Size_R32_G32:
return 2;
case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
return 3;
case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
case Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
return 4;
case Size::Size_R16_G16:
return 2;
case Size::Size_R32:
return 1;
case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
return 3;
case Size::Size_R8_G8:
case Size::Size_G8_R8:
return 2;
case Size::Size_R16:
return 1;
case Size::Size_R8:
case Size::Size_A8:
return 1;
case Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
return 4;
case Size::Size_B10_G11_R11:
return 3;
return 1;
u32 SizeInBytes() const {
switch (size) {
case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
return 16;
case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
return 12;
case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
return 8;
case Size::Size_R32_G32:
return 8;
case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
return 6;
case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
case Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
return 4;
case Size::Size_R16_G16:
return 4;
case Size::Size_R32:
return 4;
case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
return 3;
case Size::Size_R8_G8:
case Size::Size_G8_R8:
return 2;
case Size::Size_R16:
return 2;
case Size::Size_R8:
case Size::Size_A8:
return 1;
case Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
return 4;
case Size::Size_B10_G11_R11:
return 4;
return 1;
std::string SizeString() const {
switch (size) {
case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
return "32_32_32_32";
case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
return "32_32_32";
case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
return "16_16_16_16";
case Size::Size_R32_G32:
return "32_32";
case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
return "16_16_16";
case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
return "8_8_8_8";
case Size::Size_R16_G16:
return "16_16";
case Size::Size_R32:
return "32";
case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
return "8_8_8";
case Size::Size_R8_G8:
case Size::Size_G8_R8:
return "8_8";
case Size::Size_R16:
return "16";
case Size::Size_R8:
case Size::Size_A8:
return "8";
case Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
return "2_10_10_10";
case Size::Size_B10_G11_R11:
2022-11-11 12:04:45 +04:00
return "10_11_11";
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
return {};
std::string TypeString() const {
switch (type) {
case Type::UnusedEnumDoNotUseBecauseItWillGoAway:
return "Unused";
case Type::SNorm:
return "SNORM";
case Type::UNorm:
return "UNORM";
case Type::SInt:
return "SINT";
case Type::UInt:
return "UINT";
case Type::UScaled:
return "USCALED";
case Type::SScaled:
return "SSCALED";
case Type::Float:
return "FLOAT";
return {};
bool IsNormalized() const {
return (type == Type::SNorm) || (type == Type::UNorm);
bool IsValid() const {
return size != Size::Invalid;
bool operator<(const VertexAttribute& other) const {
return hex < other.hex;
static_assert(sizeof(VertexAttribute) == 0x4);
struct MsaaSampleLocation {
union {
BitField<0, 4, u32> x0;
BitField<4, 4, u32> y0;
BitField<8, 4, u32> x1;
BitField<12, 4, u32> y1;
BitField<16, 4, u32> x2;
BitField<20, 4, u32> y2;
BitField<24, 4, u32> x3;
BitField<28, 4, u32> y3;
constexpr std::pair<u32, u32> Location(int index) const {
switch (index) {
case 0:
return {x0, y0};
case 1:
return {x1, y1};
case 2:
return {x2, y2};
case 3:
return {x3, y3};
return {0, 0};
struct MultisampleCoverageToColor {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField<4, 3, u32> target;
struct DecompressZetaSurface {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> z_enable;
BitField<4, 1, u32> stencil_enable;
struct ZetaSparse {
enum class UnmappedCompare : u32 {
Unmapped = 0,
FailAlways = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField<1, 1, UnmappedCompare> unmapped_compare;
struct RtControl {
union {
BitField<0, 4, u32> count;
BitField<4, 3, u32> target0;
BitField<7, 3, u32> target1;
BitField<10, 3, u32> target2;
BitField<13, 3, u32> target3;
BitField<16, 3, u32> target4;
BitField<19, 3, u32> target5;
BitField<22, 3, u32> target6;
BitField<25, 3, u32> target7;
u32 Map(std::size_t index) const {
const std::array<u32, NumRenderTargets> maps{target0, target1, target2, target3,
target4, target5, target6, target7};
ASSERT(index < maps.size());
return maps[index];
struct CompressionThresholdSamples {
u32 samples;
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
u32 Samples() const {
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
if (samples == 0) {
return 0;
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return 1U << (samples - 1);
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct PixelShaderInterlockControl {
enum class TileMode : u32 {
NoConflictDetect = 0,
DetectSampleConflict = 1,
DetectPixelConflict = 2,
enum class TileSize : u32 {
Size_16x16 = 0,
Size_8x8 = 1,
enum class FragmentOrder : u32 {
FragmentOrdered = 0,
FragmentUnordered = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 2, TileMode> tile_mode;
BitField<2, 1, TileSize> tile_size;
BitField<3, 1, FragmentOrder> fragment_order;
struct ZetaSize {
enum class DimensionControl : u32 {
DepthDefinesArray = 0,
ArraySizeOne = 1,
u32 width;
u32 height;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> depth;
BitField<16, 1, DimensionControl> dim_control;
enum class PrimitiveTopology : u32 {
Points = 0x0,
Lines = 0x1,
LineLoop = 0x2,
LineStrip = 0x3,
Triangles = 0x4,
TriangleStrip = 0x5,
TriangleFan = 0x6,
Quads = 0x7,
QuadStrip = 0x8,
Polygon = 0x9,
LinesAdjacency = 0xA,
LineStripAdjacency = 0xB,
TrianglesAdjacency = 0xC,
TriangleStripAdjacency = 0xD,
Patches = 0xE,
struct VertexArray {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> start;
BitField<16, 12, u32> count;
BitField<28, 3, PrimitiveTopology> topology;
enum class PrimitiveTopologyOverride : u32 {
None = 0x0,
Points = 0x1,
Lines = 0x2,
LineStrip = 0x3,
Triangles = 0x4,
TriangleStrip = 0x5,
LinesAdjacency = 0xA,
LineStripAdjacency = 0xB,
TrianglesAdjacency = 0xC,
TriangleStripAdjacency = 0xD,
Patches = 0xE,
LegacyPoints = 0x1001,
LegacyIndexedLines = 0x1002,
LegacyIndexedTriangles = 0x1003,
LegacyLines = 0x100F,
LegacyLineStrip = 0x1010,
LegacyIndexedLineStrip = 0x1011,
LegacyTriangles = 0x1012,
LegacyTriangleStrip = 0x1013,
LegacyIndexedTriangleStrip = 0x1014,
LegacyTriangleFan = 0x1015,
LegacyIndexedTriangleFan = 0x1016,
LegacyTriangleFanImm = 0x1017,
LegacyLinesImm = 0x1018,
LegacyIndexedTriangles2 = 0x101A,
LegacyIndexedLines2 = 0x101B,
enum class DepthMode : u32 {
MinusOneToOne = 0,
ZeroToOne = 1,
enum class IndexFormat : u32 {
UnsignedByte = 0x0,
UnsignedShort = 0x1,
UnsignedInt = 0x2,
enum class ComparisonOp : u32 {
Never_D3D = 1,
Less_D3D = 2,
Equal_D3D = 3,
LessEqual_D3D = 4,
Greater_D3D = 5,
NotEqual_D3D = 6,
GreaterEqual_D3D = 7,
Always_D3D = 8,
Never_GL = 0x200,
Less_GL = 0x201,
Equal_GL = 0x202,
LessEqual_GL = 0x203,
Greater_GL = 0x204,
NotEqual_GL = 0x205,
GreaterEqual_GL = 0x206,
Always_GL = 0x207,
enum class ClearReport : u32 {
ZPassPixelCount = 0x01,
ZCullStats = 0x02,
StreamingPrimitvesNeededMinusSucceeded = 0x03,
AlphaBetaClocks = 0x04,
StreamingPrimitivesSucceeded = 0x10,
StreamingPrimitivesNeeded = 0x11,
VerticesGenerated = 0x12,
PrimitivesGenerated = 0x13,
VertexShaderInvocations = 0x15,
TessellationInitInvocations = 0x16,
TessellationShaderInvocations = 0x17,
TessellationShaderPrimitivesGenerated = 0x18,
GeometryShaderInvocations = 0x1A,
GeometryShaderPrimitivesGenerated = 0x1B,
ClipperInvocations = 0x1C,
ClipperPrimitivesGenerated = 0x1D,
PixelShaderInvocations = 0x1E,
VtgPrimitivesOut = 0x1F,
enum class FrontFace : u32 {
ClockWise = 0x900,
CounterClockWise = 0x901,
enum class CullFace : u32 {
Front = 0x404,
Back = 0x405,
FrontAndBack = 0x408,
struct Blend {
enum class Equation : u32 {
Add_D3D = 1,
Subtract_D3D = 2,
ReverseSubtract_D3D = 3,
Min_D3D = 4,
Max_D3D = 5,
Add_GL = 0x8006,
Min_GL = 0x8007,
Max_GL = 0x8008,
Subtract_GL = 0x800A,
ReverseSubtract_GL = 0x800B
enum class Factor : u32 {
Zero_D3D = 0x1,
One_D3D = 0x2,
SourceColor_D3D = 0x3,
OneMinusSourceColor_D3D = 0x4,
SourceAlpha_D3D = 0x5,
OneMinusSourceAlpha_D3D = 0x6,
DestAlpha_D3D = 0x7,
OneMinusDestAlpha_D3D = 0x8,
DestColor_D3D = 0x9,
OneMinusDestColor_D3D = 0xA,
SourceAlphaSaturate_D3D = 0xB,
BothSourceAlpha_D3D = 0xC,
OneMinusBothSourceAlpha_D3D = 0xD,
BlendFactor_D3D = 0xE,
OneMinusBlendFactor_D3D = 0xF,
Source1Color_D3D = 0x10,
OneMinusSource1Color_D3D = 0x11,
Source1Alpha_D3D = 0x12,
OneMinusSource1Alpha_D3D = 0x13,
Zero_GL = 0x4000,
One_GL = 0x4001,
SourceColor_GL = 0x4300,
OneMinusSourceColor_GL = 0x4301,
SourceAlpha_GL = 0x4302,
OneMinusSourceAlpha_GL = 0x4303,
DestAlpha_GL = 0x4304,
OneMinusDestAlpha_GL = 0x4305,
DestColor_GL = 0x4306,
OneMinusDestColor_GL = 0x4307,
SourceAlphaSaturate_GL = 0x4308,
ConstantColor_GL = 0xC001,
OneMinusConstantColor_GL = 0xC002,
ConstantAlpha_GL = 0xC003,
OneMinusConstantAlpha_GL = 0xC004,
Source1Color_GL = 0xC900,
OneMinusSource1Color_GL = 0xC901,
Source1Alpha_GL = 0xC902,
OneMinusSource1Alpha_GL = 0xC903,
u32 separate_alpha;
Equation color_op;
Factor color_source;
Factor color_dest;
Equation alpha_op;
Factor alpha_source;
u32 enable_global_color_key;
Factor alpha_dest;
u32 single_rop_control_enable;
u32 enable[NumRenderTargets];
struct BlendPerTarget {
u32 separate_alpha;
Blend::Equation color_op;
Blend::Factor color_source;
Blend::Factor color_dest;
Blend::Equation alpha_op;
Blend::Factor alpha_source;
Blend::Factor alpha_dest;
static_assert(sizeof(BlendPerTarget) == 0x20);
enum class PolygonMode : u32 {
Point = 0x1B00,
Line = 0x1B01,
Fill = 0x1B02,
enum class ShadowRamControl : u32 {
// write value to shadow ram
Track = 0,
// write value to shadow ram ( with validation ??? )
TrackWithFilter = 1,
// only write to real hw register
Passthrough = 2,
// write value from shadow ram to real hw register
Replay = 3,
enum class ViewportSwizzle : u32 {
PositiveX = 0,
NegativeX = 1,
PositiveY = 2,
NegativeY = 3,
PositiveZ = 4,
NegativeZ = 5,
PositiveW = 6,
NegativeW = 7,
enum class SamplerBinding : u32 {
Independently = 0,
ViaHeaderBinding = 1,
struct TileMode {
enum class DimensionControl : u32 {
DepthDefinesArray = 0,
DepthDefinesDepth = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 4, u32> block_width;
BitField<4, 4, u32> block_height;
BitField<8, 4, u32> block_depth;
BitField<12, 1, u32> is_pitch_linear;
BitField<16, 1, DimensionControl> dim_control;
static_assert(sizeof(TileMode) == 4);
struct RenderTargetConfig {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
u32 width;
u32 height;
Tegra::RenderTargetFormat format;
TileMode tile_mode;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> depth;
BitField<16, 1, u32> volume;
u32 array_pitch;
u32 base_layer;
u32 mark_ieee_clean;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
static_assert(sizeof(RenderTargetConfig) == 0x40);
struct ColorMask {
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 1, u32> R;
BitField<4, 1, u32> G;
BitField<8, 1, u32> B;
BitField<12, 1, u32> A;
struct ViewportTransform {
f32 scale_x;
f32 scale_y;
f32 scale_z;
f32 translate_x;
f32 translate_y;
f32 translate_z;
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 3, ViewportSwizzle> x;
BitField<4, 3, ViewportSwizzle> y;
BitField<8, 3, ViewportSwizzle> z;
BitField<12, 3, ViewportSwizzle> w;
} swizzle;
union {
BitField<0, 5, u32> x;
BitField<8, 5, u32> y;
} snap_grid_precision;
Common::Rectangle<f32> GetRect() const {
return {
GetX(), // left
GetY() + GetHeight(), // top
GetX() + GetWidth(), // right
GetY() // bottom
f32 GetX() const {
return std::max(0.0f, translate_x - std::fabs(scale_x));
f32 GetY() const {
return std::max(0.0f, translate_y - std::fabs(scale_y));
f32 GetWidth() const {
return translate_x + std::fabs(scale_x) - GetX();
f32 GetHeight() const {
return translate_y + std::fabs(scale_y) - GetY();
static_assert(sizeof(ViewportTransform) == 0x20);
struct Viewport {
enum class PixelCenter : u32 {
HalfIntegers = 0,
Integers = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> x;
BitField<16, 16, u32> width;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> y;
BitField<16, 16, u32> height;
float depth_range_near;
float depth_range_far;
static_assert(sizeof(Viewport) == 0x10);
struct Window {
union {
2023-01-05 08:15:14 +04:00
u32 raw_x;
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
BitField<0, 16, u32> x_min;
BitField<16, 16, u32> x_max;
union {
2023-01-05 08:15:14 +04:00
u32 raw_y;
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
BitField<0, 16, u32> y_min;
BitField<16, 16, u32> y_max;
static_assert(sizeof(Window) == 0x8);
struct ClipIdExtent {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> x;
BitField<16, 16, u32> width;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> y;
BitField<16, 16, u32> height;
static_assert(sizeof(ClipIdExtent) == 0x8);
enum class VisibleCallLimit : u32 {
Limit0 = 0,
Limit1 = 1,
Limit2 = 2,
Limit4 = 3,
Limit8 = 4,
Limit16 = 5,
Limit32 = 6,
Limit64 = 7,
Limit128 = 8,
None = 15,
struct StatisticsCounter {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> da_vertices;
BitField<1, 1, u32> da_primitives;
BitField<2, 1, u32> vs_invocations;
BitField<3, 1, u32> gs_invocations;
BitField<4, 1, u32> gs_primitives;
BitField<5, 1, u32> streaming_primitives_succeeded;
BitField<6, 1, u32> streaming_primitives_needed;
BitField<7, 1, u32> clipper_invocations;
BitField<8, 1, u32> clipper_primitives;
BitField<9, 1, u32> ps_invocations;
BitField<11, 1, u32> ti_invocations;
BitField<12, 1, u32> ts_invocations;
BitField<13, 1, u32> ts_primitives;
BitField<14, 1, u32> total_streaming_primitives_needed_succeeded;
BitField<10, 1, u32> vtg_primitives_out;
BitField<15, 1, u32> alpha_beta_clocks;
struct ClearRect {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> x_min;
BitField<16, 16, u32> x_max;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> y_min;
BitField<16, 16, u32> y_max;
struct VertexBuffer {
u32 first;
u32 count;
struct InvalidateShaderCacheNoWFI {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> instruction;
BitField<4, 1, u32> global_data;
BitField<12, 1, u32> constant;
struct ZCullSerialization {
enum class Applied : u32 {
Always = 0,
LateZ = 1,
OutOfGamutZ = 2,
LateZOrOutOfGamutZ = 3,
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField<4, 2, Applied> applied;
struct ZCullDirFormat {
enum class Zdir : u32 {
Less = 0,
Greater = 1,
enum class Zformat : u32 {
MSB = 0,
FP = 1,
Ztrick = 2,
Zf32 = 3,
union {
BitField<0, 16, Zdir> dir;
BitField<16, 16, Zformat> format;
struct IteratedBlend {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField<1, 1, u32> enable_alpha;
u32 pass_count;
struct ZCullCriterion {
enum class Sfunc : u32 {
Never = 0,
Less = 1,
Equal = 2,
LessOrEqual = 3,
Greater = 4,
NotEqual = 5,
GreaterOrEqual = 6,
Always = 7,
union {
BitField<0, 8, Sfunc> sfunc;
BitField<8, 1, u32> no_invalidate;
BitField<9, 1, u32> force_match;
BitField<16, 8, u32> sref;
BitField<24, 8, u32> smask;
struct LoadIteratedBlend {
enum class Test : u32 {
False = 0,
True = 1,
Equal = 2,
NotEqual = 3,
LessThan = 4,
LessOrEqual = 5,
Greater = 6,
GreaterOrEqual = 7,
enum class Operation : u32 {
AddProducts = 0,
SubProducts = 1,
Min = 2,
Max = 3,
Reciprocal = 4,
Add = 5,
Sub = 6,
enum class OperandA : u32 {
SrcRGB = 0,
DstRGB = 1,
SrcAAA = 2,
DstAAA = 3,
Temp0_RGB = 4,
Temp1_RGB = 5,
Temp2_RGB = 6,
PBR_RGB = 7,
enum class OperandB : u32 {
Zero = 0,
One = 1,
SrcRGB = 2,
SrcAAA = 3,
OneMinusSrcAAA = 4,
DstRGB = 5,
DstAAA = 6,
OneMinusDstAAA = 7,
Temp0_RGB = 9,
Temp1_RGB = 10,
Temp2_RGB = 11,
PBR_RGB = 12,
ConstRGB = 13,
ZeroATimesB = 14,
enum class Swizzle : u32 {
RGB = 0,
GBR = 1,
RRR = 2,
GGG = 3,
BBB = 4,
RToA = 5,
enum class WriteMask : u32 {
RGB = 0,
ROnly = 1,
GOnly = 2,
BOnly = 3,
enum class Pass : u32 {
Temp0 = 0,
Temp1 = 1,
Temp2 = 2,
None = 3,
u32 instruction_ptr;
union {
BitField<0, 3, Test> test;
BitField<3, 3, Operation> operation;
BitField<6, 3, u32> const_input;
BitField<9, 3, OperandA> operand_a;
BitField<12, 4, OperandB> operand_b;
BitField<16, 3, OperandA> operand_c;
BitField<19, 4, OperandB> operand_d;
BitField<23, 3, Swizzle> output_swizzle;
BitField<26, 2, WriteMask> output_mask;
BitField<28, 2, Pass> output_pass;
BitField<31, 1, u32> test_enabled;
struct ScissorTest {
u32 enable;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> min_x;
BitField<16, 16, u32> max_x;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> min_y;
BitField<16, 16, u32> max_y;
static_assert(sizeof(ScissorTest) == 0x10);
struct VPCPerf {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> culled_small_lines;
BitField<8, 8, u32> culled_small_triangles;
BitField<16, 8, u32> nonculled_lines_and_points;
BitField<24, 8, u32> nonculled_triangles;
struct ConstantColorRendering {
u32 enabled;
u32 red;
u32 green;
u32 blue;
u32 alpha;
struct VertexStreamSubstitute {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct VTGWarpWatermarks {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> low;
BitField<16, 16, u32> high;
struct SampleMask {
struct Target {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> raster_out;
BitField<4, 1, u32> color_target;
u32 target;
struct Pos {
u32 x0_y0;
u32 x1_y0;
u32 x0_y1;
u32 x1_y1;
enum class NonMultisampledZ : u32 {
PerSample = 0,
PixelCenter = 1,
enum class TIRMode : u32 {
Disabled = 0,
RasterNTargetM = 1,
enum class AntiAliasRaster : u32 {
Mode1x1 = 0,
Mode2x2 = 2,
Mode4x2_D3D = 4,
Mode2x1_D3D = 5,
Mode4x4 = 6,
struct SurfaceClipIDMemory {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct TIRModulation {
enum class Component : u32 {
None = 0,
RGB = 1,
AlphaOnly = 2,
RGBA = 3,
enum class Function : u32 {
Linear = 0,
Table = 1,
Component component;
Function function;
struct Zeta {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
Tegra::DepthFormat format;
TileMode tile_mode;
u32 array_pitch;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct SurfaceClip {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> x;
BitField<16, 16, u32> width;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> y;
BitField<16, 16, u32> height;
enum class L2CacheControlPolicy : u32 {
First = 0,
Normal = 1,
Last = 2,
struct L2CacheVAFRequests {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> system_memory_volatile;
BitField<4, 2, L2CacheControlPolicy> policy;
enum class ViewportMulticast : u32 {
ViewportOrder = 0,
PrimitiveOrder = 1,
struct TIRModulationCoeff {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> table_v0;
BitField<8, 8, u32> table_v1;
BitField<16, 8, u32> table_v2;
BitField<24, 8, u32> table_v3;
static_assert(sizeof(TIRModulationCoeff) == 0x4);
struct ReduceColorThreshold {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> all_hit_once;
BitField<16, 8, u32> all_covered;
struct ClearControl {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> respect_stencil_mask;
BitField<4, 1, u32> use_clear_rect;
BitField<8, 1, u32> use_scissor;
BitField<12, 1, u32> use_viewport_clip0;
struct L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads {
union {
BitField<4, 2, L2CacheControlPolicy> policy;
struct VertexOutputAttributeSkipMasks {
struct Attributes {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> attribute0_comp0;
BitField<1, 1, u32> attribute0_comp1;
BitField<2, 1, u32> attribute0_comp2;
BitField<3, 1, u32> attribute0_comp3;
BitField<4, 1, u32> attribute1_comp0;
BitField<5, 1, u32> attribute1_comp1;
BitField<6, 1, u32> attribute1_comp2;
BitField<7, 1, u32> attribute1_comp3;
BitField<8, 1, u32> attribute2_comp0;
BitField<9, 1, u32> attribute2_comp1;
BitField<10, 1, u32> attribute2_comp2;
BitField<11, 1, u32> attribute2_comp3;
BitField<12, 1, u32> attribute3_comp0;
BitField<13, 1, u32> attribute3_comp1;
BitField<14, 1, u32> attribute3_comp2;
BitField<15, 1, u32> attribute3_comp3;
BitField<16, 1, u32> attribute4_comp0;
BitField<17, 1, u32> attribute4_comp1;
BitField<18, 1, u32> attribute4_comp2;
BitField<19, 1, u32> attribute4_comp3;
BitField<20, 1, u32> attribute5_comp0;
BitField<21, 1, u32> attribute5_comp1;
BitField<22, 1, u32> attribute5_comp2;
BitField<23, 1, u32> attribute5_comp3;
BitField<24, 1, u32> attribute6_comp0;
BitField<25, 1, u32> attribute6_comp1;
BitField<26, 1, u32> attribute6_comp2;
BitField<27, 1, u32> attribute6_comp3;
BitField<28, 1, u32> attribute7_comp0;
BitField<29, 1, u32> attribute7_comp1;
BitField<30, 1, u32> attribute7_comp2;
BitField<31, 1, u32> attribute7_comp3;
std::array<Attributes, 2> a;
std::array<Attributes, 2> b;
struct TIRControl {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> z_pass_pixel_count_use_raster_samples;
BitField<4, 1, u32> alpha_coverage_use_raster_samples;
BitField<1, 1, u32> reduce_coverage;
enum class FillViaTriangleMode : u32 {
Disabled = 0,
FillAll = 1,
FillBoundingBox = 2,
struct PsTicketDispenserValue {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> index;
BitField<8, 16, u32> value;
struct RegisterWatermarks {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> low;
BitField<16, 16, u32> high;
enum class InvalidateCacheLines : u32 {
All = 0,
One = 1,
struct InvalidateTextureDataCacheNoWfi {
union {
BitField<0, 1, InvalidateCacheLines> lines;
BitField<4, 22, u32> tag;
struct ZCullRegionEnable {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable_z;
BitField<4, 1, u32> enable_stencil;
BitField<1, 1, u32> rect_clear;
BitField<2, 1, u32> use_rt_array_index;
BitField<5, 16, u32> rt_array_index;
BitField<3, 1, u32> make_conservative;
enum class FillMode : u32 {
Point = 1,
Wireframe = 2,
Solid = 3,
enum class ShadeMode : u32 {
Flat = 0x1,
Gouraud = 0x2,
GL_Flat = 0x1D00,
GL_Smooth = 0x1D01,
enum class AlphaToCoverageDither : u32 {
Footprint_1x1 = 0,
Footprint_2x2 = 1,
Footprint_1x1_Virtual = 2,
struct InlineIndex4x8 {
union {
BitField<0, 30, u32> count;
BitField<30, 2, u32> start;
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> index0;
BitField<8, 8, u32> index1;
BitField<16, 8, u32> index2;
BitField<24, 8, u32> index3;
enum class D3DCullMode : u32 {
None = 0,
CW = 1,
CCW = 2,
struct BlendColor {
f32 r;
f32 g;
f32 b;
f32 a;
struct StencilOp {
enum class Op : u32 {
Keep_D3D = 1,
Zero_D3D = 2,
Replace_D3D = 3,
IncrSaturate_D3D = 4,
DecrSaturate_D3D = 5,
Invert_D3D = 6,
Incr_D3D = 7,
Decr_D3D = 8,
Keep_GL = 0x1E00,
Zero_GL = 0,
Replace_GL = 0x1E01,
IncrSaturate_GL = 0x1E02,
DecrSaturate_GL = 0x1E03,
Invert_GL = 0x150A,
Incr_GL = 0x8507,
Decr_GL = 0x8508,
Op fail;
Op zfail;
Op zpass;
ComparisonOp func;
struct PsSaturate {
// Opposite of DepthMode
enum class Depth : u32 {
ZeroToOne = 0,
MinusOneToOne = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> output0_enable;
BitField<1, 1, Depth> output0_range;
BitField<4, 1, u32> output1_enable;
BitField<5, 1, Depth> output1_range;
BitField<8, 1, u32> output2_enable;
BitField<9, 1, Depth> output2_range;
BitField<12, 1, u32> output3_enable;
BitField<13, 1, Depth> output3_range;
BitField<16, 1, u32> output4_enable;
BitField<17, 1, Depth> output4_range;
BitField<20, 1, u32> output5_enable;
BitField<21, 1, Depth> output5_range;
BitField<24, 1, u32> output6_enable;
BitField<25, 1, Depth> output6_range;
BitField<28, 1, u32> output7_enable;
BitField<29, 1, Depth> output7_range;
bool AnyEnabled() const {
return output0_enable || output1_enable || output2_enable || output3_enable ||
output4_enable || output5_enable || output6_enable || output7_enable;
struct WindowOrigin {
enum class Mode : u32 {
UpperLeft = 0,
LowerLeft = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 1, Mode> mode;
BitField<4, 1, u32> flip_y;
struct IteratedBlendConstants {
u32 r;
u32 g;
u32 b;
static_assert(sizeof(IteratedBlendConstants) == 0x10);
struct UserClip {
struct Enable {
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 1, u32> plane0;
BitField<1, 1, u32> plane1;
BitField<2, 1, u32> plane2;
BitField<3, 1, u32> plane3;
BitField<4, 1, u32> plane4;
BitField<5, 1, u32> plane5;
BitField<6, 1, u32> plane6;
BitField<7, 1, u32> plane7;
bool AnyEnabled() const {
return plane0 || plane1 || plane2 || plane3 || plane4 || plane5 || plane6 ||
struct Op {
enum class ClipOrCull : u32 {
Clip = 0,
Cull = 1,
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 1, ClipOrCull> plane0;
BitField<4, 1, ClipOrCull> plane1;
BitField<8, 1, ClipOrCull> plane2;
BitField<12, 1, ClipOrCull> plane3;
BitField<16, 1, ClipOrCull> plane4;
BitField<20, 1, ClipOrCull> plane5;
BitField<24, 1, ClipOrCull> plane6;
BitField<28, 1, ClipOrCull> plane7;
struct AntiAliasAlphaControl {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> alpha_to_coverage;
BitField<4, 1, u32> alpha_to_one;
struct RenderEnable {
enum class Override : u32 {
UseRenderEnable = 0,
AlwaysRender = 1,
NeverRender = 2,
enum class Mode : u32 {
False = 0,
True = 1,
Conditional = 2,
IfEqual = 3,
IfNotEqual = 4,
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
Mode mode;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct TexSampler {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
u32 limit;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct TexHeader {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
u32 limit;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
enum class ZCullRegionFormat : u32 {
Z_4x4 = 0,
ZS_4x4 = 1,
Z_4x2 = 2,
Z_2x4 = 3,
Z_16x8_4x4 = 4,
Z_8x8_4x2 = 5,
Z_8x8_2x4 = 6,
Z_16x16_4x8 = 7,
Z_4x8_2x2 = 8,
ZS_16x8_4x2 = 9,
ZS_16x8_2x4 = 10,
ZS_8x8_2x2 = 11,
Z_4x8_1x1 = 12,
struct RtLayer {
enum class Control {
LayerSelectsLayer = 0,
GeometryShaderSelectsLayer = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> layer;
BitField<16, 1, u32> control;
struct InlineIndex2x16 {
union {
BitField<0, 31, u32> count;
BitField<31, 1, u32> start_odd;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> even;
BitField<16, 16, u32> odd;
struct VertexGlobalBaseOffset {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct ZCullRegionPixelOffset {
u32 width;
u32 height;
struct PointSprite {
enum class RMode : u32 {
Zero = 0,
FromR = 1,
FromS = 2,
enum class Origin : u32 {
Bottom = 0,
Top = 1,
enum class Texture : u32 {
Passthrough = 0,
Generate = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 2, RMode> rmode;
BitField<2, 1, Origin> origin;
BitField<3, 1, Texture> texture0;
BitField<4, 1, Texture> texture1;
BitField<5, 1, Texture> texture2;
BitField<6, 1, Texture> texture3;
BitField<7, 1, Texture> texture4;
BitField<8, 1, Texture> texture5;
BitField<9, 1, Texture> texture6;
BitField<10, 1, Texture> texture7;
BitField<11, 1, Texture> texture8;
BitField<12, 1, Texture> texture9;
struct ProgramRegion {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct DefaultAttributes {
enum class Diffuse : u32 {
Vector_0001 = 0,
Vector_1111 = 1,
enum class Specular : u32 {
Vector_0000 = 0,
Vector_0001 = 1,
enum class Vector : u32 {
Vector_0000 = 0,
Vector_0001 = 1,
enum class FixedFncTexture : u32 {
Vector_0000 = 0,
Vector_0001 = 1,
enum class DX9Color0 : u32 {
Vector_0000 = 0,
Vector_1111 = 1,
enum class DX9Color1To15 : u32 {
Vector_0000 = 0,
Vector_0001 = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 1, Diffuse> color_front_diffuse;
BitField<1, 1, Specular> color_front_specular;
BitField<2, 1, Vector> generic_vector;
BitField<3, 1, FixedFncTexture> fixed_fnc_texture;
BitField<4, 1, DX9Color0> dx9_color0;
BitField<5, 1, DX9Color1To15> dx9_color1_to_15;
struct Draw {
enum class PrimitiveId : u32 {
First = 0,
Unchanged = 1,
enum class InstanceId : u32 {
First = 0,
Subsequent = 1,
Unchanged = 2,
enum class SplitMode : u32 {
NormalBeginNormal = 0,
NormalBeginOpen = 1,
OpenBeginOpen = 2,
OpenBeginNormal = 3,
u32 end;
union {
u32 begin;
BitField<0, 16, PrimitiveTopology> topology;
BitField<24, 1, PrimitiveId> primitive_id;
BitField<26, 2, InstanceId> instance_id;
BitField<29, 2, SplitMode> split_mode;
struct VertexIdCopy {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField<4, 8, u32> attribute_slot;
struct ShaderBasedCull {
union {
BitField<1, 1, u32> batch_cull_enable;
BitField<0, 1, u32> before_fetch_enable;
struct ClassVersion {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> current;
BitField<16, 16, u32> oldest_supported;
struct PrimitiveRestart {
u32 enabled;
u32 index;
struct OutputVertexId {
union {
BitField<12, 1, u32> uses_array_start;
enum class PointCenterMode : u32 {
GL = 0,
D3D = 1,
enum class LineSmoothParams : u32 {
Falloff_1_00 = 0,
Falloff_1_33 = 1,
Falloff_1_66 = 2,
struct LineSmoothEdgeTable {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> v0;
BitField<8, 8, u32> v1;
BitField<16, 8, u32> v2;
BitField<24, 8, u32> v3;
struct LineStippleParams {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> factor;
BitField<8, 16, u32> pattern;
enum class ProvokingVertex : u32 {
First = 0,
Last = 1,
struct ShaderControl {
enum class Partial : u32 {
Zero = 0,
Infinity = 1,
enum class FP32NanBehavior : u32 {
Legacy = 0,
FP64Compatible = 1,
enum class FP32F2INanBehavior : u32 {
PassZero = 0,
PassIndefinite = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 1, Partial> default_partial;
BitField<1, 1, FP32NanBehavior> fp32_nan_behavior;
BitField<2, 1, FP32F2INanBehavior> fp32_f2i_nan_behavior;
struct SphVersion {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> current;
BitField<16, 16, u32> oldest_supported;
struct AlphaToCoverageOverride {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> qualify_by_anti_alias_enable;
BitField<1, 1, u32> qualify_by_ps_sample_mask_enable;
struct AamVersion {
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> current;
BitField<16, 16, u32> oldest_supported;
struct IndexBuffer {
u32 start_addr_high;
u32 start_addr_low;
u32 limit_addr_high;
u32 limit_addr_low;
IndexFormat format;
u32 first;
u32 count;
unsigned FormatSizeInBytes() const {
switch (format) {
case IndexFormat::UnsignedByte:
return 1;
case IndexFormat::UnsignedShort:
return 2;
case IndexFormat::UnsignedInt:
return 4;
return 1;
GPUVAddr StartAddress() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{start_addr_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{start_addr_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
GPUVAddr EndAddress() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{limit_addr_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{limit_addr_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
/// Adjust the index buffer offset so it points to the first desired index.
GPUVAddr IndexStart() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return StartAddress() + size_t{first} * size_t{FormatSizeInBytes()};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct IndexBufferSmall {
union {
2022-12-08 17:07:32 +04:00
u32 raw;
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
BitField<0, 16, u32> first;
BitField<16, 12, u32> count;
BitField<28, 4, PrimitiveTopology> topology;
struct VertexStreamInstances {
std::array<u32, NumVertexArrays> is_instanced;
/// Returns whether the vertex array specified by index is supposed to be
/// accessed per instance or not.
bool IsInstancingEnabled(std::size_t index) const {
return is_instanced[index];
struct AttributePointSize {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enabled;
BitField<4, 8, u32> slot;
struct ViewportClipControl {
enum class GeometryGuardband : u32 {
Scale256 = 0,
Scale1 = 1,
enum class GeometryClip : u32 {
WZero = 0,
Passthrough = 1,
FrustumXY = 2,
FrustumXYZ = 3,
WZeroNoZCull = 4,
FrustumZ = 5,
WZeroTriFillOrClip = 6,
enum class GeometryGuardbandZ : u32 {
SameAsXY = 0,
Scale256 = 1,
Scale1 = 2,
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> depth_0_to_1;
BitField<3, 1, u32> pixel_min_z;
BitField<4, 1, u32> pixel_max_z;
BitField<7, 1, GeometryGuardband> geometry_guardband;
BitField<11, 3, GeometryClip> geometry_clip;
BitField<1, 2, GeometryGuardbandZ> geometry_guardband_z;
enum class PrimitiveTopologyControl : u32 {
UseInBeginMethods = 0,
UseSeparateState = 1,
struct WindowClip {
enum class Type : u32 {
Inclusive = 0,
Exclusive = 1,
ClipAll = 2,
u32 enable;
Type type;
enum class InvalidateZCull : u32 {
Invalidate = 0,
struct ZCull {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> z_enable;
BitField<1, 1, u32> stencil_enable;
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> z_min_enbounded;
BitField<1, 1, u32> z_max_unbounded;
struct LogicOp {
enum class Op : u32 {
Clear = 0x1500,
And = 0x1501,
AndReverse = 0x1502,
Copy = 0x1503,
AndInverted = 0x1504,
NoOp = 0x1505,
Xor = 0x1506,
Or = 0x1507,
Nor = 0x1508,
Equiv = 0x1509,
Invert = 0x150A,
OrReverse = 0x150B,
CopyInverted = 0x150C,
OrInverted = 0x150D,
Nand = 0x150E,
Set = 0x150F,
u32 enable;
Op op;
struct ClearSurface {
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 1, u32> Z;
BitField<1, 1, u32> S;
BitField<2, 1, u32> R;
BitField<3, 1, u32> G;
BitField<4, 1, u32> B;
BitField<5, 1, u32> A;
BitField<6, 4, u32> RT;
BitField<10, 16, u32> layer;
struct ReportSemaphore {
struct Compare {
u32 initial_sequence;
u32 initial_mode;
u32 unknown1;
u32 unknown2;
u32 current_sequence;
u32 current_mode;
enum class Operation : u32 {
Release = 0,
Acquire = 1,
ReportOnly = 2,
Trap = 3,
enum class Release : u32 {
AfterAllPreceedingReads = 0,
AfterAllPreceedingWrites = 1,
enum class Acquire : u32 {
BeforeAnyFollowingWrites = 0,
BeforeAnyFollowingReads = 1,
enum class Location : u32 {
None = 0,
VertexFetch = 1,
VertexShader = 2,
VPC = 4,
StreamingOutput = 5,
GeometryShader = 6,
ZCull = 7,
TessellationInit = 8,
TessellationShader = 9,
PixelShader = 10,
DepthTest = 12,
All = 15,
enum class Comparison : u32 {
NotEqual = 0,
GreaterOrEqual = 1,
enum class Report : u32 {
Payload = 0, // "None" in docs, but confirmed via hardware to return the payload
VerticesGenerated = 1,
ZPassPixelCount = 2,
PrimitivesGenerated = 3,
AlphaBetaClocks = 4,
VertexShaderInvocations = 5,
StreamingPrimitivesNeededMinusSucceeded = 6,
GeometryShaderInvocations = 7,
GeometryShaderPrimitivesGenerated = 9,
ZCullStats0 = 10,
StreamingPrimitivesSucceeded = 11,
ZCullStats1 = 12,
StreamingPrimitivesNeeded = 13,
ZCullStats2 = 14,
ClipperInvocations = 15,
ZCullStats3 = 16,
ClipperPrimitivesGenerated = 17,
VtgPrimitivesOut = 18,
PixelShaderInvocations = 19,
ZPassPixelCount64 = 21,
IEEECleanColorTarget = 24,
IEEECleanZetaTarget = 25,
StreamingByteCount = 26,
TessellationInitInvocations = 27,
BoundingRectangle = 28,
TessellationShaderInvocations = 29,
TotalStreamingPrimitivesNeededMinusSucceeded = 30,
TessellationShaderPrimitivesGenerated = 31,
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
u32 payload;
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 2, Operation> operation;
BitField<4, 1, Release> release;
BitField<8, 1, Acquire> acquire;
BitField<12, 4, Location> location;
BitField<16, 1, Comparison> comparison;
BitField<20, 1, u32> awaken_enable;
BitField<23, 5, Report> report;
BitField<28, 1, u32> short_query;
BitField<5, 3, u32> sub_report;
BitField<21, 1, u32> dword_number;
BitField<2, 1, u32> disable_flush;
BitField<3, 1, u32> reduction_enable;
BitField<9, 3, ReductionOp> reduction_op;
BitField<17, 2, u32> format_signed;
} query;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct VertexStream {
union {
BitField<0, 12, u32> stride;
BitField<12, 1, u32> enable;
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
u32 frequency;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
bool IsEnabled() const {
return enable != 0 && Address() != 0;
static_assert(sizeof(VertexStream) == 0x10);
struct VertexStreamLimit {
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
static_assert(sizeof(VertexStreamLimit) == 0x8);
enum class ShaderType : u32 {
VertexA = 0,
VertexB = 1,
TessellationInit = 2,
Tessellation = 3,
Geometry = 4,
Pixel = 5,
struct Pipeline {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField<4, 4, ShaderType> program;
u32 offset;
u32 reservedA;
u32 register_count;
u32 binding_group;
std::array<u32, 4> reserved;
static_assert(sizeof(Pipeline) == 0x40);
bool IsShaderConfigEnabled(std::size_t index) const {
// The VertexB is always enabled.
if (index == static_cast<std::size_t>(ShaderType::VertexB)) {
return true;
return pipelines[index].enable != 0;
bool IsShaderConfigEnabled(ShaderType type) const {
return IsShaderConfigEnabled(static_cast<std::size_t>(type));
struct ConstantBuffer {
u32 size;
u32 address_high;
u32 address_low;
u32 offset;
std::array<u32, NumCBData> buffer;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
2022-11-30 05:37:58 +04:00
return (GPUVAddr{address_high} << 32) | GPUVAddr{address_low};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
struct BindGroup {
std::array<u32, 4> reserved;
union {
u32 raw_config;
BitField<0, 1, u32> valid;
BitField<4, 5, u32> shader_slot;
static_assert(sizeof(BindGroup) == 0x20);
struct StreamOutLayout {
union {
BitField<0, 8, u32> attribute0;
BitField<8, 8, u32> attribute1;
BitField<16, 8, u32> attribute2;
BitField<24, 8, u32> attribute3;
struct ShaderPerformance {
struct ControlA {
union {
BitField<0, 2, u32> event0;
BitField<2, 3, u32> bit0;
BitField<5, 2, u32> event1;
BitField<7, 3, u32> bit1;
BitField<10, 2, u32> event2;
BitField<12, 3, u32> bit2;
BitField<15, 2, u32> event3;
BitField<17, 3, u32> bit3;
BitField<20, 2, u32> event4;
BitField<22, 3, u32> bit4;
BitField<25, 2, u32> event5;
BitField<27, 3, u32> bit5;
BitField<30, 2, u32> spare;
struct ControlB {
union {
BitField<0, 1, u32> edge;
BitField<1, 2, u32> mode;
BitField<3, 1, u32> windowed;
BitField<4, 16, u32> func;
std::array<u32, 8> values_upper;
std::array<u32, 8> values;
std::array<u32, 8> events;
std::array<ControlA, 8> control_a;
std::array<ControlB, 8> control_b;
u32 trap_control_mask;
u32 start_shader_mask;
u32 stop_shader_mask;
// clang-format off
union {
struct {
ID object_id; ///< 0x0000
u32 nop; ///< 0x0100
Notify notify; ///< 0x0104
u32 wait_for_idle; ///< 0x0110
LoadMME load_mme; ///< 0x0114
ShadowRamControl shadow_ram_control; ///< 0x0124
PeerSemaphore peer; ///< 0x0128
GlobalRender global_render; ///< 0x0130
u32 go_idle; ///< 0x013C
u32 trigger; ///< 0x0140
u32 trigger_wfi; ///< 0x0144
u32 instrumentation_method_header; ///< 0x0150
u32 instrumentation_method_data; ///< 0x0154
Upload::Registers upload; ///< 0x0180
LaunchDMA launch_dma; ///< 0x01B0
u32 inline_data; ///< 0x01B4
I2M i2m; ///< 0x01DC
u32 run_ds_now; ///< 0x0200
OpportunisticEarlyZ opportunistic_early_z; ///< 0x0204
u32 aliased_line_width_enabled; ///< 0x020C
u32 mandated_early_z; ///< 0x0210
GeometryShaderDmFifo gs_dm_fifo; ///< 0x0214
L2CacheControl l2_cache_control; ///< 0x0218
InvalidateShaderCache invalidate_shader_cache; ///< 0x021C
2022-11-11 12:04:45 +04:00
SyncInfo sync_info; ///< 0x02C8
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
u32 prim_circular_buffer_throttle; ///< 0x02D0
u32 flush_invalidate_rop_mini_cache; ///< 0x02D4
SurfaceClipBlockId surface_clip_block_id; ///< 0x02D8
u32 alpha_circular_buffer_size; ///< 0x02DC
DecompressSurface decompress_surface; ///< 0x02E0
ZCullRopBypass zcull_rop_bypass; ///< 0x02E4
ZCullSubregion zcull_subregion; ///< 0x02E8
RasterBoundingBox raster_bounding_box; ///< 0x02EC
u32 peer_semaphore_release; ///< 0x02F0
u32 iterated_blend_optimization; ///< 0x02F4
ZCullSubregionAllocation zcull_subregion_allocation; ///< 0x02F8
ZCullSubregionAlgorithm zcull_subregion_algorithm; ///< 0x02FC
PixelShaderOutputSampleMaskUsage ps_output_sample_mask_usage; ///< 0x0300
u32 draw_zero_index; ///< 0x0304
L1Configuration l1_configuration; ///< 0x0308
u32 render_enable_control_load_const_buffer; ///< 0x030C
SPAVersion spa_version; ///< 0x0310
u32 ieee_clean_update; ///< 0x0314
SnapGrid snap_grid; ///< 0x0318
Tessellation tessellation; ///< 0x0320
SubTilingPerf sub_tiling_perf; ///< 0x0360
ZCullSubregionReport zcull_subregion_report; ///< 0x036C
BalancedPrimitiveWorkload balanced_primitive_workload; ///< 0x0374
u32 max_patches_per_batch; ///< 0x0378
u32 rasterize_enable; ///< 0x037C
TransformFeedback transform_feedback; ///< 0x0380
u32 raster_input; ///< 0x0740
u32 transform_feedback_enabled; ///< 0x0744
u32 primitive_restart_topology_change_enable; ///< 0x0748
u32 alpha_fraction; ///< 0x074C
HybridAntiAliasControl hybrid_aa_control; ///< 0x0754
ShaderLocalMemory shader_local_memory; ///< 0x077C
u32 color_zero_bandwidth_clear; ///< 0x07A4
u32 z_zero_bandwidth_clear; ///< 0x07A8
u32 isbe_save_restore_program_offset; ///< 0x07AC
ZCullRegion zcull_region; ///< 0x07C0
ZetaReadOnly zeta_read_only; ///< 0x07F8
std::array<RenderTargetConfig, NumRenderTargets> rt; ///< 0x0800
std::array<ViewportTransform, NumViewports> viewport_transform; ///< 0x0A00
std::array<Viewport, NumViewports> viewports; ///< 0x0C00
std::array<Window, 8> windows; ///< 0x0D00
std::array<ClipIdExtent, 4> clip_id_extent; ///< 0x0D40
u32 max_geometry_instances_per_task; ///< 0x0D60
VisibleCallLimit visible_call_limit; ///< 0x0D64
StatisticsCounter statistics_count; ///< 0x0D68
ClearRect clear_rect; ///< 0x0D6C
VertexBuffer vertex_buffer; ///< 0x0D74
DepthMode depth_mode; ///< 0x0D7C
std::array<f32, 4> clear_color; ///< 0x0D80
f32 clear_depth; ///< 0x0D90
u32 shader_cache_icache_prefetch; ///< 0x0D94
u32 force_transition_to_beta; ///< 0x0D98
u32 reduce_colour_thresholds; ///< 0x0D9C
s32 clear_stencil; ///< 0x0DA0
InvalidateShaderCacheNoWFI invalidate_shader_cache_no_wfi; ///< 0x0DA4
ZCullSerialization zcull_serialization; ///< 0x0DA8
PolygonMode polygon_mode_front; ///< 0x0DAC
PolygonMode polygon_mode_back; ///< 0x0DB0
u32 polygon_smooth; ///< 0x0DB4
u32 zeta_mark_clean_ieee; ///< 0x0DB8
ZCullDirFormat zcull_dir_format; ///< 0x0DBC
u32 polygon_offset_point_enable; ///< 0x0DC0
u32 polygon_offset_line_enable; ///< 0x0DC4
u32 polygon_offset_fill_enable; ///< 0x0DC8
u32 patch_vertices; ///< 0x0DCC
IteratedBlend iterated_blend; ///< 0x0DD0
ZCullCriterion zcull_criteria; ///< 0x0DD8
u32 fragment_barrier; ///< 0x0DE0
u32 sm_timeout; ///< 0x0DE4
u32 primitive_restart_array; ///< 0x0DE8
LoadIteratedBlend load_iterated_blend; ///< 0x0DF0
u32 window_offset_x; ///< 0x0DF8
u32 window_offset_y; ///< 0x0DFC
std::array<ScissorTest, NumViewports> scissor_test; ///< 0x0E00
u32 select_texture_headers; ///< 0x0F10
VPCPerf vpc_perf; ///< 0x0F14
u32 pm_local_trigger; ///< 0x0F18
u32 post_z_pixel_imask; ///< 0x0F1C
ConstantColorRendering const_color_rendering; ///< 0x0F40
2023-01-04 01:43:57 +04:00
u32 stencil_back_ref; ///< 0x0F54
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
u32 stencil_back_mask; ///< 0x0F58
u32 stencil_back_func_mask; ///< 0x0F5C
2022-11-11 12:04:45 +04:00
u32 invalidate_texture_data_cache; ///< 0x0F74 Assumed - Not in official docs.
u32 tiled_cache_barrier; ///< 0x0F7C Assumed - Not in official docs.
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
VertexStreamSubstitute vertex_stream_substitute; ///< 0x0F84
u32 line_mode_clip_generated_edge_do_not_draw; ///< 0x0F8C
u32 color_mask_common; ///< 0x0F90
VTGWarpWatermarks vtg_warp_watermarks; ///< 0x0F98
f32 depth_bounds[2]; ///< 0x0F9C
SampleMask::Target sample_mask_target; ///< 0x0FA4
u32 color_target_mrt_enable; ///< 0x0FAC
NonMultisampledZ non_multisampled_z; ///< 0x0FB0
TIRMode tir_mode; ///< 0x0FB4
AntiAliasRaster anti_alias_raster; ///< 0x0FB8
SampleMask::Pos sample_mask_pos; ///< 0x0FBC
SurfaceClipIDMemory surface_clip_id_memory; ///< 0x0FCC
TIRModulation tir_modulation; ///< 0x0FD4
u32 blend_control_allow_float_pixel_kills; ///< 0x0FDC
Zeta zeta; ///< 0x0FE0
SurfaceClip surface_clip; ///< 0x0FF4
u32 tiled_cache_treat_heavy_as_light; ///< 0x0FFC
L2CacheVAFRequests l2_cache_vaf; ///< 0x1000
ViewportMulticast viewport_multicast; ///< 0x1004
u32 tessellation_cut_height; ///< 0x1008
u32 max_gs_instances_per_task; ///< 0x100C
u32 max_gs_output_vertices_per_task; ///< 0x1010
u32 reserved_sw_method0; ///< 0x1014
u32 gs_output_cb_storage_multiplier; ///< 0x1018
u32 beta_cb_storage_constant; ///< 0x101C
u32 ti_output_cb_storage_multiplier; ///< 0x1020
u32 alpha_cb_storage_constraint; ///< 0x1024
u32 reserved_sw_method1; ///< 0x1028
u32 reserved_sw_method2; ///< 0x102C
std::array<TIRModulationCoeff, 5> tir_modulation_coeff; ///< 0x1030
std::array<u32, 15> spare_nop; ///< 0x1044
2023-01-06 00:20:31 +04:00
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
std::array<u32, 7> reserved_sw_method3_to_7; ///< 0x10B0
ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_unorm8; ///< 0x10CC
std::array<u32, 4> reserved_sw_method10_to_13; ///< 0x10D0
ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_unorm10; ///< 0x10E0
ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_unorm16; ///< 0x10E4
ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_fp11; ///< 0x10E8
ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_fp16; ///< 0x10EC
ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_srgb8; ///< 0x10F0
u32 unbind_all_constant_buffers; ///< 0x10F4
ClearControl clear_control; ///< 0x10F8
L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads l2_cache_rop_non_interlocked_reads; ///< 0x10FC
u32 reserved_sw_method14; ///< 0x1100
u32 reserved_sw_method15; ///< 0x1104
u32 no_operation_data_high; ///< 0x110C
u32 depth_bias_control; ///< 0x1110
u32 pm_trigger_end; ///< 0x1114
u32 vertex_id_base; ///< 0x1118
u32 stencil_compression_enabled; ///< 0x111C
VertexOutputAttributeSkipMasks vertex_output_attribute_skip_masks; ///< 0x1120
TIRControl tir_control; ///< 0x1130
u32 mutable_method_treat_mutable_as_heavy; ///< 0x1134
u32 post_ps_use_pre_ps_coverage; ///< 0x1138
FillViaTriangleMode fill_via_triangle_mode; ///< 0x113C
u32 blend_per_format_snorm8_unorm16_snorm16_enabled; ///< 0x1140
u32 flush_pending_writes_sm_gloal_store; ///< 0x1144
2022-11-11 12:04:45 +04:00
u32 conservative_raster_enable; ///< 0x1148 Assumed - Not in official docs.
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
std::array<VertexAttribute, NumVertexAttributes> vertex_attrib_format; ///< 0x1160
std::array<MsaaSampleLocation, 4> multisample_sample_locations; ///< 0x11E0
u32 offset_render_target_index_by_viewport_index; ///< 0x11F0
u32 force_heavy_method_sync; ///< 0x11F4
MultisampleCoverageToColor multisample_coverage_to_color; ///< 0x11F8
DecompressZetaSurface decompress_zeta_surface; ///< 0x11FC
ZetaSparse zeta_sparse; ///< 0x1208
u32 invalidate_sampler_cache; ///< 0x120C
u32 invalidate_texture_header_cache; ///< 0x1210
VertexArray vertex_array_instance_first; ///< 0x1214
VertexArray vertex_array_instance_subsequent; ///< 0x1218
RtControl rt_control; ///< 0x121C
CompressionThresholdSamples compression_threshold_samples; ///< 0x1220
PixelShaderInterlockControl ps_interlock_control; ///< 0x1224
ZetaSize zeta_size; ///< 0x1228
SamplerBinding sampler_binding; ///< 0x1234
u32 draw_auto_byte_count; ///< 0x123C
std::array<u32, 8> post_vtg_shader_attrib_skip_mask; ///< 0x1240
PsTicketDispenserValue ps_ticket_dispenser_value; ///< 0x1260
u32 circular_buffer_size; ///< 0x1280
RegisterWatermarks vtg_register_watermarks; ///< 0x1284
InvalidateTextureDataCacheNoWfi invalidate_texture_cache_no_wfi; ///< 0x1288
L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads l2_cache_rop_interlocked_reads; ///< 0x1290
u32 primitive_restart_topology_change_index; ///< 0x12A4
ZCullRegionEnable zcull_region_enable; ///< 0x12C8
u32 depth_test_enable; ///< 0x12CC
FillMode fill_mode; ///< 0x12D0
ShadeMode shade_mode; ///< 0x12D4
L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads l2_cache_rop_non_interlocked_writes; ///< 0x12D8
L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads l2_cache_rop_interlocked_writes; ///< 0x12DC
AlphaToCoverageDither alpha_to_coverage_dither; ///< 0x12E0
u32 blend_per_target_enabled; ///< 0x12E4
u32 depth_write_enabled; ///< 0x12E8
u32 alpha_test_enabled; ///< 0x12EC
InlineIndex4x8 inline_index_4x8; ///< 0x1300
D3DCullMode d3d_cull_mode; ///< 0x1308
ComparisonOp depth_test_func; ///< 0x130C
f32 alpha_test_ref; ///< 0x1310
ComparisonOp alpha_test_func; ///< 0x1314
u32 draw_auto_stride; ///< 0x1318
BlendColor blend_color; ///< 0x131C
InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_sampler_cache_lines; ///< 0x1330
InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_texture_header_cache_lines; ///< 0x1334
InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_texture_data_cache_lines; ///< 0x1338
Blend blend; ///< 0x133C
u32 stencil_enable; ///< 0x1380
StencilOp stencil_front_op; ///< 0x1384
2023-01-04 01:43:57 +04:00
u32 stencil_front_ref; ///< 0x1394
u32 stencil_front_func_mask; ///< 0x1398
u32 stencil_front_mask; ///< 0x139C
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
u32 draw_auto_start_byte_count; ///< 0x13A4
PsSaturate frag_color_clamp; ///< 0x13A8
WindowOrigin window_origin; ///< 0x13AC
f32 line_width_smooth; ///< 0x13B0
f32 line_width_aliased; ///< 0x13B4
u32 line_override_multisample; ///< 0x1418
u32 alpha_hysteresis_rounds; ///< 0x1420
InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_sampler_cache_no_wfi; ///< 0x1424
InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_texture_header_cache_no_wfi; ///< 0x1428
u32 global_base_vertex_index; ///< 0x1434
u32 global_base_instance_index; ///< 0x1438
RegisterWatermarks ps_warp_watermarks; ///< 0x1450
RegisterWatermarks ps_regster_watermarks; ///< 0x1454
u32 store_zcull; ///< 0x1464
std::array<IteratedBlendConstants, NumRenderTargets>
iterated_blend_constants; ///< 0x1480
u32 load_zcull; ///< 0x1500
u32 surface_clip_id_height; ///< 0x1504
Window surface_clip_id_clear_rect; ///< 0x1508
UserClip::Enable user_clip_enable; ///< 0x1510
u32 zpass_pixel_count_enable; ///< 0x1514
f32 point_size; ///< 0x1518
u32 zcull_stats_enable; ///< 0x151C
u32 point_sprite_enable; ///< 0x1520
u32 shader_exceptions_enable; ///< 0x1528
ClearReport clear_report_value; ///< 0x1530
u32 anti_alias_enable; ///< 0x1534
u32 zeta_enable; ///< 0x1538
AntiAliasAlphaControl anti_alias_alpha_control; ///< 0x153C
RenderEnable render_enable; ///< 0x1550
TexSampler tex_sampler; ///< 0x155C
f32 slope_scale_depth_bias; ///< 0x156C
u32 line_anti_alias_enable; ///< 0x1570
TexHeader tex_header; ///< 0x1574
u32 active_zcull_region_id; ///< 0x1590
u32 stencil_two_side_enable; ///< 0x1594
StencilOp stencil_back_op; ///< 0x1598
u32 framebuffer_srgb; ///< 0x15B8
f32 depth_bias; ///< 0x15BC
ZCullRegionFormat zcull_region_format; ///< 0x15C8
RtLayer rt_layer; ///< 0x15CC
Tegra::Texture::MsaaMode anti_alias_samples_mode; ///< 0x15D0
u32 edge_flag; ///< 0x15E4
u32 draw_inline_index; ///< 0x15E8
InlineIndex2x16 inline_index_2x16; ///< 0x15EC
VertexGlobalBaseOffset vertex_global_base_offset; ///< 0x15F4
ZCullRegionPixelOffset zcull_region_pixel_offset; ///< 0x15FC
PointSprite point_sprite; ///< 0x1604
ProgramRegion program_region; ///< 0x1608
DefaultAttributes default_attributes; ///< 0x1610
Draw draw; ///< 0x1614
VertexIdCopy vertex_id_copy; ///< 0x161C
u32 add_to_primitive_id; ///< 0x1620
u32 load_to_primitive_id; ///< 0x1624
ShaderBasedCull shader_based_cull; ///< 0x162C
ClassVersion class_version; ///< 0x1638
PrimitiveRestart primitive_restart; ///< 0x1644
OutputVertexId output_vertex_id; ///< 0x164C
u32 anti_alias_point_enable; ///< 0x1658
PointCenterMode point_center_mode; ///< 0x165C
LineSmoothParams line_smooth_params; ///< 0x1668
u32 line_stipple_enable; ///< 0x166C
std::array<LineSmoothEdgeTable, 4> line_smooth_edge_table; ///< 0x1670
LineStippleParams line_stipple_params; ///< 0x1680
ProvokingVertex provoking_vertex; ///< 0x1684
u32 two_sided_light_enabled; ///< 0x1688
u32 polygon_stipple_enabled; ///< 0x168C
ShaderControl shader_control; ///< 0x1690
ClassVersion class_version_check; ///< 0x16A0
SphVersion sph_version; ///< 0x16A4
SphVersion sph_version_check; ///< 0x16A8
AlphaToCoverageOverride alpha_to_coverage_override; ///< 0x16B4
std::array<u32, 32> polygon_stipple_pattern; ///< 0x1700
AamVersion aam_version; ///< 0x1790
AamVersion aam_version_check; ///< 0x1794
u32 zeta_layer_offset; ///< 0x179C
IndexBuffer index_buffer; ///< 0x17C8
IndexBufferSmall index_buffer32_first; ///< 0x17E4
IndexBufferSmall index_buffer16_first; ///< 0x17E8
IndexBufferSmall index_buffer8_first; ///< 0x17EC
IndexBufferSmall index_buffer32_subsequent; ///< 0x17F0
IndexBufferSmall index_buffer16_subsequent; ///< 0x17F4
IndexBufferSmall index_buffer8_subsequent; ///< 0x17F8
f32 depth_bias_clamp; ///< 0x187C
VertexStreamInstances vertex_stream_instances; ///< 0x1880
AttributePointSize point_size_attribute; ///< 0x1910
u32 gl_cull_test_enabled; ///< 0x1918
FrontFace gl_front_face; ///< 0x191C
CullFace gl_cull_face; ///< 0x1920
Viewport::PixelCenter viewport_pixel_center; ///< 0x1924
2022-11-10 20:29:24 +04:00
u32 viewport_scale_offset_enabled; ///< 0x192C
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
ViewportClipControl viewport_clip_control; ///< 0x193C
UserClip::Op user_clip_op; ///< 0x1940
RenderEnable::Override render_enable_override; ///< 0x1944
PrimitiveTopologyControl primitive_topology_control; ///< 0x1948
WindowClip window_clip_enable; ///< 0x194C
InvalidateZCull invalidate_zcull; ///< 0x1958
ZCull zcull; ///< 0x1968
PrimitiveTopologyOverride topology_override; ///< 0x1970
u32 zcull_sync; ///< 0x1978
u32 clip_id_test_enable; ///< 0x197C
u32 surface_clip_id_width; ///< 0x1980
u32 clip_id; ///< 0x1984
u32 depth_bounds_enable; ///< 0x19BC
u32 blend_float_zero_times_anything_is_zero; ///< 0x19C0
LogicOp logic_op; ///< 0x19C4
u32 z_compression_enable; ///< 0x19CC
ClearSurface clear_surface; ///< 0x19D0
u32 clear_clip_id_surface; ///< 0x19D4
std::array<u32, NumRenderTargets> color_compression_enable; ///< 0x19E0
std::array<ColorMask, NumRenderTargets> color_mask; ///< 0x1A00
u32 pipe_nop; ///< 0x1A2C
std::array<u32, 4> spare; ///< 0x1A30
ReportSemaphore report_semaphore; ///< 0x1B00
std::array<VertexStream, NumVertexArrays> vertex_streams; ///< 0x1C00
BlendPerTarget blend_per_target[NumRenderTargets]; ///< 0x1E00
std::array<VertexStreamLimit, NumVertexArrays> vertex_stream_limits; ///< 0x1F00
std::array<Pipeline, MaxShaderProgram> pipelines; ///< 0x2000
u32 falcon[32]; ///< 0x2300
ConstantBuffer const_buffer; ///< 0x2380
BindGroup bind_groups[MaxShaderStage]; ///< 0x2400
u32 color_clamp_enable; ///< 0x2600
u32 bindless_texture_const_buffer_slot; ///< 0x2608
u32 trap_handler; ///< 0x260C
std::array<std::array<StreamOutLayout, 32>, NumTransformFeedbackBuffers>
stream_out_layout; ///< 0x2800
ShaderPerformance shader_performance; ///< 0x333C
std::array<u32, 0x100> shadow_scratch; ///< 0x3400
std::array<u32, NUM_REGS> reg_array;
// clang-format on
Regs regs{};
/// Store temporary hw register values, used by some calls to restore state after a operation
Regs shadow_state;
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
// None Engine
enum class EngineHint : u32 {
None = 0x0,
OnHLEMacro = 0x1,
EngineHint engine_state{EngineHint::None};
2023-01-04 01:43:57 +04:00
enum class HLEReplacementAttributeType : u32 {
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
BaseVertex = 0x0,
BaseInstance = 0x1,
2023-01-05 08:15:14 +04:00
DrawID = 0x2,
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
2023-01-04 01:43:57 +04:00
void SetHLEReplacementAttributeType(u32 bank, u32 offset, HLEReplacementAttributeType name);
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
2023-01-04 01:43:57 +04:00
std::unordered_map<u64, HLEReplacementAttributeType> replace_table;
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
static_assert(sizeof(Regs) == Regs::NUM_REGS * sizeof(u32), "Maxwell3D Regs has wrong size");
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable_v<Regs>, "Maxwell3D Regs must be trivially copyable");
struct State {
struct ShaderStageInfo {
std::array<ConstBufferInfo, Regs::MaxConstBuffers> const_buffers;
std::array<ShaderStageInfo, Regs::MaxShaderStage> shader_stages;
State state{};
/// Reads a register value located at the input method address
u32 GetRegisterValue(u32 method) const;
/// Write the value to the register identified by method.
void CallMethod(u32 method, u32 method_argument, bool is_last_call) override;
/// Write multiple values to the register identified by method.
void CallMultiMethod(u32 method, const u32* base_start, u32 amount,
u32 methods_pending) override;
bool ShouldExecute() const {
return execute_on;
VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& Rasterizer() {
return *rasterizer;
const VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& Rasterizer() const {
return *rasterizer;
struct DirtyState {
using Flags = std::bitset<std::numeric_limits<u8>::max()>;
using Table = std::array<u8, Regs::NUM_REGS>;
using Tables = std::array<Table, 2>;
Flags flags;
Tables tables{};
} dirty;
2022-12-07 21:29:02 +04:00
std::unique_ptr<DrawManager> draw_manager;
friend class DrawManager;
2022-11-17 21:04:39 +04:00
2023-01-04 01:43:57 +04:00
GPUVAddr GetMacroAddress(size_t index) const {
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
return macro_addresses[index];
void RefreshParameters() {
if (!current_macro_dirty) {
2023-01-04 01:43:57 +04:00
bool AnyParametersDirty() const {
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
return current_macro_dirty;
u32 GetMaxCurrentVertices();
size_t EstimateIndexBufferSize();
/// Handles a write to the CLEAR_BUFFERS register.
void ProcessClearBuffers(u32 layer_count);
/// Handles a write to the CB_BIND register.
void ProcessCBBind(size_t stage_index);
2023-01-05 08:15:14 +04:00
/// Handles a write to the CB_DATA[i] register.
void ProcessCBData(u32 value);
void ProcessCBMultiData(const u32* start_base, u32 amount);
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
void InitializeRegisterDefaults();
void ProcessMacro(u32 method, const u32* base_start, u32 amount, bool is_last_call);
u32 ProcessShadowRam(u32 method, u32 argument);
void ProcessDirtyRegisters(u32 method, u32 argument);
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
void ConsumeSinkImpl() override;
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
void ProcessMethodCall(u32 method, u32 argument, u32 nonshadow_argument, bool is_last_call);
/// Retrieves information about a specific TIC entry from the TIC buffer.
Texture::TICEntry GetTICEntry(u32 tic_index) const;
/// Retrieves information about a specific TSC entry from the TSC buffer.
Texture::TSCEntry GetTSCEntry(u32 tsc_index) const;
* Call a macro on this engine.
* @param method Method to call
* @param parameters Arguments to the method call
void CallMacroMethod(u32 method, const std::vector<u32>& parameters);
/// Handles writes to the macro uploading register.
void ProcessMacroUpload(u32 data);
/// Handles writes to the macro bind register.
void ProcessMacroBind(u32 data);
/// Handles firmware blob 4
void ProcessFirmwareCall4();
/// Handles a write to the QUERY_GET register.
void ProcessQueryGet();
/// Writes the query result accordingly.
void StampQueryResult(u64 payload, bool long_query);
/// Handles conditional rendering.
void ProcessQueryCondition();
/// Handles counter resets.
void ProcessCounterReset();
/// Handles writes to syncing register.
void ProcessSyncPoint();
/// Returns a query's value or an empty object if the value will be deferred through a cache.
std::optional<u64> GetQueryResult();
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
void RefreshParametersImpl();
bool IsMethodExecutable(u32 method);
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
Core::System& system;
MemoryManager& memory_manager;
VideoCore::RasterizerInterface* rasterizer = nullptr;
/// Start offsets of each macro in macro_memory
std::array<u32, 0x80> macro_positions{};
/// Macro method that is currently being executed / being fed parameters.
u32 executing_macro = 0;
/// Parameters that have been submitted to the macro call so far.
std::vector<u32> macro_params;
/// Interpreter for the macro codes uploaded to the GPU.
std::unique_ptr<MacroEngine> macro_engine;
Upload::State upload_state;
bool execute_on{true};
2022-12-25 10:12:57 +04:00
std::vector<std::pair<GPUVAddr, size_t>> macro_segments;
std::vector<GPUVAddr> macro_addresses;
bool current_macro_dirty{};
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
#define ASSERT_REG_POSITION(field_name, position) \
static_assert(offsetof(Maxwell3D::Regs, field_name) == position, \
"Field " #field_name " has invalid position")
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(object_id, 0x0000);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(notify, 0x0104);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(wait_for_idle, 0x0110);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(load_mme, 0x0114);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shadow_ram_control, 0x0124);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(peer, 0x0128);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(global_render, 0x0130);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(go_idle, 0x013C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(trigger, 0x0140);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(trigger_wfi, 0x0144);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(instrumentation_method_header, 0x0150);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(instrumentation_method_data, 0x0154);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(upload, 0x0180);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(launch_dma, 0x01B0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(inline_data, 0x01B4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(run_ds_now, 0x0200);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(opportunistic_early_z, 0x0204);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(aliased_line_width_enabled, 0x020C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(mandated_early_z, 0x0210);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gs_dm_fifo, 0x0214);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_control, 0x0218);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_shader_cache, 0x021C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sync_info, 0x02C8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(prim_circular_buffer_throttle, 0x02D0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(flush_invalidate_rop_mini_cache, 0x02D4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_block_id, 0x02D8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_circular_buffer_size, 0x02DC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(decompress_surface, 0x02E0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_rop_bypass, 0x02E4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_subregion, 0x02E8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(raster_bounding_box, 0x02EC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(peer_semaphore_release, 0x02F0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(iterated_blend_optimization, 0x02F4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_subregion_allocation, 0x02F8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_subregion_algorithm, 0x02FC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_output_sample_mask_usage, 0x0300);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_zero_index, 0x0304);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l1_configuration, 0x0308);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(render_enable_control_load_const_buffer, 0x030C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(spa_version, 0x0310);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ieee_clean_update, 0x0314);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(snap_grid, 0x0318);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tessellation, 0x0320);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sub_tiling_perf, 0x0360);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_subregion_report, 0x036C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(balanced_primitive_workload, 0x0374);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(max_patches_per_batch, 0x0378);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(rasterize_enable, 0x037C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(transform_feedback, 0x0380);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(transform_feedback.controls, 0x0700);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(raster_input, 0x0740);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(transform_feedback_enabled, 0x0744);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_restart_topology_change_enable, 0x0748);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_fraction, 0x074C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(hybrid_aa_control, 0x0754);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_local_memory, 0x077C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_zero_bandwidth_clear, 0x07A4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(z_zero_bandwidth_clear, 0x07A8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(isbe_save_restore_program_offset, 0x07AC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_region, 0x07C0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_read_only, 0x07F8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_transform, 0x0A00);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewports, 0x0C00);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(windows, 0x0D00);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clip_id_extent, 0x0D40);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(max_geometry_instances_per_task, 0x0D60);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(visible_call_limit, 0x0D64);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(statistics_count, 0x0D68);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_rect, 0x0D6C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_buffer, 0x0D74);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_mode, 0x0D7C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_color, 0x0D80);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_depth, 0x0D90);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_cache_icache_prefetch, 0x0D94);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(force_transition_to_beta, 0x0D98);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_colour_thresholds, 0x0D9C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_stencil, 0x0DA0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_shader_cache_no_wfi, 0x0DA4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_serialization, 0x0DA8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_mode_front, 0x0DAC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_mode_back, 0x0DB0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_smooth, 0x0DB4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_mark_clean_ieee, 0x0DB8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_dir_format, 0x0DBC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_point_enable, 0x0DC0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_line_enable, 0x0DC4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_fill_enable, 0x0DC8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(patch_vertices, 0x0DCC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(iterated_blend, 0x0DD0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_criteria, 0x0DD8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(fragment_barrier, 0x0DE0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sm_timeout, 0x0DE4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_restart_array, 0x0DE8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(load_iterated_blend, 0x0DF0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(window_offset_x, 0x0DF8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(window_offset_y, 0x0DFC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(scissor_test, 0x0E00);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(select_texture_headers, 0x0F10);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vpc_perf, 0x0F14);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(pm_local_trigger, 0x0F18);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(post_z_pixel_imask, 0x0F1C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(const_color_rendering, 0x0F40);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_ref, 0x0F54);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_mask, 0x0F58);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_func_mask, 0x0F5C);
2022-11-11 12:04:45 +04:00
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_data_cache, 0x0F74);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tiled_cache_barrier, 0x0F7C);
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_stream_substitute, 0x0F84);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_mode_clip_generated_edge_do_not_draw, 0x0F8C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_mask_common, 0x0F90);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vtg_warp_watermarks, 0x0F98);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bounds, 0x0F9C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sample_mask_target, 0x0FA4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_target_mrt_enable, 0x0FAC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(non_multisampled_z, 0x0FB0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tir_mode, 0x0FB4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_raster, 0x0FB8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sample_mask_pos, 0x0FBC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_id_memory, 0x0FCC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tir_modulation, 0x0FD4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_control_allow_float_pixel_kills, 0x0FDC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip, 0x0FF4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tiled_cache_treat_heavy_as_light, 0x0FFC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_vaf, 0x1000);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_multicast, 0x1004);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tessellation_cut_height, 0x1008);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(max_gs_instances_per_task, 0x100C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(max_gs_output_vertices_per_task, 0x1010);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method0, 0x1014);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gs_output_cb_storage_multiplier, 0x1018);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(beta_cb_storage_constant, 0x101C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ti_output_cb_storage_multiplier, 0x1020);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_cb_storage_constraint, 0x1024);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method1, 0x1028);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method2, 0x102C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tir_modulation_coeff, 0x1030);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(spare_nop, 0x1044);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method3_to_7, 0x10B0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_unorm8, 0x10CC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method10_to_13, 0x10D0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_unorm10, 0x10E0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_unorm16, 0x10E4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_fp11, 0x10E8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_fp16, 0x10EC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_srgb8, 0x10F0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(unbind_all_constant_buffers, 0x10F4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_control, 0x10F8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_rop_non_interlocked_reads, 0x10FC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method14, 0x1100);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method15, 0x1104);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(no_operation_data_high, 0x110C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bias_control, 0x1110);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(pm_trigger_end, 0x1114);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_id_base, 0x1118);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_compression_enabled, 0x111C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_output_attribute_skip_masks, 0x1120);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tir_control, 0x1130);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(mutable_method_treat_mutable_as_heavy, 0x1134);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(post_ps_use_pre_ps_coverage, 0x1138);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(fill_via_triangle_mode, 0x113C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_per_format_snorm8_unorm16_snorm16_enabled, 0x1140);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(flush_pending_writes_sm_gloal_store, 0x1144);
2022-11-11 12:04:45 +04:00
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(conservative_raster_enable, 0x1148);
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_attrib_format, 0x1160);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_sample_locations, 0x11E0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(offset_render_target_index_by_viewport_index, 0x11F0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(force_heavy_method_sync, 0x11F4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_coverage_to_color, 0x11F8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(decompress_zeta_surface, 0x11FC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_sparse, 0x1208);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_sampler_cache, 0x120C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_header_cache, 0x1210);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_array_instance_first, 0x1214);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_array_instance_subsequent, 0x1218);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(rt_control, 0x121C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(compression_threshold_samples, 0x1220);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_interlock_control, 0x1224);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_size, 0x1228);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sampler_binding, 0x1234);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_auto_byte_count, 0x123C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(post_vtg_shader_attrib_skip_mask, 0x1240);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_ticket_dispenser_value, 0x1260);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(circular_buffer_size, 0x1280);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vtg_register_watermarks, 0x1284);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_cache_no_wfi, 0x1288);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_rop_interlocked_reads, 0x1290);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_restart_topology_change_index, 0x12A4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_region_enable, 0x12C8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_test_enable, 0x12CC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(fill_mode, 0x12D0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shade_mode, 0x12D4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_rop_non_interlocked_writes, 0x12D8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_rop_interlocked_writes, 0x12DC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_to_coverage_dither, 0x12E0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_per_target_enabled, 0x12E4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_write_enabled, 0x12E8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_test_enabled, 0x12EC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(inline_index_4x8, 0x1300);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(d3d_cull_mode, 0x1308);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_test_func, 0x130C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_test_ref, 0x1310);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_test_func, 0x1314);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_auto_stride, 0x1318);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_color, 0x131C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_sampler_cache_lines, 0x1330);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_header_cache_lines, 0x1334);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_data_cache_lines, 0x1338);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_enable, 0x1380);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_op, 0x1384);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_ref, 0x1394);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_func_mask, 0x1398);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_mask, 0x139C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_auto_start_byte_count, 0x13A4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(frag_color_clamp, 0x13A8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(window_origin, 0x13AC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_width_smooth, 0x13B0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_width_aliased, 0x13B4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_override_multisample, 0x1418);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_hysteresis_rounds, 0x1420);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_sampler_cache_no_wfi, 0x1424);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_header_cache_no_wfi, 0x1428);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(global_base_vertex_index, 0x1434);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(global_base_instance_index, 0x1438);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_warp_watermarks, 0x1450);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_regster_watermarks, 0x1454);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(store_zcull, 0x1464);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(iterated_blend_constants, 0x1480);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(load_zcull, 0x1500);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_id_height, 0x1504);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_id_clear_rect, 0x1508);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(user_clip_enable, 0x1510);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zpass_pixel_count_enable, 0x1514);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_size, 0x1518);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_stats_enable, 0x151C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_sprite_enable, 0x1520);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_exceptions_enable, 0x1528);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_report_value, 0x1530);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_enable, 0x1534);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_enable, 0x1538);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_alpha_control, 0x153C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(render_enable, 0x1550);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tex_sampler, 0x155C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(slope_scale_depth_bias, 0x156C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_anti_alias_enable, 0x1570);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tex_header, 0x1574);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(active_zcull_region_id, 0x1590);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_two_side_enable, 0x1594);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_op, 0x1598);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(framebuffer_srgb, 0x15B8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bias, 0x15BC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_region_format, 0x15C8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(rt_layer, 0x15CC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_samples_mode, 0x15D0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(edge_flag, 0x15E4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_inline_index, 0x15E8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(inline_index_2x16, 0x15EC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_global_base_offset, 0x15F4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_region_pixel_offset, 0x15FC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_sprite, 0x1604);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(program_region, 0x1608);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(default_attributes, 0x1610);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw, 0x1614);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_id_copy, 0x161C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(add_to_primitive_id, 0x1620);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(load_to_primitive_id, 0x1624);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_based_cull, 0x162C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(class_version, 0x1638);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_restart, 0x1644);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(output_vertex_id, 0x164C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_point_enable, 0x1658);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_center_mode, 0x165C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_smooth_params, 0x1668);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_stipple_enable, 0x166C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_smooth_edge_table, 0x1670);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_stipple_params, 0x1680);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(provoking_vertex, 0x1684);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(two_sided_light_enabled, 0x1688);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_stipple_enabled, 0x168C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_control, 0x1690);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(class_version_check, 0x16A0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sph_version, 0x16A4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sph_version_check, 0x16A8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_to_coverage_override, 0x16B4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_stipple_pattern, 0x1700);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(aam_version, 0x1790);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(aam_version_check, 0x1794);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_layer_offset, 0x179C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer, 0x17C8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer32_first, 0x17E4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer16_first, 0x17E8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer8_first, 0x17EC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer32_subsequent, 0x17F0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer16_subsequent, 0x17F4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer8_subsequent, 0x17F8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bias_clamp, 0x187C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_stream_instances, 0x1880);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_size_attribute, 0x1910);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gl_cull_test_enabled, 0x1918);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gl_front_face, 0x191C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gl_cull_face, 0x1920);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_pixel_center, 0x1924);
2022-11-05 22:21:57 +04:00
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_scale_offset_enabled, 0x192C);
2022-11-05 16:58:44 +04:00
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_clip_control, 0x193C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(user_clip_op, 0x1940);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(render_enable_override, 0x1944);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_topology_control, 0x1948);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(window_clip_enable, 0x194C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_zcull, 0x1958);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull, 0x1968);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(topology_override, 0x1970);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_sync, 0x1978);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clip_id_test_enable, 0x197C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_id_width, 0x1980);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clip_id, 0x1984);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bounds_enable, 0x19BC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_float_zero_times_anything_is_zero, 0x19C0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(logic_op, 0x19C4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(z_compression_enable, 0x19CC);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_surface, 0x19D0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_clip_id_surface, 0x19D4);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_compression_enable, 0x19E0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_mask, 0x1A00);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(pipe_nop, 0x1A2C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(report_semaphore, 0x1B00);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_streams, 0x1C00);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_per_target, 0x1E00);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_stream_limits, 0x1F00);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(pipelines, 0x2000);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(falcon, 0x2300);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(const_buffer, 0x2380);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(bind_groups, 0x2400);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_clamp_enable, 0x2600);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(bindless_texture_const_buffer_slot, 0x2608);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(trap_handler, 0x260C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stream_out_layout, 0x2800);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_performance, 0x333C);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shadow_scratch, 0x3400);
} // namespace Tegra::Engines