2022-11-05 15:35:56 +01:00

95 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File

# Boost algorithm library test suite Jamfile ----------------------------
# Copyright Marshall Clow 2010-2012. Use, modification and
# distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
# 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
# See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
import testing ;
alias unit_test_framework
: # sources
test-suite algorithm
# Search tests
: [ run empty_search_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : empty_search_test ]
[ run search_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : search_test1 ]
[ run search_test2.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : search_test2 ]
[ run search_test3.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : search_test3 ]
[ run search_test4.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : search_test4 ]
[ compile-fail search_fail1.cpp : : : : ]
[ compile-fail search_fail2.cpp : : : : ]
[ compile-fail search_fail3.cpp : : : : ]
# Misc tests
[ run clamp_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : clamp_test ]
[ run power_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : power_test ]
[ compile-fail power_fail1.cpp : : : : ]
# Cxx11 tests
[ run all_of_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : all_of_test ]
[ run any_of_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : any_of_test ]
[ run none_of_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : none_of_test ]
[ run one_of_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : one_of_test ]
[ run ordered_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : ordered_test ]
[ run find_if_not_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : find_if_not_test1 ]
[ run copy_if_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : copy_if_test1 ]
[ run copy_n_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : copy_n_test1 ]
[ run iota_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : iota_test1 ]
[ run is_permutation_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : is_permutation_test1 ]
[ run partition_point_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : partition_point_test1 ]
[ run is_partitioned_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : is_partitioned_test1 ]
[ run partition_copy_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : partition_copy_test1 ]
# Cxx14 tests
[ run equal_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : equal_test ]
[ run mismatch_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : mismatch_test ]
# Cxx17 tests
[ run for_each_n_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : for_each_n_test ]
[ run reduce_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : reduce_test ]
[ run transform_reduce_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : transform_reduce_test ]
[ run inclusive_scan_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : inclusive_scan_test ]
[ run exclusive_scan_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : exclusive_scan_test ]
[ run transform_inclusive_scan_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : transform_inclusive_scan_test ]
[ run transform_exclusive_scan_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : transform_exclusive_scan_test ]
# Maybe GCD and LCM as well
# Hex tests
[ run hex_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : hex_test1 ]
[ run hex_test2.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : hex_test2 ]
[ run hex_test3.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : hex_test3 ]
[ run hex_test4.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : hex_test4 ]
[ compile-fail hex_fail1.cpp ]
# Gather tests
[ run gather_test1.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : gather_test1 ]
[ compile-fail gather_fail1.cpp ]
# SortSubrange tests
[ run sort_subrange_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : sort_subrange_test ]
[ run partition_subrange_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : partition_subrange_test ]
# Is_palindrome tests
[ run is_palindrome_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : is_palindrome_test ]
# Is_partitioned_until tests
[ run is_partitioned_until_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : is_partitioned_until_test ]
# Apply_permutation tests
[ run apply_permutation_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : apply_permutation_test ]
# Find tests
[ run find_not_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : find_not_test ]
[ run find_backward_test.cpp unit_test_framework : : : : find_backward_test ]