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Executable File

Copyright (C) 2003 - 2012 GraphicsMagick Group
This program is covered by multiple licenses, which are described in
Copyright.txt. You should have received a copy of Copyright.txt with this
package; otherwise see http://www.graphicsmagick.org/www/Copyright.html.
GraphicsMagick types typedefs.
GraphicsMagick is expected to compile with any C '89 ANSI C compiler
supporting at least 16-bit 'short', 32-bit 'int', and 32-bit 'long'.
It is also expected to take advantage of 64-bit LP64 and Windows
WIN64 LLP64. We use C '99 style types but declare our own types so
as to not depend on C '99 header files, and take care to depend only
on C '89 library functions, POSIX, or well-known extensions. Any C
'99 syntax used is removed if the compiler does not support it.
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {
Assign ANSI C stdint.h-like typedefs based on the sizes of native types
magick_int8_t -- -128 to 127
magick_uint8_t -- 0 to 255
magick_int16_t -- -32,768 to 32,767
magick_uint16_t -- 0 to 65,535
magick_int32_t -- -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
magick_uint32_t -- 0 to 4,294,967,295
magick_int64_t -- -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
magick_uint64_t -- 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
magick_uintmax_t -- largest native unsigned integer type ("%ju")
UINTMAX_C(value) declares constant value
magick_uintptr_t -- unsigned type for storing a pointer value ("%tu")
ANSI C '99 stddef.h-like types
size_t -- unsigned type representing sizes of objects ("%zu")
magick_ptrdiff_t -- signed type for subtracting two pointers ("%td")
EEE Std 1003.1, 2004 types
ssize_t -- signed type for a count of bytes or an error indication ("%zd")
#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)) && \
!defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64__)
/* The following typedefs are used for WIN32 & WIN64 (without
configure) */
typedef signed char magick_int8_t;
typedef unsigned char magick_uint8_t;
typedef signed short magick_int16_t;
typedef unsigned short magick_uint16_t;
typedef signed int magick_int32_t;
# define MAGICK_INT32_F ""
typedef unsigned int magick_uint32_t;
# define MAGICK_UINT32_F ""
typedef signed __int64 magick_int64_t;
# define MAGICK_INT64_F "I64"
typedef unsigned __int64 magick_uint64_t;
# define MAGICK_UINT64_F "I64"
typedef magick_uint64_t magick_uintmax_t;
# if defined(WIN32)
typedef unsigned long magick_uintptr_t;
# define MAGICK_SIZE_T_F "l"
# define MAGICK_SIZE_T unsigned long
# define MAGICK_SSIZE_T_F "l"
# define MAGICK_SSIZE_T long
# elif defined(WIN64)
/* WIN64 uses the LLP64 model */
typedef unsigned long long magick_uintptr_t;
# define MAGICK_SIZE_T_F "I64"
# define MAGICK_SIZE_T unsigned __int64
# define MAGICK_SSIZE_T_F "I64"
# define MAGICK_SSIZE_T signed __int64
# endif
/* The following typedefs are subtituted when using Unixish configure */
typedef signed char magick_int8_t;
typedef unsigned char magick_uint8_t;
typedef signed short magick_int16_t;
typedef unsigned short magick_uint16_t;
typedef signed int magick_int32_t;
# define MAGICK_INT32_F ""
typedef unsigned int magick_uint32_t;
# define MAGICK_UINT32_F ""
typedef signed long magick_int64_t;
# define MAGICK_INT64_F "l"
typedef unsigned long magick_uint64_t;
# define MAGICK_UINT64_F "l"
typedef unsigned long magick_uintmax_t;
# define MAGICK_UINTMAX_F "l"
typedef unsigned long magick_uintptr_t;
# define MAGICK_UINTPTR_F "l"
# define MAGICK_SIZE_T_F "l"
# define MAGICK_SIZE_T unsigned long
# define MAGICK_SSIZE_T_F "l"
# define MAGICK_SSIZE_T signed long
/* 64-bit file and blob offset type */
typedef magick_int64_t magick_off_t;
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) */
#endif /* _MAGICK_TYPES_H */